without a bend, angle, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path.
exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane: a straight table.
(of a line) generated by a point moving at a constant velocity with respect to another point.
evenly or uprightly formed or set: straight shoulders.
without circumlocution; frank; candid:straight speaking.
honest, honorable, or upright, as conduct, dealings, methods, or persons.
Informal. reliable, as a report or information.
right or correct, as reasoning, thinking, or a thinker.
in the proper order or condition: Things are straight now.
continuous or unbroken: in straight succession.
thoroughgoing or unreserved: a straight Republican.
supporting or cast for all candidates of one political party: to vote a straight ticket.
unmodified or unaltered: a straight comedy.
without change in the original melody or tempo: She does straight songs, with just the piano backing her.
traditional; conventional.
free from using narcotics.
not engaged in crime; law-abiding; reformed.
not mixed with anything; undiluted, as whiskey.
Theater. (of acting) straightforward; not striving for effect.
Journalism. written or to be written in a direct and objective manner, with no attempt at individual styling, comment, etc.: She gave me a straight story. Treat it as straight news.
Cards. containing cards in consecutive denominations, as a two, three, four, five, and six, in various suits.
in a straight line: to walk straight.
in an even form or position: pictures hung straight.
in an erect posture: to stand up straight.
directly: to go straight to a place.
without circumlocution; frankly; candidly (often followed by out).
honestly, honorably, or virtuously: to live straight.
without intricate involvement; not in a roundabout way; to the point.
in a steady course (often followed by on): to keep straight on after the second traffic light.
into the proper form or condition; in order: to put a room straight.
in possession of the truth or of true ideas: I want to set you straight before you make mistakes.
sold without discount regardless of the quantity bought: Candy bars are twenty cents straight.
Journalism. directly and objectively: Write the circus story straight.
without personal embellishments, additions, etc.: Tell the story straight. Sing the song straight.
(of liquor) served or drunk without ice, a mixer, or water; neat: He drank his whiskey straight.
the condition of being straight.
a straight form or position.
a straight line.
a straight part, as of a racecourse.
a heterosexual.
a person who follows traditional or conventional mores.
a person who is free from narcotics.
Chiefly Games. a succession of strokes, plays, etc., which gives a perfect score.
Idioms for straight
go straight, Informal. to live a law-abiding life; no longer engage in crime.
play it straight, Informal. to do something without jokes, tricks, subterfuge, distortions, or the like: a comedian who plays it straight when he crusades against drug abuse.
straight off, without delay; immediately: I told him straight off what I thought about the matter.Also straight away.
straight up, (of a cocktail) served without ice: a gin martini straight up.
Origin of straight
First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English (adjective), originally past participle of strecchen “to stretch”; see origin at stretch