[ hal -see-uh n ] SHOW IPA
adjective Also hal·cy·o·ni·an [hal-see-oh -nee-uh n], /ˌhæl siˈoʊ ni ən/, hal·cy·on·ic [hal-see-on -ik]. /ˌhæl siˈɒn ɪk/. calm; peaceful; tranquil: halcyon weather.
rich; wealthy; prosperous: halcyon times of peace.
happy; joyful; carefree: halcyon days of youth.
of or relating to the halcyon or kingfisher.
noun a mythical bird, usually identified with the kingfisher, said to breed about the time of the winter solstice in a nest floating on the sea, and to have the power of charming winds and waves into calmness.
any of various kingfishers, especially of the genus Halcyon.
(initial capital letter )Classical Mythology . Alcyone (def. 2).
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of halcyon 1350–1400; <Latin <Greek halkyṓn, pseudo-etymological variant of alkyṓn kingfisher; replacing Middle English alceon, alicion <Latin alcyōn <Greek
SYNONYMS FOR halcyon 1 serene, placid, pacific, untroubled.
Words nearby halcyon halberdier, Halberstadt, Halberstam, halcinonide, Halcion, halcyon , Halcyone, Haldane, Haldane effect, Haldimand, Haldol
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for halcyon In retrospect, 2009 and 2010 were halcyon days in the Middle East, now that we seem just one horseman short of an apocalypse.
The Myth of the Central Park Five | Edward Conlon| October 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The halcyon days of Wolf, the third-wave feminist revolutionary and author of The Beauty Myth (1990), seem far, far away.
From ISIS to Ebola, What Has Made Naomi Wolf So Paranoid? | Michael Moynihan| October 11, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Without a bribed official, a halcyon , or eagle, will watch the entry point with binoculars for patterns and opportunities.
The Devil’s Drug: The True Story of Meth in New Mexico | Nick Romeo| August 24, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The mixed-media collection evokes nostalgia for halcyon days through fragmented images of the past.
Karen Kilimnik’s Magical Fantasyland, From Ballet to Baroque | Claire Stern| March 10, 2013| DAILY BEAST
On the Impossible Past will transport you back to your halcyon , angsty teenage years.
Best Music Albums of 2012: Frank Ocean, Taylor Swift, and More | Marlow Stern| December 26, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Enemy aliens could be interned without trial, but that meant a halcyon existence for Nicky and every comfort except liberty.
The Cup of Fury | Rupert Hughes
There is a very old fable about the kingfisher, who was called the halcyon .
The Children's Book of Birds | Olive Thorne Miller
“Halcyon days”—how often is the expression made use of, how seldom do its users realise from whence they have borrowed it.
A Book of Myths | Jean Lang
Early and late the air struck cold, but each midday was a halcyon time.
Relatively, it touches those old times when religious houses, with their quaintly-trimmed orders, were in their halcyon days.
Our Churches and Chapels | Atticus
British Dictionary definitions for halcyon adjective also: halcyonian (ˌhælsɪˈəʊnɪən ), halcyonic (ˌhælsɪˈɒnɪk ) peaceful, gentle, and calm
happy and carefree
noun Greek myth a fabulous bird associated with the winter solstice
a poetic name for the kingfisher
halcyon days a fortnight of calm weather during the winter solstice a period of peace and happiness Word Origin for halcyon C14: from Latin alcyon, from Greek alkuōn kingfisher, of uncertain origin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to halcyon bucolic, still, pastoral, quiet, balmy, gentle, golden, happy, harmonious, serene, soothing, sunny, tranquil, untroubled, at peace, palmy