strike the right note, strike through, strike up, Strike while the iron is hot, strike zone, striking, striking circle, striking price, striking train, Strimmer, Strimon
One striking aspect of the Cleveland pitching-development factory is how similar some of the throwing motions are, Plesac said.
Cleveland’s League-Leading Rotation Relies On Homegrown Talent … From A Single Draft|Travis Sawchik|August 25, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Their work would inform the striking, by the late 1980s, of homosexuality from psychologists’ lists of diagnosable illnesses.
Gender Is What You Make of It - Issue 88: Love & Sex|Charles King|August 5, 2020|Nautilus
It’s especially striking when you get to 2020, and the questions revolve around the pandemic.
Trump Can’t Postpone The Election, But He Can Delegitimize The Results.|Sarah Frostenson (|July 30, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
That’s a striking finding — but it’s also only one study, and several infectious disease experts who reviewed the paper at my request were a little skeptical of its conclusions.
Republicans And Democrats See COVID-19 Very Differently. Is That Making People Sick?|Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux|July 23, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Perhaps the most striking finding is that the glands arise from dental tissue.
Bizarre caecilians may be the only amphibians with venomous bites|Christie Wilcox|July 3, 2020|Science News
The big slug happened to hit the suspect in the street, passing through his arm and then striking Police Officer Andrew Dossi.
Shot Down During the NYPD Slowdown|Michael Daly|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The meaning of this title may have been honorific, but it is also striking.
First Anglican Woman Bishop A Return to Christian Roots|Candida Moss|December 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Coren, a striking blond with an authoritative manner and a deep voice, stayed with the story all night and well into the next day.
CNN's Overnight Sydney Star|Lloyd Grove|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For me, the most striking example came in Los Angeles in 1973.
David Garth, the Consultant Who Talked Up to Voters|Jeff Greenfield|December 15, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Her striking new, vinyl-only single once again confirms St. Vincent's idiosyncratic talent.
Is Bigger Better for St. Vincent?|David Yaffe|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This idea is translated into durable marble on his striking tombstone in Pre-Lachaise, done in high relief by the chisel of Merci.
The Stones of Paris in History and Letters, Volume II (of 2)|Benjamin Ellis Martin
But we were presently admitted, and saw indeed a striking scene!