

单词 stroma


[ stroh-muh ]
/ ˈstroʊ mə /

noun, plural stro·ma·ta [stroh-muh-tuh]. /ˈstroʊ mə tə/.

Cell Biology. the supporting framework or matrix of a cell.
Anatomy. the supporting framework, usually of connective tissue, of an organ, as distinguished from the parenchyma.
Mycology. (in certain fungi) a compact, somatic mass of fungous tissue, in or on which the fructifications may be developed.
Botany. the matrix of a chloroplast, containing various molecules and ions.

Origin of stroma

1825–35; <Late Latin strōma mattress <Greek strôma bed-covering; akin to Latin sternere to spread, strew, strātum (see stratum)


stro·mat·ic [stroh-mat-ik], /stroʊˈmæt ɪk/, stromal, stro·ma·tous, adjective

Words nearby stroma

stroke play, stroke volume, stroke work index, stroll, stroller, stroma, stromateid, stromateoid, stromatolite, Stromboli, Strombolian
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

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British Dictionary definitions for stroma

/ (ˈstrəʊmə) /

noun plural -mata (-mətə) biology

the gel-like matrix of chloroplasts and certain cells
the fibrous connective tissue forming the matrix of the mammalian ovary and testis
a dense mass of hyphae that is produced by certain fungi and gives rise to spore-producing bodies

Derived forms of stroma

stromatic (strəʊˈmætɪk) or stromatous, adjective

Word Origin for stroma

C19: via New Latin from Late Latin: a mattress, from Greek; related to Latin sternere to strew
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Medical definitions for stroma

[ strōmə ]

n. pl. stro•ma•ta (-mə-tə)

The connective tissue framework of an organ, a gland, or other structure, as distinguished from the tissues performing the special function of the organ or part.
The spongy and colorless framework of a cell.

Other words from stroma

stromal adj.stro•matic (-mătĭk) adj.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.




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