All credit to the human subconscious—it’s just this floating, dreamlike state.
Watch a Jet Suit Pilot Glide Up a Mountain in a Test for Wilderness Paramedics|Jason Dorrier|October 11, 2020|Singularity Hub
Search deeper, and you might find your father going up for a third plate and something remaining of the “dessert pizzas” lodged in your subconscious.
Fast-Food Buffets Are a Thing of the Past. Some Doubt They Ever Even Existed.|MM Carrigan|September 29, 2020|Eater
Their motives were the usual mix of the honorable, the base, and the subconscious.
Death of JFK Spawned an Industry That Thrived for Decades|Richard Woodward|November 24, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The third eye would seem to symbolize a hidden inner knowledge or the subconscious.
‘Game of Thrones’ Season 3 for Dummies|Jace Lacob|March 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I knew that on a subconscious level at the writing stage, because of the way the stories went together.
‘Mad Men’: Matthew Weiner & Christina Hendricks on ‘The Other Woman,’ Part 1|Jace Lacob|August 7, 2012|DAILY BEAST
“The effect is probably very subtle,” admits Pincott, but she adds that there are subconscious behavioral factors at work as well.
Should You Quit the Pill?|Lizzie Crocker|November 6, 2011|DAILY BEAST
There is much meaning to be gleaned, too, from your own subconscious motivations, Freudian slip-ups, and dreams.
Horoscopes: The Week of March 27|Starsky + Cox|March 26, 2011|DAILY BEAST
She wanted to run, and yet some subconscious idea restrained her.
The Camp Fire Girls in the Outside World|Margaret Vandercook
It was a chance remark made by an eminent man that aroused my subconscious literary personality to irresistible action.
A Mind That Found Itself|Clifford Whittingham Beers
All memory of another life was sunk deep into the subconscious.
The Best Short Stories of 1915|Various
My impressions were all subconscious, but registered exactly.
The High Heart|Basil King
For most of us the fear of death is a subconscious rather than an active fear.
The Conquest of Fear|Basil King
British Dictionary definitions for subconscious
/ (sʌbˈkɒnʃəs) /
acting or existing without one's awarenesssubconscious motive
psychoanalthat part of the mind which is on the fringe of consciousness and contains material of which it is possible to become aware by redirecting attentionCompare preconscious (def. 2), unconscious (def. 5)