[ suhb-tuh -rey -nee-uh n ] SHOW IPA
/ ˌsʌb təˈreɪ ni ən / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective Also sub·ter·ra·ne·ous. existing, situated, or operating below the surface of the earth; underground.
existing or operating out of sight or secretly; hidden or secret.
noun a person or thing that is subterranean.
a subterrane.
Origin of subterranean 1595–1605; <Latin subterrāne (us ) (see subterrane) + -an
OTHER WORDS FROM subterranean sub·ter·ra·ne·an·ly, sub·ter·ra·ne·ous·ly, adverb Words nearby subterranean subtenure, subterfuge, subterminal, subternatural, subterrane, subterranean , subterrestrial, subtext, subthalamic nucleus, subthalamus, subtherapeutic
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for subterranean The central, subterranean station has a large, open platform, and also houses the electrical, fire safety and IT equipment.
Elon Musk’s Las Vegas Loop might only carry a fraction of the passengers it promised | David Riggs| October 16, 2020| TechCrunch
From Maine to North Carolina to Texas, rising sea levels are not just chewing up shorelines but also raising rivers and swamping the subterranean infrastructure of coastal communities, making a stable life there all but impossible.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration | by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut| September 15, 2020| ProPublica
Subterranean explorers puzzled over the mysterious red door that cut off access to underground tunnels leading to the bunker.
Britain’s Nuke-Proof Underground City | Nina Strochlic| June 26, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Edie Sedgwick, the subterranean princess, was undoubtedly interesting and fun.
Bob Dylan and the Writing of ‘Blonde on Blonde’ at the Chelsea Hotel | Sherill Tippins| December 3, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Michael Jackson will lie in repose over no fewer than 13 subterranean floors, each holding intriguing secrets.
Michael's Foreverland | Diane Dimond| September 1, 2009| DAILY BEAST
Each new group gets a subterranean ovation for being a part of this wonderful thing, for being a part of this New York niceness.
Subway Euphoria | Jessi Klein| November 5, 2008| DAILY BEAST
The place I inhabit, if not subterranean in the strict sense of the word, is at least a dwelling covered by the ground.
The Bee Hunters | Gustave Aimard
Sound of a subterranean roar, with a blast at the orifice, informed her of their 'very deep happiness in the privilege.'
One of Our Conquerors, Complete | George Meredith
Indeed, a strong light, shed by a lamp, suddenly appeared in the subterranean prison.
The Abbatial Crosier | Eugne Sue
Communication between kiva and tower was by means of a subterranean passage.
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado | Anonymous
The ground trembled as if from the convulsion of some subterranean spirit.
A King of Tyre | James M. Ludlow
British Dictionary definitions for subterranean adjective Also: subterraneous , subterrestrial situated, living, or operating below the surface of the earth
existing or operating in concealment
Derived forms of subterranean subterraneanly or subterraneously , adverb Word Origin for subterranean C17: from Latin subterrāneus, from sub- + terra earth
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to subterranean covered, covert, hush-hush, private, secret, subversive, sunken, under wraps, underfoot, buried, subterrestrial