[ air -lift ] SHOW IPA
noun Also air lift . a system for transporting persons or cargo by aircraft, especially in an emergency.
the persons or cargo so transported.
the act or process of transporting such a load.
a pump for raising liquids by the pressure of air forced into the pump chamber.
verb (used with object) to transport (persons or cargo) by airlift.
adjective of or relating to an airlift or airlifts: to increase the army's airlift capacity.
Origin of airlift First recorded in 1940–45; air1 + lift
Words nearby airlift air-launched cruise missile, air layer, air layering, airless, air letter, airlift , airlifter, air-lift pump, airlight, airline, airline chicken breast
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for airlift The idea isn’t to replace emergency personnel on foot or helicopters to airlift serious cases.
Watch a Jet Suit Pilot Glide Up a Mountain in a Test for Wilderness Paramedics | Jason Dorrier| October 11, 2020| Singularity Hub
“Air refueling and airlift assets were the literal pinch I am describing here,” the official said.
First U.S. Stealth Jet Attack on Syria Cost More Than Indian Mission to Mars | Dave Majumdar| September 24, 2014| DAILY BEAST
So after a year of record killings, an ambitious rescue effort is underway to airlift the great beasts to safety.
South Africa’s Great Rhino Airlift | Nina Strochlic| August 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
That was when “instinct kicked in,” said Chief Master Sergeant James Ross, a friend and fellow airman from the 152nd Airlift Wing.
Nevada Teacher Mike Landsberry Survived War. He Was Killed in Class. | Jacob Siegel| October 23, 2013| DAILY BEAST
"We don't have any trains or direct buses," said U.S. Marshal Pickering as he explained the airlift procedure.
Madoff Secretary Annette Bongiorno Jailed Over Ponzi Millions | Allan Dodds Frank| December 21, 2010| DAILY BEAST
The need to respond on a moment's notice adds to the value of airlift and prepositioned ships.
Shock and Awe | Harlan K. Ullman
It looked as helpless as isolated Berlin did before the first airlift proved what men and planes could do in the way of transport.
Space Tug | Murray Leinster
The Soviet effort to capture Berlin by blockade was thwarted by the courageous Allied airlift .
State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman | Harry S. Truman
An airlift of supplies dropped by parachute was being organized.
Prologue to an Analogue | Leigh Richmond
How long do you think it'd take, with the equipment you have, to airlift all of Jonkvank's loyal troops into the city?
Ullr Uprising | Henry Beam Piper
British Dictionary definitions for airlift noun the transportation by air of passengers, troops, cargo, etc, esp when other routes are blocked
verb (tr) to transport by an airlift
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to airlift fly, airdrop, air freight