[ suhk -er ] SHOW IPA
noun a person or thing that sucks.
Informal . a person easily cheated, deceived, or imposed upon.
an infant or a young animal that is suckled, especially a suckling pig.
a part or organ of an animal adapted for sucking nourishment, or for adhering to an object as by suction.
any of several freshwater, mostly North American food fishes of the family Catostomidae, having thick lips: some are now rare.
Informal . a lollipop.
the piston of a pump that works by suction, or the valve of such a piston.
a pipe or tube through which something is drawn or sucked.
Botany . a shoot rising from a subterranean stem or root.
Informal . a person attracted to something as indicated: He's a sucker for new clothes.
Slang . any person or thing: He's one of those smart, handsome suckers everybody likes. They're good boots, but the suckers pinch my feet.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with object) Slang . to make a sucker of; fool; hoodwink: another person suckered by a con artist.
verb (used without object) to send out suckers or shoots, as a plant.
Origin of sucker 1350–1400; 1835–45 for def. 2 ; Middle English; see suck, -er1
OTHER WORDS FROM sucker suck·er·like, adjective
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH sucker succor, sucker Words nearby sucker suchlike, suchness, Su-chou, Süchow, suck, sucker , sucker bait, suckerfish, sucker list, sucker-punch, sucket fork
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for sucker After all, I was a hungry kid, and one of those sucker s wasn’t going to satisfy my bottomless pit of an adolescent stomach.
The Rise and Fall of the Rice Cake, America’s One-Time Favorite Health Snack | Brenna Houck| September 17, 2020| Eater
I’m older than Google and Billie Eilish, and am a sucker for millennial pink.
Reclaiming My Gen Z Identity | Shaan Merchant| September 7, 2020| Ozy
Sucker ," the young man taunted, "I should be fighting Patterson, not you.
The Stacks: Harold Conrad Was Many Things, But He Was Never, Ever Dull | Mark Jacobson| March 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The Sucker of the soft gelatinous world, was himself soft and gelatinous.
Then Fish Hawk rose into the air to a point where his shadow fell exactly on the spot where Sucker lay.
Myths and Legends of the Mississippi Valley and the Great Lakes | Various
So she ran for the fording place on Sucker Creek, which was a good half mile above the shack in which the stranger was living.
The Country Beyond | James Oliver Curwood
Sucker trees are objected to upon the grounds that they are not healthy and thrifty, that they do not have good roots.
American Pomology | J. A. Warder
Nothing doing in the way of buying booms around Sucker Brook.
Shorty McCabe on the Job | Sewell Ford
British Dictionary definitions for sucker noun a person or thing that sucks
slang a person who is easily deceived or swindled
slang a person who cannot resist the attractions of a particular type of person or thing he's a sucker for blondes
a young animal that is not yet weaned, esp a suckling pig
zoology an organ that is specialized for sucking or adhering
a cup-shaped device, generally made of rubber, that may be attached to articles allowing them to adhere to a surface by suction
botany a strong shoot that arises in a mature plant from a root, rhizome, or the base of the main stem a short branch of a parasitic plant that absorbs nutrients from the host a pipe or tube through which a fluid is drawn by suction
any small mainly North American cyprinoid fish of the family Catostomidae, having toothless jaws and a large sucking mouth
any of certain fishes that have sucking discs, esp the clingfish or sea snail
a piston in a suction pump or the valve in such a piston
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (tr) to strip off the suckers from (a plant)
(intr) (of a plant) to produce suckers
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to sucker fool, stooge, gull, patsy, dupe, chump, sap
Scientific definitions for sucker A part by which an animal sucks blood from or uses suction to cling to another animal. Leeches and remoras have suckers.
A shoot growing from the base or root of a tree or shrub and giving rise to a new plant, a clone of the plant from which it comes. The growth of suckers is a form of asexual reproduction.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.