[ suhm -uh nz ] SHOW IPA
noun, plural sum·mons·es. an authoritative command, message, or signal by which one is summoned.
a request, demand, or call to do something: a summons to surrender.
Law . a call or citation by authority to appear before a court or a judicial officer. the writ by which the call is made. an authoritative call or notice to appear at a specified place, as for a particular purpose or duty.
a call issued for the meeting of an assembly or parliament.
verb (used with object) to serve with a summons; summon.
Origin of summons 1250–1300; Middle English somons <Anglo-French; Old French somonse <Vulgar Latin *summonsa, for Latin summonita, feminine past participle of summonēre; see summon
OTHER WORDS FROM summons non·sum·mons, noun re·sum·mons, noun, plural re·sum·mons·es. Words nearby summons summit, summiteer, summit meeting, summitry, summon, summons , summum bonum, Sumner, sumo, sump, sump drain
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for summons They say, ‘If we catch you out there, we’re going to write you a summons .
He Faces Jail for Rescuing Baby Eagles | Michael Daly| November 2, 2014| DAILY BEAST
On July 8, a summons was sent to Zhang alerting her to the lawsuit, and on July 11, Nan Shi lost her job.
Female Yahoo Exec Accused of Sex Abuse Fires Back | Nina Strochlic| July 18, 2014| DAILY BEAST
This summons all the proximate Beyoncé voters, as we reply in a full-throated roar, “ALLLLLL THE SINGLE LAAAAADIES!”
Getting to Know the ‘Beyoncé Voter’ | Kelly Williams Brown| July 7, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Du Maurier was one of the great names of British theatre, she regarded ‘a summons ’ from him to be a ‘bugle call from Olympus.’
Tallulah Bankhead: Gay, Drunk and Liberated in an Era of Excess Art | Judith Mackrell| January 25, 2014| DAILY BEAST
In Oxyana, the performances he summons from his interview subjects are truly heartrending.
Vimeo Presents: The Top 10 Videos of 2013 | | December 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
It is needless to say that the summons was answered promptly.
Fighting the Flames | R.M. Ballantyne
The summons is delivered impartially at the hovels of the poor and the turreted palaces of the rich.
Horace and His Influence | Grant Showerman
He could not but obey the summons of her distressed beauty, perfect knight of chivalry that he was.
The King of Alsander | James Elroy Flecker
Mr. Marvel rushed behind the bar as the summons outside was repeated.
The Invisible Man | H. G. Wells
English, French, Prussian, Hamburg and other flags were displayed at her summons upon the passing merchant vessels.
Cruise and Captures of the Alabama | Albert M. Goodrich
British Dictionary definitions for summons noun plural -monses a call, signal, or order to do something, esp to appear in person or attend at a specified place or time
an official order requiring a person to attend court, either to answer a charge or to give evidence the writ making such an order Compare warrant a call or command given to the members of an assembly to convene a meeting
verb to take out a summons against (a person)
Word Origin for summons C13: from Old French somonse, from somondre to summon
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to summons writ, indictment, warrant, subpoena, notification, citation, order, bell, cry, call, calling, process, requisition