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Definition for superior (2 of 2)
[ suh-peer-ee-er, soo- ]
/ səˈpɪər i ər, sʊ- /
Lake Superior,a lake in the north central United States and southern Canada: the northernmost of the Great Lakes; the largest body of fresh water in the world. 350 miles (564 kilometers) long; 31,820 square miles (82,415 square kilometers); greatest depth, 1,290 feet (393 meters); 602 feet (183 meters) above sea level.
a port in northwestern Wisconsin, on Lake Superior.
Origin of Superior
First recorded in 1780–85; translation of French Lac Supérieur “Upper Lake” (i.e., the lake above Lake Huron), or “Higher Lake” (in elevation above sea level)
Hitchcock sends the script--unread--to Thom Mount and his superior, Ned Tanen.
Alfred Hitchcock’s Fade to Black: The Great Director’s Final Days|David Freeman|December 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The essence of nearly every Disney film is that women need saving, preferably by a man from a superior social and economic class.
Sexism Begins in the Toy Aisle|Nancy Kaffer|November 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Virginia Woolf loved Wuthering Heights and considered Emily Brontë superior to her sister Charlotte.
The Birth of the Novel|Nick Romeo|November 27, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Never the less, Drone Boning is by far the superior production.
Anatomy of a Drone Porn: ‘Drone Boning’ Makes Sex Look Like Art|Aurora Snow|November 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The attitude of the local colleagues at first puzzled us, and then made us snicker in a superior way.
The Stacks: H.L. Mencken on the 1904 Baltimore Fire|H.L. Mencken|October 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I learned later that he had implored the Superior on his knees not to lay this dreadful command upon him, but all in vain.
The Monk and The Hangman's Daughter|Adolphe Danziger De Castro and Ambrose Bierce
Hence in the adult the left side of the superior mesenteric vessel gives rise to the vasa intestini tenuis.
The Anatomy of the Human Peritoneum and Abdominal Cavity|George. S. Huntington
For instance, behind the plaster is the modern metal lath so superior to the old wooden variety.
If You're Going to Live in the Country|Thomas H. Ormsbee and Richmond Huntley
After a short time a young priest appeared with the intelligence that his superior awaited the Prince's visit.
An Egyptian Princess, Complete|Georg Ebers
This official held more the position of a steward, or valet to the superior, than that of a cook.
English Monastic Life|Abbot Gasquet
British Dictionary definitions for superior (1 of 2)
/ (suːˈpɪərɪə) /
greater in quality, quantity, etc
of high or extraordinary worth, merit, etc
higher in rank or statusa superior tribunal
displaying a conscious sense of being above or better than others; supercilious
(often postpositive foll by to) not susceptible (to) or influenced (by)
placed higher up; situated further from the base
(of a planet) having an orbit further from the sun than the orbit of the earth
(of a conjunction) occurring when the sun lies between the earth and an inferior planet
(of a plant ovary) situated above the calyx and other floral parts
anatomy(of one part in relation to another) situated above or higher
printing(of a character) written or printed above the line; superscript
a person or thing of greater rank or quality
printinga character set in a superior position
(often capital)the head of a community in a religious order
Derived forms of superior
superioress, fem nsuperiority (suːˌpɪərɪˈɒrɪtɪ), nounsuperiorly, adverb
Word Origin for superior
C14: from Latin, from superus placed above, from super above
usage for superior
Superior should not be used with than: he is a better (not a superior) poet than his brother; his poetry is superior to (not superior than) his brother's
British Dictionary definitions for superior (2 of 2)
/ (suːˈpɪərɪə, sjuː-) /
Lake Superiora lake in the N central US and S Canada: one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world and westernmost of the Great Lakes. Area: 82 362 sq km (31 800 sq miles)