

单词 heteroscedastic


/ (ˌhɛtərəʊskɪˈdæstɪk) /

adjective statistics

(of several distributions) having different variances
(of a bivariate or multivariate distribution) not having any variable whose variance is the same for all values of the other or others
(of a random variable) having different variances for different values of the others in a multivariate distribution
Compare homoscedastic

Derived forms of heteroscedastic

heteroscedasticity (ˌhɛtərəʊskɪdæsˈtɪsɪtɪ), noun

Word Origin for heteroscedastic

C20: from hetero- + scedastic, from Greek skedasis a scattering, dispersal

Words nearby heteroscedastic

heteropolar, heteropterous, heteroptics, heteropyknosis, heteroromantic, heteroscedastic, heterosex, heterosexism, heterosexual, heterosexuality, heterosis
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