Last year, Google claimed it had achieved a milestone known as “quantum supremacy,” having built a quantum computer capable of performing a calculation that could not be done on a traditional computer in a reasonable length of time.
Quantum computers threaten to end digital security. Here’s what’s being done about it|Jeremy Kahn|September 11, 2020|Fortune
In a deep dive into the city’s zoning history, Andrew Keatts outlined single-family housing’s century of supremacy in San Diego.
Morning Report: A Century of Single Family Home Supremacy|Voice of San Diego|August 27, 2020|Voice of San Diego
The biggest driving force in this trend is China’s rise as a tech superpower and the US’s consequent belligerence as its supremacy comes under threat.
A world divided into “cans” and “cannots”|Katie McLean|August 19, 2020|MIT Technology Review
While there has been some headline-grabbing progress in quantum computing in recent years—not least Google’s announcement that it had achieved quantum supremacy— today’s devices are still a long way from being put to practical use.
A New Startup Intends to Build the World’s First Large-Scale Quantum Computer|Edd Gent|June 22, 2020|Singularity Hub
However, with the gradual supremacy of the Romans in the Mediterranean region, the state didn’t really require large ships for expansive military actions.
Know Your Historical Warships: From 7th Century BC – 17th Century AD|Dattatreya Mandal|April 4, 2020|Realm of History
“I think of these crimes as supremacy crimes,” Steinem said.
Live from San Antonio: Women in the World Texas!|Women in the World|October 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A 26, Durant is three years younger than James and is poised to assume NBA supremacy.
Kevin Durant Is Poised For NBA Supremacy|Allen Barra|February 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There were three main groups competing for supremacy among them.
Poet and Rake, Lord Byron Was Also an Interventionist With Brains and Savvy|Michael Weiss|February 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
We already had democracy through public opinion—what de Tocqueville called the “supremacy of public opinion.”
The Dictatorship of Public Opinion on Syria|Bernard-Henri Lévy|September 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Of course, the U.S. Constitution as written bans religious law from superseding our own laws by way of the Supremacy Clause.
North Carolina, Your Anti-Sharia Law Takes the Cake|Dean Obeidallah|August 9, 2013|DAILY BEAST
As a study of events arising out of the greatest drama of modern times the supremacy of the last-named is unquestioned.
The World's Greatest Books, Vol XII.|Arthur Mee
Still, however, he maintains a supremacy over six or seven medalled rivals, in despite of the intrigues of the traders.
Early Western Travels 1748-1846, Volume XIV|Edwin James
His spirit is more than destruction; it is supremacy over chaotic elements and the triumph of the emancipated spirit.
The Arena|Various
To this supremacy in wave and stream is joined a no less manifest preeminence in the character of trees.
Modern Painters, Volume IV (of V)|John Ruskin
The Northumbrians, as usual, were at strife among themselves, two rival kings fighting for the supremacy.