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[ swil ] / swɪl / SEE SYNONYMS FOR swill ON THESAURUS.COM
nounliquid or partly liquid food for animals, especially kitchen refuse given to swine; hogwash. kitchen refuse in general; garbage. any liquid mess, waste, or refuse; slop. a deep draught of liquor. contemptibly worthless utterance or writing; drivel. verb (used without object)to drink greedily or excessively. verb (used with object)to drink (something) greedily or to excess; guzzle. to feed (animals) with swill: to swill hogs. Chiefly British. to wash by rinsing or flooding with water. Origin of swillbefore 900; Middle English swilen (v.), Old English swilian, swillan OTHER WORDS FROM swillswiller, nounun·swilled, adjectiveWords nearby swillswiftlet, swift moth, Swift's disease, swig, swiler, swill, swim, swim against the current, swim bladder, swimfeeder, swim fin Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for swillEea, aw reckon aw have, but if aw havn't spoilt th' swill aw dooant care. Yorksher Puddin'|John Hartley So avaricious is that animal, that no amount of swill seems to pacify his desire to overthrow principles and defeat great objects. The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth|Timothy Templeton We were then standing in the open close by a swill heap and the bear was coming toward us, there being no timber intervening. Hunting in Many Lands|Various Let them enjoy the swill and sunshine and other good things of life while they may. In Pastures Green|Peter McArthur
British Dictionary definitions for swill
verbto drink large quantities of (liquid, esp alcoholic drink); guzzle (tr often foll by out) mainly British to drench or rinse in large amounts of water (tr) to feed swill to (pigs, etc) nounwet feed, esp for pigs, consisting of kitchen waste, skimmed milk, etc garbage or refuse, esp from a kitchen a deep draught of drink, esp beer any liquid mess Derived forms of swillswiller, nounWord Origin for swillOld English swilian to wash out Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to swillrefuse, trash, slop, rubbish, waste, slops, drench, hogwash, garbage, wash, drink, mash, flood, guzzle, raft, swash, rinse, fill, draff |