made or prepared at home, locally, or by the maker's own efforts: The restaurant's pastry is homemade. Breakfast at the farmhouse always meant homemade preserves.
made in one's own country; domestic: I prefer a homemade car to one of those foreign models.
made, contrived, or assembled by oneself; not professionally made or done; amateurish: the plain look of homemade furniture.
Origin of homemade
First recorded in 1650–60; home + made
Words nearby homemade
homelands movement, homeless, homelike, home loan, homely, homemade, homemaker, homemaking, home mission, homeo-, homeobox
Hang on to yourpeanuts and homemade snacks, we’re not sure whenwe’ll ever be backSports are also a platform, if we don’t speakit’s our shame.
It’s time to make Jackie Robinson proud|Ellen McGirt|August 29, 2020|Fortune
Some people insert filters made of various materials into homemade masks.
Science offers recipes for homemade coronavirus masks|Kathiann Kowalski|May 14, 2020|Science News For Students
So they used science to compare 10 types of homemade fabric masks to an N95 mask and to somewhat less protective surgical masks.
Science offers recipes for homemade coronavirus masks|Kathiann Kowalski|May 14, 2020|Science News For Students
After a couple of weeks, I finally had a homemade, voice-controlled home-automation system in my room so that I could literally be Iron Man and tell Jarvis to switch off the lights and fans.
Honey, I Grew the Economy (Ep. 399)|Stephen J. Dubner|December 5, 2019|Freakonomics
And that solution came from a homemade brew Branch and her sister created together.
Goodbye To A Natural Hair Guru: Miss Jessie's Cofounder Titi Branch Dead At 45|Danielle Belton|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The CID speculated that the woman was confirming who lived there before planting a homemade nail bomb.
Abu Dhabi Treats U.S. Teacher’s Murder as Terrorist Attack|Chris Allbritton|December 4, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A waiter brings out some fresh pretzels and homemade pork and wine sausages.
House of the Witch: The Renegade Craft Brewers of Panama|Jeff Campagna|November 30, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He set off from the coast of Senegal in a 24ft homemade rowboat.
Victor Mooney’s Epic Adventure for His Dead Brother|Justin Jones|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Just under a third of all homemade sex tape submissions were created in the “Bible Belt.”
Christian Right-Wingers Love Porn: New Studies Suggest the Bible Belt Has A Kinky Side|Aurora Snow|October 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST
On one side was a huge fireplace with its homemade benches, on the other a clumsily carved chiffonier loaded with solid silver.
Canada: the Empire of the North|Agnes C. Laut
Later he was followed by other members of the party on homemade catamarans.
Frank Armstrong at College|Matthew M. Colton
The homemade hackle shredded flax in preparation for making linen cloth.
Agricultural Implements and Machines in the Collection of the National Museum of History and Technology|John T. Schlebecker
They had homemade chairs before the War, boxes, and benches.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves|Work Projects Administration
They had stopped at the natural hedge, and now stood under the picturesque, homemade arc lightJerrys lantern with the red globe.
The Girl Scouts at Rocky Ledge|Lilian Garis
British Dictionary definitions for homemade
(esp of cakes, jam, and other foods) made at home or on the premises, esp of high-quality ingredients
“Homemade” vs. “Handmade”: Are These Synonyms?There's nothing more meaningful than a sweet, homemade gift ... except maybe a handmade one? How much of a difference is there really between the two terms?