

单词 honourable

Example sentences from the Web for honourable


US honorable

/ (ˈɒnərəbəl, ˈɒnrəbəl) /


possessing or characterized by high principleshonourable intentions
worthy of or entitled to honour or esteem
consistent with or bestowing honour

Derived forms of honourable

honourableness or US honorableness, nounhonourably or US honorably, adverb

Words nearby honourable

honor society, honors of war, honor system, honor trick, honour, honourable, honourable discharge, honour killing, Honour Moderations, honours, honour school

British Dictionary definitions for honourable (2 of 2)


US Honorable

/ (ˈɒnərəbəl, ˈɒnrəbəl) /


the Honourable (prenominal) a title of respect placed before a name: employed before the names of various officials in the English-speaking world, as a courtesy title in Britain for the children of viscounts and barons and the younger sons of earls, and in Parliament by one member speaking of anotherAbbreviation: Hon
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