an assembly and connection of parts, components, or apparatus into a circuit, network, machine, or system.
the circuit, network, machine, or system so formed.
a device or connection, as a plug, hose, or pipe, for conveying electricity, a water supply, etc., from a source to a user: Some campsites have electrical hookups for trailers.
Informal. an association, alliance, or cooperative effort: A closer hookup of Caribbean nations would be good for international trade.
a sexual encounter without a long-term commitment: I’m over these college boys who are only interested in meaningless hookups.
a person with whom one has such an encounter: I ran into an old hookup at the club, but I pretended not to remember her.
a supplier of illicit goods, usually drugs: My hookup is getting out of the game—can you introduce me to your guy?
access to illegal drugs: When you are trying to score on the street it is easy to see who has the hookup.
Origin of hookup
An Americanism dating back to 1900–05; noun use of verb phrase hook up