Capturing ANWR and transforming it into a locus of fossil fuel extraction would be a massive physical and symbolic triumph for politicians who believe that resource extraction is the highest use of public lands.
The Trump administration opened the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil companies—but none may bite|By Scott L. Montgomery/The Conversation|August 26, 2020|Popular Science
Today, machine learning dominates, mostly by way of a family of algorithms called deep learning, while symbolic AI, the dominant approach in Deep Blue’s day, has faded into the background.
DeepMind’s Newest AI Programs Itself to Make All the Right Decisions|Jason Dorrier|July 26, 2020|Singularity Hub
In a symbolic move, Cooney also announced that MTS will change its police chief’s title to better reflect Guaderrama’s responsibilities.
The Police Reform Push Comes for MTS|Lisa Halverstadt and Jesse Marx|June 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Evidence of symbolic behavior at the site comes from three beads made from seashells and another three beads fashioned out of pieces of a red pigment called ochre.
Clues to the earliest known bow-and-arrow hunting outside Africa have been found|Bruce Bower|June 12, 2020|Science News
Bridging the divide between the police and those who distrust them will take more than protests and symbolic gestures.
How to Solve the Policing Crisis|Keli Goff|January 5, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Your death is symbolic of the harsh reality facing so many of us.
Dear Leelah, We Will Fight On For You: A Letter to a Dead Trans Teen|Parker Molloy|January 1, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Along the way, he accidentally embeds a nail in his foot, which is not symbolic at all.
The Walking Dead’s ‘Crossed’: The Stage Is Now Set for a Bloody, Deadly Midseason Finale|Melissa Leon|November 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
She lost that claim long ago, but her symbolic importance has only grown.
128 Years Old and Still a Looker: Happy Birthday to Lady Liberty|Elizabeth Mitchell|October 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For them, this is a battle every bit as symbolic and important as the Alamo once was to Americans.
In the Battle for Kobani, ISIS Falls Back. But for How Long?|Jamie Dettmer|October 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The name by which the fruit was known to the Greeks indicates its size; with the Latins its name was symbolic of its perfume.
Science in the Kitchen.|Mrs. E. E. Kellogg
This, however, would be in direct conflict with the known laws of symbolic language.
The Revelation Explained|F. Smith
Few religions have been without these symbolic representations of complex characters.
The Grotesque in Church Art|T. Tindall Wildridge
But there was one other figure, which arose to symbolic dignity.
Wounds in the rain|Stephen Crane
It is all symbolic, and as a symbol the physicist leaves it.