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[ sim-fon-ik ] / sɪmˈfɒn ɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR symphonic ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectiveMusic. of, for, pertaining to, or having the character of a symphony or symphony orchestra. of or relating to symphony or harmony of sounds. characterized by similarity of sound, as words. Origin of symphonicFirst recorded in 1855–60; symphon(y) + -ic OTHER WORDS FROM symphonicsym·phon·i·cal·ly, adverbnon·sym·phon·ic, adjectivenon·sym·phon·i·cal·ly, adverbpre·sym·phon·ic, adjectiveWords nearby symphonicsympetalous, symphalangism, symphile, symphonette, symphonia, symphonic, symphonic poem, Symphonie Fantastique, symphonious, symphonist, symphonize Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for symphonicBut Samuragochi received sole credit, and such an arrangement would be a complete no-no in the symphonic realm. Japan’s Beloved Deaf Composer is Neither Deaf Nor a Composer|Jimmy So|February 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST “On Mr. Fox, at first there was talk about using a symphonic orchestra,” he continues. Meet Alexandre Desplat, Hollywood’s Master Composer|Andrew Romano|February 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST In the 19th century, Franz Liszt set about translating some of the greatest works of literature into symphonic tone poems. Kronos Quartet and PEN: When Music and Literature Collide|Raquel Laneri|May 2, 2012|DAILY BEAST The work reveals Schoenberg striving to emulate Strauss in the field of the symphonic poem; striving, however, in vain. Musical Portraits|Paul Rosenfeld
And it was the flight of ecstasy that he sought to achieve in his symphonic poems. Musical Portraits|Paul Rosenfeld The post of drummer is one of the most difficult to fill in a symphonic orchestra. How to Listen to Music, 7th ed.|Henry Edward Krehbiel Never before had symphonic music played such pranks as are found here, especially in the Finale. Music: An Art and a Language|Walter Raymond Spalding I think the inspiration of a symphonic work can be of two kinds: subjective or objective. The Life & Letters of Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky|Modeste Tchaikovsky
Words related to symphoniclyrical, harmonic, consonant, harmonious, mellifluous, musical, symphonious |