单词 | horologium |
释义 | horologium[ hawr-uh-loh-jee-uhm, hor- ] / ˌhɔr əˈloʊ dʒi əm, ˌhɒr- / noun, plural hor·o·lo·gi·a [hawr-uh-loh-jee-uh, hor-]. /ˌhɔr əˈloʊ dʒi ə, ˌhɒr-/.a timepiece, as a clock or sundial, or a building supporting or containing a timepiece. (initial capital letter)Astronomy. the Clock, a small southern constellation between Eridanus and Dorado. Origin of horologiumFirst recorded in 1350–1400; from Latin hōrologium, from Greek hōrológion, equivalent to hōrológ(os) “timeteller” (from hōro-, combining form of hṓra + -log-, variant stem of légein “to count, recount, say, speak, tell” + -os adjective suffix) + -ion diminutive suffix; cf. hour, logos Words nearby horologiumhorokaka, horol., horologe, horologic, horologist, horologium, horology, horopito, horopter, horoscope, horoscopy Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for horologiumBritish Dictionary definitions for horologium (1 of 2)horologium / (ˌhɒrəˈləʊdʒɪəm) / noun plural -gia (-dʒɪə)a clocktower Also called: horologion (in the Eastern Church) a liturgical book of the offices for the canonical hours, corresponding to the Western breviary Word Origin for horologiumC17: from Latin; see horologe British Dictionary definitions for horologium (2 of 2)Horologium / (ˌhɒrəˈləʊdʒɪəm) / noun Latin genitive Horologii (ˌhɒrəˈləʊdʒɪaɪ)a faint constellation in the S hemisphere lying near Eridanus and Hydrus Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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