

单词 how do you do

how do you do


(used as a conventional greeting).

Words nearby how do you do

how come?, howdah, howdie, how do, how does that grab you?, how do you do, howdy, howe, howe'er, howel, Howel Dda

Definition for how do you do (2 of 2)

[ hou-duh-yuh-doo ]
/ ˈhaʊ də yəˈdu /

noun, plural how-do-you-dos.Informal.

a greeting; salutation: She smiled and gave him a how-do-you-do fit for a king.
an awkward or unpleasant event or situation: It's a fine how-do-you-do that they've refused to help us out.
Also how-de-do [hou-dee-doo]. /ˈhaʊ diˈdu/.

Origin of how-do-you-do

First recorded in 1625–35
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

Example sentences from the Web for how do you do

British Dictionary definitions for how do you do

how do you do

sentence substitute

Also: how do?, how d'ye do? a formal greeting said by people who are being introduced to each other or are meeting for the first time

noun how-do-you-do

informal a difficult situation
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Idioms and Phrases with how do you do

how do you do?

A conventional greeting used mostly after being introduced to someone, as in And this is our youngest—say “How do you do” to Mr. Smith. Although it is a question, it requires no reply. Originally, in the 1600s, this expression was an inquiry after a person's health or standing, how do you do meaning “how do you fare?” Today we usually express this as How are you? or How are you doing? or How goes it? or How's it going? Even more general are the slangy locutions How are things? or How's tricks? All of these greetings date from the first half of the 1900s.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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