单词 | tabby |
释义 | tabby1[ tab-ee ] / ˈtæb i / SEE SYNONYMS FOR tabby ON THESAURUS.COM noun, plural tab·bies.adjectivestriped or brindled. made of or resembling tabby. verb (used with object), tab·bied, tab·by·ing.to give a wavy or watered appearance to, as silk. Origin of tabby11630–40; back formation from French tabis (taken as plural), Middle French (a)tabis silk cloth <Medieval Latin attābi<Arabic ʿattābī, derivative of (al-)ʿAttābīyah, quarter of Baghdad where the silk was first made, literally, the quarter of (Prince) ʿAttāb Words nearby tabbytabard, tabaret, Tabari, Tabasco, tabbouleh, tabby, tabernacle, tabernacle frame, tabernacle mirror, Tabernacles, tabes Definition for tabby (2 of 2)tabby2 [ tab-ee ] / ˈtæb i / noun(in the southeastern U.S.) a building material composed of ground oyster shells, lime, and sand, mixed with salt water. Origin of tabby2An Americanism dating back to 1765–75; of uncertain origin; perhaps from Gullah tabi, from a West African language Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for tabbyBritish Dictionary definitions for tabby (1 of 2)tabby1 / (ˈtæbɪ) / nouna fabric with a watered pattern, esp silk or taffeta Word Origin for tabbyC17: from Old French tabis silk cloth, from Arabic al-`attabiya, literally: the quarter of (Prince) `Attab, the part of Baghdad where the fabric was first made British Dictionary definitions for tabby (2 of 2)tabby2 / (ˈtæbɪ) / adjective(esp of cats) brindled with dark stripes or wavy markings on a lighter background having a wavy or striped pattern, particularly in colours of grey and brown noun plural -biesa tabby cat any female domestic cat British informal a gossiping old woman Australian slang any girl or woman Word Origin for tabbyC17: from Tabby, pet form of the girl's name Tabitha, probably influenced by tabby 1 Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 |
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