

单词 _TabCounts1(>=4)
Tabs Headwords
8 base, blind spot, blood, brain, bug, chain reaction, character, chord, class, crust, degree, ear, earth, egg, element, eye, family, force, gas, heart, heat, light, line, matter, mean, nerve, number, orbit, order, plague, point, power, reed, resistance, root, salt, scale, skin, species, spleen, stomach, stroke, symbol, tooth, volume, wave, weight
7 abdomen, abortion, abscess, acid, adaptation, adhesion, adrenaline, aerobic, air, alcoholism, algorithm, alkali, allergy, alloy, amnesia, amoeba, amp, amphetamine, anabolism, analgesic, anatomy, anemia, anesthesia, anesthetic, anorexia, anthropology, antibiotic, anxiety, appendix, area, atmosphere, atom, atrophy, average, axis, backbone, bacteria, balance, band, bar, basis, battery, beat, bed, bell, benign, best, bile, binary, biology, biosphere, birth, birth control, bishop, bit, black, black hole, blackout, bladder, blastula, boil, boiling point, bond, bone, botulism, brass, bridge, bud, buffer, bulimia, burn, bursa, calculus, cancer, capillary, carbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carcinoma, cartilage, catabolism, catalyst, cataract, cc, cell, cellulose, cerebellum, cerebral, cerebrum, cervix, chain, channel, chemistry, chemotherapy, chlorine, circle, circulation, cleavage, clone, cocaine, codeine, cohesion, colon, color, coma, combustion, compound, compression, conception, conduction, conductor, conglomerate, constant, contraction, control, convection, core, coronary, cranium, crystal, culture, curve, cybernetics, cylinder, death, debt, delusion, density, depression, dialysis, diameter, diaphragm, diffraction, digestion, distillation, dot, duodenum, dysentery, eardrum, ecology, ecosystem, elasticity, electron, embolism, embryo, embryology, enamel, encephalitis, energy, entropy, enzyme, epidemic, epidermis, epilepsy, epoxy, equation, equilibrium, erosion, esophagus, ethanol, euthanasia, evolution, extinction, face, fat, fault, fauna, feces, feedback, fermentation, fertilization, fetus, fever, filter, flora, fluid, fluorescence, food poisoning, foot, fraction, friction, front, fruit, fulcrum, function, gallstone, gamete, gangrene, gastric, generator, genetics, genitals, genus, glass, glucose, gmo, gout, graft, grain, gravitation, gray, gut, habit, hail, hallucinogen, heart attack, heartburn, helix, hemisphere, hereditary, heredity, hernia, herpes, hives, homeostasis, horn, humidity, humor, hypnosis, hypothesis, in vitro, induction, inertia, infection, inflammation, influenza, inhibition, insomnia, instinct, interference, intravenous, iron, isthmus, jaundice, joint, key, labor, labyrinth, larynx, laser, law, lead, lens, life, ligament, lightning, limb, limit, liquid, liver, load, locus, lung, magma, malaria, malignant, malnutrition, mantle, map, marrow, mass, mechanics, median, medicine, medium, meiosis, memory, menopause, menstruation, mercury, meridian, metabolism, metamorphosis, milk, mineral, miscarriage, mitosis, mode, mold, molecule, moon, morphine, morphology, mosaic, mouse, mucus, muscle, myopia, natural selection, nebula, needle, network, neurology, neurosis, nucleus, oil, olfactory, omega, omnivore, online, opium, optics, organ, organic, osmosis, ounce, oxidation, p, pacemaker, palate, pan, pancreas, pandemic, paralysis, parasite, pathogen, pathology, pelvis, penicillin, penis, period, peripheral, physics, physiology, pi, pit, placenta, plane, plaque, plasma, plastic surgery, plate, polarization, pole, pollen, post, postulate, pound, precipitate, precipitation, pressure, prism, probability, protoplasm, psychology, psychosis, pulp, pulse, pupil, race, radiation, radical, radioactivity, range, ratio, reciprocal, reduction, reflex, regression, remission, respiration, rib, ring, rip, rock, rod, saliva, salmonella, sand, satellite, scab, schizophrenia, second, semen, set, sex, shock, sign, silver, sleep, slide, small intestine, smog, soap, solid, solution, sound, space, spectrum, sponge, spur, square, stable, star, starch, stem, sterilization, stimulus, stock, stone, storm, stratification, streak, strike, sublimation, sun, sweat, symbiosis, symmetry, syndrome, syphilis, system, tail, taxonomy, tear, temperature, tendon, theorem, theory, thorax, thrombosis, thunder, tick, tide, time, tongue, trachea, trauma, triangle, tuberculosis, typhus, ulcer, union, urine, vaccination, vacuum, vagina, valence, value, vasectomy, vector, veil, velocity, vent, vicious circle, viscosity, vivisection, vulva, waste, water, watershed, wavelength, wax, weather, web, wing, work, worm, x-ray
6 aa, aberration, ablation, abrasion, absence, absorption, acarid, acceleration, acceptor, accommodation, accretion, ace, achromatic, acne, acoustics, action, acupuncture, acute, ad hoc, add, addiction, addition, additive, adenovirus, adhesive, adipose, adolescence, aerobics, aerodynamics, aerosol, aesthetics, afferent, affinity, afterbirth, agent, agglutination, aggression, ai, aids, ala, albino, alchemy, alcohol, algae, algebra, alienation, alkaline, allele, alopecia, alter ego, alternative medicine, altruism, alum, alveolus, amalgam, ameba, ammonia, amniocentesis, amnion, amorphous, amplification, amplitude, anaerobic, analog, analogous, analysis, anchorage, angle, angst, anhydrous, animal, annular, antagonist, anthrax, anti, antibody, antidote, antigen, antipodes, antisepsis, antiseptic, antiserum, antitoxin, antivenin, aorta, apex, aphrodisiac, apogee, appendicitis, appetite, aqueous, arc, archaeology, archetype, archipelago, aristotle, arm, aromatic, arrest, arteriosclerosis, artery, arthritis, arthropod, articulation, artifact, asbestos, asepsis, aseptic, asleep, aspartame, asphyxia, aspirin, assay, assimilation, association, asteroid, asthma, astigmatism, astral, astringent, astronomy, astrophysics, ataxia, atherosclerosis, atlas, atoll, atomic number, atomic weight, atp, atrium, auditory, autism, auto, autoclave, autopsy, avian, axiom, axon, baby, bacillus, back, bacon, bacterium, bag, ball, balloon, baltimore, bandwidth, bang, bark, barometer, basalt, basic, bath, bay, bayou, be, behavior, belly, belt, bend, bi, biceps, biconcave, biconvex, bicuspid, bifurcate, bind, binocular, biochemistry, biodegradable, bioethics, biofeedback, biological clock, biomass, biome, biophysics, biopsy, biotic, bipolar, bipolar disorder, bird, bite, black eye, black lung, black sheep, blacklist, bleed, blind, block, blood count, blood group, blood poisoning, blood pressure, blood type, blood vessel, blues, blush, body, bone marrow, bonnet, booster, botany, bottleneck, bottom line, bowel, breakdown, breast, breath, breed, brim, bromide, brow, brown, browser, bulb, bulletin board, bundle, buoyancy, burette, bursitis, butter, button, bypass, byte, bête noire, cachexia, caffeine, calcification, calf, calibrate, caliper, callus, calorie, calyx, camp, candle, canine, cannon, cap, capital, capitulum, capsule, carbohydrate, carcinogen, cardiology, cardiovascular, caries, carnivore, carpal tunnel syndrome, carrier, cascade, case, cast, caste, cat, catharsis, catheter, caudal, cauterize, cavity, cd, cdc, cell division, cell membrane, cell wall, cellulite, celsius, center, centigrade, centrifugal, centripetal, cerebral palsy, chaos, characteristic, charcoal, charge, charm, checkup, cheek, chemical, chest, chickenpox, child, chimera, chin, chip, chlamydia, chloroform, chlorophyll, chlorosis, cholera, cholesterol, chromatic, chromosome, chronic, chronic fatigue syndrome, church, cilium, circinate, circumcision, circumference, cirrhosis, classification, claustrophobia, clay, climate, cloaca, clot, cloud, coal, cobalt, cock-and-bull story, code, coefficient, cognition, cold, cold shoulder, cold sweat, cold-blooded, colic, colitis, collateral, colloid, colony, comet, commission, communicable, competence, competition, complement, compulsion, concave, concentration, concussion, condensation, condition, conditioning, conductance, conductivity, cone, confluence, congenital, conjugation, conjunctivitis, connective tissue, conscience, conservative, constellation, constitution, consumer, contact, contagion, contagious, content, continuous, contraception, contraceptive, contract, convergence, convex, convulsion, cookie, coordination, copper, coral reef, cornea, corona, corpuscle, correct, cortex, cortisone, cosmology, cough, count, counter, cradle, crater, credit, crescent, crest, crick, cross, croup, crown, crustacean, cuff, cup, cupola, cure, current, cut, cutin, cyclic, cyclone, cyclotron, cyst, cytology, cytoplasm, dale, dam, dander, dark horse, date rape, day, ddt, dead, deaf, decay, decibel, deciduous, declination, deduction, deep six, default, deficit, deflation, dehydration, delirium tremens, deliver, delta, demand, dementia, demography, denature, denominator, dent, dentition, deposit, depth, derivative, dermatitis, dermatology, desert, desiccate, designer drug, determinism, detritus, deviation, device, devil, dextrose, diagnosis, dick, die, difference, differentiation, diffusion, digit, digital, dilution, dim, dimension, dioxin, dip, diphtheria, diploid, disaccharide, discharge, disk, dislocation, dispersion, displacement, dissect, dissociation, dissolve, distance, distemper, distribution, diuretic, diurnal, divergence, divide, dividend, division, dna, doctor, dog days, doldrums, domain, dominant, donor, dorsal, draft, drag, drain, dream, drift, drone, drop, drug, dualism, duct, ductile, dull, duty, dwarf, dynamics, dynamo, dyslexia, dyspepsia, e, earthquake, eat, eclipse, ectoderm, eczema, edentate, effect, efferent, efficiency, effort, ego, egocentric, egomania, ejecta, elbow, elbow grease, electricity, electrocardiogram, electrode, electroencephalogram, electrolysis, electrolyte, electromagnetic radiation, electromotive force, elephant, eleventh hour, ellipse, email, embolus, emotion, empathy, emphysema, empirical, emulsion, en masse, endemic, endogenous, environment, epidemiology, epizootic, equator, equine, equinox, equivalent, ergo, error, erythrocyte, escape, escape velocity, estrogen, estuary, ether, ethics, etiology, eugenics, evaporation, eve, even, excess, exchange, excitation, exogenous, exon, expansion, expectorant, experiment, expiration, exponent, extension, extrovert, extrusion, eyebrow, factor, facultative, fahrenheit, faint, family planning, fascicle, fast, fear, feather, feel, feeler, fellow, female, femur, ferric, ferrous, fertile, fetish, fiber, fibril, fibroid, fibula, fiddle, field, fifth, fifth column, figure, filament, file, finger, fingerprint, fire, first, fish, fission, fissure, fit, fix, flagellate, flame, flash point, flea, flesh, flow, flower, flu, fluke, fluoride, fluoroscope, flux, fly, focal point, focus, fog, fold, follicle, foramen, forbidden fruit, forest, formaldehyde, formation, formula, forty winks, fossil, fracture, free enterprise, free fall, frequency, friday, frost, frostbite, fructose, fuel, functional, fungi, fungicide, fungus, funk, funny bone, fuse, fusion, g, gain, gal, galactose, galaxy, galen, gall, gallbladder, gallon, ganglion, gay, gear, gender, gene, general, generation, genetic code, genetic engineering, genome, genomics, genotype, geology, geometry, geriatrics, germ, gestation, gibbous, gift, girdle, glacier, glaucoma, gluten, glycogen, gold, gonad, gonorrhea, goose, gown, gradient, gram, granite, granule, grass, grave, gravity, grief, groove, gross, ground, group, grow, growing pains, growth, guillotine, gum, gung-ho, h, habitat, habituation, hair, half-life, hallucination, halo, halogen, hammer, hamstring, hand, hard drive, hardware, hash, hay fever, headache, health, hear, heart failure, heaven, heel, helium, hell, hemoglobin, hepatitis, herbivore, heritable, hermaphrodite, heroin, hertz, hexagon, hill, hip, hippocrates, histology, hiv, hole, holography, homeopathy, homo, homologous, homosexuality, horizon, hormone, horsepower, host, hot spot, hour, hue and cry, human, hurricane, hydraulic, hydrogen, hydroponics, hymen, hyper, hyperbola, hypertension, hypochondriac, hypothalamus, hysterectomy, hysteria, hz, i, iceberg, icon, idea, ideology, ileum, ill, imagery, immunity, impedance, impermeable, implant, impression, imprinting, impulse, in, incest, inch, incisor, inclination, incubator, indentation, indicator, indigestion, inert, infectious, inference, infertile, inflation, inflection, infrared, inhalation, inheritance, injection, injury, inoculation, inorganic, insect, insecticide, insight, insoluble, inspiration, insulin, insult, integration, integument, inter, interest, interface, interferon, internet, interstice, intestine, introvert, invasive, inversion, invertebrate, involuntary, involution, ionic, iota, iris, irradiate, island, isotope, issue, j, jam, jaw, jejunum, jet lag, job, jowl, juice, juncture, junk food, justice, karyotype, kettle, kidney, kilogram, kilowatt, kinetic energy, kinetics, kingdom, kinship, knot, knuckle, labium, lactate, lactation, lactose, lake, lame duck, lamina, lanolin, lanugo, laparoscope, larva, latex, latitude, laughing gas, lava, layoff, ldl, leaf, lease, left wing, leg, length, lepton, lesbian, letdown, level, libido, lichen, lie, lien, life cycle, life science, limbo, lime, limestone, linear, lip, lip service, litmus, live, lobe, lobotomy, lockout, loin, long, longitude, loop, loose, lsd, luminescence, lunar, lupus, lyme disease, lymph, macho, macro, macula, mad, madness, magnet, magnetic field, magnetism, mainframe, maladjustment, malleable, malpractice, maltose, mandible, marble, mark, mars, mash, masochism, mast, mastectomy, mathematics, matrix, maxilla, maximum, measles, measure, mediate, medulla, medusa, megahertz, megalomania, melanin, melanoma, melt, meltdown, melting point, member, membrane, membranous, men, meningitis, meniscus, menses, meridional, met, metal, metastasis, meteor, meteorology, meter, methane, mg, mi, micro, microbe, microorganism, microscope, microwave, middle ear, midwife, migraine, migration, mile, mimicry, mind, mine, minute, mite, mixture, modem, modification, molar, mole, molt, momentum, monitor, monochromatic, monogamy, mononucleosis, monsoon, monster, mood, moraine
6 mortar, moss, mother, motile, motion, motor, mountain, mouth, movement, ms, multiplication, multiply, mumps, mural, mutation, nail, nano, nanosecond, naphtha, narcissism, narcotic, native, natural history, nature, nausea, nb, neck, necrosis, negative, neon, neoplasm, neptune, nerve cell, nerve gas, nervous system, neural, neurotransmitter, neutral, neutrino, neutron, niche, nicotine, nihilism, nipple, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, no, nocturnal, node, nodule, nonsense, nose, notch, nova, nuclear, nuclear reactor, numeral, numerator, nut, nutrient, nutrition, object, objective, obligate, obsession, obstetrics, occlude, occlusion, octagon, ocular, ohm, ointment, olive branch, oncology, one, onto, ontogeny, onyx, oosphere, oospore, opalescent, opaque, operator, ophthalmic, ophthalmology, optic, oral, orbital, ordinate, organism, orgasm, origin, os, oscillation, ossification, osteopathy, osteoporosis, output, ovule, ovum, oxide, oxidize, oxygen, oxygenate, ozone, pa, pack, pain, palm, panic, par, parabola, paradise, paradox, paramecium, parameter, paranoia, parapsychology, parity, part, particle, particulate, partition, pass, patch, patella, pathway, patrilineal, pause, pc, pda, pearl, pebble, pectin, pedal, pediatrics, pedicel, peduncle, peep, peeping tom, peninsula, pentagon, peptic, percent, percussion, peri, perigee, perimeter, peristalsis, peritoneum, peroxide, person, personal computer, personality, pesticide, pet, petiole, petrifaction, ph, phalanx, pharynx, phase, phlegm, phloem, phosphor, phosphorescence, phosphorus, photo, photon, phylogeny, phylum, physical, pigment, pile, pill, pimple, pin, pinna, pint, pipe, pipette, pitch, pith, pixel, placebo, plain, planet, plasmodium, platform, platinum, pleura, plug, plutonium, pm, pneumatic, pneumonia, po, pocket, pocket veto, poise, poison, polar, polarity, poliomyelitis, pollutant, pollution, polychromatic, polygon, polymer, polymorphism, polyp, polysaccharide, pond, population, pore, porous, port, portal, porter, positive, positron, postmortem, posttraumatic stress disorder, potash, powder, practice, pragmatism, precocious, pregnancy, prehensile, premolar, prenatal, present, primary, primate, primitive, principle, prion, producer, product, profile, prognosis, program, progress, projection, prominence, promontory, promoter, proportion, protocol, proton, protozoan, psoriasis, psyche, psychedelic, psychiatry, psychopath, puberty, pumice, pump, pus, pustule, pyromania, q, qt., quadrant, quantity, quantum, quarantine, quart, quaternary, quick, quinine, quotient, rabies, raceme, rachis, rad, radar, radiant, radicle, radioactive, radiology, radiometer, radium, radix, rain, rainbow, ram, random, rank and file, rap, rarefaction, rat, rate, raw, ray, reactant, reaction, reagent, recall, recession, recessive, recognition, record, rectum, red herring, reflection, refraction, refractory, refrigerant, regeneration, regime, region, regulation, relation, relativity, rem, renal, reproduction, resection, reservoir, resin, resonance, response, rest, restoration, reticulum, retort, retrograde, retrovirus, rhythm, ricin, ridge, rigor mortis, risk, river, rna, robot, role model, rom, roof, rosary, rotation, round, rub, rubella, rubeola, rule, rule of thumb, ruminant, run-of-the-mill, rush, sac, saccharin, sacrum, saddle, sadism, saline, saltation, sandstone, sarcoma, saturated, savanna, scarlet fever, science, scopolamine, screen, scrotum, scurvy, sea, seal, seam, season, secondary, secrete, secretion, sedative, sediment, seed, segregation, seizure, semantics, semi, sense, sense organ, sensory, sepsis, sequence, series, serum, server, seton, shale, sheath, shelf, shield, shingles, shoot, short circuit, shot, shoulder, show, sick, sight, silent, silicon, silicone, silk, sin, sink, sinus, siphon, skeleton, skull, skull and crossbones, sky, slate, sleeping sickness, sling, slough, smallpox, smell, smith, smoke, snow, snuff, social science, sociology, sociopath, sodium bicarbonate, soft soap, soft spot, software, soil, solar energy, solar system, solstice, soluble, solvent, somatic, sore, speciation, specific gravity, spectroscopy, speed, sperm, spheroid, spike, spin, spinal cord, spindle, spine, spirit, spore, sporozoan, spot, stack, stage, stalk, stamen, standard deviation, standstill, stannic, staphylococcus, state, statistics, status, status quo, std, steam, steel, stem cell, steroid, stigma, stimulant, sting, stoma, stool, stool pigeon, storage, strain, strait, stratosphere, stratum, stream, streamline, streptococcus, streptomycin, stress, striation, study, stutter, sub, subatomic, subclass, subculture, subfamily, subject, substance, sucrose, sudden infant death syndrome, sugar, superego, supernova, supersonic, supply, surface, surface tension, suspension, swallow, sweat gland, swing, syllable, symptom, synapse, synthetic, t, table, taboo, tactile, tag, talc, talus, tangent, tap, tapeworm, tar, target, tarsus, taste, taste bud, tat, te, teat, teeth, telepathy, telescope, telomere, temper, temperate, template, temple, temporal, ten, tender, tension, tentacle, term, terminal, territory, tertiary, tesla, test, test tube, testis, testosterone, tetanus, tetracycline, tetrad, texture, thalamus, therapy, thermal, thermocouple, thermodynamics, thermometer, thermonuclear, thermostat, thick, think, think tank, thought, throat, thrombus, thumb, thymus, tibia, till, tin, tinea, tissue, tit for tat, toe, tonsillitis, topography, topsoil, tornado, torque, torsion, totem, touch, touch and go, toxic, toxin, toxoid, tract, traction, trade-off, trait, transcription, transformation, transformer, transfusion, transistor, translation, translocation, transplant, transpose, trapezoid, treat, treatment, tree, tremor, trial and error, trial balloon, triceps, trichinosis, triple point, troposphere, try, trypanosomiasis, tsunami, tube, tuber, tumor, tundra, tunnel, turkey, twin, typhoon, u, ulna, ultrasound, unconscious, upper, upper crust, uptake, uranium, urethra, uterus, v, vaccine, vacuole, valve, vane, vapor, vegetable, vegetation, vegetative, vein, venereal disease, venom, ventral, verge, verse, vertebrate, vertex, vertigo, vesicle, vessel, vestibule, vestigial, vibrissa, villus, violet, virtual reality, virulence, virus, viscera, viscous, vital signs, vitamin, vitreous, vitriol, voice, volatile, volcano, volt, voltage, vomit, vortex, w, wake, walk, walking papers, walkout, wall, war-horse, wart, wash, water table, watt, weathering, website, well, westerly, wet blanket, whip, white elephant, whole, whooping cough, whorl, wind, window, windpipe, wink, withdrawal, womb, wound, xenophobia, xylose, yard, yaws, yeast, yolk, young, zero, zinc, zodiac, zone, zoo, zoology, zygote
5 aback, abbreviation, abduct, aberrant, abide, ablate, abnormality, abort, abortive, above, aboveboard, abrade, abrasive, abscission, absenteeism, absolute zero, absorb, absorbent, absorption spectrum, abstinence, abstract, abstraction, abuse, abutment, abyssal, ac, accelerant, accelerator, access, accessory, accommodate, accord, account, accounting, ace in the hole, acellular, acetaldehyde, acetate, acetic, acetic acid, acetone, acetylcholine, acetylene, ache, achene, acid reflux, acid test, acidify, acidity, acidosis, acidulous, aciniform, acoustic, acquaintance, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, acquisition, acquittal, acre, acrid, acronym, acrophobia, acropolis, across, across-the-board, acrylic, act, actin, actinic, actinium, actinometer, action potential, activity, actuary, acuity, aculeate, acuminate, ad, ad lib, ad nauseam, addict, addictive, adductor, aden, adenine, adenoid, adenoids, adh, adhd, adjective, adjust, adjuvant, admiration, admittance, adolescent, adp, adult, adulterant, advance, advancement, advantage, advent, adventitious, adverb, aerate, aeronautics, aesthetic, af, affect, affection, affective, affirmative action, aftershock, aftertaste, ag, again, against, agamic, agar, agate, age, agglutinate, agglutinative, agglutinin, agglutinogen, aggregate, aggregation, aggressive, agonist, agreement, agriculture, agronomy, ague, ahead, aid, aiguille, aileron, ailment, aim, air bladder, air plant, air sac, airfoil, airway, alar, alarm, alcoholic, aldehyde, alert, alien, aliment, alimentary, alimentation, aliphatic, alive, alkaloid, alkane, alkyl, all, all right, all-out, allantois, allegory, allergen, allergic, alley, alliteration, allotrope, allover, allowance, allusion, alluvium, allyl, alma mater, alone, along, alpha, alpha and omega, alpine, also-ran, alternate, alternating current, alternation, alternator, altitude, alto, aluminum, alzheimer's disease, am, amber, ambidextrous, ambient, ambivalence, ambo, ambrosia, ambulance, ambulance chaser, ambulant, ambulatory, amends, ament, amentia, america, amethyst, amide, amino, amino acid, amiss, ammonium, amniotic fluid, amortization, ampere, ampersand, amphibian, amphoteric, ampicillin, amplifier, ampulla, amputate, amygdala, amyl, amylase, amyloid, anal, analogy, analyst, analytic, anamnesis, anaphase, anaphylaxis, anarchism, anatomical, anatomize, ancillary, androgen, androgynous, android, anemograph, anemometer, anemone, anesthesiology, aneurysm, anger, angina, angina pectoris, angiogenesis, angioma, angioplasty, angstrom, anhydride, anile, aniline, anima, animal kingdom, animation, animus, anion, anisotropic, ankle, anklebone, annual, annuity, annulus, annunciation, anodyne, anomaly, anon, anorexia nervosa, another, answer, antacid, antagonism, antarctic, ante, antebellum, antecedent, antenna, anterior, anthesis, anthracite, anthropoid, anthropometry, anthropomorphism, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antidepressant, antihistamine, antimatter, antimicrobial, antimony, antioxidant, antiparticle, antipodal, antisocial, antrum, anus, anvil, anything, apart, apartheid, apathetic, apathy, aperture, aphasia, aphonia, aphorism, apical, apocalypse, apoplectic, apoplexy, apoptosis, apostrophe, apothecary, apparatus, appearance, appendage, apperception, apple, appliance, application, appointment, apportionment, apposition, appraisal, appropriation, approval, approximate, approximation, apron, aquaculture, aquarius, aquatic, aqueduct, aquifer, arachnid, arachnoid, arber, arbitration, arbor, arboreal, arch, archimedes, arctic, arcuate, arenaceous, areola, arete, arginine, argon, argument, arid, aries, aril, aristocracy, arithmetic, arithmetic mean, armamentarium, armor, armpit, around, array, arrears, arrhythmia, arroyo, arsenate, arsenic, arteriole, articulate, artificial intelligence, artificial selection, as, asceticism, ascii, ascomycete, ascorbic acid, ascus, asexual, aside, ask, askance, asocial, asp, asparagine, aspect, asphalt, asphyxiate, aspiration, assemblage, assembly line, assessment, asset, assimilate, associative, assortment, astragalus, astray, astrology, astrometry, astronaut, asylum, asymmetry, asymptomatic, at, at-home, atavism, atavistic, ate, atheism, athetosis, athlete's foot, atm, atmospheric pressure, atmospherics, atomic, atomic bomb, atomic mass, atomizer, atone, atonic, atropine, attach, attaché, attack, attendance, attention, attention deficit disorder, attenuate, attenuation, attic, attitude, attraction, attrition, atypical, au, audile, audio, audiovisual, audit, audition, auld lang syne, aura, aural, aureole, auric, auricle, auricular, auscultate, austral, autobiography, autochthonous, autocracy, autogamy, autogenous, autologous, autonomic, autonomic nervous system, autosuggestion, auxiliary, avail, avalanche, avatar, aversion, aversive, avicenna, avoirdupois, away, awn, ax, axial, axilla, axillary, azo, azoic, azole, azt, azure, b, b cell, b.c.e., b.t.u., ba, back number, back street, back to back, backdoor, backdown, backup, backward, backwater, bactericide, bacteriology, bad, bail, bait, baker's dozen, baking soda, balance of payments, balance sheet, bald, baleen, ball and chain, ball game, ballad, ballerina, ballet, ballot, balm, balsam, banana, bandage, banding, bang-up, bank, bankruptcy, banting, bar mitzvah, barb, barbel, barbiturate, bare bones, bargain, baritone, barium, barn, barnacle, barnard, baroque, barrel, barren, barrier, barter, bas-relief, basal, baseline, basidium, basilica, basin, basket, basket case, bass, bastille, bat, bathysphere, baton, battle, beach, bead, beaker, beam, bean, bear, beard, beat-up, beauty, beaver, beck, become, becquerel, bed-and-breakfast, bedbug, bedpan, bedridden, bedrock, bee, beef, beeline, before, beg, begin, behalf, behavior modification, behind, being, bel, belch, belfry, believe, belladonna, bellyache, belong, bench, beneficiary, benefit, benzene, benzidine, benzoate, benzoyl, benzyl, berg, beriberi, berm, bernard, berry, berth, beryl, beryllium, bestiality, bet, beta, beta blocker, beta carotene, betaine, betelgeuse, better, better half, between, beyond, bh, bible, bibliography, bicameral, bicarbonate, bid, biennial, bifid, bifocal, big, big business, big shot, big time, bight, bilateral, bilious, bilirubin, bill, bin, binder, binge, binomial, bio, biodiversity, bioengineering, biogenesis, biography, biohazard, biological, bionic, bionomics, biorhythm, biota, biotechnology, bipartite, biped, birefringence, birthday suit, birthmark, birthrate, bis, bisect, bisexual, bitten, bitter, bitter end, bitumen, bivalent, bivalve, bk, black and white, black death, black mark, black market, black-and-blue, blackball, blackhead, blade, blain, blame, blank, blank verse, blanket, blarney, blast, blastocoel, blastoff, blastomere, blaze, bleach, bleb, bleeder, blemish, blepharoplasty, blessing, blight, blind alley, blindside, blink, blister, blistering, blitzkrieg, blizzard, bloat, blockade, blood cell, blood clot, blood heat, blood plasma, blood relation, blood sugar, bloodletting, bloodline, bloodshot, bloody, blot, blotch, blow, blow-by-blow, blowoff, blowout, blowup, blubber, blue, blue-collar, bluff, board, boat, bog, bohr, bold, bolt, bolus, bomb, bombshell, bona fide, bonding, bony, book, boom, boost, boot, borate, borax, bore, boreal, boric acid, born, boron, borrow, bosom, boss, bot, both, bottle, bottom, bought, bounce, bourgeoisie, bovine, bow, bowery, box, box office, boy, boycott, br, brace, brachial, brackish, bract, brain death, brain trust, brain wave, brainstem, brainwashing, bran, branch, brass hat, brawny, bread, bread and butter, break, break of day, break-in, breakaway, breaker, breaking point, breakout, breakthrough, breakup, breakwater, breast-feed, breastbone, breathe, breathing, bred, breech, breeze, brick, bride, bridgework, brief, bright, brine, british thermal unit, brittle, broach, broad, broad-spectrum, broke, broker, bromate, bromine, bronchi, bronchitis, bronchus, brontosaurus, bronze, bronze age, brood, broom, broth, bruise, bruit, brunt, brush, brush-off, bubble, bubo, bubonic plague, buck, bucket, budding, buff, buffalo, build, buildup, built, bulk, bull, bulla, bullet, bum, bump, bun, bunion, bunsen burner, bur, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, burl, burnout, burp, burr, bush, bushel, business, busman's holiday, bust, busy, butane, butte, buttock, buttonhole, butyl, butyraceous, butyrate, by-and-by, by-product, c, cabinet, caboodle, cache, cachet, cad, cadaver, cadaverous, cadmium, cadre, caduceus, cake, calcar, calcareous, calcify, calcine, calcium, calculator, caldera, calisthenics, call, call-up, callous, cambium, camel, camera, camouflage, camp follower, camphor, canada, canal, canary, cancroid, candela, candida, canker, cannabis, cannula, canoe, cant, cantata, cantilever, canyon, capacitor, capacity, cape, capital goods, capital punishment, capitate, capitation, capricorn, capsaicin, capsid, capture, carapace, carbon copy, carbon cycle, carbon dating, carbon-14 dating, carbonate, carbonic acid, carbonyl, carbuncle, card, cardiac, cardiac arrest, cardialgia, cardiomyopathy, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, care, career, caregiver, caricature, carious, carmine, carpal, carpet, carpus, carrel, carry, carry-on, carry-over, carrying capacity, cart, carte blanche, cartel, cartography, caruncle, caryopsis, caseation, casein, cash, castaway, castoff, castrate, catalepsy, catalyze, catamenia, cataplasm, catarrh, catatonia, catch, catch-22, catch-as-catch-can, catechol, caterpillar, cathartic, cathedral, cathode ray, cathode-ray tube, cation, caucus, caught, caustic, cautery, caution, cave, cave-in, cavern, cavernous, cavitation, cay, cbc, cdna, cease, cecum, ceiling, celestial, celiac, cell phone, cellular, cellulase, cellule, cement, cementation, censor, cent, centaur, centigram, centimeter, centipede, central nervous system, centrifuge
5 centriole, centrosome, centrum, century, cephalalgia, ceramic, cereal, ceremony, ceres, cerium, certain, certifiable, certification, cervical, cesium, cestode, cetacean, cf, cg, chafe, chain store, chair, chalk, chamber, champ, chance, chancroid, change, change of life, charisma, charlatan, charley horse, charon, chart, chase, chauvinism, cheap, cheapskate, check, checks and balances, cheer, cheese, chelate, chelonian, chemist, chemotaxis, chestnut, chew, chicago, chicken, chicken feed, childbearing, childbirth, childhood, chill, chimney, china, chiropractic, chitin, chivalry, chlorate, chloride, chlorinate, chlorite, choice, choke, choler, choleric, choline, choose, chopper, choreography, chorion, choroid, chorus, christmas, chromate, chromatin, chromatography, chromium, chronometer, chrysalis, chyme, cicatrix, ciliate, cinder, cinderella, cine, circa, circadian, circuit, circuit breaker, circulate, circulatory system, circumlocution, circumscribe, circumstance, circus, cirque, cirrus, cistern, cisterna, cistron, citrate, citric acid, citric acid cycle, civil rights, civil service, cl, claim, clairvoyance, clam, clamp, clap, clasp, class struggle, classic, classicism, clause, clavicle, claw, clay pigeon, clean, cleanup, clear, clearance, cleaver, cleft, cleft lip, cliché, click, client, climacteric, climatology, climax, clinic, clinical, clinician, clip, clitoris, clock, close, close-up, closet, cloth, clothing, cloture, clover, club, clubbing, clutch, cm, co, coagulate, coagulum, coal tar, coalition, coat, cobble, cobbler, coccyx, cochlea, cocktail, cocoon, coda, codominant, codon, coelom, coenzyme, coevolution, cog, cognitive, coherence, cohort, coin, coitus, coke, cold fish, cold front, cold pack, cold snap, cold storage, cold turkey, cold war, collagen, collapse, collar, collarbone, collected, collective bargaining, collinear, cologne, colonialism, color blindness, coloratura, colostomy, columbus, column, comatose, comb, combustible, come, come-on, comeback, comedown, comedy, comfort, coming, comma, command, commander in chief, comminute, commit, commodity, common, common carrier, common cold, common denominator, common law, common sense, commonwealth, commotion, communication, communion, communism, communist, community, commutative, commute, company, comparative, compare, compass, compatible, compensation, competent, compiler, complain, complementarity, complex, complexion, compliance, complication, compliment, compost, comprehension, compress, compromise, compulsive, computer, con, conation, concavity, conceive, concentric, concept, conceptual, concern, concerto, conclusion, concordance, concrete, concretion, condenser, conditioned, conditioned response, condom, conduct, conduit, condyle, confection, confederacy, confederate, confederation, confession, confidence, configuration, confinement, conflict, confluent, conformation, conformity, confusion, congener, congest, congestion, congress, conidiophore, conidium, conifer, conjugal, conjugate, conjunction, conjunctiva, connate, connect, connection, conniption, connotation, conquer, consanguinity, conscious, consensual, consequence, conservation, conservatism, consideration, consolidation, constipate, constipation, constitutional, constrict, constriction, consultant, consultation, consumerism, consumption, containment, contaminate, contamination, contempt, contention, contiguous, continent, continental shelf, continuity, contour line, contra, contraband, contralto, contrary, contuse, contusion, convalesce, convalescence, convenience, convent, converge, conversation, conversation piece, conversion, converter, conviction, convolution, convulse, cook, cool, coop, coordinate, cop-out, cope, copepod, copula, copyright, coral, cord, cordate, cordillera, cork, corm, corneous, corner, corollary, coronal, coronary thrombosis, coronavirus, corporation, corpse, corpulent, corpus, corrective, correspondence, corrosion, corrosive, cortisol, corundum, coryza, cos, cosh, cosmetic, cosmetic surgery, cosmic, cosmopolitan, cosmos, cost, cost of living, costa, costive, cot, cotyledon, cough drop, coulomb, counsel, counterinsurgency, counterirritant, counterpoint, country cousin, coup, coup de grâce, couplet, coupling, courage, course, court, cousin, covalent bond, covenant, cover, cover girl, cover-up, cow, cpr, cps, cr, crab louse, crack, crackdown, cracking, cramp, cranial, craniotomy, cranny, crap, craw, crazy, cream, crease, creatine, creatinine, creation, creature comforts, creditor, creek, creep, crepitate, crescendo, cretin, cretinism, crevasse, crevice, crew cut, crib death, cribriform, cricket, cripple, crisis, crisp, crista, critical, critical mass, crook, crop, cross section, cross-fertilization, crossbreed, crossing over, crotch, crow, crowd, cruciate, crucible, crude oil, cruise missile, crumble, crus, crush, crutch, crux, crypt, cryptic, cryptography, crystalline, cs, cu, cube, cubic, cuckoo, cucumber, cud, cul-de-sac, culm, cult, cultivation, culture shock, cumulative, cuneate, cuneiform, cupping, cupric, cuprous, curable, curare, curative, cure-all, curie, curium, currency, curtain, curtain raiser, curvature, curvilinear, cushion, cusp, cuspid, customer, cutaneous, cutback, cutdown, cuticle, cutis, cutoff, cutout, cv, cyanide, cyber, cyberspace, cyclamate, cycle, cylindrical, cymbal, cysteine, cystic fibrosis, cytoskeleton, czar, dactylology, daddy, dagger, daisy, dalton, damage, damn, damnation, damper, damping, dance, dandruff, dandy, dangerous, dark, darwin, darwinism, dash, data processing, database, date, dawn, daylight, dc, de facto, dead duck, dead end, dead heat, dead weight, deafen, dear, death knell, death rattle, death wish, debility, decagon, decapod, decimal, decimal point, deck, decomposition, decompression chamber, decompression sickness, decubitus, decussate, deep, defecate, defect, defendant, defensive, deferential, defiance, deficiency, deficient, deflection, deforestation, deformation, deformed, deformity, degenerate, degeneration, degenerative, deglutition, dehisce, dehydrate, dejection, delbrück, deleterious, deletion, deliquescence, delirious, delivery, deltoid, demagogue, demented, demilune, democracy, democrat, demographic, demulcent, dendrite, dengue, denial, denotation, denouement, dental, dentate, denticle, dentin, dentist, dentistry, denture, denude, deodorant, deodorize, dependence, dependent, deplete, deposition, depreciation, depress, depressant, depressed, depressive, deprivation, deprive, derangement, derive, dermal, dermis, descent, description, desensitize, desertification, deserve, design, desire, desist, despotism, desquamate, detach, detached, detachment, detail, detergent, deteriorate, determinant, determinate, determine, detox, deuterium, devaluation, develop, development, deviant, dew, dexter, dextral, dextrin, diacritic, diagnose, diagnostic, diagonal, diamond, diaphoresis, diaphoretic, diaphysis, diarrhea, diastole, diazepam, dibasic, dibs, dice, dictatorship, diction, didactic, dido, die-hard, dielectric, diet, dietary, differ, different, differential, diffuse, digest, digitalis, digitize, digitoxin, digoxin, dike, dilate, dilation, dilemma, dilettante, dilute, dime, dimorphism, dimple, dine, dinosaur, dint, dioecious, dioptrics, dioxide, diplomate, diplopia, dipsomania, dipteran, direct current, direction, director, dirt, dirt-cheap, dirty, dis, disability, disabled, disc, disco, discoid, discontinuity, discontinuous, discordance, discount, discrete, discretion, discus, disease, diseased, disengagement, disequilibrium, disguise, dish, dishwater, disinfect, disinfectant, disjoint, disjunction, dislocate, dismember, disorder, dispensable, dispensary, dispense, disperse, disposal, dispute, dissipation, dissolution, distend, distillate, distortion, distraction, distress, district attorney, ditch, diverticulum, do-or-die, doc, dock, dodo, doe, dog, dog in the manger, dog-eat-dog, doghouse, dogma, dollar, dolly, dome, dominance, done, donkey, door, door-to-door, doorstep, dopamine, dope, doppler effect, dormant, dosage, dose, dosimeter, dotage, double, double bond, double cross, double entendre, double helix, double star, double-talk, doublespeak, doublet, doubt, douche, down, down-and-out, down-to-earth, downer, download, downsize, dowry, dozen, drab, drag queen, dragon, drainage, drainage basin, dram, drape, draw, drawback, drawdown, drawer, drawing board, drawing card, dress, dressing, drew, drink, drip, drive, driven, driver, drop-dead, drop-off, dropout, dropper, drought, drown, drum, drummer, drupe, dry, dry nurse, dry run, ds, dst, dub, duck, dudgeon, due, dummy, dumps, dune, duodecimal, duplication, dura mater, dust, dvd, dwarfism, dy, dyad, dye, dyed-in-the-wool, dying, dynamic, dynamite, dyne, dysphagia, dysphoria, dyspnea, dystopia, détente, e. coli, e.g., each, each other, early, earn, earnest, earth science, ease, easily, easter, easterly, easy, eating disorder, ebb, eccentric, eccentricity, echo, ecliptic, economics, ecstasy, ectoparasite, ectopic, eddy, edelman, edema, edge, editorial, eeg, effigy, effloresce, efflorescence, effluent, effluvium, effusion, egesta, ego trip, egotism, ehrlich, eight, einstein, ejaculation, ekg, elastic, elbowroom, electric, electrocardiograph, electroconvulsive therapy, electrodialysis, electromagnet, electromagnetic spectrum, electron microscope, electronic, elegy, elementary particle, elevation, elevator, elimination, elixir, ellipsis, elongation, elves, emanation, embalm, embargo, embarrass, embrasure, embrocation, embryonic, emerald, emergent, emetic, emf, emigration, eminence, emissary, emission, emollient, empathize, empiric, empiricism, empty, en route, encapsulate, encephalon, enclave, encode, encounter group, encrypt, end, endocrine gland, endocrinology, endoderm, endometriosis, endometrium, endorphin, endoskeleton, endospore, endothelium, endothermic, enema, enervate, engagement, engine, engineering, english, engorge, engraving, enlightenment, enough, enter, enteric, enteron, enterovirus, enterprise, entomology, entozoon, entrails, entrepreneur, enucleate, envelope, envy, eon, ephedrine, ephemeris, epic, epicarp, epidural, epigastrium, epiglottis, epigram
5 epiphany, epiphyte, epithelium, epizoic, epoch, eponym, equal, equal opportunity, equalizer, equidistant, equilateral, equinoctial, equipotential, equity, er, era, erbium, erect, erectile, erection, erector, erg, ergonomics, ergot, erode, erogenous, eros, erotic, eroticism, errand, erupt, eruption, erythromycin, escapism, escarpment, escrow, esker, espy, essay, essential, ester, estival, etching, ethereal, ethical, ethnocentrism, ethnology, ethyl, ethyl alcohol, ethylene, eu, euclid, eukaryote, euler, eulogy, eupepsia, euphemism, euphoria, eureka, euro, eustachian tube, ev, evacuate, evanescent, evangelical, evans, evaporate, evening, event, evergreen, evert, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evil eye, evocation, evocator, evolve, evulsion, ex, ex cathedra, ex post facto, examination, examine, example, excavator, exception, exchange rate, excise, excitable, excitement, exclusion, excoriate, excrement, excrescence, excreta, excrete, excretion, exercise, exfoliation, exhalation, exhale, exhaustion, exhibition, exhibitionism, exo-, exodus, exoplanet, exoskeleton, exoteric, exothermic, expect, expectant, expectorate, expedition, expense, expense account, experience, expire, expletive, exploration, explore, explorer, explosion, exponential, express, expression, expulsive, expurgate, exquisite, extend, extensor, extent, external, extinct, extinguish, extra, extracellular, extract, extraction, extradition, extrapolate, extrasensory, extrasensory perception, extraterrestrial, extreme, extremity, extrinsic, extrude, exuberant, exudation, exude, eyeball, eyeglass, eyelash, eyepiece, eyesight, eyewash, f, face value, face-to-face, facet, facial, facies, facilitation, facing, fact, faction, factitious, facula, faculty, fad, fade-out, fail, failure, fair, fair play, fair sex, fairy, fairy godmother, faith, falcate, fall, fall line, fallacy, fallback, falloff, fallout, false, false alarm, familial, familiar, famine, fan, fancy, fang, fantasy, far, far-out, farad, faraday, fardel, farinaceous, farm, farsighted, farther, fascia, fascism, fashion, fast track, fastidious, fat cat, fatal, fatalism, fatality, fate, father, fatigue, fatty, fatty acid, fauces, favorite son, fe, fecal, feculent, fecund, fecundity, federalism, feed, feeling, feet, feline, fell, felon, felony, feminism, fence, fenestra, fenestration, feral, ferment, fern, fertility, fertilizer, fester, festoon, feticide, fetid, fetor, fettle, feudalism, feverish, few, fiber optics, fibrillation, fibrin, fibrinogen, fibromyalgia, fibrous, fiction, field day, fife, fifth wheel, fifty-fifty, fig, fight, filar, filaria, filariasis, filial, filibuster, fill, fill-in, fillet, filling, film, filtrate, fin, final, find, fine, fine art, fingernail, finish, finite, firewall, firn, firsthand, firth, fiscal year, fist, fitness, five, fixate, fixation, fjord, flaccid, flagellum, flail, flake, flange, flank, flap, flare, flareup, flash, flashback, flask, flat, flatfoot, flatfooted, flatus, flatworm, flavonoid, flea market, fledgling, fleming, flex, flexible, flexor, flexure, flight, fling, flipper, float, floating, floccose, flocculent, floe, flog, flood, flood plain, flooding, floor, floret, florey, florid, florida, flotation, fluctuant, fluorescein, fluorine, flush, flute, flutter, fly-by-night, fm, fmri, foam, focal, focal length, folium, folk, folk medicine, folk music, folklore, follow, follow-through, follow-up, fomes, food, food chain, fool, foolish, foot-pound, footstep, forbid, forceps, fore, forearm, forebrain, forefinger, forehead, foreign service, foremost, forensic, foreplay, forestry, forget, form, format, formication, formulary, formyl, fornication, fort, forte, forth, fortune, forward, foul, foul-up, foundation, founder, four, fourth, fowl, fox, fr, fragment, fragmentation, franchise, francium, frank, frankenstein, franklin, fraternal, fray, freak-out, freckle, free agent, free association, free market, free trade, free verse, freeze, freezing point, fresco, fresh, freudian, friable, friend, frieze, frighten, frigid, frond, frons, frontal, fructification, fruitcake, frustration, ft., fugue, fulgurating, full, full moon, fulminant, fume, fumigant, fumigate, fun, fundament, fundamental particle, funeral, funiculus, funny, fur, furfuraceous, furious, furrow, further, furuncle, fury, fusiform, fuss, future, g.o.p., ga, gab, gaba, gadolinium, gaff, gag, gait, galactic, galena, gallery, gallium, gallop, galvanic, gam, game, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gander, gang, gap, garden, gargle, gargoyle, garnet, gaseous, gash, gasket, gasohol, gasoline, gasp, gassing, gastric juice, gastroenterology, gastrula, gatekeeper, gather, gauntlet, gauss, gauze, gaze, gd, ge, gee whiz, gel, gelatin, gelatinize, gelatinous, geminate, gemini, gemmule, gene pool, gene therapy, genealogy, generalization, generalize, generative, generic, genesis, genetic counseling, genial, genital, genocide, genre, geo-, geode, geography, geriatric, germ cell, germ layer, german measles, germanium, germicide, germinal, gerontology, gerrymander, gerund, gestalt, gesundheit, get-together, getaway, getup, geyser, ghost, ghost town, gi, gibbosity, gigantism, gilbert, gill, gill slit, gingivitis, ginkgo, gip, give, give-and-take, give-up, giveaway, gizzard, glabrous, glacial, glad, glad hand, glance, gland, glasnost, glia, glitter, global, global warming, globule, globulin, glomerulus, glory, glottal, glottis, glove, glucagon, glucosamine, glucoside, glume, glut, glutathione, glutinous, glycerol, glyceryl, glycine, glycol, gnat, go-ahead, goat, goby, god, godown, gold mine, golden rule, gone, gonophore, good, good day, good morning, good night, good time, goodness, goods, goofball, goon, gorge, gospel, got, gouge, gp, gps, grab, grab bag, grace, gracious, grad, gradation, grade, gradualism, graduated, gram-negative, gram-positive, grammar, granular, grape, graph, graphics, graphite, grasp, grasshopper, grassland, graupel, gravel, gravid, gray matter, grease, great, green, green thumb, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, greenie, grey, grievance, grind, grindstone, grip, gripe, groin, ground water, group therapy, growth hormone, grudge, guanine, guano, guard, guarded, guess, guest, guide, guinea pig, gulag, gulf, gulf stream, gullet, gully, gun, gurney, guru, gustation, gutter, guttural, gynecology, gypsum, gyrate, gyre, gyroscope, gyrus, habeas corpus, habituate, habitus, haeckel, haiku, hair shirt, hairline, hairy, halation, half, halfway, halfway house, halide, hall, hallux, halt, ham, hamartia, hamlet, handicap, handle, handout, hands-off, handshake, handy, hang-up, hangout, hangover, hanukkah, haploid, happy hour, hara-kiri, hard, hard cash, hard line, hard-and-fast, hard-pressed, hardness, hardwood, hare, harm, harmonic, harmony, harness, harp, harvey, hashish, haste, hat, hat trick, hatch, hatchet, hatchet man, hate, haul, havoc, haw, hawk, hawking, hay, haystack, haywire, haze, hdl, he, head, head start, head-on, heads up, headway, heal, health food, healthful, healthy, hearing, hearing aid, hearsay, heart-to-heart, heartbeat, hearty, heat capacity, heat lightning, heat shield, heavy, heavy hydrogen, heavy water, hebetude, hedonism, height, helical, helicoid, helm, help, helping hand, hem, hemi, hemiplegia, hemophilia, hemorrhage, hen, henry, hepatic, herb, herbicide, hercules, herd, here, heresy, heretic, hermetic, hero, heroic, hess, hetero, heterochromosome, heterocyclic, heterogamy, heterogeneity, heterogeneous, heterologous, heterosexuality, heterozygous, hexad, hexagonal, hexahedron, hexane, hexose, hf, hg, hiatus, hiccup, hide, hideout, high, high horse, high jinks, high tide, high-tech, high-water mark, hike, hillock, hilt, hilum, hindbrain, hindmost, hinge, hint, hipbone, hippocampus, hirsute, histone, history, hit, ho, hoarfrost, hodgkin, hodgkin's disease, hoe, hog, hoi polloi, hold, holdout, holdover, holdup, hole in one, holiday, hollow, holocaust, hologram, holotype, homage, home, home run, home truth, homer, homework, homicide, hominid, homogeneous, homogenous, homologue, homology, homosexual, homunculus, honest, honor, hook, hookup, hookworm, hooky, hoop, hoot, hop, hope, hopper, horehound, hornet, horny, horripilation, horror, horse, horse sense, horse trading, horticulture, hospice, hospital, hospitalization, hot, hot air, hot dog, hot rod, hot spring, hot stuff, hound, house, house arrest, house of cards, how do you do, hs, html, huddle, hue, huff, hull, hum, human rights, humble, humerus, hump, humus, hundred, hunger, hunt, hunter, hurt, husbandry, hush money, hyaline, hyaloid, hybrid, hydra, hydrate, hydride, hydro, hydrocarbon, hydrocephalus, hydrochloric acid, hydrochloride, hydrocortisone, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen bomb, hydroid, hydrolysis, hydrometer, hydrophobia, hydroxide, hydroxy-, hydroxyl, hygiene, hygienic, hygienics, hygroscopic, hyperactive, hyperactivity, hyperbole, hyperlink, hyperopia, hypersensitive, hypersonic, hypertext, hyperthermia, hyperthyroidism, hypha, hyphen, hypnagogic, hypnotherapy, hypnotic, hypnotism, hypnotize, hypo, hypochlorite, hypochondria, hypodermic, hypotension, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesize, hypothyroidism, hysteresis, hysteric, ibuprofen, icarus, ice, ice age, ice field, ice floe, ice pack, id, ideal, idealism, identical, identification, identity, idiocy, idiom, idiopathic, idiosyncrasy, idiot, if, igneous, ilium, illness, illusion, image, imagination, imaging, imago, imbalance, imbecile, imbibition, imbricate, imide, immature
5 immedicable, immemorial, immersion, immiscible, immobile, immobilize, immotile, immune, immunization, immunize, immunology, impacted, impeachment, impediment, imperforate, imperialism, impetigo, implantation, implosion, impotent, impregnate, impresario, impulsion, impulsive, in situ, in toto, in vivo, in-depth, inactivate, inanimate, inanition, inarticulate, inborn, inbred, incandescence, incarnation, incestuous, incidence, incise, incision, incisive, inclined plane, inclusion, income, incompatible, incompetent, inconstant, incontinent, increment, incubate, incubation, incubation period, incubus, incumbent, incurable, incus, independence, indeterminate, index, index finger, indian summer, indication, indictment, indifferent, indigenous, indispose, indium, individualism, individuation, indole, indolent, induce, induct, inductance, inductor, indulgence, inebriant, infancy, infant, infantile, infantilism, infarct, infarction, infect, infective, inferior, inferiority complex, inferno, infest, infiltrate, infinite, infinitesimal, infinitive, infinity, infirm, infirmary, infirmity, inflammatory, inflorescence, influence, information, infra, infuse, infusion, inhalant, inhale, inherit, inheritable, inhibit, inhibitor, initiation, initiative, inject, injunction, ink, inlay, inlet, innate, inner city, inner ear, innervate, innocent, innocuous, innominate, inoculable, inoculate, inoperable, inorganic chemistry, inquest, inquisition, insane, insanity, inscription, insecure, inseminate, insensible, insertion, inside, insidious, insolation, insomniac, inspire, instance, instate, instep, institutionalize, instrument, insufficiency, insufficient, insular, insulator, integral, integrated circuit, integrity, intellectual, intellectualize, intelligence, intelligence quotient, intelligentsia, intent, intention, interactive, intercellular, intercept, intercourse, interdependence, interim, interjection, intermediate, intermittent, intern, internal, internal medicine, internal-combustion engine, internalize, international, interpretation, intersection, intersexual, interval, intervention, intoxicant, intoxicate, intoxication, intra-, intracellular, intractable, intramural, intrauterine device, intrinsic, intro, introduce, intromit, intron, introspection, introversion, intrusion, intrust, intumescence, invalid, inventory, inverse, invert, investment, inveterate, iodide, iodine, ion, ion exchange, ionize, ionosphere, ir, iridium, irish, iron age, irony, irradiation, irrational, irreducible, irregular, irrigate, irritable, irritant, irritation, ischium, islam, islet, iso, isobar, isogamy, isolate, isolation, isolationism, isoline, isomer, isometric, isomorphism, isoprene, isothermal, isotropic, itch, ivf, ivory, jack, jacket, jackpot, jacob, jade, japan, jargon, jason, jawbone, jazz, jelly, jellyfish, jenner, jerk, jet, jet engine, jet stream, jetsam, jib, jiffy, jigger, jihad, jimjams, jingoism, joke, jones, jordan, joule, journeyman, joy, jpeg, judge, judgment, juggernaut, jugular, jump, junction box, jungle, jungle fever, junk dna, juno, junta, jupiter, jurisprudence, justice of the peace, k, kaiser, kamikaze, kaolin, keel, keep, keg, kelp, kelvin, kendrew, kentucky, keratin, kernel, kerosene, ketamine, ketone, ketose, kettledrum, kg, kibbutz, kibosh, kick, kickback, kickoff, kid, kill, kilo, kilowatt-hour, kilter, kin, kind, kindly, kindness, kindred, kinematics, king, kingdom come, kink, kinsey, kitchen, kite, kitsch, kitten, kleptomania, knee, knee jerk, kneecap, knell, knife, knight, knitting, knob, knock, knockabout, knockdown, knockoff, knockout, know, knowledge, koch, kosher, kr, krebs, krypton, kuru, kyphosis, köhler, l, la, label, laboratory, labrum, labyrinthine, lacerate, lacteal, lactescent, lactic acid, lacuna, ladder, lagging, lagoon, laissez faire, lama, lamarck, lamb, lame, lamella, lamp, lance, lancet, landfill, landslide, lane, language, lanthanum, lap, laptop, larceny, large, lark, laryngitis, lasik, lassitude, last, late, latent, latent heat, later, lateral, lather, latin, lattice, laudable, laudanum, laugh, laundry, laurel, lavage, law and order, laxative, lay, layer, layout, layover, leading question, leaflet, league, leakey, leap, learn, learning, leather, leave, lecithin, led, leech, leeuwenhoek, left, left brain, left field, left-handed, leftist, legal tender, legume, leisure, leitmotif, lemma, lenitive, leo, leonine, leper, leprosy, lesion, lesson, lethal, lethargy, letter, letup, leucine, leukemia, leukocyte, levee, lever, leverage, leveraged buyout, leviathan, li, liability, libel, liberal, liberal arts, liberalism, liberty, libidinous, libra, lice, lid, lidocaine, lie detector, lie-in, lieu, life expectancy, life span, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, liftoff, ligature, light-year, lightening, limerick, limes, limp, lindane, linear accelerator, linen, lineup, lingua, lingual, liniment, lining, link, linkage, linnaeus, lion, liposuction, liquefaction, liquescent, liquidation, liquor, lisp, list, lister, litany, liter, lithium, lithosphere, litter, little, littoral, live wire, live-in, livid, loading, loaf, loam, lobby, local, lock, locker, lockjaw, lockup, locomotion, lode, lodestar, loess, log, logarithm, logic, logo, logrolling, lone wolf, long face, long haul, longevity, longitudinal, look, look-over, lookout, lose, loser, loss, lost, lost cause, lot, lotion, loud, loudmouth, loupe, louse, love, love affair, loving, low, low profile, low tide, lowbrow, lower, lowest common denominator, lozenge, lr, lu, luck, lucky, lumbar, lumen, luminance, luminous, lump, lunch, lupine, lurch, luria, lux, luxury, lying-in, lymphatic, lymphatic system, lymphocyte, lymphoma, lynch law, lyon, lyric, lysine, ma, mace, macerate, machine, macrocosm, macroscopic, maculate, macule, mad cow disease, made, maestro, maggot, magistral, magnesia, magnesium, magnetic, magnetic north, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic storm, magnetic tape, magnetize, magnification, magnify, magnitude, main, mainstream, maintenance, make, make-believe, makeover, makeup, mal de mer, malachite, maladjusted, malady, malaise, malate, male, malformation, malfunction, malignancy, malinger, malleus, malnourished, malpighi, malt, mamma, mammal, mammary gland, mammogram, mammography, mammon, mammoth, man about town, management, mandate, mandrel, maneuver, manganese, mange, manger, mania, maniac, maniacal, manic, manic-depressive, manifestation, manifold, manipulate, manner, mannerism, mannose, manometer, manslaughter, many, marasmus, march, mare, margin, marginal, marijuana, marine, marker, market, markup, marl, marsh, marsh gas, marsupial, mask, masked, masking, massage, massif, massive, master, masticate, mastodon, mastoiditis, mat, match, mate, materialism, maternal, maternity, matrilineal, maturation, mature, maturity, mausoleum, maximal, mb, mc, md, meal, meal ticket, meander, meantime, measurement, meat, mechanical, mechanism, media, medial, mediation, medic, medicable, medicaid, medical, medicament, medicare, medicate, medication, medicinal, medico, medieval, medulla oblongata, meet, mega-, megalopolis, megrim, melancholia, melancholic, melancholy, melanism, melatonin, melodrama, melting pot, mend, mendel, mendelevium, meninges, menorah, mental, mental illness, mental retardation, mentality, menthol, mention, mephitic, mercantilism, mercurial, mercuric, mercurous, mercy, mere, merger, merit, mermaid, mesa, mesmerism, mesoderm, meson, mesothelium, mess, message, metabolize, metacarpal, metacarpus, metallic, metallurgy, metaphase, metaphor, metaphysics, metastasize, metatarsal, meteorite, meth, methanol, method, methyl, methyl alcohol, methylate, methylene, methylene blue, metonymy, metric, metric system, metro, mexico, mho, mhz, mice, microbiology, microchip, microclimate, microcosm, microfilm, microgamete, micrometer, micron, microprocessor, microscopic, microsecond, micturate, mid, middle, middle age, middle class, middling, midge, midget, midriff, midsection, mighty, migratory, mildew, milieu, milky way, mill, millennium, milligram, million, millisecond, milt, mimesis, mimetic, mimic, mind-bending, mind-blowing, mindset, mineral oil, mineral water, minerva, mini, minim, minimum, minimum wage, minister, minor, mirage, mire, mirror, miscarry, miscegenation, mischief, miscible, misery, misogyny, miss, missing link, missouri, mist, mistake, mitchell, mitigate, mitochondrion, mix-up, mixed marriage, ml, mm, mn, mnemonic, mnemonics, mo, mobilize, modality, model, moderator, modifier, modulate, modulation, modus operandi, moiety, molecular, molecular biology, molecular weight, molehill, molybdenum, moment, monad, monarchy, money, monkey, monkey business, mono, monoamine, monobasic, monoecious, monomania, monophyletic, monopoly, monosaccharide, monovalent, monoxide, montage, month, moody, mop-up, moratorium, morbid, morbidity, mordant, more, mores, morgan, morgue, moribund, morning, moron, morph, morphogenesis, mortal, mortality, mortgage, mortification, mortify, mortuary, morula, mosque, mosquito, motherboard, motif, mount, mouthful, move, mover, mp3, mri, msg., mt, much, mucilage, mucosa, mucous, mucous membrane, mud, mud flat, mug, mule, multi, multiculturalism, multiform, multiple, multiple sclerosis, multivalent, mum, murder, murine, murmur, murphy, muscarine, muscular, muscular dystrophy, mushroom, music, musical, musical comedy, mustard gas, muster, mutagen, mutant, mute, mutism, mutualism, mycelium, mycology, myelin, myocardial infarction, myosin, mysticism, mythology, mélange, n, na, nacre, nacreous, nad, nadir, naive, naked, name, nanotechnology, napalm, nape, naphthalene, naphthol, narcosis, narcotize, narration, narrator, narrow, nasal, nascent, natal, natality, nationalism, nativity, natural, natural gas, natural law, naturalism, naturalist, naturalize, naught, nauseate, nauseous, navel
5 nd, ne, neanderthal, near, near miss, nearsighted, necessity, necrology, necropsy, nectar, need, negation, negativism, nematocyst, nematode, nemesis, neo-darwinism, neocolonialism, neodymium, neologism, neoteny, nephritis, nephrology, nepotism, nervous, nest, net, neurasthenia, neurofibromatosis, neurosurgery, neurotic, neuter, neutralize, never, new, new england, new moon, new york, newborn, news, newton, next, nexus, ni, nib, nice, nick, night, night owl, nightingale, nightmare, nih, nimbus, nine, niobium, nirvana, nit, nitrate, nitrification, nitrile, nitrite, nitrocellulose, nitrogenous, nitroglycerin, nitrous, nix, nm, no-brainer, nobody, noctambulism, nod, noise pollution, nom de plume, nomenclature, non compos mentis, non sequitur, none, nonessential, nonresistant, nor, norepinephrine, normal, north pole, north star, northern lights, nostalgia, nostril, nostrum, notable, note, nothing, notice, notochord, noun, nourish, nourishment, novel, now, noway, nowhere, noxious, np, nuance, nuclear energy, nuclear family, nuclear power, nuclei, nucleic acid, nucleolus, nucleonics, nucleoplasm, nuisance, null, numb, nun, nurse, nursing home, nutation, nutriment, nutritious, nutritive, nutshell, nymph, nympho, nymphomania, oar, oasis, obese, obesity, oblique, obliquity, obliterate, obscenity, obsessive, obsidian, obstetrician, obstinate, obstruct, obstruction, obtuse, occasion, occult, occultation, ocd, ocean, oceanic, octave, oculist, od, odd, odds, odds and ends, ode, odin, odor, oedipus complex, oersted, off-the-wall, office, official, offing, offset, offshore, offspring, old, old-world, oleaginous, oleo, olfactory nerve, oligarchy, oligopoly, olive, ombudsman, omphalos, once, oncogene, one another, one up, one-on-one, oneself, onset, oogonium, opacity, open, open-and-shut, opening, opera, operable, operant, operate, operating system, operation, operative, operculum, ophidian, ophthalmologist, opiate, opinion, opportunistic, opposite, opposition, opt, optic nerve, optical, oratorio, orbicular, orchestra, orderly, ordinary, ore, organic chemistry, organization, organize, organizer, orient, orientate, orientation, orifice, originate, orthogonal, orthopedics, oscillate, oscilloscope, osmium, osmose, osseous, ossicle, ossify, osteology, out, out-of-bounds, out-of-date, out-of-the-way, outback, outcrop, outdoors, outpatient, outset, outside, ova, ovary, over, over the counter, overboard, overcompensation, overdose, overdraft, overeat, overhead, overreact, overriding, overshoot, overtone, overture, oviduct, oviform, ovoid, owl, ox, oxalate, oxymoron, oxytocin, oyster, oz, ozone layer, paba, pac, pace, pachyderm, pacifism, pack ice, packer, packing, pad, paddle, pager, pagoda, paid, paint, pair, palatine, pale, paleo-, paleontology, palindrome, palladium, palliate, palliative, pallium, pallor, palmate, palp, palpate, palsy, paludism, panacea, pancake, pander, pang, pangaea, pant, pants, pap, papacy, papaverine, paper, papilla, papule, parade, paragraph, parallax, parallel, parallelogram, paralytic, paramedic, paramnesia, paranoid, paraphrase, paraplegia, paraquat, parasitism, parcel, pardon, pare, parenchyma, parent, parental, paresthesia, pariah, parkinson's disease, parliament, parody, paroxysm, parthenogenesis, participle, particle physics, particular, parting shot, partnership, parturient, parturition, party, party line, pas, pascal, passage, passive, passivism, passover, past, past master, paste, pasteur, pasteurization, pasteurize, pastille, pastor, pastoral, pasture, pat, patent, patent medicine, paternal, paternity, path, pathfinder, pathogenic, patience, patient, patriarchy, patron saint, patronage, patulous, paul, pauling, paunch, paunchy, pavement, pavlov, pay, payback, payoff, pb, pcb, pd, pe, pea, peace, peacock, peasant, peat, peat moss, peccant, pecking order, pectoral, pederast, pedestal, pedicle, pedigree, pediment, peel, peg, pegasus, pelagic, pell-mell, pellagra, pellet, pellicle, pellucid, pelvic inflammatory disease, pen, penance, penchant, pencil, pendulum, penicillium, penny, pension, pentose, penumbra, peonage, people, pepsin, peptide, per, per capita, per diem, perceive, percept, perception, perceptive, perceptual, perchlorate, percolate, percuss, perennial, perfectionism, perforate, perforated, perforation, pericardium, pericarp, periderm, perineum, periodic, peripheral nervous system, periphery, periscope, perish, peritonitis, permafrost, permanganate, permeability, permeable, permeate, pernicious, perseus, perseveration, persistence, persona, personal property, personality disorder, perspiration, perspire, pert, perturbation, pertussis, perversion, perverted, pes, pest, pestiferous, pestilence, pestilential, pestle, peta-, petal, peter, petri dish, petrochemical, petroleum, petrous, phagocyte, phantasm, phantasmagoria, phantom, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutics, pharmacist, pharmacology, pharmacopoeia, pharmacy, pharyngitis, phenanthrene, phenobarbital, phenol, phenolphthalein, phenomenon, phenotype, phenyl, phenylketonuria, pheromone, philosopher, philosophy, phlebotomy, phlegmatic, phlogiston, phobia, phoenix, phon, phoneme, phonetic, phonetics, phosgene, phosphate, photic, photochemistry, photoelectric, photogenic, photomicrograph, photoperiod, photosynthesis, phrase, phrenic, phthalein, phthisis, physic, physical chemistry, physician, physiognomy, physiography, physique, pia mater, pianissimo, piano, pianoforte, piazza, pica, pick, pickle, pickup, picnic, picric acid, picture, pie, piece, piedmont, pigeon, pigmentation, piliferous, pillar, pin money, pincers, pinch, pink, pinkie, pip, pipe dream, piperazine, pisces, pistil, piston, pitcher, pituitary gland, pity, place, placer, plafond, plagiarism, plain sailing, plaintiff, plan, planetoid, plank, plant, plantigrade, plasmid, plasmolysis, plaster, plaster cast, plaster of paris, plastic, plasticity, plastid, plateau, platelet, platter, play, plea, please, pleasure principle, plebiscite, plenty, pleonasm, plethora, pleurisy, plexus, plica, plicate, plication, plot, plug-in, plumage, plumb line, plumbic, plume, plumule, plunge, plural, pluralism, pluto, pluvial, pluviometer, pms, pneumoconiosis, pneumothorax, pock, pocket money, pockmark, poet laureate, pogrom, point of no return, point of view, poison gas, poisonous, poke, poker, polarize, policeman, polish, political science, politics, pollination, pollute, polonium, poly, polyandry, polybasic, polyembryony, polygamy, polygraph, polyphagia, polyphyletic, polytheism, polytypic, polyunsaturated, polyvalent, pome, pomp, pons, pontiff, pony, pony express, pool, pop-up, pope, popliteal, popper, poppy, porcine, pork barrel, pornography, porosity, position, positivism, possessive, possible, possum, posterior, posthaste, posture, pot, potassium, potato, potbelly, potency, potent, potential, potential energy, potion, potluck, pouch, poultice, pox, pr, practitioner, prairie, praseodymium, preach, precedent, preceptor, precession, precipitant, precognition, precursor, predator, predestination, predicate, predispose, predisposition, preemie, prefix, pregnant, prehension, prejudice, premature, premier, premium, prep, preparation, prescribe, prescription, presence of mind, presentation, preservative, press, preteen, pretty, preventive, price, price fixing, pride, priest, prima donna, primal, prime, prime minister, prime mover, primer, primogeniture, primordial, primordium, primrose path, principal, print, prismatic, private, private parts, private sector, pro, pro forma, probe, problem, proboscis, procedure, process, processor, procreate, proctology, procumbent, productive, productivity, progenitor, progeny, progesterone, prognathous, prognostic, prognosticate, programming language, progression, progressive, prohibition, project, prolactin, prolapse, prolepsis, proletariat, proliferate, proliferation, prop, propaganda, propagate, propane, propeller, prophase, prophet, prophylactic, prophylaxis, propulsion, propyl, propylene, prostrate, protagonist, protean, protease, protectorate, protein, proteomics, proteus, protist, protium, protoplast, prototype, protract, protractile, protraction, protrude, protrusion, protuberant, proud, prove, proverb, providence, proximal, proximate, proxy, prozac, prune, prussic acid, psa, pseudo, psilocybin, psych, psychic, psycho, psychoactive, psychoanalysis, psychobabble, psychological, psychopathy, psychopharmacology, psychosomatic, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychotropic, psychrometer, pt, ptolemy, ptomaine, ptomaine poisoning, ptyalin, pu, pubescent, pubis, public, pudding, pull, pullback, pulley, pullout, pullover, pulmonary, pulmonary artery, pulsar, pulsate, pulsation, pump priming, pun, punch, punch-drunk, punctate, puncture, punishment, punk, puppy love, purblind, pure, purgation, purgative, purgatory, purge, purpose, purse, purse strings, purulent, pussy, put, put-down, put-on, put-out, putrefy, putrescent, putrid, pylorus, pyramid, pyretic, pyrexia, pyridine, pyrogen, pyrophosphate, pyrosis, pyrrole, qi, quack, quadrate, quadratic, quadriceps, quadrilateral, quadruped, quadruplet, quanta, quantitative analysis, quantum mechanics, quarrel, quarter, quartet, quartz, quasar, quaternion, queasy, quest, question, question mark, quicken, quicksand, quid pro quo, quiet, quill, quinoline, quinone, quintan, quintet, quintuplet, quit, quorum, quotidian, r, rabbi, rabbit, rabid, racemic, racemose, racial, racism, rack, radial, radian, radiance, radiate, radiator, radio, radiogram, radiograph, radius, radon, rag, rage, ragged, ragtime, ragweed, rail, rainfall, raise, ramadan, ramification, ramify, ramjet, rampage, rancid, rank, ransom, rape, raphe, rapport, rapprochement, raptor, rare earth, rash, rather, rational, rationalize, rave, rawboned, razor, re, reach, react, reactionary, reactivate, read, ready, real, real property, realism, reality, realpolitik, rear, reason, reasonable, rebate, reboot, rebound, receiver, recent, receptacle, receptor, recess, recidivism, recipe, recipient, reckon, reconstruction, recorder, rectal, rectangle, rectify, rectilinear, recumbent, recuperate, recur
5 recurrent, red blood cell, red carpet, red tape, red-letter day, redintegration, reduce, redundancy, reduplication, reef, reefer, referendum, refine, refinery, reflect, reflective, reflector, reflexive, reflux, reformation, refract, refrain, refresh, regard, regimen, regional, registrar, regressive, regular, regurgitate, rehab, rehabilitate, rehearsal, rein, reincarnation, reinforce, reins, reject, rejection, relapse, relationship, relax, relaxant, relaxation, relay, relict, relief map, relieve, religion, remedy, remember, remit, reniform, rennin, reparation, repellent, repetitive strain injury, repletion, replicate, replication, repress, repressed, repression, repressive, repressor, reprisal, reproduce, reproductive, reptile, reptilian, republic, republican, repulsion, request, requirement, resect, residence, residency, resident, residual, residue, residuum, resolution, resorption, resort, respect, respirator, respiratory, respiratory system, respire, restorative, restraint, resurrection, resuscitate, retainer, retch, rete, retention, reticulate, retina, retinol, retractile, retraction, retreat, retrenchment, retrieval, retro, retroversion, return, revenue, reversal, reverse osmosis, reversion, revert, revival, revive, revulsion, reward, rf, rh, rh factor, rhetorical question, rheumatic, rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis, rhinoplasty, rhizoid, rhizome, rhodium, rhomboid, rhombus, rhyme, ria, rib cage, riboflavin, ribonucleic acid, ribosome, rich, richards, richter scale, rickets, rid, riddance, ride, rider, ridiculous, rift, right, right angle, right of way, right wing, right-handed, right-on, rigor, rim, ring finger, ringworm, riot, ripe, ripoff, rise, ritual, rivalry, riverine, rn, road, road hog, robbery, rock bottom, rocker, rocket, rococo, rodent, roe, roentgen, role, roll, roman, romance, romanticism, rome, rookery, room, roost, rootstock, rope, rosacea, rose, rosette, rosin, rostrum, rot, rotator, rotator cuff, rotatory, rote, rough, rough-and-ready, rough-and-tumble, roughage, round robin, round trip, roundup, roux, row, royalty, rsvp, ru, rubber, rubber stamp, rubbish, rubdown, rubescent, rubicon, rubidium, rubout, ruby, rudiment, rudimentary, rug, ruin, rumen, run, run-in, run-through, runaround, runaway, rundown, runner, running, runoff, runup, rupture, rust, rut, ruth, ruthenium, rutherford, s, sabin, saccharide, saccharine, sack, sacred cow, sad, sad sack, safe, sagittal, sail, saint, sake, salad days, sale, salicylate, salivate, salk, sallow, salon, salt marsh, salubrious, salutary, salvation, salve, samarium, same, sample, sanative, sanatorium, sanctity, sand bar, sandstorm, sane, sang-froid, sanger, sanguine, sanguineous, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitation, sanity, sap, saponaceous, saponin, sapphire, sarcasm, sardine, sars, sat, satire, saturation, saturation point, saturn, saturnine, satyr, satyriasis, sauce, save, savoir-faire, saw, sb, sc, scabby, scabies, scald, scalp, scalpel, scaly, scan, scandium, scapegoat, scapula, scar, scarce, scarcity, scare, scarfskin, scarify, scarp, scatter, scattering, scavenger, scene, scent, schedule, schema, scheme, schism, schizo, schizoid, schizophrenic, school, sciatica, science fiction, scintillation, scion, sclera, scleroderma, sclerotic, scoliosis, score, scoria, scout, scrambler, scratch, screw, scruple, scurf, se, sea anemone, sea breeze, sea legs, sea level, search, search engine, seasonal affective disorder, seat, seaweed, sec, secession, second best, second childhood, second class, second fiddle, second nature, second sight, second wind, secondhand, secret, secret service, secretary of state, section, sector, secular, security, sedate, sedation, sedimentary, sedition, see, see-through, seedling, seek, segment, segmentation, seiche, seismic, seismology, seize, selection, selenium, self, self-control, self-examination, self-love, self-reliance, sell, sell-off, sellout, semiconductor, seminal, send-off, send-up, senescent, senile, seniority, sensation, sensibility, sensitive, sensitivity, sensitize, sensorium, sensual, sepal, septic, septum, sequel, sequela, sequestration, sere, serf, serious, serotonin, serous, serpent, serpentine, serrate, serration, serve, service, sessile, session, set-to, seta, setback, setup, seven, sex chromosome, sex-linkage, sexism, sexual intercourse, sexual reproduction, sexual selection, sexuality, sg, sh, shadow, shaft, shake, shake-up, shakedown, shaker, shame, shanghai, shank, shape, share, sharp, shave, shear, sheep, sheet, sheet lightning, shelf ice, shell, shell shock, shellacking, shibboleth, shift, shilling, shin, shinbone, shine, shingle, shirt, shoal, shock therapy, shock wave, shoe, shooting star, shop, short, short haul, short-winded, shortage, shortsighted, shortwave, shotgun, shoulder blade, shout, shove, show-off, shower, shrift, shrub, shunt, shut, shut-in, shutdown, shutoff, shutout, shy, si, sib, sibilant, sibling, sic, sick bay, sick headache, sickle, sickness, sickroom, side, side chain, side street, sidereal, sideways, sids, siemens, sierra, sievert, sigma, sigmoid, sign language, sign-off, signal, signature, silent majority, silica, silicate, sill, silver lining, simian, simile, simon-pure, simple, simulation, sine qua non, sinew, single, singleton, singular, singularity, sinister, sinistral, sinker, sinkhole, sinking fund, sioux, sit, sit-down, sit-in, situation, sitz bath, six, size, skate, skew, skid, skin-deep, skinner, skip, skullcap, slag, slam dunk, slang, slaughter, sleepover, sleet, sleight of hand, slice, slight, slime, slip, slip-up, slow, slow burn, slowdown, slush fund, sly, sm, smack, small, small fry, small hours, small print, small talk, small time, smart aleck, smart set, smear, smelling salts, smelt, smile, smoking gun, smooth, smut, sn, snag, snail mail, snap, snappy, snare, sneeze, snit, snore, snuffle, so long, soap opera, sob, socialism, socialization, society, socket, soda, sodium, sodium chloride, sodomy, soft, soft pedal, softwood, solar, solar plexus, sole, solidarity, solipsism, solute, some, somehow, somewhere, somnambulism, somniferous, somnolent, son, sonar, song, song and dance, sonic, sonic barrier, sonic boom, sonnet, soon, soot, sopor, soporific, soprano, sorrow, sorry, sort, sought-after, soul, sound barrier, sound bite, soup, south, sovereignty, sow, space-time, spade, spain, span, spare, spark, sparkplug, sparring partner, spasm, spasmodic, spathe, spatial, spawn, spay, spec, specialist, specialize, specialty, specific, specimen, spectral, spectrometer, spectroscope, speculum, speech, spell, spend, spermatogenesis, spermatogonium, sphere, spherical, sphincter, sphinx, spice, spick-and-span, spicule, spider, spill, spin-off, spina bifida, spinal, spinal column, spinous, spiral, spirillum, spit and polish, spite, spittle, splashdown, splice, splint, split, split second, split ticket, splitting, spoil, spongy, spool, spoon, sporadic, sporangium, sporogony, sporozoite, spotlight, spotted fever, sprain, spray, spreadsheet, spring, spring chicken, spud, sputum, squall, square root, squeeze, squint, sr, ss, ssri, stab, stability, stabilize, staccato, staff, stag, stage fright, stage whisper, stagflation, staging, stain, staircase, stake, stakeout, stammer, stamp, stamping ground, stand, stand-down, stand-up, standard, standard model, standby, standing order, standoff, standout, stannous, stanza, stapes, stars and stripes, start, startup, starvation, starve, state of the art, statics, statin, stature, stay, staying power, stead, steady, steal, stearate, steer, stein, stele, stellar, stenosis, step, step-up, steppe, stereo, stereoscope, sterile, sterilize, stern, sternum, sternutation, stethoscope, stew, stick, stickup, stiff, still, stillbirth, stink, stir, stirrup, stitch, stock exchange, stock market, stoke, stokes, stomachache, stomachic, stone age, stone-deaf, stood, stop, store, story, straight, straight-out, straitjacket, strangeness, strangle, strangulate, strap, stratigraphy, straw, straw man, strawberry mark, stream of consciousness, streaming, street, strength, stretch, stretcher, striate, stricture, stride, stridulous, string, strip, strobe, strong, strontium, structure, strung-out, strychnine, stuff, stumbling block, stump, stupor, sty, style, stylet, subaqueous, subconscious, subcutaneous, subduction, subjacent, subjective, subkingdom, sublimate, subliminal, suborder, subpoena, subscription, subset, subsidy, subsoil, substrate, substratum, substructure, subtraction, succession, succinate, succulent, sucker, suction, suctorial, sudden, sudoriferous, suffer, suffix, suffocate, suffrage, suffragist, suggestible, suggestion, suicidal, suicide, suit, suitcase, suite, sulfa drug, sulfur, sum, summation, summertime, sunbelt, sundry, sunny side, sunscreen, super, superficial, superficies, superior, superlative, supernumerary, superscription, superstructure, supine, supper, support, suppose, suppository, suppress, suppression, suppurate, suppuration, supra, supraliminal, sure, sure thing, surf, surge, surgeon, surgery, surplus, surprise, surrogate, surtax, surveillance, susceptible, suspicion, suture, swab, swamp, swan song, swath, sway, sweatshop, sweep, sweet, sweetness and light, swelling, swim, swim bladder, swine, switch, swoop, sword, sycosis, symbolism, sympathetic, sympathy, symphony, synagogue, synchronism, synchronous, syncope, synergetic, synergism, synergist, synergistic, synergy, synesthesia, syntax, synthesis, synthesize, syringe, syrup, systemic, systole, syzygy, t cell, tab, tabes, tablature, table salt, tableland, tablet, tabular, tachycardia, tack, tactual, tad, tail end, tailspin, take, take-in, takedown, takeoff, takeover, tale, talk, tall, talon, tampon, tan, tango, tank
5 tantalum, tantrum, tape, taproot, tarantula, tariff, tarn, tarsal, tartar, tartrate, task, tattoo, taurus, taxation, taxon, tb, tc, tea, tear gas, tearing, tease, technician, technique, technology, tectonic, tegmen, tele, telegraph, telemetry, tell, telluric, tellurium, telomerase, telophase, temp, temperament, temperance, tempo, tenacious, tendril, tenor, tense, tensor, tent, teratology, terbium, termite, ternary, terpene, terra, terra firma, terrace, terrestrial, territoriality, terror, terrorism, tertian, testes, testicle, tether, tetralogy, tetter, thalassic, thales, thalidomide, thallium, thallus, thank, theca, theme, theobromine, theocracy, theologian, theology, theophylline, theoretical, therapeutic, therapeutics, thesis, thickness, thigh, thin, thing, thinking, thio, third, third degree, third rail, third world, thirst, thomas, thor, thoracic, thorium, thorn, those, thousand, thread, threat, threshold, thrill, thriller, throb, throe, thrombin, throne, through, throw, throwaway, throwback, thrush, thrust, thumbs-up, thundercloud, thunderstorm, thymine, thyroid, ti, ticket, tidal, tidal wave, tidemark, tidewater, tie-in, tie-up, tight, time bomb, timeout, tinct, tincture, tine, tinker, tinnitus, tip, tipoff, tiptoe, tired, titanic, titanium, titer, tithe, titration, tl, tm, to-and-fro, toast, today, toga, together, token, told, tolerate, toll, tom, tomentum, tomorrow, ton, tone, tongue-tie, tonicity, tonus, top, top dog, top drawer, topical, topology, torch, torpid, torpor, torrid, torso, tortuosity, tortuous, torus, toss, touchdown, tough, tour de force, tow, toward, towel, tower, town, toxemia, toxicant, toxicology, trace element, tracer, trachoma, tracing, track, trade, tragedy, trail, train, trajectory, trance, trans, transfer, transference, transfuse, transgender, transgression, transit, transition, translate, translucent, transmission, transmit, transmutation, transparent, transpiration, transport, transposition, transposon, transsexual, transverse, transvestite, trap, trapezium, traumatism, tread, trematode, tremulous, trench, trench warfare, trepan, trephine, trepidation, triad, triage, trial, tribe, tributary, trick, tricuspid, trigger, trigger-happy, trigonal, trigonometry, trinitrotoluene, trip, triplet, trismus, trisomy, tritium, triturate, trituration, trivalent, trna, trolley, trooper, tropic, trot, trouble, trough, trowel, troy, truck, true, true blue, trump, trump card, trumpet, truncate, trunk, truss, trust, truth, truth-value, tryout, trypanosome, trypsin, tryptophan, tsetse fly, tsh, tubercle, tubercular, tuberculate, tuberculous, tuberosity, tuck, tucker, tug of war, tumble, tumefaction, tumefy, tumescent, tumid, tune, tune-up, tungsten, tunic, turbid, turbine, turbojet, turbulence, turgid, turgor, turn, turnaround, turndown, turnoff, turnout, turnover, turquoise, turtle, tusk, twice, twinge, twinkling, twitch, two, tympanic membrane, tympanum, tympany, tyrosine, tête-à-tête, udder, ufo, ugly, uhf, ulcerate, ulcerous, ultimatum, ultra, ultrasonic, ultraviolet, umbilical, umbilical cord, umbilicate, umbra, uncalled-for, uncertain, uncertainty principle, uncle, unconformity, unction, unctuous, under, under-the-table, underage, undercover, underdeveloped, underground railroad, undershoot, understand, understatement, undertow, underway, underweight, unguent, unguis, ungulate, unheard-of, unicellular, unicorn, unified field theory, unilateral, unisexual, unison, unit, univalent, universe, unlikely, unsanitary, unsaturated, unseen, unstable, unstuck, until, untimely, unto, unwritten law, up, up-front, upload, upon, upper hand, upright, uproar, ups and downs, upstairs, urban renewal, urea, ureter, uric acid, urinal, urinalysis, url, urology, urticaria, use, used, usual, usury, utilitarianism, utricle, uvula, vaccinate, vacuum tube, vain, valetudinarian, valium, valley, value judgment, vanadium, vanilla, vanish, vaporization, vaporize, vaporizer, variable, variance, variant, variation, varicella, variola, variolate, vary, vas, vascular, vassal, vaudeville, vegan, vegetal, vegetarian, vehicle, velum, velvet, venation, veneer, venereal, vengeance, venter, ventilation, ventilator, ventricle, venture, venule, venus, verb, vermicular, vermin, verminous, verruca, vertebra, vertebral column, vertical, vertiginous, very, vesalius, vesta, vested interest, vestige, veto, vhf, viable, vibration, vicarious, victor, victory, view, villous, vinculum, vine, vinegar, vinyl, violin, vip, viral, virgil, virgin, virginity, virgo, virile, virtue, virulent, vis-à-vis, visceral, viscid, vision, visit, visual, vital, vitality, viviparous, vocal, vocal cords, voice box, void, volition, volley, volumetric, voluntary, volute, voodoo, voucher, voyage, voyeur, voyeurism, vulnerary, wadi, wag, wagon, waist, wait, wale, walk-through, walker, walkover, wall street, wallace, wallop, wampum, wan, wanderlust, wane, want, war, warm, warm-blooded, warmup, warp, warpath, warranty, washed-out, washed-up, washout, washup, wasting, waterfall, waterfront, waterworks, watery, watson, wattage, way, wayside, weak, weakness, weal, wean, wear and tear, weather map, webbing, weber, wedding, wedge, wedlock, weigh-in, welch, welcome, welfare, well-off, well-preserved, wellness, welt, wen, west, wet, wet nurse, wetland, whack, whatever, wheal, wheel, wheeze, whelk, wherefore, whether, whipping boy, whirl, whirlpool, whisker, whisper, whistle, white, white blood cell, white feather, white-collar, whitehead, whittle, whole blood, whole hog, whole number, wholesale, whoop, wide-awake, wide-open, widow, wig, wild, wildfire, wilkins, willies, willing, wimp, win, wind tunnel, windfall, windmill, windstorm, windup, wipe, wipeout, wiring, wiry, wisdom tooth, wish, wit, witchcraft, within, without, wives, wobble, wolf, wolfram, wonder, woo, wood, wood alcohol, woodstock, wool, workaholic, working class, workout, world, wormhole, worn-out, worse, worst, worth, would, wrack, wrap, wrap-up, wrench, wringer, wrist, write, write-down, write-in, write-off, write-up, wrong, wu, xanthine, xe, xenon, xylem, xylitol, y, yarn, yawn, yb, year, yellow fever, yellows, yen, yesterday, yield, yoke, yolk sac, yom kippur, yon, ytterbium, yttrium, zeitgeist, zenith, zephyr, zeus, zircon, zirconium, zit, zn, zoning, zr, zygomorphic
4 'd, 'tween, -cide, -ite, -itis, -oid, -ose, -osis, -yl, a, a cappella, a priori, a.k.a., aardvark, ab, abaca, abacus, abaft, abalone, abampere, abandon, abandoned, abase, abash, abashed, abate, abatement, abattoir, abaxial, abbess, abbey, abbot, abbreviate, abbé, abdicate, abdominal, abduction, abductor, abecedarian, abed, aberdeen, abet, abeyance, abhor, abhorrence, abhorrent, abiding, abigail, abiogenesis, abject, abjure, ablaze, able-bodied, abloom, ablution, abnegate, abnormal, abo system, aboard, abode, abolish, abolition, abolitionism, abomasum, abominable, abominate, abomination, aboriginal, aborigine, abortifacient, aboulia, abound, about, abracadabra, abraxas, abreast, abridge, abridgment, abroad, abrogate, abrupt, abscissa, abscond, absent, absent-minded, absentee, absolute, absolute humidity, absolute monarchy, absolutely, absolution, absolutism, absolve, absorbed, absorber, absorbing, absorptive, absquatulate, abstain, abstemious, abstention, abstracted, abstruse, absurd, abulia, abundance, abundant, abusive, abut, abysm, abysmal, abyss, academe, academia, academic, academician, academy, acanthopterygian, acapulco, acarus, accede, accelerate, accent, accentuate, accept, acceptable, acceptance, acceptant, acceptation, accepted, accessible, accession, accessorize, accessory fruit, accidence, accident, accidental, acclaim, acclamation, acclimatize, acclivity, accolade, accommodating, accompaniment, accompanist, accompany, accomplice, accomplish, accomplished, accomplishment, accordance, accordant, according, accordingly, accordion, accost, accouchement, accountable, accountant, accoutre, accredit, accrual, accrue, acculturation, accumbent, accumulate, accumulation, accumulator, accuracy, accurate, accursed, accusation, accusatorial, accuse, accused, accustom, accustomed, ace inhibitor, acedia, acentric, acerbate, acerbic, acerbity, acetabulum, acetaminophen, acetonuria, acetous, acetyl, acetylsalicylic acid, ach, achieve, achievement, achilles, achilles heel, achilles tendon, achromic, achy, acicula, aciculate, acid rain, acid-fast, acidic, acidophil, acidulate, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acme, acolyte, aconite, acquaint, acquainted, acquiesce, acquire, acquired immunity, acquisitive, acquit, acquittance, acreage, acrimonious, acrimony, acrobat, acrobatics, acrodont, acromegaly, acromion, acrosome, acrostic, act of god, acth, acting, actinide, actinolite, actinomycete, actinomycosis, actionable, activate, activator, active, active duty, active site, active transport, activism, acton, actor, actress, actual, actuality, actualize, actually, actuate, acumen, acupressure, acyl, ad hominem, ad interim, ad valorem, adage, adagio, adam, adamant, adamantine, adams, adapt, adapter, add-on, addend, addendum, adder, addicted, adding machine, addison, additional, addle, address, addressee, adduce, adduct, adenitis, adenoma, adenopathy, adenosine, adenosine monophosphate, adept, adequate, adhere, adherence, adherent, adiabatic, adieu, adios, adipocere, adit, adjacent, adjoin, adjoining, adjourn, adjudge, adjudicate, adjunct, adjure, adjusted, adjustment, adjutant, adjutant general, adler, administer, administrate, administration, administrator, admirable, admiral, admire, admissible, admission, admit, admittedly, admixture, admonish, adnate, adnoun, ado, adobe, adonis, adopt, adorable, adoration, adore, adorn, adrenal, adrenal gland, adrenergic, adrian, adrift, adroit, adscititious, adsorption, adulate, adulation, adulterate, adulteration, adulterer, adulterine, adulterous, adultery, adumbral, adumbrate, adust, advance guard, advanced, advantaged, advantageous, adventitia, adventive, adventure, adventurer, adventurous, adversary, adversative, adverse, adversity, advert, advertence, advertise, advertisement, advertising, advice, advisable, advise, advised, adviser, advisory, advocacy, advocate, adytum, adze, ae, aedes, aegis, aeneas, aeneid, aeolian, aeon, aeonian, aerial, aerie, aeriform, aero, aerobatics, aerobe, aerobiology, aerodrome, aerogram, aerology, aeronaut, aeronautical, aerophagia, aerophobia, aerophyte, aeroplane, aerospace, aery, aeschylus, aesculapian, aesthete, aestheticism, afar, afb, afebrile, affable, affair, affectation, affected, affecting, affectionate, affective disorder, affiance, affiant, affiche, affidavit, affiliate, affirm, affirmation, affirmative, affix, afflatus, afflict, affliction, affluence, affluent, afflux, afford, affray, affricate, affright, affront, afghanistan, aficionado, afield, afire, afl-cio, aflame, afloat, aflutter, afoot, afore, aforementioned, aforesaid, aforethought, aforetime, afoul, afraid, afresh, africa, aft, after, afterglow, afterimage, afterlife, aftermath, aftermost, afternoon, afternoons, afterpiece, afterthought, afterword, afterworld, aga, agamemnon, agape, agaric, agassiz, age-old, aged, agee, ageing, ageism, ageless, agency, agenda, agenesis, agent orange, agent provocateur, agglomerate, agglutinant, aggrandize, aggravate, aggravated, aggress, aggrieve, aggrieved, aghast, agile, agin, aging, agitate, agitation, agitator, agitprop, agleam, aglow, agnail, agnate, agnomen, agnostic, agnosticism, ago, agonize, agony, agora, agoraphobia, agraphia, agrarian, agree, agreeable, agreed, agrestic, agribusiness, agrochemical, agroforestry, aground, ah, aha, ahem, ahoy, aide, aide-de-camp, aigrette, aikido, ail, ailing, aimless, air conditioning, air gun, air hole, air power, air pump, air raid, air rifle, air shaft, airborne, airbus, aircraft, airdrome, airdrop, airfield, airflow, airhead, airily, airiness, airing, airless, airlift, airline, airliner, airmail, airplane, airport, airship, airstream, airstrip, airtight, airy, aisle, ait, ajar, akimbo, akin, akron, al, al dente, al-qaeda, alabama, alabaster, alacrity, alalia, alameda, alamo, alanine, alarm clock, alarmist, alarum, alary, alas, alaska, alate, alb, alba, albania, albany, albatross, albedo, albeit, alberta, albite, album, albumen, albumin, albuquerque, albuterol, alchemist, alcove, ald., aldebaran, alder, alderman, aldose, aldosterone, aldrin, ale, aleatory, alee, alehouse, alembic, alexander the great, alexandria, alexia, alfresco, algebraic, algeria, algid, algiers, algin, algolagnia, alias, alibi, alienate, alienist, alight, align, alignment, alike, alimentary canal, alimony, aliquot, alit, alizarin, alkali metal, alkaline earth, alkalinity, alkalosis, alkene, alky, all clear, all hail, all-around, all-fired, all-important, all-inclusive, all-powerful, all-purpose, all-round, all-time, allah, allay, allegation, allege, alleged, allegedly, allegiance, allegorical, allegorize, allegro, allen, allergic rhinitis, alleviate, alleyway, alliance, allied, allies, alligator, allo-, allocate, allocation, allocution, allograft, allopathy, allopatric, allot, allotment, allow, allowable, allude, allure, alluring, allusive, alluvial, alluvion, almanac, almond, almost, alms, aloe, aloft, aloha, aloin, alongside, aloof, aloud, alp, alpaca, alpenstock, alpha helix, alpha particle, alpha ray, alpha-fetoprotein, alphabet, alphabetical, alpinist, alps, already, alright, als, alt, altair, altar, altar boy, alter, alteration, altercation, alternation of generations, alternative, although, altimeter, altiplano, altitude sickness, altogether, alumina, alumna, alumnus, alvarez, alveolar, alveolate, always, amain, amalgamate, amalgamation, amanita, amanuensis, amaranthine, amass, amateur, amateurish, amative, amatory, amaurosis, amaze, amazement, amazing, amazon, ambassador, ambergris, ambidexterity, ambience, ambiguity, ambiguous, ambit, ambition, ambitious, amble, amblyopia, amboceptor, ambulate, ambuscade, ambush, amelia, ameliorate, amelioration, amenable, amend, amendatory, amendment, amenity, amenorrhea, amerce, americium, ami, amiable, amicable, amice, amicus curiae, amid, amido-, amigo, amine, aminobenzoic acid, aminophylline, amish, amitosis, amity, ammeter, ammo, ammoniac, ammonite, ammonium carbonate, ammonium chloride, ammunition, amnesiac, amnesty, amoebic, amoeboid, amok, among, amoral, amorist, amoroso, amorous, amount, amour, amour-propre, amoxicillin, amphiarthrosis, amphiaster, amphibious, amphibole, amphibolite, amphibology, amphimixis, amphioxus, amphora, amphoric, ample, amplify, amply, amputee, amrita, amsterdam, amu, amuck, amulet, amuse, amusement, amusia, amusing, amygdalin, amygdaline, amygdaloid, amylaceous, amylum, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ana, anabasis, anabolic steroid, anachronism, anadem, anadromous, anaerobe, anaesthesia, anagram, analects, analeptic, analgesia, analogue, analyze, analyzer, anamnestic, anamorphosis, anaphrodisiac, anaphylactic shock, anarch, anarchist, anarchy, anarthria, anasarca, anastomose, anastomosis, anathema, anathematize, anatomist, anaxagoras, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, anchor, anchorite, ancient, ancient history, anciently, ancon, andalusite, anderson, andes, andesine, andesite, andiron, andromeda, ane, anecdotal, anecdote, anemic, anemophilous, anent, aneroid barometer, anesthetist, anesthetize, anew, angary, angel, angel dust, angelic, angels, angiogram, angiography, angiotensin, angle iron, angling, angola, angry, anguish, anguished, angular, angulation, animadversion, animadvert, animal husbandry, animalcule, animalism, animality, animalize, animate, animated, animator, animism, animosity, ankara, anklet, ankylosis, anlace, anlage, annal, annals, annapolis, anneal, annelid, annex, annexation, annihilate, annihilation, anniversary, annotate, annotation, announce, announcement, announcer, annoy, annoyance, annoying, annul, annulate, annulment, annus mirabilis, anode, anoint, anomalous, anonym, anonymous, anopheles, anorak, anorexic, anorthite, anorthosite, anoxia, answerable, ant, ant bear, antagonistic, antagonize, antarctic circle, antarctica, antecede, antecedence, antechamber, antedate, antediluvian, antelope, antenatal, anteroom, anteversion, anthelmintic, anthem, anther, antheridium, antherozoid, anthill, anthology, anthracene, anthracosis, anthraquinone, anthropocentric, anthropogenesis, anthropogenic, anthropoid ape, anthropomorphic, anthropophagi, anti-semitism, antibiosis, antic, anticipant, anticipate, anticipation, anticlimax
4 anticlinal, anticline, anticonvulsant, anticyclone, antidiuretic hormone, antiemetic, antifebrile, antigone, antihelix, antihero, antimalarial, antinode, antinomy, antipathetic, antipathy, antiperspirant, antiphlogistic, antiphon, antipode, antipsychotic, antipyretic, antiquarian, antiquary, antiquate, antiquated, antique, antiquity, antiracism, antiscorbutic, antistrophe, antithesis, antithetical, antitragus, antiviral, antler, antonym, antre, antsy, anuran, anuria, anxiolytic, anxious, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anyplace, anyway, anywhere, anywheres, anywise, ap, apace, apartment, apatite, apc, ape, aperient, apery, apgar score, aphakia, aphelion, aphid, aphoristic, aphotic, aphrodite, apiarist, apiary, apices, apiece, apish, aplanatic, aplastic anemia, aplenty, aplomb, apnea, apo, apocalyptic, apocrypha, apocryphal, apodal, apoenzyme, apolipoprotein, apollo, apologetic, apologetics, apologia, apologist, apologize, apologue, apology, apomorphine, aponeurosis, apophthegm, apophysis, aposiopesis, apostasy, apostate, apostatize, apostrophize, apothecaries' weight, apothecium, apothegm, apotheosis, apotheosize, appal, appalachia, appalling, appanage, apparatchik, apparel, apparent, apparently, apparition, appeal, appealing, appear, appease, appellant, appellation, appellative, append, appendectomy, appendicular, apperceive, appertain, appetence, appetizer, appetizing, applaud, applause, apple of discord, apple of one's eye, apple-pie order, apples, applesauce, applicable, applicant, applicator, applicatory, applied, appliqué, apply, appoggiatura, appoint, appointee, appointive, apportion, appose, apposite, appraise, appreciable, appreciate, appreciation, appreciative, apprehend, apprehensible, apprehension, apprehensive, apprentice, appressed, apprise, approach, approachable, approbate, approbation, appropriate, approve, approximately, appulse, appurtenance, appurtenant, apraxia, apricot, april, april fool, apriorism, apron strings, apropos, apse, apsis, apt, aptitude, aqua, aqua vitae, aquamarine, aquarium, aquila, aquiline, ar, arabesque, arabia, arable, arachnophobia, aragonite, ararat, arb, arbalest, arbiter, arbitrament, arbitrary, arbitrate, arboreous, arborescent, arboretum, arboriculture, arborization, arbovirus, arc light, arcade, arcane, archaeopteryx, archaic, archaism, archbishop, archdeacon, archdiocese, archduchess, archduke, archean, arched, archegonium, archenemy, archenteron, archeozoic, archer, archery, archetypal, archfiend, architect, architectonic, architectonics, architecture, archive, archivist, archpriest, archway, arctic circle, arcturus, ardent, ards, arduous, arena, ares, arg, argent, argentina, argil, argillite, argosy, argot, arguable, argue, argufy, argumentation, argumentative, argus, argyrol, aria, ariel, arioso, arise, aristocrat, aristocratic, aristophanes, arithmetic progression, arizona, ark, arkansas, arkose, armadillo, armageddon, armament, armature, armband, armchair, armed, armed forces, armenia, armistice, armlet, armoire, armory, army, aroma, aromatize, arose, arouse, arpeggio, arraign, arrange, arrangement, arrant, arras, arresting, arrhenius, arrival, arrive, arriviste, arrogant, arrogate, arrow, arsenal, arsenical, arson, arsphenamine, art, art music, artemis, arterial, arteritis, artesian well, artful, arthralgia, arthrodia, arthroplasty, article, articled, articular, articulated, artifice, artificer, artificial, artificial insemination, artificial respiration, artillery, artilleryman, artiodactyl, artisan, artist, artiste, artistic, artistry, artless, arts and crafts, artwork, arty, aryl, arytenoid, asa, asbestosis, ascend, ascendancy, ascendant, ascending, ascension, ascent, ascertain, ascetic, ascites, ascocarp, ascorbate, ascot, ascribe, ascription, asd, ase, asexual reproduction, ash, ash wednesday, ashamed, ashcan, ashen, ashlar, ashore, ashy, asia, asia minor, asinine, askew, asking price, aslant, aspartic acid, aspen, aspergillus, asperity, asperse, aspersion, asphyxiant, aspirant, aspirate, aspirator, aspire, ass, assail, assailant, assassin, assassinate, assault, assault and battery, assegai, assemble, assembler, assembly, assent, assert, assertion, assertive, assess, assessor, asseverate, asshole, assiduity, assiduous, assign, assignation, assignee, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, assisted living, assize, associate, assonance, assort, assorted, assuage, assume, assumed, assuming, assumpsit, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, assurgent, astatic, astatine, asterisk, asterism, astern, asthenia, asthenopia, asthmatic, astigmatic, astir, astonish, astonishing, astonishment, astound, astounding, astraddle, astride, astrocyte, astrolabe, astronomer, astronomical, astronomical unit, astronomical year, astute, asunder, asymmetric, asymptote, asyndeton, ataraxia, atelier, atheist, athena, athenaeum, athens, atheroma, athirst, athlete, athletic, athletics, athwart, atlanta, atlantes, atlantis, atmometer, atomic clock, atomic energy, atomic mass unit, atomic pile, atonal, atony, atop, atrabilious, atresia, atrocious, atrocity, atrophied, attached, attachment, attain, attainment, attaint, attar, attempt, attend, attendant, attendee, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, attentive, attest, atticism, attire, attitudinize, attorney, attorney-at-law, attract, attractive, attribute, attributive, attune, aubade, auberge, auburn, auckland, auction, auctioneer, audacious, audible, audience, audio frequency, audiogram, audiology, audiometer, auditor, auditorium, auditory nerve, audubon, auger, aught, augite, augment, augmentation, augur, augury, august, augustine, augustus, aunt, aureate, auriferous, auriga, aurignacian, auriscope, aurora, aurora borealis, aurous, aurum, auschwitz, auscultation, auspice, auspicious, austere, austerity, austin, australia, austria, autarchy, authentic, authenticate, author, authoring, authoritarian, authoritative, authority, authorize, authorship, autoantibody, autocatalysis, autochthon, autocrat, autocratic, autogiro, autograft, autograph, autography, autohypnosis, autoimmune, autoimmune disease, autointoxication, autolysin, autolysis, automata, automate, automatic, automation, automatism, automaton, automobile, autonomous, autonomy, autopilot, autotomy, autumn, autumnal, autumnal equinox, av, available, avant-garde, avarice, ave, avenge, avenue, aver, averroës, averse, avert, avery, aviary, aviate, aviation, aviator, avid, avidity, avocation, avogadro, avogadro's law, avoid, avoidance, avouch, avow, avulsion, avuncular, aw, await, awake, awakening, award, aware, awash, awe, awe-inspiring, awesome, awestruck, awful, awfully, awhile, awkward, awl, awning, awoke, awol, awry, axelrod, axenic, axes, axil, axile, axiomatic, axle, ayah, aye, ayurveda, azerbaijan, azimuth, azores, azurite, b complex, b lymphocyte, b-movie, baa, babbage, babbitt, babble, babbler, babe, baboon, babushka, baby boom, baby carriage, baby grand, baby-sit, babylon, baccalaureate, baccate, bacchant, bacchus, bachelor, bacillary, back burner, back country, back out, back-pedal, backache, backbite, backboard, backbreaking, backdrop, backed, backer, backfire, background, backhanded, backing, backlash, backlog, backpack, backseat driver, backside, backslapping, backslide, backstage, backstairs, backstop, backsword, backtrack, backwash, backwoods, backwoodsman, backyard, bacteriophage, bad blood, bad faith, bad news, bad-mouth, bad-tempered, badass, bade, badge, badger, badinage, badlands, badly, baffle, bag lady, bagatelle, baggage, bagging, baggy, baghdad, bagman, bagnio, baguette, bahamas, bahaʾi, bahrain, bailiff, bailiwick, bailout, bairn, bait-and-switch, bake, baker, bakery, baking powder, baksheesh, bal, balance of power, balance of trade, balance wheel, balanced, balancer, balcony, baldachin, balderdash, baldheaded, bale, balefire, baleful, balfour, bali, balk, balky, ball bearing, ball lightning, ball of fire, ball valve, ball-and-socket joint, balladry, ballast, ballista, ballistic, ballistics, ballocks, ballot box, ballpark, ballroom, ballsy, ballyhoo, balmy, baloney, balsa, baluster, balustrade, bambino, bamboozle, ban, bananas, banausic, band-aid, bandanna, bandbox, bandeau, banderilla, banderillero, banderole, bandicoot, bandit, bandore, bandstand, bandwagon, bandy, bane, baneful, banger, bangkok, bangladesh, bangle, bani, banish, banjo, bank account, bank draft, bank holiday, bank note, bank rate, bankable, banker, banking, bankroll, bankrupt, banks, banner, banneret, bannerol, banns, banquet, bans, banshee, bant, bantam, banter, bantling, banzai, baptism, baptism of fire, baptize, bar sinister, barbados, barbarian, barbaric, barbarism, barbarity, barbarize, barbarous, barbate, barbecue, barbed wire, barbell, barbellate, barber, barber's itch, barbershop, barbican, barcelona, barcode, bard, bardeen, bare, barefaced, barefoot, barely, barf, barfly, barge, barite, barker, barley, barm, barmy, barn dance, barnstorm, barnyard, baro-, barograph, baron, baroness, baronet, barong, baronial, baroreceptor, barouche, barrack, barrage, barratry, barrel vault, barrette, barricade, barrier reef, barring, barrio, barrister, barroom, barrow, bartender, barton, baryon, basal metabolic rate, basal metabolism, basanite, baseball, baseborn, baseless, basement, bases, bash, bashful, basically, basicity, basidiospore, basilar, basilisk, basipetal, bask, basket star, basketball, basophil, bass drum, bass viol, basset, bassinet, bassoon, baste, bastinado, basting, bastion, bat mitzvah, batch, bate, bateau, bathe, bathetic, bathing suit, batholith, bathometer, bathos, bathrobe, bathroom, bathsheba, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, batman, batrachian, bats, batt, battalion, batten, batter, batting, battle cry, battle fatigue, battle line, battle royal, battlefield, battlement, battleship, batty, bauble, baud, bauhaus, bauxite, bavaria, bawd, bawdry, bawdy, bawl, bay window, bayonet, bazaar, bazooka, bbs, bc, beachcomber, beacon, beaded, beading, beadle, beadledom, beagle, beak, beanery, beanie, beanpole, beanstalk, bear hug, bearable, beardless, bearer, bearing, bearish, beast, beastie, beastly, beaten, beatific, beatify, beating, beatitude, beatnik, beau, beau ideal, beau monde, beaut, beauteous, beautician




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