

单词 _TabCounts2(>=4)
Tabs Headwords
4 beautiful, beautify, beauty sleep, beauty spot, beaux, bebop, became, beckon, becloud, becoming, bed and board, bed linen, bedaub, bedchamber, bedclothes, bedding, bedeck, bedevil, bedew, bedfast, bedfellow, bedim, bedizen, bedlam, bedlamite, bedraggle, bedraggled, bedroom, bedsore, bedspread, bedstead, bedtime, bedwetting, beefcake, beefy, beehive, beekeeper, beelzebub, beep, beer, beeswax, beet, beetle, beeves, befall, befit, befog, beforehand, beforetime, befoul, befriend, befuddle, began, begat, beget, beggar, beggarly, beggary, beginner, beginning, begird, begone, begot, begotten, begrudge, beguile, beguiling, begun, behave, behaviorism, behead, beheld, behemoth, behest, behind-the-scenes, behindhand, behold, beholden, behring, beige, beijing, beirut, belated, belay, beldam, beleaguer, belemnite, belfast, belgium, belgrade, belie, belief, belittle, bellboy, belle, belles-lettres, bellhop, bellicose, belligerence, belligerency, belligerent, bellini, bellman, bellow, bellows, bellwether, belly laugh, bellyful, belonging, beloved, below, belting, beltway, beluga, belvedere, bemean, bemoan, bemuse, bemused, ben, benadryl, benchmark, bend sinister, bender, bends, bendy, beneath, benedict, benediction, benefaction, benefactor, benefic, benefice, beneficence, beneficent, beneficial, benevolence, benevolent, benighted, benignant, benignity, benison, benny, bent, benton, benumb, benzaldehyde, benzene ring, benzine, benzocaine, benzodiazepine, benzoic acid, benzoin, beowulf, bequeath, bequest, berate, berberine, berceuse, bereave, bereaved, bereavement, bereft, beret, berkeley, berkelium, berlin, bermuda, bernoulli, berserk, bertha, berzelius, beseech, beseem, beset, besetting, beside, besides, besiege, besmear, besmirch, besom, besotted, besought, bespatter, bespeak, bespoke, besprinkle, best man, bestial, bestiary, bestir, bestow, bestrew, bestride, bestseller, beta particle, beta ray, betatron, bethe, bethink, bethought, betide, betimes, betoken, betray, betroth, betrothal, betrothed, better-off, betterment, betwixt, bevel, beverage, bevy, bewail, beware, bewhiskered, bewilder, bewildering, bewitch, bezoar, bezonian, bhagavad-gita, bhang, biannual, bias, bib, bib and tucker, bibb, bibber, bibelot, bible belt, bibliophile, bibliotheca, bibulous, bicarbonate of soda, bice, bichromate, bicker, bicycle, biddable, bidden, bidding, biddy, bide, bier, biff, biform, big band, big bang theory, big brother, big bucks, big cheese, big deal, big dipper, big game, big gun, big league, big name, big top, big wheel, big-hearted, big-ticket, bigamy, bighead, bigmouth, bigot, bigotry, bigwig, bijou, bike, bikini, bilateral symmetry, bilbo, bile duct, bilge, bilharzia, biliary, biliverdin, bilk, bill of fare, bill of health, bill of rights, bill of sale, billboard, billet, billfold, billhook, billing, billingsgate, billion, billow, billowy, billy, billy the kid, bilocular, bimanual, bimbo, bimonthly, binary digit, binary fission, binary star, binate, binaural, binding, bing, bingle, bingo, binomial nomenclature, bioassay, biochemical oxygen demand, biodiesel, bioenergetics, bioflavonoid, biofuel, biog, biogas, biogeography, bioinformatics, biologic, biological warfare, bioluminescence, biomechanics, biometry, bionics, biopharmaceutical, bioscience, bioterrorism, biotin, biotite, biotope, biotype, biparous, bipartisan, bipinnate, biramous, birch, bird dog, bird of prey, birdcage, birdhouse, birdlime, bireme, biretta, birmingham, birr, birthday, birthing, birthplace, birthright, birthstone, biscuit, bishopric, bismuth, bison, bisque, bistoury, bistro, bit part, bitartrate, bitch, biting, bitters, bittersweet, bitty, bivouac, biweekly, biz, bizarre, blab, blabbermouth, black bile, black book, black box, black flag, black fly, black light, black pudding, black tie, blackboard, blackbody, blacken, blackface, blackguard, blacking, blackjack, blackmail, blacksmith, blacktop, blackwater, blackwell, blah, blamed, blameful, blameless, blameworthy, blanch, bland, blandish, blare, blarney stone, blaspheme, blasphemous, blasphemy, blasted, blastema, blastocyst, blastoderm, blastosphere, blasé, blat, blatant, blather, blatherskite, blazer, blazon, blazonry, bleak, blear, bleary, bleat, bleeding, bleeding heart, bleep, blench, blend, blende, blender, blent, blepharospasm, bless, blessed, blest, blether, blew, blimp, blinder, blindfold, blinding, blindness, blinker, blinking, blip, bliss, blissful, blithe, blithesome, blitz, bloated, bloater, blob, bloc, bloch, blockage, blockbuster, blockhead, blockhouse, blocking, blockish, blocky, blog, bloke, blond, blonde, blood and thunder, blood bank, blood brother, blood feud, blood pudding, blood serum, blood test, blood-brain barrier, bloodbath, bloodcurdling, bloodhound, bloodless, bloodshed, bloodstained, bloodstream, bloodthirsty, bloody-minded, bloom, bloomer, blooming, blooper, blossom, blotchy, blotter, blouse, blow-in, blower, blowgun, blown, blowsy, blowtorch, blowy, blub, blubbery, bludgeon, blue blood, blue book, blue chip, blue ribbon, blue-pencil, blue-sky, bluebeard, blueberry, bluegrass, bluejacket, bluenose, blueprint, bluestocking, bluish, blumberg, blunder, blunderbuss, blunt, blur, blurb, blurt, blusher, bluster, bm, bmi, boa, boar, boarder, boarding, boarding school, boardinghouse, boardwalk, boas, boast, boastful, boat people, boating, boatman, bob, bobbin, bobble, bobby, bobcat, bod, bodacious, bode, bodega, bodice, bodiless, bodily, bodkin, body blow, body image, body language, body mass index, body politic, body snatcher, bodybuilding, bodyguard, boff, boffo, bogart, bogey, bogeyman, boggle, bogie, bogle, bogotá, bogus, bogy, bohemian, bohrium, boiler, boiler room, boilerplate, boiling, boisterous, bola, boldface, bole, bolide, bolivia, boll, bollard, bolo, bologna, bolster, bombard, bombast, bombay, bombed, bomber, bombsight, bon mot, bon ton, bon vivant, bon voyage, bona fides, bonanza, bonbon, bond servant, bondage, bonded, bondholder, bondsman, bone of contention, bone-dry, bonehead, boner, boneyard, bonfire, bong, bonhomie, bonk, bonkers, bonn, bonne bouche, bonny, bonus, bony fish, boo, boo-boo, boob, boodle, boogie, boohoo, book learning, bookcase, bookie, booking, bookish, bookkeeping, booklet, bookmaker, bookmark, bookmobile, bookworm, boole, boom town, boomer, boomerang, boon, boondocks, boondoggle, boor, boorish, booted, booth, bootleg, bootless, bootlick, boots, bootstrap, booty, booze, boozy, bop, borborygmus, bordeaux, bordello, border, borderland, borderline, bordet, boredom, borer, boring, born-again, borne, borneo, borough, borscht, borstal, bort, bose, bosh, bosky, bosomy, boson, bosporus, bossy, boston, botanical, botch, botfly, bother, botheration, bothersome, botox, botryoidal, botswana, bottom feeder, bottomless, bottommost, boudoir, bouffant, bouffe, bough, bougie, bouillon, boulder, boulevard, bouncer, bouncing, bouncy, bound, boundary, bounded, bounden, bounder, boundless, bounteous, bountiful, bounty, bouquet, bourgeois, bourn, bourse, bout, boutique, boutonniere, bovet, bovid, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, bow window, bowdlerize, bowel movement, bower, bowing, bowl, bowler, bowling, bowling alley, bowling green, bowman, bowsprit, bowwow, box seat, box spring, boxer, boxer shorts, boxing, boxing day, boxy, boyfriend, boyhood, boyish, boyle, boyle's law, boötes, bp, bra, bracelet, bracer, brachiopod, brachium, bracing, bracken, bracket, bracketing, bracteole, brad, brady, bradycardia, brag, bragg, braggadocio, braggart, brahe, braid, braiding, braille, brain drain, brain fever, braincase, brainchild, brainless, brainpan, brainpower, brainsick, brainstorm, brainstorming, brainwash, brainy, braise, brake, bramble, brambling, branchial, branchiopod, brand, brand name, brand-new, branded, brandish, brandy, branny, brash, brass band, brassbound, brassie, brassiere, brassy, brasília, brat, bravado, brave, bravo, bravura, brawl, brawn, bray, braze, brazen, brazier, brazil, brb, breach, breach of contract, breach of promise, breadbasket, breadth, breadwinner, break-even, breakage, breakfast, breaking, breakneck, breakoff, breastpin, breaststroke, breastwork, breathed, breather, breathing space, breathless, breathtaking, breathy, breccia, breech delivery, breeches, breeching, breeder reactor, breeding, breezy, bregma, brethren, brevet, breviary, brevity, brew, brewing, briar, bribe, bribery, bric-a-brac, brickbat, brickwork, bridal, bridegroom, bridges, bridging, bridle, briefcase, briefing, brier, brig, brigade, brigadier general, brigand, brigantine, bright-eyed, brighten, brightness, brilliance, brilliant, brimful, brindle, brindled, bring, bringdown, brink, brinkmanship, briny, brio, brisbane, brisk, bristle, britain, britches, british, brittle star, broad-leaved, broad-minded, broadband, broadcast, broaden, broadside, broadsword, broadway, broca, broca's area, brocade, broccoli, brochette, brochure, brogan, brogue, broil, broiler, broken, broken-down, brokenhearted, brokerage, brolly, bromeliad, bromidic, brominate, bromism, bronchial, bronchiectasis, bronchiole, broncho, bronchodilator, bronchopneumonia, bronchoscope, bronco, bronzer, brooch, brooder, broody, brook, brooklet, brooklyn, broomstick, brothel, brother, brother-in-law, brotherhood, brotherly, brought, brouhaha, browbeat, brown rot, brown study, brown-nose, brownfield, brownie, brownout, browse, bruce, brucellosis, bruiser, brumal, brume, brummagem, brunch, brunette, brushed, brushwood, brusque, brussels, brutal, brutalize, brute, brutish, brutus, bruxism, bse, btw, bubbly, buccal, buccaneer, buccinator, bucharest, buck fever, buckaroo, buckboard, bucket shop, buckle, buckler, buckram, buckshot, bucolic, budapest, buddhism, buddy, budge, budget, buffer state, buffet, buffet car, buffon, buffoon, bugaboo, bugbear, buggy, bughouse, bugle, builder
4 building, built-in, built-up, bulbar, bulbous, bulgaria, bulge, bulkhead, bulky, bull session, bulldog, bulldoze, bulldozer, bullet train, bulletin, bulletproof, bullfrog, bullhead, bullheaded, bullhorn, bullion, bullish, bullwhip, bully, bullyrag, bulwark, bum rap, bum's rush, bumble, bumblebee, bummer, bumper, bumpkin, bumpoff, bumptious, bunch, bunco, bundestag, bung, bungalow, bungle, bunk, bunker, bunko, bunkum, bunny, bunsen, bunt, bunting, buoy, buoyant, burble, burden, burden of proof, burdensome, bureau, bureaucratic, burg, burgee, burgeon, burgess, burgher, burglar, burglarize, burglary, burgle, burgomaster, burgoo, burial, burial ground, burke, burlap, burlesque, burly, burma, burner, burnet, burning, burnish, burnsides, burnt, burnt offering, burro, burrow, bursar, bursary, burst, burthen, burundi, bury, bus, busby, bushed, bushing, bushman, bushwhack, bushy, busily, businesslike, businessman, businessperson, businesswoman, busing, buskin, buss, busted, buster, bustier, bustle, busty, busybody, but, butch, butcher, butchery, butler, butt, butterball, buttercup, butterfingers, butterfly, buttermilk, buttery, button-down, buttons, buttress, butylene, butyric acid, buxom, buy, buyback, buyer, buyoff, buyout, buzz, buzzer, buzzword, by-blow, by-play, by-road, by-street, bye, bygone, bylane, bylaw, byron, bystander, byway, byword, c'est la vie, ca', cab, cabal, caballero, cabana, cabaret, cabbage, cabin, cabin cruiser, cabin fever, cabinetmaker, cable, cable car, cable television, cablegram, cabman, caboose, cachinnate, cachinnation, cackle, caco-, cacography, cacophonous, cacophony, cadaverine, caddy, cadence, cadency, cadent, cadet, cadge, caducity, caducous, cae, caecilian, caecum, caesar, caesarean, caesura, cafeteria, caftan, café au lait, cage, cagey, cahoots, cain, cairn, cairo, caisson, caisson disease, caitiff, cajole, cajun, cakewalk, cal, calaboose, calamine, calamitous, calamity, calamus, calash, calcaneus, calcic, calciferol, calcite, calcitonin, calcium carbonate, calculable, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calculous, calcutta, calefacient, calendar, calender, calenture, calf love, calgary, caliber, caliche, calico, california, californium, caliginous, caligula, caliph, calix, call down, call girl, call number, call-in, caller, calligraphy, calling, calling card, calliope, callisto, callosity, callout, callow, calm, calmative, calomel, caloric, calorimeter, calumniate, calumnious, calumny, calvary, calves, calvin, calvinism, calx, calyces, calyptra, camaraderie, camarilla, camber, cambodia, cambrian, cambric, cambridge, camcorder, came, camelot, cameo, cameroon, camion, camisole, campaign, campanile, camper, campestral, campfire, campo, campsite, campus, campy, can, can-do, canaille, canapé, canard, canasta, canberra, cancel, cancellation, candelabrum, candescent, candid, candidate, candied, candlepower, candlestick, candy, candy floss, cane, caning, canister, cankerous, cannabinoid, canned, cannes, cannibal, cannibalize, cannikin, canning, cannon fodder, cannonade, cannonball, cannoneer, cannonry, canny, canon, canoness, canonical, canonist, canonize, canonry, canoodle, canopy, canorous, canst, cant hook, cantaloupe, cantankerous, canteen, canter, canthus, canticle, cantillate, cantina, canton, cantonment, cantor, canula, canvas, canvass, cap and gown, capability, capable, capacious, capacitance, capacitate, caparison, capella, caper, capillaceous, capillarity, capital expenditure, capitalism, capitalist, capitalization, capitalize, capitally, capitol, capitulate, capitulation, capon, capote, cappuccino, capri, capriccio, caprice, capricious, capriole, capsize, capstone, captain, caption, captious, captivate, captive, captivity, captor, capuche, capuchin, caput, car, carabiniere, caracal, caracas, caracole, carafe, caramel, carat, caravan, carb, carbamate, carbide, carbine, carbo, carbolic acid, carbon 14, carbon tetrachloride, carboniferous, carbonize, carboxyl, carboxylase, carcanet, carcass, card-carrying, cardboard, cardin, cardinal, cardinalate, carding, cardio, cardiogram, cardiograph, cardiopulmonary, cardsharp, careen, carefree, careful, careless, caress, caret, caretaker, careworn, cargo, carillon, carina, carinate, carjack, carminative, carnage, carnassial, carnival, carnivorous, carnot, carny, carol, carom, carotene, carotenoid, carotid, carousal, carouse, carousel, carpe diem, carpel, carpenter, carpet sweeper, carpetbagger, carpeting, carping, carpophore, carport, carrageenan, carriage, carrion, carroll, carrot, carryall, carrying-on, carson, cartage, carte, carthage, carton, cartoon, cartouche, cartridge, cartulary, carve, carven, carver, carving, caryatid, casaba, casablanca, case history, case law, case study, caseharden, caseous, casework, cash cow, cash register, cash-in, cashier, cashmere, casing, casino, cask, casket, cassandra, casserole, cassette, cassiopeia, cassock, caster, castigate, casting, casting vote, castle, castle in the air, castor, castor oil, casual, casualty, casuist, casuistry, cat scan, cat's-paw, catachresis, cataclysm, catacomb, catadioptric, catafalque, catalase, catalysis, catamaran, catamount, catapult, catastrophe, catastrophism, catcall, catch phrase, catchall, catching, catchment area, catchpenny, catchpole, catchup, catchword, catchy, catechize, catecholamine, categorical, categorize, category, catena, catenary, catenate, cater, cater-cornered, caterwaul, catfight, catgut, cathedra, catheterize, cathexis, cathode, catholicity, catholicon, cathouse, catkin, catnap, cato, catoptrics, catsup, cattle, cattleman, catty, catwalk, caucasus, cauda, caudate, caudex, caul, cauldron, caulk, causal, causality, causation, causative, cause, cause célèbre, causerie, causeway, caustic soda, cautionary, cautious, cava, cavalcade, cavalier, cavalry, caveat, cavendish, caviar, cavil, caving, cavort, cavy, caw, cayuse, cb, cd-rom, ce, cease-fire, ceaseless, cedar, cede, cedilla, ceil, celeb, celebrate, celebrated, celebrity, celerity, celestial equator, celestial navigation, celestial sphere, celibate, cell body, cellar, cello, cellophane, cellular respiration, cellulitis, celluloid, cellulose acetate, celtic, cementum, cemetery, cenobite, cenotaph, cenozoic, censorious, censorship, censurable, censure, census, centaurus, centenary, centennial, center of gravity, centered, centering, centi-, centipoise, cento, centra, central, central bank, central processing unit, centrality, centralize, centric, centrifugal force, centro-, centromere, centrosphere, centurial, centurion, ceo, cep, cephalic, cephalin, cephalopod, cephalothorax, cepheus, ceramics, cerate, cerberus, cercaria, cerebral hemisphere, cerebration, cerebroside, cerebrospinal, cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal meningitis, cerebrovascular accident, cerecloth, cerement, ceremonial, ceremonious, cerise, cern, certainly, certainty, certificate, certified, certify, certitude, cerulean, cerumen, cervid, cesarean, cesarean section, cespitose, cessation, cesspool, cete, cfs, chacma, chad, chadwick, chaff, chaffer, chagrin, chain gang, chain mail, chairman, chairperson, chaise, chaise longue, chalaza, chalcedony, chalcopyrite, chalet, chalice, challenge, challenged, challenging, chalybeate, chamber music, chamber pot, chamberlain, chambermaid, chameleon, chamois, champagne, champaign, champion, championship, champs élysées, chancel, chancellor, chancre, chancy, chandelier, chandler, change ringing, changeable, changeful, changeling, changeover, chant, chanter, chanteuse, chanticleer, chantry, chanukah, chap, chaparral, chapeau, chapel, chapfallen, chaplain, chaplet, chaps, chapter, chapter and verse, chapter house, char, character sketch, characterization, characterize, charade, charcot, charcuterie, chard, charge account, chargeable, charger, charily, chariness, chariot, charitable, charity, charlemagne, charles, charleston, charlotte, charmed, charming, charnel, charnel house, charpoy, charter, charwoman, chary, chaser, chasm, chasseur, chassis, chaste, chasten, chastise, chastity, chat, chat room, chatelaine, chatoyant, chattanooga, chattel, chatter, chatterbox, chatterer, chatty, chauffeur, chaw, cheapen, cheapo, cheat, check-in, checked, checker, checkerboard, checking account, checklist, checkmate, checkoff, checkout, checky, cheddar, cheekbone, cheeky, cheep, cheerful, cheerio, cheerleader, cheerless, cheery, cheeseburger, cheesecake, cheesy, cheetah, chef, chelation, chemical reaction, chemical warfare, chemiluminescence, chemise, chemisette, chemo, chemotropism, cher, cherish, chernobyl, cheroot, cherry, cherry pie, chersonese, chert, cherub, chest of drawers, chesterfield, chesty, cheval glass, chevalier, chevron, chewy, chi, chi-square, chiaroscuro, chiasma, chic, chicane, chicanery, chichi, chick, chicken breast, chicken-hearted, chide, chief, chiefly, chieftain, chiffon, chiffonier, chigger, chignon, chigoe, chilblain, child's play, childbed, childish, childlike, children, chile, chiliad, chill out, chiller, chilly, chime, chimerical, chimney pot, chimney sweep, chimpanzee, chin-chin, china clay, chinchilla, chine, chinook, chintzy, chipper, chirography, chiron, chiropody, chirp, chirpy, chirr, chirrup, chisel, chit, chitchat, chiton, chitterlings, chivalrous, chloasma, chloramine, chloramphenicol, chlordane, chloroplast, chock, chock-full, chockablock, chocolate, choir, choker, chokes, choky, cholagogue, cholecalciferol, cholecystectomy, cholinergic, chomp, chondral, chondroma, chongqing, choosy, chop-chop, chophouse, choppy, chops, choral, chorale, chordate, chorea, chorionic villus sampling, chorister, chorography, chortle, chorus girl, chose, chosen, chott, chou, chow, chowder, chrestomathy, chrism, christen, christening, christian, christian science, christianity, christopher, chroma, chromatic aberration, chromatid, chromatolysis, chromatophore, chrome, chromo, chromogen, chromogenic, chromophore, chromoplast, chromosphere, chron-, chronicle, chrono, chronograph, chronological, chronology, chronoscope, chthonian, chubby, chuck, chuck wagon, chuckle, chuff, chuffed, chug, chum, chummy, chump, chunder, chunk, chunky, church of england, churchgoer, churchly, churchman
4 churchwoman, churchy, churchyard, churl, churlish, churn, churning, chute, chutzpah, chyle, château, ci, ciao, cib., cicada, cicala, cicatrize, cicero, cicerone, cig, cigar, cigarette, cilia, ciliary, cinch, cinchona, cinchonine, cincinnati, cincture, cinder block, cinder track, cinema, cinematograph, cineraria, cingulum, cinnamon, cinque, cinquefoil, cipher, ciprofloxacin, circadian rhythm, circe, circlet, circuit board, circuit rider, circuitous, circuitry, circular, circularize, circulating medium, circum-, circumambient, circumambulate, circumbendibus, circumcise, circumflex, circumnavigate, circumpolar, circumscription, circumspect, circumstantial, circumstantiality, circumvallate, circumvent, circumvolution, cirri, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus, cis, cisplatin, citadel, citation, cite, citified, citizen, citizenry, citizenship, citrine, citronella, citrulline, citrus, city, city father, city hall, cityscape, civet, civic, civics, civil, civil disobedience, civil servant, civil war, civilian, civility, civilization, civilize, civilized, clack, clad, cladistics, claimant, clairvoyant, clam diggers, clamant, clambake, clamber, clammy, clampdown, clan, clandestine, clang, clank, clannish, clapboard, clapper, claptrap, claque, claret, clarify, clarinet, clarion, clarity, claro, clash, class consciousness, classical, classical conditioning, classicist, classified, classify, classmate, classroom, classy, clastic, clatter, claude, claudication, claustrophobic, clave, clavichord, clavier, clay stone, claymore, clean bill of health, clean-cut, clean-shaven, cleaner, cleanly, cleanout, cleanse, cleanser, clear-cut, clear-sighted, clearheaded, clearing, clearly, cleat, cleave, cleavers, cleek, clef, cleft palate, clemency, clement, clementine, clench, cleopatra, clepsydra, clergy, clergyman, clergywoman, cleric, clerical, clerk, clerkly, cleveland, clever, clicker, clientele, cliff, cliffhanger, climactic, climb, climber, clime, clinch, clincher, cling, clinging vine, clinical psychology, clink, clinker, clinquant, clipped, clipper, clipping, clique, cloak, cloak-and-dagger, cloakroom, clobber, clock watcher, clockwise, clockwork, clod, clodhopper, clog, cloisonné, cloister, cloistered, cloistral, clomp, cloning, clonus, clop, close call, close quarters, close shave, close-at-hand, close-grained, close-in, close-knit, close-lipped, closed, closed circuit, closed shop, closed-door, closedown, closeout, closing, clostridium, closure, clothe, clothes, clotheshorse, clothesline, clothespress, clothier, cloud seeding, cloud-cuckoo-land, cloudburst, cloudy, clout, clove, cloven, cloverleaf, clown, cloy, cloying, clubby, clubfoot, clubhouse, clubwoman, cluck, clue, clueless, clump, clumsy, clung, clunk, clunker, clunky, cluster, clutter, clyster, cn, cnidarian, cns, coa, coach, coachman, coaction, coadaptation, coadjutor, coadunate, coagulant, coagulation, coal oil, coaler, coalesce, coaptation, coarctate, coast, coaster, coastline, coat of arms, coat of mail, coated, coating, coattail, coax, coaxial, coaxial cable, cob, cobber, cobblestone, cobra, cobweb, coccidioidomycosis, coccidiosis, coccus, cochineal, cochlear implant, cock, cock of the walk, cock-a-doodle-doo, cockalorum, cockamamie, cockcrow, cockerel, cockeyed, cockhorse, cockle, cockloft, cockpit, cockroach, cockscomb, cocksure, cockswain, cocky, cocoa, coconut, cod, cod-liver oil, coddle, code word, codependent, codex, codger, codices, codicil, codification, codify, coed, coelacanth, coelenterate, coenzyme a, coequal, coerce, coercion, coetaneous, coeval, coexist, coextensive, cofactor, coffee, coffee shop, coffeehouse, coffer, coffin, coffin nail, cogent, cogitable, cogitate, cogitative, cognac, cognate, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognomen, cognoscenti, cogwheel, cohabit, cohen, cohere, coherent, cohesive, coif, coiffeur, coiffure, coil, coin box, coinage, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, col, cola, colander, cold cream, cold feet, cold frame, cold sore, cold wave, cold-hearted, cole, colectomy, coleopteran, coleslaw, colette, colewort, coliseum, collaborate, collaboration, collage, collard, collate, collation, colleague, collect, collectanea, collection, collective, collective farm, collective unconscious, collectivism, collectivity, collector, collector's item, colleen, college, collegial, collegian, collegiate, collide, collier, colligate, collimator, collision, collocate, collocation, collodion, collogue, colloquial, colloquialism, colloquium, colloquy, collude, collusion, collyrium, collywobbles, colombia, colonial, colonist, colonize, colonnade, colonoscopy, colophon, color-blind, colorado, coloration, colorectal, colossal, colosseum, colossus, colostrum, colotomy, colporteur, colpotomy, colt, colter, coltish, colugo, columella, columnist, colure, com, comate, combat, combat fatigue, combatant, combative, combe, comber, combination, combinative, combine, combo, combust, combustion chamber, come in, come off, come out, come-hither, comedian, comedic, comedienne, comely, comer, comes, comestible, comeuppance, comfit, comfortable, comforter, comfy, comic, comic opera, comic strip, comical, comity, comma bacillus, command performance, commandant, commandeer, commander, commanding, commanding officer, commandment, commando, commemorate, commemoration, commence, commencement, commend, commendation, commensal, commensalism, commensurable, commensurate, comment, commentary, commentate, commentator, commerce, commercial, commercialism, commercialize, commie, commination, commingle, comminuted fracture, commiserate, commissar, commissary, commissionaire, commissioned officer, commissioner, commissure, commitment, committee, commix, commode, commodious, common divisor, common ground, common room, commonage, commonality, commonalty, commoner, commonly, commonplace, commonplace book, communal, commune, communicate, communicative, communiqué, community service, commutable, commutation, commutator, commuter, comose, comp, compact, compadre, companion, companionable, companionate, companionship, companionway, company man, comparable, comparison, compartment, compartmentalize, compassion, compassionate, compatriot, compeer, compel, compellation, compelling, compendious, compendium, compensate, compensatory, compete, competency, competitive, competitor, compilation, compile, complacency, complacent, complainant, complaint, complaisance, complaisant, complementary, complementary dna, complementation, complete, complete blood count, complexity, compliant, complicate, complicated, complicit, complicity, complimentary, complot, comply, component, comport, comportment, compos mentis, compose, composed, composer, composing room, composite, composition, compositor, composure, compotation, compound interest, comprehend, comprehensible, comprehensive, compressed, compressor, comprise, compton, comptroller, compulsory, compunction, compurgation, computation, compute, computer science, computerize, computerized axial tomography, computing, comrade, con man, conatus, concatenate, concatenation, concavo-convex, conceal, concede, conceit, conceited, conceivable, concentrate, concentration camp, concerned, concerning, concernment, concert, concert pitch, concerted, concertina, concession, conch, concha, conchoidal, concierge, conciliate, conciliatory, concinnity, concise, conciseness, concision, conclave, conclude, conclusive, concoct, concoction, concomitance, concomitant, concord, concordant, concordat, concourse, concrescence, concretize, concubine, concupiscence, concur, concurrence, concurrent, concuss, condemn, condemnatory, condensate, condense, condensed, condescend, condescendence, condescending, condescension, condign, condiment, conditional, conditioner, condo, condole, condolence, condominium, condone, condottiere, conduce, conduplicate, condyloid, coney, confab, confabulate, confabulation, confectionery, confer, conferee, conference, confess, confessor, confetti, confidant, confidante, confide, confidence game, confidence man, confident, confidential, confiding, configure, confine, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confiscate, confit, confiture, conflagration, conflate, conflicting, conform, conformable, conformal, conformist, confound, confounded, confrere, confront, confrontation, confucianism, confucius, confuse, confusing, confute, conga, congeal, congelation, congeneric, congenial, congeries, congested, congestive heart failure, conglobate, conglomeration, congrats, congratulate, congregant, congregate, congregation, congressional, congressman, congresswoman, congruence, congruent, congruous, congé, conic, conjectural, conjecture, conjoin, conjoint, conjugated, conjugated protein, conjunct, conjunctive, conjuncture, conjuration, conjure, conk, connatural, connected, connecticut, connective, connectivity, conning tower, connivance, connive, connoisseur, connote, connubial, conoid, conqueror, conquest, conquistador, consanguineous, conscience-stricken, conscientious, conscientious objector, conscionable, consciousness, consciousness-raising, conscript, conscription, consecution, consensus, consent, consequent, consequential, consequently, conservancy, conservation of energy, conservationist, conservator, conservatory, conserve, consider, considerable, considerate, considered, considering, consign, consignee, consignment, consist, consistency, consistent, consociate, consolation, consolidate, consommé, consonance, consonant, consort, consortium, conspectus, conspicuous, conspicuous consumption, conspiracy, conspire, constable, constabulary, constancy, constantinople, consternate, consternation, constipated, constituency, constituent, constitute, constitutional monarchy, constitutionality, constitutive, constrain, constrained, constraint, constrictor, construct, construction, construe, consubstantial, consuetude, consul, consulate, consult, consultative, consulting, consumer goods, consummate, consumptive, contact lens, contagium, contain, container, conte, contemn, contemplate, contemplation, contemplative, contemporaneous, contemporary, contemptible, contemptuous, contend, contented, contentious, conterminous, contest, contestant, context, contextualize, contexture, contiguity, continence, continental, continental divide, continental drift, contingence, contingency, continual, continuance, continuation, continue, continuum, contort, contorted, contortion, contortionist, contour, contractile, contractor, contractual, contracture, contradict, contradiction, contradictory, contradistinction, contraindicate, contralateral, contraposition, contrapositive, contraption, contrarian, contrariety, contrarious, contrariwise, contrast, contrast medium, contravene, contrecoup, contredanse, contretemps, contribute, contribution, contributor, contributory, contrite, contrition, contrivance, contrive, contrived, control group, controller, controversy, controvert, contumacious, contumacy, contumely, conundrum, conus, convalescent, convenance, convene, convenient, convention, conventional, conventionalism, conventionality, conventionalize, convergent, convergent evolution, conversable, conversant, conversational, conversationalist, converse, convert, convertible, convexity, convexo-concave, convey, conveyance, conveyor, convict, convince, convincing, convivial, convocation, convoke, convolute, convoluted, convoy, convulsive, cony, coo, cooker, cookery, cookhouse, cookout
4 cooler, coon's age, cooperate, cooperation, cooperative, coopt, coordinate bond, coordinates, cootie, cop, copartner, copenhagen, copier, coping, copious, copolymer, copperhead, coppice, coprolalia, coprolite, coprology, coprophilia, copse, copter, copulate, copulation, copycat, copyholder, copyist, copyreader, coquet, coquetry, coquette, coquina, coracle, coracoid, cordage, corded, cordial, cordiality, cordiform, cordite, cordon, cords, cordwainer, corespondent, cori, coriaceous, corium, cork cambium, corkage, corked, corking, corkscrew, cormorant, corn, cornball, cornerstone, cornerwise, cornet, cornforth, cornice, corniculate, cornu, cornucopia, corny, corolla, coronach, coronary artery, coronation, coroner, coronet, corpora, corporal, corporate, corporeal, corporeity, corps, corpsman, corpulence, corpus callosum, corpus luteum, corral, correction, correctional, correctitude, correlate, correlative, correspond, correspondent, corridor, corrigendum, corrigible, corrival, corroborate, corrode, corrugate, corruptible, corruption, corsage, corsair, corse, corselet, corset, corsica, cortege, corticosteroid, coruscation, corvette, corymb, coryphée, cosine, cosmic ray, cosmogony, cosmography, cosmonaut, cosmopolite, cosset, cost-effective, costermonger, costly, costume, costumier, cote, coterie, coterminous, cottage, cottage cheese, cottager, cotter, cotton, cotton candy, cotton to, cottonmouth, cottontail, cotyloid, couch, couch potato, couching, cougar, cough syrup, could, couldst, coulee, coulis, couloir, coumarin, council, councilman, councilor, countable, countdown, countenance, counteract, counterattack, counterbalance, countercharge, countercheck, counterclaim, counterclockwise, counterconditioning, counterculture, counterfactual, counterfeit, counterfoil, counterintuitive, countermand, countermine, counteroffensive, counterpane, counterpart, counterplot, counterpoise, counterproductive, counterrevolution, counterrevolutionary, countersign, countersink, counterspy, counterstain, countervail, counterweight, counterword, counterwork, countess, countless, countrified, country, country club, country gentleman, country house, country music, country rock, countryman, countryside, county, county seat, coup d'état, coupe, couple, coupler, coupon, courageous, courier, cournand, courser, coursing, court dress, courteous, courtesan, courtesy, courthouse, courtier, courtly, courtroom, courtship, courtyard, cousteau, couth, couturier, couvade, cove, cover story, coverage, covered wagon, covering, coverlet, covert, covet, covetous, covey, coward, cowardice, cowardly, cowboy, cower, cowherd, cowl, cowlick, coworker, cowpox, cowpuncher, coxa, coxcomb, coxsackievirus, coxswain, coy, coyote, coz, cozen, cozy, cp, cpi, cpu, crab, crabbed, crabby, crabwise, crack the whip, crackbrained, cracked, cracker, crackerjack, crackle, crackling, crackpot, cracksman, crackup, cradling, craft, craftsman, crafty, crag, craggy, cragsman, cram, cramped, crane, cranial nerve, craniology, craniometry, crank, cranky, craps, crash, crash course, crash pad, crashing, crasis, crass, crate, cravat, crave, craven, craving, crawfish, crawl, crawler, crawly, crayfish, crayon, craze, crazed, crazy bone, crazy horse, creak, cream puff, creamer, creamery, creamy, create, creationism, creative, creator, creature, credence, credential, credenza, credibility, credibility gap, credible, credit card, credit rating, credit union, creditable, creditworthy, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, creel, creeper, creeps, creepy, cremate, crematory, crenate, crenel, creodont, creole, creosote, crepe, crepitation, crept, crepuscular, cresol, crestfallen, cresting, cretaceous, crete, creutzfeldt-jakob disease, crew, crewel, crib, cricoid, crier, crime, crimea, criminal, criminality, criminate, crimp, crimple, crimson, cringe, crinkle, crinkly, crinoid, cripes, crispation, crisper, crispy, crisscross, criterion, critic, critical point, critical temperature, criticism, criticize, critique, critter, cro-magnon, croak, croaker, croatia, crochet, crock, crocked, crockery, crocodile, crocodile tears, crocodilian, croesus, crofter, crohn's disease, croissant, cromlech, crone, crony, cronyism, crooked, crookes, croon, cropper, cross-check, cross-examine, cross-eye, cross-eyed, cross-fertilize, cross-grained, cross-pollination, cross-purpose, cross-question, cross-stitch, crossbar, crossbow, crossbred, crosscut, crosscutting, crossfire, crossing, crossopterygian, crossover, crosspatch, crosspiece, crossroad, crosswalk, crosswise, crotchet, crotchety, crouch, croupier, crowbar, crowfoot, crown jewels, crowning, cruces, crucial, crucifer, crucifix, crucifixion, crud, cruddy, crude, cruel, cruelty, cruet, cruise, cruiser, cruller, crumb, crumbly, crumby, crummy, crump, crumple, crunch, cruor, crural, crusade, crusty, cry, crybaby, crying, cryobiology, cryogenics, cryonics, cryoscopy, crypto, cryptocrystalline, cryptograph, crystal ball, crystal gazing, crystallization, crystallize, crystalloid, crèche, crème de la crème, csc, csf, cts., cub, cub reporter, cuba, cubbyhole, cube root, cubeb, cubicle, cubism, cubital, cuboid, cuckold, cuddle, cudgel, cue, cue ball, cuesta, cuirassier, cuisine, culex, culinary, cull, culminate, culmination, culottes, culprit, cultivable, cultivate, cultivated, cultivator, cultural, cultured, cultus, culvert, cumber, cumbersome, cumbrance, cummerbund, cumulate, cumulus, cunctation, cuneus, cuniculus, cunning, cupboard, cupcake, cupid, cupidity, cupped, cupping glass, cupreous, cupriferous, cur, curate, curator, curb, curbing, curd, curdle, curettage, curette, curfew, curio, curiosity, curious, curl, curler, curlew, curlicue, curling, curly, curmudgeon, curricle, curriculum, currish, curry, curse, cursed, cursive, cursor, cursory, curst, curt, curtail, curtain call, curtilage, curtsy, curvaceous, curvet, cushing, cushy, cuspidate, cuss, cussed, custodian, custody, custom, custom-built, custom-made, customary, customize, cut-and-dried, cutaway, cute, cutesy, cutie, cutlass, cutlery, cutpurse, cutter, cutthroat, cutting, cutting edge, cuttlefish, cutup, cuvette, cuvier, cuz, cw, cwm, cyanate, cyanobacteria, cyanocobalamin, cyanosis, cyberpunk, cyborg, cycad, cycloid, cyclopedia, cyclops, cyclostome, cygnus, cylindroid, cyme, cynic, cynical, cynicism, cynosure, cyprus, cypsela, cystic, cysticercus, cystine, cystitis, cystoid, cystolith, cystoscope, cyto-, cytochrome, cytogenetics, cytokine, cytokinesis, cytolysis, cytomegalovirus, cytosine, cytosol, czarina, czarism, czechoslovakia, d-day, d.m.d., d.s.m., da, dab, dabble, dachau, dachshund, dactyl, dactylic, dactylogram, daemon, daffodil, daffy, dahlia, daily, dainty, dairy, dais, daisy chain, dallas, dalliance, dally, daltonism, damage control, damascus, damask, dame, damnable, damnatory, damned, damnedest, damp, dampen, damsel, dandify, dandle, dang, danger, dangle, dank, danseur, danseuse, dante, dap, dapper, dapple, darcy, dare, daredevil, daring, dark matter, darken, darling, darned, dart, darwinian, dashboard, dashing, dastardly, data mining, data set, dated, dateless, dateline, datum, daub, daughter, daunt, dauntless, davenport, david, davy, dawdle, day care, day nursery, day-to-day, daybook, daybreak, daydream, days, dayspring, daytime, daze, dazzle, db, de rigueur, deacon, deactivate, dead horse, dead letter, dead march, dead ringer, dead sea, dead set, dead soldier, deadbeat, deaden, deadeye, deadfall, deadhead, deadline, deadlock, deadly, deadpan, deadwood, deafening, deal, dealer, dealt, dean, dearth, deary, death penalty, death rate, death warrant, deathblow, deathless, deathly, deathwatch, debacle, debar, debark, debatable, debate, debauch, debauchee, debenture, debilitate, debilitating, debit, debit card, debonair, debouch, debrief, debris, debtor, debunk, debut, debutante, deca-, decade, decadence, decadent, decaf, decalcomania, decamp, decant, decanter, decapitate, decease, deceased, deceit, deceitful, deceive, decelerate, decemvir, decemvirate, decency, decennial, decennium, decent, decentralize, deception, deceptive, decerebrate, deci-, decide, decided, decidua, decimate, decipher, decisive, deck chair, deck hand, deckhouse, decking, declaim, declamation, declamatory, declaration, declarative, declare, declass, declassify, declension, decline, declivity, decoction, decode, decoder, decommission, decompensation, decompose, decomposer, decompound, decongestant, deconstruct, decontaminate, decontrol, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, decorum, decoy, decrease, decree, decrepit, decrepitate, decrescent, decriminalize, decry, decumbent, decuple, decussation, dedicate, dedication, deduce, deduct, deductible, deductive, deed, deejay, deem, deep freeze, deep-dyed, deep-rooted, deep-sea, deep-set, deepen, deer, deerstalker, deet, deface, defalcate, defamation, defamatory, defame, defaulter, defeasance, defeat, defeatism, defection, defective, defend, defense, defense mechanism, defensible, defer, deference, deferent, deferment, deferred, defervescence, defiant, deficit financing, defile, define, definite, definitely, definition, definitive, deflate, deflect, deflower, defraud, defray, defrock, defrost, deft, defunct, defy, deg., degeneracy, degradable, degradation, degrade, degrading, dehiscence, dehumanize, dehumidifier, deific, deification, deify, deign, deimos, deism, deity, deject, dejected, delamination, delaware, delay, delectable, delectation, delegate, delegation, delhi, deli, deliberate, deliberation, deliberative, delicacy, delicate, delicatessen, delicious, delict, delight, delighted, delightful, delimit, delineate, delinquency, delinquent, deliquesce, delirium, deliverance, delivery room, delude, deluge, delve, demagogic, demanding, demarcate, demarcation, dematerialize, demean, dement, demerit, demesne, demeter, demigod, demijohn, demilitarize, demise, demission, demit, demitasse, demobilize, democratic, democratize, democritus, demographics, demolish, demolition, demoniac, demonic, demonize, demonstrable, demonstrate, demonstrative, demonstrator, demoralize, demos, demosthenes, demote, demotic, demur, demure
4 demurrer, demystify, denary, denationalize, denatured alcohol, dendriform, dendritic, dendrochronology, dendroid, dendrology, dene, deneb, denim, denizen, denmark, denominate, denomination, denotative, denote, denounce, dens, dense, densimeter, dental floss, dentation, denticulate, dentifrice, denudation, denunciation, denver, deny, deodar, deoxyribonucleic acid, deoxyribose, depart, departed, department, department store, departure, depend, dependable, dependency, depersonalization, depict, depilate, depilatory, deplane, deplorable, deplore, deploy, depone, deponent, depopulate, deport, deportation, deportment, deposal, depose, depositary, depository, depot, deprave, depraved, depravity, deprecate, deprecatory, depreciate, depredate, depredation, depressing, depressor, deprived, depth charge, depurate, deputation, depute, deputize, deputy, deracinate, derail, derange, deregulate, derelict, dereliction, deride, derision, derisive, derivation, derma, dermabrasion, dermatoplasty, dermatosis, dermoid, derogate, derrick, derring-do, derrière, des, descant, descend, descendant, descendent, describe, descriptive, descry, desecrate, desegregate, desertion, deservedly, deserving, deshabille, desiccant, desiccated, desiderata, desiderate, desideratum, designate, designedly, designer, designing, desirable, desirous, desk, desktop, desolate, desolation, despair, despairing, desperado, desperate, desperation, despicable, despise, despiteful, despoil, despoliation, despond, despondent, despot, dessert, destabilize, destination, destine, destined, destiny, destitute, destitution, destroy, destroyer, destructible, destruction, destructive, desuetude, desultory, detailed, detain, detect, detection, detective, detector, detention, deter, deterioration, determinable, determination, determinative, determined, deterrence, deterrent, detestable, detestation, dethrone, detonate, detonation, detonator, detour, detoxification, detoxify, detract, detraction, detrain, detriment, detrimental, detrition, detroit, detumescence, deuce, deutero-, deuteron, devalue, devastate, devastating, developer, deviate, devil's advocate, devil-may-care, devilish, devilment, devilry, devious, devisable, devisal, devise, devisee, devitalize, devoid, devolution, devonian, devote, devoted, devotee, devotion, devotional, devour, devout, dew point, dewan, dewdrop, dewlap, dewy, dewy-eyed, dexedrine, dexterity, dexterous, dextrous, dhoti, di, dia-, diabase, diabetes, diabetes mellitus, diabetic, diablerie, diabolic, diacetylmorphine, diachronic, diaconal, diaconate, diacritical, diadelphous, diadem, diagnostician, diagnostics, diagram, diakinesis, dialect, dialectic, dialectical, dialogist, dialogue, diana, diapason, diapedesis, diaper, diaphanous, diary, diaspora, diastase, diastasis, diastema, diaster, diathermic, diathermy, diathesis, diatom, diatomic, diatonic, diatribe, dicey, dichotomy, dichroism, dichromate, dickens, dicker, dicky, diclinous, dicotyledon, dicta, dictate, dictation, dictator, dictatorial, dictionary, dictum, diddle, diddly-squat, didst, dieldrin, dieresis, diesel, diesel engine, dietetic, dietetics, diethyl ether, diethylstilbestrol, differentia, differentiate, difficult, difficulty, diffident, diffusive, dig, digastric, digenesis, digestible, digestif, digestive, digestive system, digged, digger, diggings, digitalin, digitate, dignified, dignify, dignitary, dignity, digress, digression, digressive, dihedral, dilapidate, dilapidated, dilatation, dilator, dilatory, dildo, diligence, diligent, dillydally, diluent, diluvial, dime novel, dimer, dimerous, diminish, diminuendo, diminution, diminutive, dimmer, din, diner, dinette, ding, ding-dong, dingbat, dinger, dinghy, dingle, dingo, dingy, dining car, dining room, dink, dinky, dinner, dinner dance, dinner jacket, dinoflagellate, diocesan, diocese, diol, dionysus, diopside, dioptric, diorama, diorite, diphenyl, diphenylamine, diphthong, diphyodont, diploblastic, diplococcus, diplodocus, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatic immunity, diplomatics, diplosis, diploë, dipole moment, dipper, dippy, dipsomaniac, dipterous, dirac, dire, direct, direct primary, directed, directive, directly, directorate, directory, directrix, dirge, dirigible, dirk, disable, disabuse, disaccord, disadvantage, disadvantaged, disadvantageous, disaffect, disaffection, disaffirm, disagree, disagreeable, disagreement, disallow, disannul, disappear, disappoint, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval, disapprove, disarm, disarmament, disarming, disarrange, disarray, disarticulate, disassemble, disassociate, disaster, disavow, disband, disbar, disbelief, disbelieve, disburden, disburse, discalced, discard, discern, discernible, discerning, discernment, discharge tube, disciple, disciplinarian, disciplinary, discipline, discission, disclaim, disclaimer, disclose, disclosure, discombobulate, discomfit, discomfort, discommend, discommode, discommodity, discompose, disconcert, disconcerted, disconcerting, disconformity, disconnect, disconnected, disconsolate, discontent, discontinue, discord, discordant, discountenance, discourage, discourse, discourteous, discourtesy, discover, discovery, discredit, discreditable, discreet, discrepancy, discrepant, discretionary, discriminate, discriminating, discrimination, discriminatory, discursive, discuss, discussion, disdain, disdainful, disembark, disembarrass, disembowel, disenchant, disencumber, disenfranchise, disengage, disentangle, disenthral, disestablish, disesteem, disfigure, disfigurement, disfranchise, disgorge, disgrace, disgraceful, disgruntle, disgruntled, disgust, disgusting, dishabille, disharmony, dishearten, dished, dishevel, dishonest, dishonesty, dishy, disillusion, disincentive, disincline, disinformation, disingenuous, disinherit, disinhibition, disintegrate, disintegration, disinter, disinterest, disinterested, disjoin, disjointed, disk drive, dislike, dislodge, disloyal, disloyalty, dismal, dismantle, dismay, dismiss, dismissal, dismount, disney, disobedience, disobedient, disobey, disoblige, disorderly, disorganization, disorganize, disown, disparage, disparate, disparity, dispassion, dispassionate, dispatch, dispatch case, dispel, dispensation, dispensatory, dispenser, dispersal, dispirit, dispirited, displace, display, displease, displeasure, disport, disposable, dispose, disposed, disposition, dispossess, dispraise, disproof, disproportion, disproportionate, disprove, disputable, disputant, disputation, disputatious, disqualify, disquiet, disquietude, disquisition, disrate, disregard, disrelish, disremember, disrepair, disreputable, disrepute, disrespect, disrobe, disrupt, disruptive, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, dissatisfy, dissected, dissection, dissemble, disseminate, dissension, dissent, dissenter, dissentient, dissertate, dissertation, disservice, dissever, dissident, dissimilar, dissimilarity, dissimilation, dissimilitude, dissimulate, dissimulation, dissipate, dissipated, dissociable, dissociate, dissoluble, dissolute, dissolvent, dissonance, dissonant, dissuade, dissymmetry, distaff, distal, distant, distaste, distasteful, distention, distich, distichous, distill, distiller, distillery, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinguish, distinguished, distingué, distort, distract, distracted, distrait, distraught, distress signal, distressed, distribute, distributive, distributor, district, distrust, disturb, disturbance, disturbed, disturbing, disunite, disunity, disuse, dither, dithyrambic, ditto, ditty, ditty bag, ditz, ditzy, diuresis, divagate, divalent, divan, divaricate, dive, diver, diverge, divergent, divers, diverse, diversification, diversify, diversion, diversity, divert, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, divertimento, divest, divestiture, divided, divider, divination, divine, diving bell, divining rod, divinity, divisible, divisive, divisor, divorce, divorcement, divot, divulge, divulsion, divvy, dixie, dixieland, dizen, dizzy, dl, dm, dna fingerprinting, dnr, do, do-gooder, do-it-yourself, doa, doable, doby, docent, docile, dockage, docket, dockyard, doctorate, doctrinaire, doctrine, docudrama, document, documentary, documentation, dodder, doddering, dodecahedron, dodge, dodger, dodgy, doer, doff, dog tag, dog-ear, dog-eared, dog-tired, dogcatcher, doge, dogfight, dogged, doggerel, doggone, doggy, dogie, dogleg, dogmatist, dogmatize, dogsled, dogtrot, dogy, doily, doing, doisy, dol, dole, doleful, dolerite, dolichocephalic, doll, dollop, dolman, dolomite, dolor, dolorous, dolphin, dolt, domain name, domestic, domestic science, domesticate, domesticity, domicile, domiciliary, dominate, domination, domineer, domineering, dominie, dominion, domino, domino effect, don, don juan, donate, donation, donee, dong, donjon, donkey's years, donnish, donnybrook, doodle, doodlebug, doom, doomsday, doorkeeper, doorman, doormat, doornail, doorpost, doorway, doozy, dopey, doping, dorado, doric, dork, dorm, dormer, dormitory, dornick, dorsad, dorsiflexion, dorsum, dory, doss, dosser, dossier, dost, dot-com, dote, doth, dotted, dotty, double bass, double bill, double boiler, double check, double date, double dutch, double feature, double jeopardy, double standard, double take, double time, double-dealing, double-edged, double-faced, double-jointed, double-quick, doubloon, doubly, doubtful, doubtless, douceur, dough, doughboy, doughnut, doughty, doughy, doula, dour, douse, dove, dovetail, dowager, dowdy, dowel, dower, down payment, downbeat, downcast, downcome, downfall, downgrade, downhearted, downhill, downplay, downpour, downright, downside, downstairs, downstream, downswing, downthrow, downtime, downtown, downtrodden, downturn, downward, downy, downy mildew, doxy, doyen, doze, dozy, dp, dpt, dr, drachm, draco, draff, draft dodger, draftee, drafty, dragging, draggle, draggy, dragnet, dragoman, dragonfly, dragoon, dragster, drainpipe, drama, dramatic, dramatics, dramatis personae, dramatist, dramatization, dramatize, dramaturgy, drank, draper, drapery, drastic, drat, dratted, draught, drawing, drawing room, drawl, drawn, dray, dread, dreadful, dreadfully, dreadlocks, dreadnought, dreamboat, dreamer, dreamland, dreamt, dreamy, dreary, dreck, dredge, dredger, dreg, dreggy, drench, dresden, dress rehearsal, dress uniform, dress-down, dress-up, dresser, dressing gown, dressing room, dressing table, dressing-down, dressmaker, dressy, dribble, driblet, dried, drier, driest, drifter, driftwood, drill, drillmaster, drinker, drinking fountain, dripping, drippy, drive time, drive train, drive-in, drivel, driveway, driving, drizzle, drogue, droit, droll, drollery, drool, droop, droopy
4 drop curtain, drop hammer, drop kick, droplet, dropsical, dropsy, drosophila, dross, drove, drover, drowse, drowsy, drub, drubbing, drudge, drudgery, druggie, druggist, drugstore, drumbeat, drumfire, drumhead, drumlin, drumstick, drunk, drunkard, drunken, druse, druthers, dry cell, dry dock, dry ice, dry rot, dryad, drying, dual, duality, dubbing, dubiety, dubious, dubitable, dublin, dubnium, dubos, dubrovnik, ducat, duchess, duck soup, ducky, ductless gland, dud, dude, due bill, duel, duenna, duet, duff, duffel, duffer, dug, dugong, dugout, duke, dulcet, dullard, dulse, duly, dumb, dumbbell, dumbfound, dumbledore, dumbo, dumbstruck, dumbwaiter, dumdum, dump, dumpling, dumpy, dun, dunce, dunderhead, dung, dungaree, dungeon, dunghill, dunk, duo, duodenary, duodenitis, duologue, dupe, duple, duplex, duplicate, duplicator, duplicity, durable, durable goods, durance, duration, duress, during, durst, dusk, dusky, dust cover, dust devil, dust storm, dustbin, duster, dustup, dusty, dutch, dutch treat, duteous, dutiable, dutiful, duty-bound, duvet, dwell, dwelling, dwelt, dwindle, dx, dyadic, dyeing, dyestuff, dynamism, dynamometer, dynast, dynasty, dyscrasia, dysfunction, dysfunctional, dysgenic, dyslalia, dyslogistic, dysmenorrhea, dyspeptic, dysphonia, dysplasia, dysprosium, dysthymia, dysuria, décolleté, décor, déjà vu, e-commerce, eager, eager beaver, eagle, eagle eye, eagle-eyed, eagre, ear drops, ear-piercing, earache, earful, earl, earlobe, earmark, earnings, earring, earshot, earsplitting, earth mother, earthbound, earthen, earthenware, earthling, earthly, earthshine, earthward, earthwork, earthy, earwax, easeful, easel, easiness, east, easter egg, eastern, eastward, easy chair, easy money, easygoing, eatable, eaten, eatery, eating, eau de vie, eavesdrop, ebb tide, ebon, ebony, ebullient, ebullition, eburnation, ec, ecce homo, ecchymosis, eccles, ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical, echelon, echinacea, echinococcus, echinoderm, echocardiogram, echolalia, eckert, eclampsia, eclectic, eclogite, eco, economic, economical, economize, economy, ecosphere, ecotone, ecru, ecstatic, ect, ecthyma, ectoblast, ecuador, ecumenical, edacious, edaphic, edc, eddington, edentulous, edging, edgy, edible, edict, edification, edifice, edify, edinburgh, edison, edit, edition, editor, editor in chief, edmonton, educable, educate, educated, education, educational, educative, educator, educe, eec, eel, eerie, efface, effective, effects, effectual, effectuate, effeminate, effervesce, effervescent, effete, efficacious, efficacy, efficient, effluence, effortless, effrontery, effulgent, effuse, effusive, egad, egalitarian, egest, egg case, egg sac, egg tooth, egg white, eggbeater, egghead, eggnog, egoism, egoist, egotist, egregious, egress, egypt, ei, eiderdown, eidolon, einsteinium, einthoven, either, either-or, ejaculate, ejaculatory, eject, ejection, ejectment, eke, el, el niño, elaborate, elaboration, elapse, elasmobranch, elate, elated, elater, elation, eld, elder, elderly, eldest, elect, election, electioneer, elective, elector, electoral, electorate, electra, electric chair, electric charge, electrical, electrician, electrify, electro, electrochemistry, electrocute, electrodynamic, electrodynamics, electroencephalograph, electrolytic, electromagnetism, electromotive, electron transport, electron tube, electron volt, electronegative, electronics, electrophoresis, electrophorus, electroplate, electroplating, electropositive, electroshock, electroshock therapy, electrostatic, electrotherapy, electuary, eleemosynary, elegance, elegant, elegiac, elemental, elementary, elementary school, elenchus, elephantiasis, elephantine, elevate, elevated, elf, elfin, elfish, elicit, elide, eligible, elijah, eliminate, elion, elisa, elision, elite, ell, ellipsoid, elliptical, ellis, elocution, elongate, elope, eloquence, eloquent, else, elsewhere, elucidate, elude, elusive, elvish, elytron, em dash, emaciate, emaciated, emaciation, emanate, emancipate, emancipation, emarginate, emasculate, embankment, embark, embarrassment, embassy, embattle, embattled, embed, embedding, embellish, ember, embezzle, embitter, emblazon, emblazonry, emblem, emblematize, embody, embolden, embolic, embonpoint, embosom, emboss, embrace, embrangle, embroider, embroidery, embroil, embryo sac, emcee, emend, emendation, emerge, emergence, emergency, emergency medical technician, emergency room, emeritus, emery wheel, emesis, emigrant, emigrate, eminent, eminent domain, eminently, emir, emit, emmenagogue, emmetropia, emo, emolument, emote, emoticon, emotional, emotional intelligence, emotionalism, emotive, empedocles, empennage, emperor, emphasis, emphasize, emphatic, empire, empirical formula, emplace, emplacement, employ, employee, employer, employment, employment agency, empoison, emporium, empower, empress, emprise, empty-handed, empty-headed, empyema, empyrean, ems, emt, emu, emulate, emulation, emulous, emulsify, emunctory, enable, enact, enarthrosis, encamp, encampment, encase, enceinte, encephalic, encephalogram, encephalograph, encephalopathy, enchain, enchant, enchanting, enchantment, enchase, enchiridion, enchondroma, encipher, encircle, enclose, enclosure, encomium, encompass, encore, encounter, encourage, encroach, encrust, encumber, encumbrance, encyclopedia, encyclopedic, encyst, end game, end organ, end product, end run, end-all, endanger, endangered, endear, endearing, endearment, endergonic, endermic, enders, ending, endless, endlong, endmost, endo-, endoblast, endocarditis, endocardium, endocarp, endocrine, endodermis, endogamy, endolymph, endometritis, endomitosis, endomorph, endoparasite, endoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, endorse, endorsement, endoscope, endosmosis, endothelioma, endow, endowment, endue, endurance, endure, enduring, ene, enemy, energetic, energize, enfant terrible, enfeeble, enfilade, enfold, enforce, enfranchise, eng, engage, engaged, engaging, engender, engineer, england, engraft, engram, engrave, engross, engrossing, engrossment, engulf, enhance, enigma, enjoin, enjoy, enjoyment, enkindle, enlace, enlarge, enlargement, enlighten, enlist, enliven, enmesh, enmity, ennoble, ennui, enormity, enormous, enounce, enquire, enrage, enrapture, enrich, enrobe, ensample, ensconce, ensemble, enshrine, enshroud, ensiform, ensign, ensilage, enslave, ensnare, enstatite, ensue, ensure, entail, entailment, entangle, entanglement, entente, enteralgia, enterectomy, enteric fever, enteritis, enterocolitis, enterprising, entertain, entertainer, entertaining, entertainment, enthalpy, enthetic, enthrone, enthuse, enthusiasm, enthusiast, enthusiastic, entice, entire, entirely, entirety, entitle, entity, entoderm, entomb, entomophilous, entourage, entrain, entrance, entrant, entrap, entrapment, entreat, entreaty, entrench, entrenchment, entresol, entrust, entry, entry-level, entrée, entwine, enumerate, enunciate, enuresis, envelop, envenom, enviable, envious, environ, environmentalist, environs, envisage, envision, envoy, enwrap, enzootic, eocene, eohippus, eosin, eosinophil, eosinophilia, epa, ephedra, ephemera, ephemeral, epiblast, epicene, epicenter, epicotyl, epicrisis, epicritic, epicure, epicurean, epicycle, epicycloid, epididymis, epidote, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigeous, epigraph, epigynous, epileptic, epilogue, epinephrine, epiphenomenon, epiphysis, episcopacy, episcopal, episcopate, episiotomy, episode, episodic, epistaxis, epistemology, episternum, epistle, epitaph, epithelioma, epithet, epitome, epitomize, epode, eponymous, eps, epsilon, epstein-barr virus, equable, equality, equalize, equanimity, equate, equatorial, equerry, equestrian, equi, equiangular, equinoctial circle, equip, equipage, equipment, equipoise, equipollent, equitable, equivalence, equivalency, equivocal, equivocate, equivocation, equivoque, eradicate, erase, erasure, eratosthenes, ere, erectile dysfunction, eremite, erethism, erewhile, ergograph, ergotism, eris, eristic, eritrea, erlanger, erose, erosive, erotica, err, errancy, errant, errata, erratic, erratum, errhine, erroneous, ersatz, erstwhile, eruct, erudite, eruptive, erysipelas, erythema, erythropoietin, es, escadrille, escalade, escalate, escalator, escallop, escapade, escapee, escapement, eschar, escharotic, eschatology, eschew, escort, escritoire, esculent, escutcheon, esoteric, esp, espalier, especial, especially, espial, espionage, esplanade, espousal, espouse, espresso, esprit, esprit de corps, esquire, essayist, essence, essential oil, establish, establishment, estate, esteem, esther, esthete, estimable, estimate, estimation, estivation, estonia, estop, estrange, estranged, estrus, et al., eta, etcetera, etch, eternal, eternalize, eternity, ethane, ethene, etherize, ethic, ethiopia, ethmoid, ethnic, ethnic cleansing, ethnicity, ethnography, ethology, ethos, ethylene glycol, etiolate, etiolation, etiquette, etymology, etymon, eucalyptol, eugenic, eugenol, euglena, eulogize, eunuch, euphonic, euphony, euphuism, eurasia, euripides, europa, europe, europium, eutectic, eutectoid, euthenics, eutrophic, evacuant, evacuation, evade, evaluate, evangelism, evangelist, evangelistic, evangelize, evanish, evaporite, evasion, evasive, even money, even-tempered, evenhanded, evening dress, evening star, evenings, evensong, eventful, eventide, eventual, eventuality, eventually, eventuate, ever, everlasting, evermore, every, everybody, everyday, everyplace, evict, evident, evidential, evidently, evil, evil-minded, evildoer, evince, eviscerate, evocative, evoke, ewer, ex officio, exacerbate, exact, exacting, exaction, exactitude, exactly, exaggerate, exaggerated, exalt, exaltation, exalted, exam, examinee, exanimate, exasperate, excalibur, excavate, excavation, exceed, exceeding, exceedingly, excel, excellence, excellency, excellent, excelsior, except, excepting, exceptionable, exceptional, exceptive, excerpt, excessive, exchequer, excipient, excision, excitant, excite, excited, exciting, exclaim, exclamation, exclamation point, exclave, exclude, exclusive, excogitate, excommunicate, excrescent, excretory, excruciate, excruciating, exculpate, excursion, excursionist, excursive, excursus, excuse, exec, execrable, execrate
4 execute, execution, executioner, executive, executive branch, executor, executrix, exegesis, exegete, exegetics, exemplar, exemplary, exemplify, exempt, exercise book, exergonic, exert, exeunt, exfoliate, exhaust, exhaustive, exhibit, exhilarant, exhilarate, exhort, exhortation, exhume, exigency, exigent, exiguous, exile, exist, existence, existent, existential, existentialism, exit, exit poll, exocarp, exocrine gland, exogamy, exonerate, exophthalmos, exorbitant, exordium, exosphere, exostosis, exotic, expand, expanded, expanse, expansible, expansionism, expansive, expat, expatiate, expatriate, expectancy, expectation, expediency, expedient, expedite, expeditious, expel, expend, expendable, expenditure, expensive, experienced, experiential, experimental, experimentation, expert, expertise, expiate, expiation, expiatory, expiratory, expiry, explain, explanation, explanatory, explicable, explicate, explication, explicit, explode, exploit, explosive, expo, export, expose, exposed, exposition, expositor, expository, expostulate, exposure, expound, expressionism, expressive, expressly, expressway, expropriate, expulsion, expunge, exscind, exsect, exsiccate, extant, extemporaneous, extempore, extemporize, extended, extended family, extensible, extensity, extensive, extenuate, exterior, exteriorize, exterminate, extern, externality, externalize, extine, extirpate, extol, extort, extortion, extortionate, extractive, extractor, extracurricular, extradite, extramundane, extramural, extraneous, extraordinary, extrapolation, extraterritorial, extrauterine, extravagance, extravagant, extravaganza, extravasate, extremely, extremist, extricate, extrorse, extroversion, extrusive, exudate, exult, exultant, eye bath, eye socket, eye-popping, eyed, eyeful, eyehole, eyelet, eyelid, eyeshot, eyesore, eyespot, eyestalk, eyestrain, eyetooth, eyewitness, f.r.c.s., fab, fable, fabled, fabric, fabricate, fabulist, fabulous, facade, face card, face-lift, face-off, facedown, faceless, facer, facetious, facial nerve, facile, facilitate, facility, facsimile, factious, factorage, factorial, factoring, factory, factotum, facts of life, factual, faddy, fade, faerie, fail-safe, failing, fain, faints, fainéant, fair game, fair-minded, fair-spoken, fair-weather, fairground, fairing, fairish, fairly, fairway, fairy ring, fairy tale, fairyland, fait accompli, faith healing, faithful, faithless, fake, fakir, falchion, falconer, falconry, fall guy, fallacious, fallen, fallible, fallopian tube, fallow, false pregnancy, false step, false teeth, falsehood, falsetto, falsify, falsity, falter, fame, familiarity, familiarize, family doctor, family man, family name, family tree, famish, famous, fan vaulting, fanatic, fanatical, fanaticism, fancied, fancier, fanciful, fancy dress, fancy-free, fanfare, fanfaronade, fanlight, fanny, fantasia, fantasize, fantastic, fantoccini, far-fetched, far-flung, far-gone, far-off, far-reaching, faraway, farce, farceur, farcical, fare, farewell, fargo, farmer, farmhouse, farming, farmland, farmstead, farrago, farrier, farrow, farsightedness, farthermost, farthest, farthing, fas, fasciculus, fascinate, fascinating, fascist, fashion plate, fashionable, fashionista, fast food, fast forward, fast lane, fastball, fasten, fastening, fastigium, fastness, fat-soluble, fatally, fated, fateful, fathead, father confessor, father-in-law, fatherhood, fatherland, fatherly, fathom, fathomless, fats, fatten, fatuity, fatuous, faucet, fault line, faultfinding, faultless, faulty, faust, favela, faveolate, favor, favus, fawn, fax, fay, faze, fda, fealty, fearful, fearsome, feasible, feast, feat, featherbed, featherbedding, featherbrain, feathering, featherweight, feature, featured, featureless, febricity, febrifuge, february, fechner, feckless, fecundate, fed, federal, federate, federation, fedora, fee, feeble, feeble-minded, feeder, feet of clay, feign, feint, feisty, feldspar, felicitate, felicitous, felicity, fellatio, feller, fellow feeling, fellow traveler, fellowship, felo-de-se, felonious, felsite, felt, felting, femineity, feminine, femininity, femme, femme fatale, femoral, fen, fencer, fencing, fend, fender, fenestrated, feng shui, fennel, fenny, fentanyl, feretory, ferine, fermat, fermi, fermium, ferocious, ferret, ferromagnesian, ferruginous, ferrule, ferry, fertilize, ferule, fervency, fervent, fest, festal, festival, festive, festivity, fet, fetal, fetal alcohol syndrome, fetch, fetching, fete, fetishism, fetter, feud, feudal, feudatory, feuilleton, fever blister, fever pitch, fey, fez, fiancé, fiancée, fiasco, fiat, fiat money, fib, fibroma, fibrosis, fibrovascular, fichu, fickle, fictile, fictitious, fictive, fiddle-faddle, fiddling, fidelity, fidget, fiduciary, fief, field goal, field hockey, field hospital, field magnet, field marshal, fiend, fiendish, fierce, fiery, fiesta, fifty, fig leaf, fighter, fighter-bomber, fighting chance, figment, figurant, figuration, figurative, figured, figurehead, fiji, filch, filiation, filiform, filigree, filings, filler, filling station, fillip, filly, filmic, filmy, filovirus, fils, filterable, filth, filthy, filtration, filum, fimbria, fimbriate, fin de siècle, finagle, finale, finality, finalize, finally, finance, financial, financier, finback, finder, finding, fine print, fine-drawn, fine-grained, fine-tooth comb, fine-tune, finely, fineness, finery, finespun, finesse, fingered, fingering, fingertip, finial, finical, finicky, fining, finis, finished, finishing school, fink, finland, finsen, fiord, fir, fire alarm, fire brigade, fire company, fire department, fire engine, fire escape, fire station, fire-and-brimstone, fire-eater, firearm, fireball, firebrand, firebug, firecracker, firedog, firefighter, firefly, fireman, fireplace, fireplug, fireproof, fireside, firewater, firework, firing, firing line, firing squad, firkin, firm, firmament, first aid, first class, first fruits, first lady, first light, first name, first night, first person, first strike, first-rate, first-string, firstborn, firstly, fiscal, fischer, fish story, fisher, fisherman, fishery, fishing, fishing rod, fishtail, fishwife, fishy, fissionable, fissiparous, fistula, fistulous, fitful, fitly, fitted, fitter, fitting, five-star, fiver, fives, fix-up, fixative, fixed, fixed idea, fixer, fixing, fixity, fixture, fizz, fizzle, fjeld, fl. oz., flab, flabbergast, flabby, flabellum, flack, flacon, flag, flag of truce, flag-waving, flagellation, flagging, flagitious, flagman, flagon, flagpole, flagrant, flagship, flagstone, flair, flak, flaky, flam, flambeau, flamboyant, flamethrower, flaming, flamingo, flammable, flan, flannel, flapdoodle, flapjack, flapper, flash flood, flasher, flashing, flashlight, flashy, flasket, flat-out, flatboat, flatten, flatter, flattery, flattop, flatulence, flatulent, flatware, flaunt, flavine, flavor, flaw, flax, flaxen, flay, fleabag, fleck, flection, fled, flee, fleece, fleecy, fleer, fleet, fleeting, flesh and blood, flesh fly, flesh wound, fleshly, fleshy, flew, flexion, flexuous, flibbertigibbet, flick, flicker, flier, flighty, flimflam, flimsy, flinch, flint, flintlock, flinty, flip, flip-flop, flippant, flipping, flirt, flirtation, flirtatious, flit, flitch, flitter, floater, floaty, flocculus, flock, flood tide, floodlight, floor manager, floor plan, flooring, floorwalker, floozy, flop, flophouse, floppy, floppy disk, flops, floral, florence, florescence, floriculture, floss, flossy, flotilla, flotsam, flounce, flouncing, flounder, flour, flourish, flout, flow chart, flower head, flowered, floweret, flowering, flowerpot, flowery, flown, flub, fluctuate, fluctuation, flue, fluent, fluff, fluffy, fluid dram, fluid ounce, fluidity, fluky, flume, flummery, flummox, flung, flunk, flunky, fluor, fluorescent, fluoridate, fluoridation, fluorite, fluoroscopy, flurry, fluster, fluted, fluting, fluttery, fluvial, flux density, fly rod, flyer, flying, flying buttress, flying field, flying start, flyspeck, flywheel, foal, foamy, fob, focalize, fodder, foe, foehn, fogey, foggy, foghorn, foible, foil, foison, foist, folder, foliage, foliate, foliated, foliation, folic acid, folio, folk dance, folk singer, folk song, folk tale, folksy, folkways, follicle-stimulating hormone, follower, following, folly, foment, fomentation, fond, font, food pyramid, food web, foodie, foodstuff, fool's errand, fool's paradise, foolery, foolhardy, foolproof, foot soldier, foot-and-mouth disease, foot-candle, footage, football, footbridge, footfall, footgear, foothold, footing, footloose, footman, footmark, footnote, footpace, footpad, footpath, footplate, footprint, footrest, footslog, footstool, footwall, footway, footwear, footwork, foozle, fop, foppery, for, forage, foray, forbade, forbear, forbearance, forbidden, forbidding, forbore, forborne, forced, forceful, forcemeat, forcible, ford, forebear, forebode, foreboding, forecast, foreclose, foredoom, forefather, forefront, foregather, forego, foregoing, foregone, foreground, foregut, foreign, foreign affairs, foreign exchange, foreign office, foreigner, forejudge, foreknow, foreland, foreleg, foreman, foremother, forename, forenamed, forenoon, forensic medicine, foreordain, forepart, forerun, forerunner, foresee, foreshadow, foreshore, foreshow, foresight, forespeak, forest ranger, forestall, forester, foretaste, foretell, forethought, foretoken, forever, forevermore, forewarn, forewent, foreword, forfeit, forfeiture, forfend, forgat, forgather, forgave, forge, forgery, forgetful, forging, forgive, forgiveness, forgiving, forgo, forgot, forgotten, fork, forked, forlorn, formal, formalin, formalism, formality, formalize, formate, formative, former, formerly, formic acid, formidable, formless, formulate, fornicate, fornix, forsake, forsaken, forsook, forswear, forsworn, forthcoming, forthright, forthwith, fortification, fortify, fortissimo, fortitude, fortnight, fortress, fortuitous, fortuity, fortunate, fortunately, fortune hunter, fortune-teller, forty, forty-five, forty-niner, forum, forward pass, forwarding, forwardness, forwards, fossa, fosse, fossette, fossil fuel, fossilize, foster, foster child, fosterage, foucault, fought, foul play, foulmouthed, foulness, found
4 foundling, foundry, fount, fountain, fountain pen, fountainhead, four flush, four-letter word, four-wheel drive, fourchette, fourgon, fourier, foursome, foursquare, fourth dimension, fourth estate, fourth of july, fovea, foveola, fowling, foxglove, foxhole, foxhound, foxing, foxy, foyer, fp, fracas, fractal, fractional, fractionation, fractious, fragile, fragmentary, fragrance, fragrant, frail, frailty, fraise, frame, frame of reference, frame-up, framework, framing, france, frangible, frankfurter, frankincense, frankly, frantic, frat, fraternity, fraternize, fraud, fraudulent, fraught, frazzle, freak, freaking, freakish, freaky, free, free companion, free energy, free kick, free love, free lunch, free radical, free speech, free-for-all, free-living, free-spoken, freebase, freebie, freebooter, freedom, freedom of speech, freehand, freehold, freeholder, freelance, freeload, freemasonry, freestyle, freethinker, freeware, freeway, freewheeling, freewill, freeze frame, freeze-dry, freezeout, freezer, freezing, freight, freightage, freighter, fremitus, french, french horn, frenetic, frenulum, frenum, frenzied, frenzy, frequency modulation, frequent, freshen, fresher, freshet, freshwater, fresnel, fresno, fret, fretful, fretted, fretwork, freud, freudian slip, friar, friary, fribble, fricassee, fricative, fried, fries, frigate, frigg, fright, frightful, frigidity, frigorific, frill, fringe, fringe benefit, frippery, friseur, frisk, frisky, frisson, fritter, frivol, frivolous, frizz, frizzle, frizzy, frock, frog, frolic, frolicsome, frondescence, frondeur, front runner, front-page, frontage, frontal lobe, frontier, frontiersman, frontispiece, frore, frosh, frosted, frosting, frostwork, frosty, froth, frou-frou, froward, frown, frowsty, frowzy, froze, frozen, frs, fructiferous, fructify, frugal, fruit salad, fruitage, fruitarian, fruitful, fruition, fruitless, fruity, frumenty, frump, frumpy, frustrate, frustrated, frustule, fry, frying pan, fsh, fuchsia, fuchsin, fuck, fucking, fuddle, fudge, fuel cell, fugacious, fugitive, fulgurite, fuliginous, full dress, full stop, full swing, full-blooded, full-blown, full-bodied, full-fledged, full-length, full-mouthed, full-scale, fullback, fuller, fully, fulminate, fulsome, fulton, fumaric acid, fumarole, fumble, fumed, functional group, functionalism, functionary, fund, fundamental, fundamentalism, fundamentally, fundus, funereal, fungal, fungible, fungiform, fungoid, fungous, funky, funnel, funny money, furan, furbelow, furbish, furcate, furl, furlough, furnace, furnish, furniture, furrier, furring, furry, furtherance, furthermore, furthermost, furthest, furtive, furunculosis, furze, fusee, fusel oil, fuselage, fusible, fusil, fusillade, fussy, fustian, fusty, futile, futility, futon, futures, futurism, futuristic, futurity, fuzz, fuzzy, fx, fylfot, g.b., gabardine, gabble, gabbro, gabby, gabfest, gable, gabor, gabriel, gad, gadabout, gadfly, gadget, gadgetry, gaffe, gaffer, gag rule, gaga, gage, gaggle, gaiety, gaily, gainer, gainful, gainsay, gala, galbanum, gale, galea, galenical, galileo, galiot, gallant, gallantry, galleass, galleon, galleria, galley, galley proof, gallimaufry, galling, gallipot, gallivant, gallo, galloping, gallows, galoot, galore, galvani, galvanism, galvanize, galvanometer, gambit, gamble, gambol, gambrel, gambrel roof, game bird, gamekeeper, gamely, gameness, gamer, gamesmanship, gamesome, gamester, gamete intrafallopian transfer, gametophyte, gamin, gamine, gaming, gamma, gamma globulin, gamma ray, gamma-aminobutyric acid, gammon, gamogenesis, gamp, gamut, gamy, gangland, gangling, gangplank, gangster, gangway, ganja, gantry, ganymede, gape, gaper, gapes, gapping, gar, garage, garb, garbage, garbage can, garble, garden-variety, gardener, gardening, garderobe, gargantuan, garish, garland, garment, garner, garnish, garnishment, garniture, garotte, garret, garrison, garrulous, garter, gas burner, gas chamber, gas gangrene, gas giant, gas station, gas turbine, gasbag, gasconade, gaslight, gasolier, gasometer, gasometry, gasper, gassed, gasser, gassy, gastralgia, gastritis, gastro-, gastrocolic, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal, gastronome, gastronomy, gastropod, gastrostomy, gastrotomy, gastrulation, gat, gate, gatehouse, gateway, gathering, gator, gauche, gaucherie, gaucho, gaud, gaudy, gauge, gaunt, gauzy, gave, gavel, gawk, gawky, gay-lussac, gazebo, gazette, gazetteer, gearing, gearwheel, gee, geek, geese, geezer, geiger, geiger counter, geisha, gelation, gelato, geld, gelding, gelid, gelignite, gelt, gem, gemination, gemma, gemstone, gendarme, gendarmerie, gene amplification, gene splicing, genera, general practitioner, generalissimo, generalist, generality, generally, generalship, generate, generation gap, generatrix, generosity, generous, genetic, genetic drift, genetic map, genetic marker, geneticist, geneva, genghis khan, geniculate, genie, genii, genital herpes, genitalia, genitive, genius, gent, genteel, gentile, gentility, gentle, gentlefolk, gentleman, gentlewoman, gentry, genu, genuflect, genuine, geocentric, geodesic, geodesy, geoid, geometric, geometric mean, geometric progression, geophysics, geopolitics, georgia, georgic, geosyncline, geothermal, geotropism, geranium, gerent, germ plasm, germ theory, germ warfare, germane, germany, germinate, geronimo, gerontocracy, gest, gestalt psychology, gestapo, gestate, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesture, get, get off, get-out, get-up-and-go, gewgaw, gh, ghana, ghastly, ghee, ghost word, ghostly, ghoul, ghoulish, giant, giantism, giardiasis, gibber, gibberish, gibbet, gibbon, gibbs, gibe, giblets, gibraltar, giddy, gif, gifted, gig, giga-, gigabyte, gigantic, giggle, gigolo, gild, gilding, gills, gilt, gilt-edged, gimcrack, gimlet, gimmick, gin, ginger, gingerbread, gingerly, gingery, gingiva, ginglymus, ginormous, giotto, giraffe, gird, girder, girl, girl scout, girlfriend, girlhood, girlish, girt, girth, gist, git, given, gizmo, glabella, glabrescent, glace, glad eye, glad rags, gladden, glade, gladiator, gladiatorial, gladiolus, gladsome, glaive, glamorize, glamorous, glamour, glandular, glans, glare, glaring, glasgow, glass ceiling, glass eye, glasses, glasshouse, glassware, glassy, glaze, glazier, glazing, gleam, glean, glebe, glee, glee club, gleeful, gleeman, gleet, glen, glenoid, gliadin, glib, glide, glim, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glioma, glissade, glisten, glister, glitch, glitterati, glitz, glitzy, gloaming, gloat, glob, global positioning system, global village, globalization, globate, globe, globetrotter, globose, globular, glockenspiel, glom, glomerule, gloom, gloomy, glorification, glorify, glorious, gloss, glossa, glossary, glossator, glossitis, glossolalia, glossology, glossy, glottic, glove box, glow, glower, glowing, glowworm, gloze, glue, glum, glutamic acid, glutamine, gluteus, glutton, gluttony, glyceride, glycerin, glycogenesis, glycolic acid, glycolysis, glycoprotein, glycoside, glycosuria, gm, gnarl, gnarled, gnarly, gnash, gnathic, gnaw, gneiss, gnocchi, gnome, gnomic, gnomon, go, go along, go away, go in, go off, go out, go-around, go-between, go-cart, go-getter, go-round, go-to, goad, goal, goal line, goatee, goatherd, goatskin, gob, gobbet, gobble, goblet, goblin, godchild, goddard, goddess, godfather, godforsaken, godhood, godless, godlike, godly, godmother, godparent, godsend, goer, goes, gofer, goggle, gogo, going, going-over, goings-on, goiter, gold digger, gold standard, golden, golden calf, golden fleece, golden handcuffs, golden handshake, golden mean, golden parachute, goldilocks, goldsmith, golf, golf course, golgi, golgotha, golly, gomphosis, gondola, gondolier, goner, gonfalon, gong, gonidium, goniometer, gonococcus, gonzo, goo, goober, good evening, good faith, good friday, good looks, good nature, good samaritan, good-for-nothing, good-looker, good-looking, good-natured, good-sized, good-tempered, goodbye, goodly, goodman, goodwill, goody, goody-goody, gooey, goof, goofy, google, googly, googol, goop, goose egg, goose grass, goose pimples, goose step, gooseflesh, gopher, gore, gorgeous, gorget, gorilla, goring, gormandize, gorse, gory, gosh, gossamer, gossip, gossipmonger, goth, gothic, gotten, goulash, gould, gourd, gourmand, gourmet, govern, governance, governess, government, governor, gr, grabble, grabby, graben, graceful, graceless, gracile, gradate, grade crossing, grade school, grader, gradual, graduate, graduation, graffiti, grail, grainy, grama, gramercy, grammar school, grammarian, grammatical, grammy, gramophone, grampus, granada, granary, grand, grand jury, grand master, grand piano, grand slam, grand unified theory, grand vizier, grandee, grandeur, grandfather, grandiloquent, grandiose, grandma, grandmother, grandpa, grandparent, grandstand, grange, granny, granophyre, grant, grantee, grantor, granulate, granulation, granulite, granulocyte, granuloma, granulose, grapevine, graphical user interface, grapnel, grapple, grappling, grappling iron, graptolite, grasping, grass widow, grassroots, grassy, grate, grateful, gratification, gratify, gratifying, grating, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuity, gravamen, graveclothes, gravelly, graven, graver, graves' disease, gravestone, graveyard, gravimeter, gravimetric, gravimetric analysis, graving dock, gravitas, gravitate, gravitational constant, gravy, graze, grazier, grazing, greasy, greasy spoon, great ape, great circle, greatcoat, greathearted, greece, greed, greedy, greek, green card, green dragon, green light, green revolution, green stuff, green-eyed, greenback, greenery, greenfield, greenhorn, greenhouse, greenland, greenroom, greenstone, greensward, greenwich, greet, greeting, gregarine, gregarious, gremlin, grenada, grenade, grew, grid, griddle, gridiron, gridlock, grief-stricken, grieve, grievous, griffin, grill, grille, grim, grimace, grimalkin, grime, grin, grinch, grinder, gringo, grippe, grisly, grist, grit, grits, gritty, grizzle, grizzled
4 grizzly, groan, grocer, grocery, grog, groggy, groom, groomsman, groovy, grope, grotesque, grotto, grotty, grouch, grouchy, ground cover, ground floor, ground plan, ground rule, ground state, ground substance, groundbreaking, groundhog day, groundless, groundnut, groundswell, groundwork, group practice, grouper, groupie, grouping, groupthink, groupware, grouse, grout, grove, grovel, grower, growl, growler, grown, grownup, grub, grubby, grubstake, gruel, gruesome, gruff, grumble, grumous, grump, grumpy, grunge, grungy, grunt, gt, gu, guadalajara, guadeloupe, guaiacol, guam, guarantee, guarantor, guaranty, guardhouse, guardian, guatemala, gubernatorial, guck, gudgeon, guerdon, guerrilla, guesswork, guff, guffaw, gui, guidance, guidebook, guided missile, guideline, guidepost, guidon, guild, guile, guileless, guilt, guiltless, guilty, guinea worm, guinevere, guise, guitar, gulch, gulfweed, gull, gullible, gulp, gum arabic, gumbo, gumboil, gumma, gummous, gummy, gumption, gumshoe, gunboat, gunfire, gunk, gunman, gunner, gunnery, gunning, gunny, gunpowder, gurgle, gush, gusher, gushy, gusset, gust, gustatory, gusto, gusty, gutless, gutsy, gutta, gutta-percha, gutted, guttering, guttersnipe, gutty, guv, guy, guyot, guzzle, gy, gym, gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastic, gymnastics, gynandrous, gynoecium, gynophore, gypsy, gyration, gyro, gyropilot, gyrose, ha-ha, haberdashery, habiliment, habilitate, habit-forming, habitable, habitant, habitation, habited, habitual, habitude, habitué, hacienda, hack, hackamore, hacker, hacking, hackle, hackles, hackman, hackney, hackneyed, had, hades, hadron, hadst, hafnium, haft, hag, haggard, haggle, hahn, hahnemann, hailstone, hailstorm, hair follicle, hair trigger, hair-raising, hairbrush, haircut, hairdo, hairdresser, hairless, hairpin, hairsbreadth, hairsplitting, hairstyle, haiti, hajj, hal, halberd, halcyon, haldane, hale, haler, half boot, half-and-half, half-assed, half-baked, half-breed, half-cocked, half-light, half-truth, half-wit, halfback, halfhearted, halfmoon, halftone, halite, halitosis, hallelujah, haller, halley, hallmark, halloo, hallow, hallowed, halloween, hallowmas, hallucinate, hallucinatory, hallucinogenic, hallway, halothane, halsted, halter, halting, halve, halves, hamas, hamate, hamburg, hamburger, hamiltonian, hammer and tongs, hammerstone, hammertoe, hammock, hammurabi, hammy, hamper, hand brake, hand glass, hand on, hand-me-down, hand-to-hand, handbag, handbill, handbook, handcart, handclasp, handcuff, handed, handedness, handful, handgrip, handgun, handhold, handicapped, handicraft, handily, handiwork, handkerchief, handler, handling, handmade, handover, handpick, handrail, hands-on, handsel, handset, handsome, handwork, handwriting, handyman, hang, hang back, hang-on, hangar, hangdog, hanger, hanger-on, hanging, hanging wall, hangman, hangnail, hank, hanker, hanky-panky, hannibal, hanoi, hantavirus, hap, haphazard, hapless, happen, happening, happenstance, happily, happy, happy hunting ground, happy medium, happy-go-lucky, haptic, harangue, harass, harbinger, hard copy, hard core, hard disk, hard hat, hard palate, hard rock, hard sell, hard-bitten, hard-boiled, hard-hitting, hard-nosed, hard-of-hearing, hard-shell, hard-wired, harden, hardened, hardening, hardheaded, hardhearted, hardihood, hardily, hardiness, hardly, hardpan, hards, hardship, hardtack, hardworking, hardy, harebrained, harem, hark, harken, harlem, harlequin, harlot, harmattan, harmful, harmless, harmonic mean, harmonica, harmonics, harmonious, harmonize, harper, harpoon, harpsichord, harridan, harrier, harrow, harry, harsh, hartford, hartshorn, harum-scarum, haruspex, harvest, harvest moon, harvester, harvestman, has, has-been, hash house, hashtag, hasp, hassium, hassle, hassock, hast, hastate, hasten, hasty, hasty pudding, hatchel, hatchery, hatchet job, hatchway, hate crime, hate speech, hateful, hater, hath, hatred, hatter, hauberk, haughty, haulage, haunch, haunt, haunted, haunting, haustellum, hauteur, havana, have, have-not, haven, haversack, hawaii, hawk-eyed, hawker, hawkish, haworth, hawser, haycock, haymaker, hayseed, hazan, hazard, hazardous, hazel, hazy, hb, hd, he-man, head off, head-to-head, headband, headdress, headed, header, headfirst, headgear, headhunting, heading, headland, headlight, headline, headliner, headlong, headman, headmaster, headmost, headpiece, headquarters, headrest, headroom, heads, headset, headshrinker, headstall, headstone, headstrong, headwaiter, headwind, headwork, heady, health insurance, heap, hearken, heart disease, heart rate, heart-lung machine, heart-searching, heartache, heartbreak, heartbreaker, heartbreaking, heartbroken, hearten, heartfelt, hearth, hearthstone, heartily, heartland, heartless, heartrending, heartsick, heartthrob, heartwarming, heartwood, heat exhaustion, heat rash, heat sink, heat wave, heated, heater, heath, heathen, heathenish, heather, heatstroke, heave, heave-ho, heavenward, heavy chain, heavy metal, heavy-duty, heavy-footed, heavy-handed, heavy-hearted, heavyweight, hebephrenia, hebetate, hebetic, hebrew, hebrews, hecatomb, heckle, hectic, hector, hedge, hedge fund, hedgerow, heebie-jeebies, heed, heedless, heehaw, heeled, heeler, heft, hefty, hegemony, heifer, heighten, heinous, heir, heir apparent, heir presumptive, heiress, heirloom, heirship, heisenberg, heist, held, helices, helicopter, heliocentric, heliograph, heliotrope, heliotropism, helipad, heliport, hellbent, hellcat, hellfire, hellhound, hellion, hellish, hello, helmet, helmholtz, helminth, helminthiasis, helminthic, helmsman, helotry, helpful, helping, helpless, helpmate, helpmeet, helsinki, helter-skelter, helve, hematic, hematite, hemato-, hematocrit, hematoma, heme, hemicellulose, hemicrania, hemicycle, hemin, hemipteran, hemo-, hemolymph, hemolysis, hemp, hen party, hence, henceforth, henchman, henhouse, henna, henpeck, henpecked, hep, heparin, hephaestus, heptad, heptagon, hera, herald, heraldry, herbaceous, herbage, herbal, herbalist, herbivorous, herculean, herder, herdsman, hereafter, hereby, herein, hereinafter, hereof, heres, heretofore, hereupon, herewith, heritage, heritor, hermeneutic, hermeneutics, hermes, hermit, hermitage, herniorrhaphy, hero worship, herodotus, heroine, heroism, herpes simplex, herpetology, herring, herschel, hesitancy, hesitant, hesitate, het up, heterodox, heterogenesis, heterogenous, heteromorphic, heteronomous, heterosexual, heterosporous, heterotypic, heterozygote, hetman, heuristic, hew, hewish, hex, hexagram, hexyl, hey, heyday, hezbollah, hgh, hi, hi-fi, hi-tech, hiawatha, hibachi, hibernaculum, hibernal, hibernate, hibernation, hick, hickey, hickory, hid, hidden, hide-and-seek, hideaway, hidebound, hideous, hiding, hie, hierarch, hierarchy, hieroglyphic, hieroglyphics, hifalutin, higgledy-piggledy, higgs boson, high and mighty, high frequency, high hat, high jump, high place, high profile, high relief, high roller, high school, high sign, high society, high tea, high time, high water, high-class, high-density lipoprotein, high-end, high-five, high-flown, high-handed, high-level, high-minded, high-pitched, high-powered, high-pressure, high-rise, high-sounding, high-speed, high-spirited, high-tension, high-up, highball, highbinder, highborn, highboy, highbrow, higher-up, highfalutin, highland, highlight, highly, highness, hightail, highway, highway robbery, highwayman, hilarious, hilarity, himalayas, hind, hindenburg, hinder, hindgut, hindrance, hindsight, hinduism, hinge joint, hinterland, hip joint, hip-hop, hipparchus, hippie, hippocratic oath, hippodrome, hippopotamus, hipster, hire, hireling, hirohito, hiroshima, his, hispanic, hispid, hiss, hist, histamine, histidine, histocompatibility, histogenesis, histogram, histolysis, historian, historic, historical, historiographer, histrionic, hit parade, hit-and-run, hit-or-miss, hitch, hitchhike, hitchings, hither, hitherto, hive, hl, hmo, ho-hum, hoar, hoard, hoarding, hoarse, hoary, hoax, hob, hobbit, hobble, hobby, hobbyhorse, hobgoblin, hobnob, hobo, hock, hocus, hocus-pocus, hod, hodgepodge, hoedown, hogan, hogback, hoggish, hogshead, hogwash, hoiden, hoist, hoity-toity, hoke, hokey, hokey-pokey, hokum, hold off, holdall, holdback, holden, holder, holding, holding company, hole-and-corner, holiness, holistic, holland, holler, hollow-eyed, hollywood, holm, holmes, holmium, holoblastic, holocene, holophytic, holothurian, holozoic, holy, holy day, holy grail, holy of holies, holy war, hom-, hombre, home economics, home ground, home office, home plate, home rule, homeboy, homecoming, homegrown, homeland, homeless, homely, homemade, homemaker, homeowner, homeroom, homesick, homespun, homestead, homesteader, homesteading, homey, homicidal, homie, homiletic, homily, hominoid, hominy, homo erectus, homo sapiens, homogamy, homogeneity, homonym, homophone, homozygous, honcho, honduras, hone, honestly, honesty, honey, honeybunch, honeycomb, honeydew, honeyed, hong kong, honied, honk, honolulu, honor-bound, honorarium, honorary, honorific, hoo-ha, hooch, hooded, hoodlum, hoodoo, hoodwink, hooey, hoof, hoofed, hook and eye, hookah, hooke, hooke's law, hooked, hooker, hooligan, hoopla, hoosegow, hoover, hooves, hopeful, hopefully, hopeless, hopkins, hopped-up, hopping, hopscotch, hora, horace, horde, hordeolum, horizontal, horizontal bar, hormone replacement therapy, hornblende, hornbook, horned, hornfels, hornswoggle, hornwort, horologe, horologist, horology, horoscope, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrified, horrify, horror-struck, horse opera, horseman, horsemanship, horseplay, horseradish, horseshoe, horsetail, horsewhip, horst, hosanna, hose, hosiery, hospitable, hospitalist, hospitality, hospitalize, hostage, hostel, hostelry, hostess, hostile, hostility, hostler, hot plate, hot potato, hot water, hot-blooded, hotbed, hotchpotch, hotel, hotelier, hotfoot, hothead, hotheaded, hothouse, hotline, hotshot, hour angle, hourglass, hourly, house of commons, house party, house physician, housebound, housebroken, housecoat, household, householder, housekeeper, housekeeping, housemaid
4 housemate, houseroom, housetop, housewares, housewarming, housewife, housework, housing, houston, hove, hovel, hover, how, howbeit, howdah, howdy, however, howitzer, howl, howler, howling, hoyden, hoyle, hpv, hr, hrt, ht, hub, hubble, hubble-bubble, hubbub, hubby, hubris, huckster, hudson bay, hued, hug, huge, hugger-mugger, huggins, huh, hulk, hulking, hullabaloo, human being, human genome project, human interest, human nature, human papilloma virus, human resources, humane, humanism, humanitarian, humanitarianism, humanity, humanize, humankind, humanly, humanoid, humble pie, humboldt, humbug, humdinger, humdrum, humeral, humid, humidor, humiliate, humility, hummock, humongous, humoral, humorist, humorous, humpback, humpty dumpty, hunch, hundredth, hung, hungary, hunger strike, hungry, hunk, hunker, hunks, hunky-dory, hunting, hunting knife, huntsman, hurdle, hurl, hurley, hurling, hurly-burly, hurrah, hurried, hurry, hurry-scurry, hurtful, hurtle, husband, husbandman, hush, hush-hush, husk, husky, hussar, hussy, hustle, hut, hutch, hutton, huxley, huygens, huzzah, hyaloplasm, hybridize, hydatid, hyde, hydragogue, hydrant, hydrastine, hydraulics, hydrazine, hydric, hydrocele, hydrodynamics, hydroelectric, hydrofluoric acid, hydrofoil, hydrogen bond, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen peroxide, hydrography, hydrokinetic, hydrologic cycle, hydrology, hydrolysate, hydrophobic, hydrophone, hydroplane, hydroquinone, hydrosphere, hydrostatic, hydrostatics, hydrotherapy, hydrothermal, hydrothorax, hydrotropism, hydrous, hyena, hyetal, hygrograph, hygrometer, hygrometry, hygroscope, hyla, hymeneal, hymenium, hymn, hyoid, hyoscine, hyoscyamine, hyp, hypanthium, hypatia, hype, hyped-up, hyperbaric, hyperbolic, hyperbolize, hyperboloid, hypercritical, hyperemia, hyperesthesia, hyperinflation, hypermetropia, hypermnesia, hyperostosis, hyperphagia, hyperphysical, hyperplasia, hyperpyrexia, hypertonic, hypertrophy, hyperventilation, hypesthesia, hypnopompic, hypoblast, hypochlorous acid, hypochondrium, hypocotyl, hypocrisy, hypocrite, hypocycloid, hypodermis, hypogastrium, hypoglossal, hypoglycemia, hypognathous, hypogynous, hypomania, hypophysis, hypostasis, hypostatize, hypothecate, hypothetical, hypotonic, hypoxia, hypsometer, hypsometry, hysterical, iamb, iambic, iatric, iatrogenic, ibid., ice cream, ice sheet, icebound, icebox, icecap, iced, iceland, ichor, ichthyology, ichthyosaur, ichthyosis, icicle, icing, icky, iconic, iconoclasm, iconoclast, iconography, icosahedron, icterus, ictus, icu, icy, idaho, ide, ideal gas, idealization, idealize, ideation, identic, identify, ideography, ideomotor, idiopathy, idiosyncratic, idiot box, idiotic, idle, idler, idol, idolatry, idolize, idyll, idyllic, idée fixe, iffy, ig, ignis fatuus, ignite, ignition, ignoble, ignominy, ignoramus, ignorance, ignorant, ignore, ikon, ileus, iliac, ilk, ill feeling, ill temper, ill will, ill-advised, ill-bred, ill-considered, ill-defined, ill-disposed, ill-fated, ill-founded, ill-judged, ill-mannered, ill-natured, ill-omened, ill-starred, ill-timed, ill-treat, ill-use, illation, illegal, illegible, illegitimacy, illegitimate, illiberal, illicit, illimitable, illinois, illiterate, illogical, illude, illume, illuminate, illuminati, illuminating, illumination, illumine, illusionist, illusory, illustrate, illustration, illustrious, ilmenite, imaginary, imaginative, imagine, imam, imbed, imbibe, imbroglio, imbrue, imbue, imine, imitate, imitation, imitative, immaculate, immanent, immaterial, immeasurable, immediate, immediately, immense, immensity, immerge, immerse, immersed, immersive, immigrant, immigrate, immigration, imminent, immoderate, immodest, immolate, immoral, immorality, immortal, immortalize, immovable, immune response, immune system, immunoassay, immunodeficiency, immunoglobulin, immunosuppression, immure, immutable, imp, impact, impactful, impair, impaired, impairment, impale, impalpable, imparity, impart, impartial, impartible, impassable, impasse, impassible, impassion, impassioned, impassive, impatience, impatient, impeach, impeachable, impeccable, impecunious, impede, impedimenta, impel, impend, impending, impenetrable, impenitent, imperative, imperator, imperceptible, imperceptive, imperfect, imperfection, imperial, imperil, imperious, imperishable, imperium, impermanent, impermissible, impersonal, impersonate, impertinence, impertinent, imperturbable, impetuous, impetus, impiety, impinge, impious, impish, implacable, implausible, implicate, implication, implicit, implied, implode, implore, implosive, imply, impolite, impolitic, imponderable, import, importance, important, importation, importunate, importune, impose, imposing, imposition, impossibility, impossible, impost, impostor, imposture, impotence, impound, impoverish, impracticable, impractical, imprecate, imprecation, imprecise, impregnable, impress, impressionable, impressionism, impressionist, impressive, impressment, imprest, imprimatur, imprint, imprison, improbable, improbity, impromptu, improper, impropriety, improv, improve, improvement, improvident, improvisation, improvise, imprudent, impudence, impudent, impugn, impunity, impure, impurity, impute, in extremis, in utero, in vitro fertilization, in-between, in-group, in-house, in-your-face, inability, inaccessible, inaccuracy, inaccurate, inaction, inactive, inadequate, inadmissible, inadvertence, inadvertent, inadvisable, inalienable, inalterable, inamorata, inamorato, inane, inanity, inappetence, inapplicable, inapposite, inappreciable, inappreciative, inapproachable, inappropriate, inapt, inartistic, inasmuch as, inattentive, inaudible, inaugural, inaugurate, inauspicious, inbound, inbreeding, incalculable, incandescent, incantation, incapable, incapacitate, incapacity, incarcerate, incarnadine, incarnate, incase, incautious, incendiarism, incendiary, incense, incentive, incentivize, inception, inceptive, incertitude, incessant, inchoate, incident, incidental, incidentally, incinerate, incinerator, incipient, incised, incisure, incite, incivility, inclement, incline, inclined, inclose, include, included, inclusive, incog, incognito, incognizant, incoherent, incombustible, incomer, incoming, incommensurable, incommensurate, incommode, incommodious, incommodity, incommunicable, incommunicado, incommunicative, incomparable, incompetence, incomplete, incomprehensible, incomprehension, incompressible, incomputable, inconceivable, inconclusive, incongruity, incongruous, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inconsiderate, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconsolable, inconsonant, inconspicuous, incontestable, incontrovertible, inconvenience, inconvenient, incoordination, incorporate, incorporated, incorporeal, incorrect, incorrigible, incorrupt, incorruptible, increase, incredible, incredulity, incredulous, incremental, increscent, incriminate, inculcate, inculpable, inculpate, incult, incumbency, incunabula, incurious, incursion, incurvate, ind, indebted, indebtedness, indecency, indecent, indecipherable, indecisive, indecorous, indecorum, indeed, indefatigable, indefeasible, indefectible, indefensible, indefinable, indefinite, indelible, indelicate, indemnify, indemnity, indent, indention, indenture, independency, indescribable, indestructible, indeterminable, index fossil, index of refraction, india, indian file, indiana, indianapolis, indican, indicate, indicative, indices, indicia, indict, indictable, indifference, indigene, indigent, indigested, indigestible, indignant, indignation, indignity, indigo, indirect, indirection, indiscernible, indiscipline, indiscreet, indiscretion, indiscriminate, indispensable, indisposed, indisputable, indissoluble, indistinct, indistinctive, indistinguishable, indite, individual, individualist, individuality, individualize, individuate, indivisible, indochina, indocile, indoctrinate, indomitable, indonesia, indoor, indoxyl, indubitable, indubitably, inducement, induction coil, inductive, indue, indulge, indulgent, indurate, indusium, industrial, industrial relations, industrialism, industrialist, industrialize, industrious, industry, indwell, inebriate, inedible, ineffable, ineffaceable, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, inefficient, inelastic, inelegant, ineligible, ineluctable, inept, inequality, inequitable, inequity, ineradicable, inert gas, inescapable, inessential, inestimable, inevitable, inexact, inexcusable, inexhaustible, inexorable, inexpedient, inexpensive, inexperience, inexpert, inexpiable, inexplicable, inexplicit, inexpressible, inexpressive, inexpugnable, inextensible, inextinguishable, inextirpable, inextricable, infallible, infamous, infamy, infanticide, infantry, infatuate, infatuation, infeasible, infelicitous, infelicity, infer, inferential, infernal, infernal machine, infertility, infidel, infidelity, infighting, infiltration, infinitude, infix, inflame, inflammable, inflate, inflationary universe, inflect, inflexible, inflict, inflow, influential, influx, info, infold, infomercial, inform, informal, informality, informant, informatics, information science, information superhighway, information technology, information theory, informative, informed, informer, infotainment, infract, infraction, infrangible, infrastructure, infrequent, infringe, infundibuliform, infundibulum, infuriate, ingather, ingenious, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingest, ingesta, ingle, inglenook, inglorious, ingoing, ingot, ingraft, ingrain, ingrained, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratitude, ingredient, ingress, ingrowing, ingrown, ingrowth, inguinal, ingénue, inhabit, inhabitant, inhalator, inhaler, inharmonious, inhere, inherent, inhospitable, inhospitality, inhuman, inhumanity, inhume, inimical, inimitable, iniquity, initial, initialize, initiatory, injudicious, injure, injurious, injustice, inkhorn, inkling, inky, inlaid, inland, inlaw, inline, inlying, inmate, inmost, inn, innards, inner, inner child, inner man, inner planet, inner-directed, innermost, innervation, inning, innkeeper, innocence, innovate, innovation, innovative, innoxious, innuendo, innumerable, inoculum, inodorous, inoffensive, inoperative, inopportune, inordinate, inosculate, inositol, inpatient, input, input device, inquietude, inquire, inquiring, inquiry, inquisitive, inquisitor, inquisitorial, inroad, inrush, ins and outs, insalubrious, insatiable, inscribe, inscrutable, insectivore, insensate, insensitive, insentient, inseparable, insert, inserted, inset, inshore, insider, insider trading, insignia, insignificant, insincere, insinuate, insinuation, insipid, insist, insistent, insobriety, insolent, insolvent, insouciant, inspect, inspector, inspirational, inspiratory, inspired, inspirit, inspissate, instability, install, installation, instancy, instant, instantaneous, instanter, instantly, instar, instauration, instead, instigate, instill, instinctive, institute, institution, institutional, instruct, instruction, instructive, instructor, instrument panel, instrumental, instrumentalist, instrumentation, insubordinate, insubstantial, insufferable, insufflate, insula, insulate, insulation, insuperable, insupportable, insuppressible, insurance, insure, insured, insurgence, insurgent, insurmountable, insurrection, insusceptible, intact, intaglio, intake, intangible, integer, integrant, integrate, integrated, intellect, intellection, intellectual property
4 intelligencer, intelligible, intemperate, intend, intendance, intended, intendment, intense, intensify, intensity, intensive, intensive care, intentional, interact, interaction, interbreed, intercalary, intercalate, intercede, intercession, interchange, intercom, interconnect, intercontinental, intercontinental ballistic missile, intercostal, intercross, intercurrent, interdependent, interdict, interdiction, interdigitate, interdisciplinary, interest rate, interested, interesting, interfacing, interfere, interferometer, interglacial, interior, interject, interlace, interlard, interline, interlining, interlock, interlocution, interlocutor, interloper, interlude, intermeddle, intermediary, intermediate frequency, intermediate host, intermediate range ballistic missile, interment, interminable, intermingle, intermission, intermit, intermix, intermixture, internal ear, internationale, internationalism, interne, internecine, internist, internment, internode, interpersonal, interphase, interplay, interpolate, interpolation, interpose, interposition, interpret, interpretative, interpreter, interracial, interregnum, interrelate, interrogate, interrogation, interrogative, interrogator, interrogatory, interrupt, interrupted, interrupter, interruption, intersect, interspace, intersperse, interstate, interstitial, intertidal, intertwine, intervene, interview, interweave, intestinal, intifada, intima, intimacy, intimate, intimation, intimidate, into, intolerable, intolerance, intolerant, intonation, intone, intorsion, intoxicating, intracranial, intramuscular, intranet, intransigent, intrauterine, intrench, intrepid, intricate, intrigue, introduction, introductory, introjection, intromission, introrse, intrude, intubate, intuit, intuition, intuitionism, intuitive, intussusception, inulin, inunction, inundate, inure, inutile, invade, invalidate, invaluable, invariable, invariant, invasion, invective, inveigh, inveigle, invent, invention, inventive, inventor, inveracity, invertase, inverter, invest, investigate, investigation, investiture, inviable, invidious, invigorate, invincible, inviolable, invisible, invitation, invite, inviting, invocate, invocation, invoice, invoke, involucre, involute, involve, involved, invulnerable, inward, inwardly, inwrought, io, iodism, iodize, ionic bond, iou, iowa, ip, ipa, iphigenia, ipo, iq, iran, iraq, irascible, irate, ire, ireland, irenic, iridectomy, iridescent, iridic, iritis, irk, irksome, irl, iron curtain, iron hand, iron horse, iron lung, ironclad, ironing, ironware, irradiant, irrational number, irrationality, irreconcilable, irrecoverable, irredeemable, irrefragable, irrefutable, irregularity, irrelative, irrelevant, irreligion, irreligious, irremediable, irremissible, irreparable, irreplaceable, irrepressible, irreproachable, irresistible, irresolute, irresolvable, irrespective, irresponsible, irresponsive, irretrievable, irreverence, irreverent, irreversible, irrevocable, irritability, irritable bowel syndrome, irritate, irruption, is, isaac, iseult, isinglass, isle, ism, isobaric, isochromatic, isochronal, isochronous, isolating, isoleucine, isomerism, isomorphic, isonomy, isopod, isosceles, isotherm, isotonic, israel, issuance, istanbul, it, italic, italicize, italy, itch mite, itchy, item, itemize, iterate, iterative, itinerant, itinerary, itinerate, iu, iud, iv, ivory tower, ivy league, ja, jab, jabber, jabot, jack-of-all-trades, jack-tar, jackal, jackanapes, jackass, jackboot, jackhammer, jackknife, jacksonville, jacky, jacobi, jactitation, jaded, jadeite, jag, jager, jagged, jaguar, jail, jailbird, jailbreak, jailer, jailhouse, jake, jakes, jalap, jalopy, jalousie, jamaica, jamb, jamboree, jamestown, jangle, janitor, january, jape, jar, jardiniere, jasper, jaunt, jaunty, java, javelin, jawbreaker, jay, jazz age, jazzy, je ne sais quoi, jealous, jealousy, jean, jedi, jeer, jefe, jejune, jell, jellied, jennet, jenny, jensen, jeopardize, jeopardy, jeremiad, jeremiah, jerky, jerry, jersey, jest, jester, jesus, jet plane, jet propulsion, jet set, jettison, jetty, jewel, jewish, jezebel, jibe, jig, jiggered, jiggle, jigsaw, jillion, jilt, jim crow, jimmy, jingle, jingo, jinx, jitney, jitter, jitterbug, jittery, jive, job lot, jobber, jobbery, jobless, jock, jockey, jockstrap, jocose, jocular, jocund, joe, jog, jogger, joggle, johannesburg, john, john bull, john hancock, john the baptist, johnny, johnny-come-lately, johnnycake, joie de vivre, join, joiner, joint resolution, jointed, jointer, jointure, joist, joker, jokey, joliot-curie, jollification, jollity, jolly, jolt, jongleur, josh, joshua, jostle, jot, jotting, jounce, journal, journalism, journalist, journey, joust, jovial, joyance, joyful, joyless, joyous, joyride, jube, jubilant, jubilate, jubilation, jubilee, judaism, judge advocate, judgment day, judgmental, judicatory, judicature, judicial, judiciary, judicious, judo, jug, jugal, juggle, juggler, jugum, juicer, juicy, jujitsu, juju, jukebox, julian, julius caesar, july, jumble, jumbo, jump-off, jumper, jumpsuit, jumpy, junction, june, jung, jungian, junior, junk, junk mail, junker, junket, junkie, junkyard, junto, jura, jural, jurassic, juridical, jurisdiction, jurist, juristic, juror, jury, juryman, jus, just, just-in-time, justifiable, justification, justify, justle, jut, jute, juvenile, juvenilia, juvenility, juxtapose, juxtaposition, k-pop, kabul, kala-azar, kale, kalian, kame, kangaroo, kangaroo court, kansas, kaput, karachi, karate, karen, karma, karoo, karyokinesis, karyosome, kashmir, kat, katz, kava, kayak, kayo, kazakhstan, kazoo, kb, kedge, keen, keeper, keeping, keepsake, kef, keister, keloid, kelpie, kelvin scale, ken, kendall, kendo, kennel, kenning, kenya, kepi, kept, keratitis, keratogenous, keratoid, keratosis, kerchief, kerf, kerfuffle, kermis, ketch, ketchup, ketone body, kettle of fish, key signature, keyboard, keyhole, keynote, keystone, keyword, kgb, khaki, khamsin, khan, khartoum, kibble, kibe, kibitz, kick boxing, kick out, kick-ass, kicker, kickup, kidnap, kidney stone, kif, kilimanjaro, killer, killing, killjoy, kiln, kilocalorie, kilometer, kilt, kimberlite, kimono, kinase, kindergarten, kindhearted, kindle, kindling, kine, kinematic viscosity, kinescope, kinesics, kinesthesia, kinetic, kinfolk, king-size, kingfish, kingly, kingmaker, kingpin, kingship, kinky, kino, kinsfolk, kinsman, kiosk, kip, kipper, kirchhoff, kirtle, kismet, kiss, kiss of death, kiss-off, kisser, kit, kit bag, kitchen midden, kitchen police, kitchenette, kitchenware, kith, kittenish, kitty, kitty-cornered, klebs, klein, klutz, km, knack, knap, knapsack, knave, knavery, knead, knee-high, kneel, knelt, knesset, knew, knickers, knickknack, knife edge, knighthood, knightly, knit, knives, knobby, knock-knee, knocker, knoll, knotted, knotting, knotty, knout, know-how, know-it-all, know-nothing, knowing, knowledgeable, known, knuckle-duster, knucklebone, knucklehead, knurly, koala, kobold, kook, kooky, koran, korea, kos, kowtow, kraken, krebs cycle, kremlin, kriegspiel, krill, kris, ks, ku klux klan, kudos, kung fu, kuomintang, kuwait, kvetch, kwashiorkor, kyanite, kymograph, l-dopa, la grange, la-di-da, labia, labial, labile, labor day, labor union, laborious, labrador, labradorite, labyrinthodont, lac, lace, lacerated, laceration, lacertilian, lachrymatory, lachrymose, lacing, lack, lackadaisical, lackey, laconic, laconism, lacquer, lacrimal, lacrimal gland, lactase, lactic, lactiferous, lactobacillus, lactone, lacunar, lacustrine, lacy, lad, laden, ladies' man, lading, ladle, lady, lady-in-waiting, lady-killer, ladylike, ladylove, ladyship, lag, lager, laggard, lagniappe, lagomorph, lagos, laic, laid, lain, lair, laird, laity, laky, lam, lamasery, lambda, lambdoid, lambent, lambert, lamed, lamellibranch, lament, lamentable, lamentation, lamented, lamia, laminaria, laminated, lamination, laminitis, lampoon, lamprophyre, lan, lanate, lancelet, lanceolate, lancers, land, land bridge, land-office business, landed, landform, landing, landing field, landing stage, landlady, landlord, landmark, landmass, landowner, landscape, landscaper, landscapist, landsman, langley, langue, languid, languish, languor, languorous, laniary, lank, lanky, lanose, lantern, lanthanide, lanyard, laos, laparotomy, lapel, lapidary, lapidate, lapillus, laplace, lapse, larboard, lard, larder, lardy, large calorie, large intestine, large-scale, largely, larger-than-life, largish, lariat, larrikin, larrup, larvicide, laryngeal, laryngectomy, laryngoscope, laryngotomy, lascar, lascivious, lase, laser printer, lash, lashing, lass, lassie, lasso, last minute, last straw, last-ditch, last-gasp, lasting, lastly, latah, latch, latchkey, latecomer, lately, latency, latency period, latent period, laterality, laterite, latest, lath, lathe, latices, latin america, latino, latitudinarian, latrine, lats, latter, latter-day, latterly, latvia, laud, laudation, laudatory, laughable, laughingstock, laughter, launch, launder, laundromat, laundry list, laureate, lauric acid, lauryl alcohol, lavabo, lavation, lavatory, lave, lavender, lavish, lavoisier, law of averages, law of large numbers, law of the jungle, law-abiding, lawbreaker, lawful, lawgiver, lawless, lawman, lawn, lawn mower, lawrence, lawrencium, lawsuit, lawyer, lax, lay in, lay-by, lay-up, layering, layman, layperson, laywoman, lazaretto, lazarus, laze, lazy, lazybones, laënnec, lb., lcd, ld, lea, leach, leaching, lead line, lead poisoning, lead-in, leaden, leader, leadership, leading, leading edge, leading light, leading man, leadoff, leaf spot, leafstalk, leafy, leaguer, leak, leakage, leaky, lean, lean-to, leaning, leant, leap second, leap year, leapfrog, leapt, learned, learner, learnt, leaseholder, leash, least, leathery, leave of absence, leave-taking, leaved, leaven, leaves, lebanon, lecher, lecherous, lechery, lectern, lectin, lectionary, lector, lecture, lecturer, lederberg, ledge, ledger, lee, leer, leery, lees, leet, leeward, leeway




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