

单词 _TabCounts3(>=4)
Tabs Headwords
4 leftover, legacy, legal, legality, legalize, legate, legatee, legation, legend, legendary, legerdemain, legged, leggy, legible, legion, legionnaire, legislate, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislature, legist, legit, legitimate, legitimize, legwork, lei, leipzig, leishmaniasis, leisured, leisurely, lemon, lemur, lend, lend-lease, lending library, lengthen, lengthy, lenient, lenin, leningrad, lenity, lent, lenticel, lenticular, lentigo, leonardo da vinci, leopard, leprechaun, leptin, lepto, leptodactylous, lese majesty, less, lessee, lessen, lesser, lessor, lest, let, let-out, lethe, letterbox, lettered, letterhead, lettering, lettuce, leu, leucocyte, leucocytosis, levant, levator, level playing field, levelheaded, leveret, levigate, levitate, levity, levo, levorotatory, levulose, levy, lewd, lexical, lexicography, lexicon, leyden jar, lh, liable, liaise, liaison, liar, libation, liberality, liberate, liberation, liberia, libertarian, libertine, librarian, librarianship, library, librate, librettist, libretto, libya, licentiate, licentious, licit, lick, lickerish, lickety-split, licking, lickspittle, lie-down, liebig, liechtenstein, lied, liege, liegeman, lientery, lieutenant, life belt, life history, life jacket, life preserver, life raft, life-and-death, life-support, lifeblood, lifeboat, lifeless, lifelike, lifeline, lifelong, lifer, lifesaver, ligate, ligation, light opera, light show, light water, light-fingered, light-footed, lighten, lighter, lightheaded, lighthearted, lighthouse, lighting, lightly, lightness, lightning arrester, lightning bug, lightning rod, lights, lights out, lightsome, lightweight, ligneous, lignin, lignite, ligule, likable, like, like-minded, likelihood, likely, liken, likeness, likewise, liking, lilac, lilt, lily, lily-livered, lily-white, lima, limber, limbic system, limbus, limelight, liminal, limitary, limitation, limited, limited liability, limiter, limn, limousine, limpet, limpid, linalool, linchpin, line drawing, line of sight, lineage, lineal, lineament, lineate, lineation, lineman, liner, linesman, linger, lingerie, lingo, lingua franca, linguiform, linguist, linguistic, linguistics, linked, links, linoleic acid, linoleum, lint, lintel, lion's share, lioness, lionize, lipase, lipid, lipoid, lipoma, lipoprotein, lippy, lipstick, liquefacient, liquefy, liqueur, liquid measure, liquidate, liquidator, liquidity, lisbon, lisle, list price, listel, listen, listing, listless, lists, lit, literacy, literal, literally, literary, literate, literati, literatim, literature, lithe, lithiasis, litho, lithograph, lithology, lithophyte, lithotomy, lithotripsy, lithotrity, lithuania, litigant, litigate, litigation, litigious, litmus paper, litmus test, livable, livelihood, livelong, lively, liven, liveried, liverish, liverpool, liverwort, livery, lives, livestock, living, living room, living wage, lizard, llama, llano, lm, ln, loaded, loafer, loan, loan shark, loanword, loath, loathe, loathing, loathsome, loaves, lob, lobar, lobate, lobbyist, loblolly, lobo, lobster, lobule, locale, localism, locality, localize, locally, locate, location, loch, lochia, loci, lock-in, lockdown, locket, loco, locomotive, locomotor, locomotor ataxia, locular, locule, locum tenens, locust, locution, lodestone, lodge, lodger, lodging, lodging house, lodgment, lodicule, loewi, loft, lofty, logarithmic, logbook, loge, logger, loggerhead, loggia, logging, logic circuit, logical, logician, login, logistics, logjam, logorrhea, logos, loincloth, loiter, loki, lol, loll, lollapalooza, lollop, loment, london, lone, lone hand, lonely, loner, lonesome, long distance, long island, long johns, long march, long shot, long suit, long tom, long-ago, long-drawn-out, long-lived, long-range, long-sighted, long-suffering, long-term, long-winded, longanimity, longhand, longing, longish, longstanding, longtime, longways, loo, look-alike, look-in, look-see, looker, looking glass, lookup, loom, loon, loony, looper, loophole, loopy, loose cannon, loose-jointed, loose-tongued, loosen, loot, lop, lope, lophophore, lopsided, loquacious, loran, lord, lord mayor, lording, lordly, lordosis, lordship, lore, lorentz, lorgnette, lorgnon, lorn, lorry, los angeles, losing, lottery, lotto, lotus, lou gehrig's disease, loudspeaker, louisiana, louisville, lounge, lounger, lour, lousy, lout, loutish, louvre, lovable, love child, love knot, love life, love potion, love seat, loveless, lovelorn, lovely, lovemaking, lover, lovesick, lovey-dovey, low comedy, low frequency, low relief, low water, low-density lipoprotein, low-key, low-minded, low-necked, low-pitched, low-pressure, low-rent, low-spirited, lowborn, lowboy, lowdown, lower class, lower world, lowercase, lowermost, lowland, lowly, loyal, loyalist, loyalty, lp, lubricant, lubricate, lubricious, lubricity, lucarne, lucent, lucid, lucidity, lucifer, luckless, lucrative, lucre, lucubration, luculent, lucy, ludicrous, lues, luftwaffe, lug, luge, luggage, lugubrious, lukewarm, lull, lullaby, lulu, lumbago, lumbar puncture, lumber, lumbering, lumberjack, lumbricoid, luminary, luminesce, luminosity, lummox, lumpish, lumpy, lunacy, lunate, lunatic, lunatic fringe, luncheon, luncheonette, lunchroom, lune, lunette, lunge, lungfish, lungi, lunisolar, lunula, lure, lurid, lurk, luscious, lush, lusitania, lust, luster, lustful, lustral, lustrum, lusty, lusus naturae, lute, luteinizing hormone, lutetium, luxate, luxembourg, luxuriant, luxuriate, luxurious, lycanthropy, lyceum, lycopene, lye, lyell, lying, lymph node, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, lymphocytosis, lymphoid, lymphokine, lynch, lynx, lyra, lyricist, lyrist, lys, lysenko, lysergic acid, lysin, lysis, lysosome, löffler, m, ma'am, maar, mac, macabre, macadam, macaroni, macaronic, macaroon, macbeth, maccabees, macedonia, maceration, mach, mach number, machete, machinate, machination, machine gun, machine language, machine learning, machine shop, machine tool, machinery, machinist, machismo, macintosh, mack, mackintosh, macleod, macrocyte, macrogamete, macromolecule, macronucleus, macrophage, macular degeneration, maculation, madagascar, madam, madame, madcap, madden, maddening, madder, madding, made-to-order, made-up, mademoiselle, madhouse, madison, madison avenue, madly, madman, madonna, madrid, madrigal, madwoman, maelstrom, mafia, mafioso, mag, magazine, magdalenian, mage, magenta, magi, magic, magic bullet, magic lantern, magic number, magician, magisterial, magistracy, magistrate, magnanimity, magnanimous, magnate, magnetic disk, magnetic meridian, magnetic needle, magnetic pole, magnetite, magnetograph, magnetometer, magneton, magnificence, magnificent, magnifico, magnifying glass, magniloquent, magnum, magnum opus, magpie, maharajah, maharishi, mahatma, mahogany, maid, maiden, maidenhead, maidenhood, maidenly, maidservant, mail, mail order, mailbox, mailer, mailing list, maillot, mailman, maim, main course, maine, mainland, mainline, mainly, mainspring, mainstay, maintain, majestic, majesty, major, major general, major histocompatibility complex, major league, major-domo, majority, majuscule, make-peace, make-ready, maker, makeshift, makeweight, making, mal-, malacology, maladaptive, maladroit, malapert, malapropism, malapropos, malar, malarkey, malassimilation, malawi, malayalam, malaysia, malcontent, maleate, maledict, malediction, malefactor, maleficent, maleic acid, malevolent, malfeasance, malformed, mali, malic acid, malice, malicious, malign, malignity, malison, malkin, mall, mallet, malocclusion, malodorous, malonic acid, malposition, malt liquor, malta, maltase, maltreat, malversation, malware, mam, mama, mammalogy, mammary, mammilla, mammillate, man, man of straw, man of the world, man-at-arms, man-eating, man-made, man-to-man, manacle, manage, manageable, managed care, manager, manageress, managerial, manchester, manciple, mandatory, mandrill, mane, manes, manful, manga, mangle, mangy, manhandle, manhattan, manhood, manic-depressive illness, manicure, manifest, manifesto, manikin, manipulation, manitoba, mankind, manlike, manly, manna, manned, mannequin, mannered, mannerless, mannerly, mannish, mannitol, manor, manor house, manpower, manse, manservant, mansion, manta, manteau, mantel, mantelletta, mantilla, mantissa, mantling, mantra, mantua, manual, manubrium, manufactory, manufacture, manufacturer, manumission, manumit, manure, manus, many-sided, mao, maoi, maoism, maple syrup, mapping, maquillage, mar, marathoner, maraud, marauding, marbling, marc, marcasite, march-past, marcher, marching orders, marchland, marconi, mardi gras, margarine, margarite, marginalia, marginalize, marie antoinette, marimba, marina, marinade, marinate, mariner, marionette, marital, maritime, markdown, marked, market price, market research, marketable, marketing, marketplace, marking, marksman, marmalade, marmoreal, maroon, marquee, marquis, marquise, marriageable, married, marry, marshal, marshall, marshland, marshmallow, marshy, mart, martial, martial law, martin, martinet, martinique, martyr, martyrdom, marvel, marxism, maryland, mascot, masculine, maser, mashed, mashie, masjid, masked ball, mason, masonry, masque, masquerade, mass number, mass production, mass-produce, massa, massachusetts, massacre, masseter, massotherapy, massy, mast cell, mastaba, master builder, master key, master race, masterful, masterly, mastermind, masterpiece, masterstroke, mastery, masthead, masticatory, mastitis, mastoid, mata hari, matador, matchless, matchmaker, mater, materfamilias, materia medica, material, materiality, materialize, materially, matey, math, mathematical, maths, matriarch, matriarchy, matricide, matriculate, matrimonial, matrimony, matron, matronly, matronymic, matte, matted, matter of course, matter of fact, matterhorn, matting, mattress, maturate, matzo, maud, maudlin, maul, maunder, maundy, maury, mauve, maven, maverick, maw, mawkish, max, maxi, maxim, maxima, maximize, maxwell, may, maybe, mayflower, mayhap, mayhem, mayo, mayor, maze, mazuma, mazy, mccarthyism, mcclintock, mcg, mcp, mdma, me, me-too, mea culpa, mead, meadow
4 mealy, mealy-mouthed, meaning, meaningful, meaningless, means, meanwhile, measly, measurable, measured, measureless, meat and potatoes, meatus, meaty, mecca, mechanic, mechanician, mechanistic, mechanize, meconium, med, medal, medal of honor, medallion, meddle, meddlesome, medea, medevac, media event, mediastinum, medici, medicine ball, medicine man, mediocre, mediocrity, meditate, meditation, medium frequency, medley, medullated, meed, meek, meeting, meeting house, meg, megabyte, megadose, megafauna, megagamete, megalith, megaloblast, megaphone, megaspore, megawatt, meitnerium, mel, melanic, melanocyte, melanoid, melanophore, melanosis, melbourne, meld, melee, meliorate, melioration, meliorism, melliferous, mellifluous, mellow, melodeon, melodic, melodious, melodist, melody, melon, membership, membrane bone, meme, memento, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorandum, memorial, memorialize, memorize, memphis, menace, menagerie, menarche, mendacity, mendelian, mendelism, mendicant, mending, menhir, menial, meningocele, meningococcus, meno, menology, menorrhagia, menstrual, menstrual cycle, menstruate, menstruum, mensurable, mensuration, mental age, mentor, mentum, menu, meow, mephistopheles, mephitis, meprobamate, mercantile, mercaptan, mercator, mercator projection, mercenary, merchandise, merchandising, merchant, merchantable, merciful, merciless, mercy killing, merely, meretricious, merge, meringue, merino, meristem, meritocracy, meritorious, merlin, merman, meroblastic, merozoite, merriment, merry, merry-andrew, merry-go-round, merrymaking, mescaline, mesdames, mesdemoiselles, mesenchyme, mesenteron, mesentery, mesh, mesial, mesic, mesmeric, mesmerize, mesne, mesoblast, mesocarp, mesocephalic, mesogastrium, mesolithic, mesonephros, mesophyll, mesopotamia, mesosphere, mesozoic, mess hall, messaging, messenger, messenger rna, messieurs, messy, mestizo, meta, metabolite, metage, metagenesis, metamerism, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphose, metanephros, metaphysical, metatarsus, metathesis, metchnikoff, mete, metempsychosis, meteoric, meteorograph, meteoroid, methadone, methamphetamine, methicillin, methionine, methodical, methodize, methodology, methotrexate, methuselah, methylamine, meticulous, metopic, metrical, metrics, metrist, metritis, metrology, metronome, metronymic, metropolis, metropolitan, metrorrhagia, mettle, mew, mewl, mezzanine, mezzo, mezzo-soprano, mezzotint, miami, miasma, mica, michael, michelangelo, michelson, michigan, mickey mouse, microcline, micrococcus, microcrystalline, microdot, microelectronics, microevolution, microfarad, micrograph, microlith, micronucleus, micronutrient, microphone, micropsia, micropyle, microscopy, microseism, microsleep, microspore, microsurgery, microtome, microtubule, midair, midas, midbrain, midday, midden, middle ages, middle english, middle ground, middle school, middle west, middle-of-the-road, middleman, middlemost, middy, midgut, midi, midiron, midland, midlife crisis, midmost, midnight, midpoint, midrib, midshipman, midst, midstream, midsummer, midterm, midtown, midway, midwest, midwifery, mien, mifepristone, mightily, migrant, migrate, mikado, mil, milan, mild, milden, mileage, milepost, milestone, miliaria, miliary, militant, militarist, militarize, military, militate, militia, militiaman, milium, milk fever, milk sickness, milk sugar, milk tooth, milk-and-water, milksop, milky, milldam, milled, millenarian, millenary, millesimal, milli-, millikan, millimeter, millinery, milling, millipede, millpond, millstone, milquetoast, milstein, milwaukee, mime, mimeograph, min, minaret, minatory, mince, mincemeat, mincing, mind reader, mind-altering, mind-boggling, mind-expanding, minded, minder, mindful, mindfulness, mindless, miner, mineral spring, mineralogy, mingle, miniature, miniaturist, miniaturize, minify, minikin, minima, minimal, minimalist, minimize, mining, minion, ministerial, ministrant, ministration, ministry, mink, minneapolis, minnesinger, minnesota, minor league, minority, minotaur, minster, minstrel, mint, mintage, minuend, minus, minuscule, minutely, minutiae, minx, miocene, miracle, miraculous, mirador, mirror image, mirth, mis, misadventure, misanthrope, misanthropy, misapply, misapprehend, misapprehension, misappropriate, misbegotten, misbehave, misbelief, miscalculate, miscellanea, miscellaneous, miscellany, mischance, mischievous, misconceive, misconception, misconduct, misconstruction, misconstrue, miscount, miscreant, miscue, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdiagnosis, misdirect, misdoubt, mise, mise en scène, miser, miserable, miserly, misfire, misfit, misfortune, misgive, misgiving, misgovern, misguide, misguided, mishandle, mishap, mishmash, misinform, misinterpret, misjudge, mislay, mislead, misleading, mislike, mismanage, mismatch, miso, misogamy, misplace, misprint, misprize, mispronounce, misquote, misread, misreport, misrepresent, misrule, misshapen, missile, missing, mission, missionary, mississippi, mississippian, missive, misspell, misspelling, misspend, misstate, misstep, missus, missy, mistaken, mister, mistletoe, mistook, mistral, mistreat, mistress, mistrust, misty, misunderstand, misunderstanding, misunderstood, misuse, miter, mitrailleuse, mitral, mitral valve, mitre, mitt, mitten, mitzvah, mix, mixed, mixed bag, mixed blessing, mixed media, mixed-up, mixer, mixtape, mizzen, mizzle, mk., moan, moat, mob, mobile, mobile phone, mobility, mobocracy, mobster, moccasin, mocha, mock, mock-heroic, mock-up, mockery, mockumentary, mod, modeling, moderate, moderation, modern, modernism, modernity, modernize, modest, modesty, modicum, modify, modiolus, modish, modiste, modular, module, modulus, modus vivendi, mogul, mohair, mohammed, moil, moist, moisten, moisture, moisturize, moisturizer, mojo, mol., molasses, molder, molding, moldova, moldy, molecular formula, moleskin, molest, molière, moll, mollify, mollusk, mollycoddle, moloch, molten, molybdenite, molybdic, mom, moment of truth, momentarily, momentary, momentous, mon, monaco, monadelphous, monadnock, monarch, monastery, monastic, monatomic, monday, monetarism, monetary, monetize, money market, money order, moneyed, moneyer, moneylender, moneymaker, monger, mongolia, mongolian, mongolism, mongrel, monied, monies, moniker, moniliform, monism, monition, monitory, monk, monkey wrench, monkhood, monkish, monkshood, monoamine oxidase inhibitor, monochrome, monocle, monoclinic, monoclinous, monocracy, monocular, monocyte, monod, monody, monogamist, monogenesis, monogenic, monogram, monograph, monohydrate, monolith, monolithic, monologue, monomer, monomial, monomorphic, mononuclear, monophonic, monoplegia, monopodium, monopolize, monorail, monosodium glutamate, monotheism, monotone, monotonous, monotony, monotreme, monotypic, monounsaturated, mons, monsieur, monstrosity, monstrous, montana, montane, monte carlo, montevideo, monthly, monticule, montreal, monument, monumental, moo, mooch, moonbeam, mooncalf, mooned, moonlight, moonlit, moonshine, moonshiner, moonstruck, moony, moor, moore, mooring, moorland, moot, mop, mope, moped, moppet, mora, moral, morale, moralism, morality, moralize, morass, morbific, morbilli, mordacious, moreover, morley, morn, morning coat, morning dress, morning star, morning-after pill, mornings, morocco, morose, morpheus, morphing, morpho, morrow, morse, morse code, morsel, mort, mortality rate, mortgagee, mortgagor, mortician, mortise, morton, moscow, moses, mosey, moslem, moss-grown, mossback, most, mostly, mot, mote, motel, moth, moth-eaten, mother country, mother lode, mother ship, mother superior, mother tongue, mother wit, mother-in-law, mother-of-pearl, motherfucker, motherhood, motherland, motherly, motion picture, motion sickness, motionless, motive, motive power, motivity, motley, motor vehicle, motorbike, motorcade, motorcar, motorcycle, motorist, mottle, mottled, motto, moue, mound, mountain bike, mountain cat, mountain chain, mountain lion, mountain range, mountain sickness, mountaineer, mountainous, mountebank, mounted, mounting, mourn, mourner, mournful, mourning, mouser, mousetrap, mousing, mousse, moustache, mousterian, mousy, mouth organ, mouth-watering, mouthpiece, mouthwash, mouthy, movable, move-in, movie, moving, moving picture, mow, mown, moxa, moxie, mozambique, mp, mr, mrna, mu, mucilaginous, mucin, muck, mucker, muckrake, mucky, mucoid, mucopolysaccharide, mucopurulent, mucor, mucro, mucronate, muddle, muddler, muddy, mudguard, mudslinging, muff, muffin, muffle, muffler, mufti, mugger, muggy, muhammad, mulberry, mulch, mulct, muliebrity, mulish, mull, muller, mullet, mulligan, multicellular, multicultural, multifaceted, multifarious, multifold, multimedia, multinational, multipara, multiplex, multiplicand, multiplicity, multiplier, multipurpose, multiracial, multitask, multitasking, multitude, multitudinous, multiverse, multivocal, mumble, mumbo jumbo, mummer, mummery, mummify, mummy, mumsy, munch, mundane, mung, munich, municipal, municipality, munificent, munition, muon, murderous, mure, murk, murky, murphy's law, murray, musca, musclebound, muscovite, musculature, muse, museum, museum piece, mush, mushy, music box, music hall, musicale, musician, musk, muskeg, musket, musketeer, musky, muss, mussel, mussy, must, mustache, mustang, mustard, musth, musty, mutable, mutate, muted, mutilate, mutineer, mutinous, mutiny, mutt, mutter, muttonchops, mutual, mutual fund, muzzle, muzzy, mv, mvp, mw, myalgia, myasthenia, mycetoma, mycoplasma, mycosis, mycotoxin, mydriasis, mydriatic, myelitis, myelocyte, myeloid, myeloma, myiasis, myocarditis, myocardium, myoglobin, myology, myomectomy, myriad, myriapod, myrmecology, myrrh, myself, mysterious, mystery, mystic, mystical, mystify, mystique, myth, mythical, mythological, mythos, myxoma, myxomatosis, myxomycete, ménage, métier, nab, nabob, nacelle, nada, nadh, nadp, nag, nagasaki, naiad, nail file, nail-biting, nairobi, naltrexone, namby-pamby, name day, name-calling, nameless, namely, nameplate, namesake, namibia, nanjing, nanny, nantucket, napery, napkin, naples, nappy, narcissus, narco, narcolepsy, narcotism, nares, nark, narrate, narrative, narrow-minded, narthex, narwhal, nasa, nasdaq, nashville, nasion, naso-, natant, natation, natatorium, nates, nathans, nation, national
4 national debt, national park, nationality, nationalize, nationwide, native american, natter, natty, natural science, naturalistic, naturally, naughty, nauseated, nautical, nautical mile, nautiloid, naval, nave, navicular, navigable, navigate, navigation, navigator, navvy, navy, nawab, nay, nazi, nazism, nearby, nearly, neat, neaten, neath, neb, nebraska, nebular hypothesis, nebulizer, nebulosity, nebulous, necessarily, necessary, necessitarianism, necessitate, necessitous, neckband, neckerchief, necking, necklace, necklet, neckwear, necromancy, necropolis, neddy, needful, neediness, needlecraft, needlepoint, needless, needlework, needs, needy, nefarious, negate, negatron, neglect, neglectful, negligee, negligence, negligent, negligible, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, neigh, neither, nekton, nembutal, neo, neoclassicism, neogene, neolith, neolithic, neonatal, neonate, neonatology, neophyte, neoprene, neoteric, nepal, nepenthe, nephew, nephralgia, nephridium, nephrite, nephron, neptunium, nerd, nereid, nero, nerve fiber, nerve impulse, nerve-racking, nerveless, nervous breakdown, nervy, nescience, nest egg, nestle, nestling, nether, nether world, nethermost, netting, nettle, nettle rash, networking, neumann, neural tube, neuralgia, neurectomy, neurilemma, neuritis, neuro-, neuroanatomy, neurobiology, neuroblast, neuroendocrine, neuroglia, neurohormone, neuroma, neuromuscular, neuron, neuropathology, neuropathy, neurophysiology, neuroscience, neuroticism, neurotomy, neurotoxin, neutrality, neutralization, neutron star, neutrophil, nevada, never-ending, never-never land, nevermore, nevertheless, nevus, new age, new brunswick, new castle, new hampshire, new haven, new jersey, new look, new mexico, new orleans, new testament, new wave, new world, new year, new zealand, new-fashioned, newark, newbie, newcomen, newcomer, newel, newfangled, newfound, newfoundland, newish, newly, newlywed, newman, newport, news agency, newscast, newsletter, newsman, newsmonger, newspaper, newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newspeak, newsprint, newsreader, newsstand, newswoman, newsworthy, newsy, newt, next of kin, nf, ng, niacin, nibble, niblick, nibs, nicaragua, nicety, nickelodeon, nicker, nickname, nicotinic acid, nicotinism, nidus, niece, nifty, niger, nigeria, niggard, niggle, niggling, nigh, night blindness, night shift, night soil, night stick, night vision, nightcap, nightclothes, nightclub, nightdress, nightfall, nightgown, nighthawk, nightie, nightly, nights, nightshirt, nightspot, nighttime, nihility, nil, nimble, nimby, nincompoop, nine days' wonder, ninepins, ninja, ninny, ninnyhammer, ninth, nipper, nipping, nippy, nisi, niter, nitpick, nitric, nitric acid, nitric oxide, nitride, nitro, nitrogen cycle, nitrosamine, nitrous acid, nitty-gritty, nitwit, nixie, nmr, no one, no-account, no-frills, no-go, no-good, no-no, no-nonsense, no-show, no-win, nobelium, nobility, noble, noble gas, nobleman, noblewoman, nock, noctiluca, nocturne, nodal, noddle, nodose, nodus, noggin, noguchi, noise, noiseless, noisome, noisy, nom de guerre, noma, nomad, nomadic, nomen, nominal, nominate, nomination, nominee, nomothetic, non-, nonage, nonagon, nonalcoholic, nonappearance, nonattendance, nonbeliever, nonce, nonchalant, noncom, noncombatant, noncommittal, noncompliance, nonconductor, nonconformist, nonconformity, nondescript, nonentity, nones, nonesuch, nonetheless, nonevent, nonfeasance, nonfiction, nonflammable, nonintervention, noninvasive, nonpareil, nonparticipating, nonpartisan, nonpayment, nonperson, nonplus, nonproductive, nonprofessional, nonprofit, nonproliferation, nonresident, nonsectarian, nonstandard, nonstarter, nonstop, nonunion, nonviolence, noodle, nook, nooky, noon, noonday, nooning, noontime, noose, nope, norfolk, norite, norm, norma, normalcy, normalize, normally, normative, norovirus, north, north america, north carolina, north sea, northbound, northerly, northern, northern hemisphere, northward, norway, nose cone, nose job, nosebleed, nosedive, nosegay, nosepiece, nosey, nosh, nosing, nosology, nosophobia, nostalgic, nosy, not, notability, notary, notation, notebook, noted, notepaper, noteworthy, nothingness, noticeable, notification, notify, notion, notional, notorious, notre dame, notwithstanding, nought, noumenon, nous, nouveau riche, nova scotia, novelette, novelist, novella, novelty, november, novice, novitiate, novocain, nowadays, nozzle, ns, nsaid, nth, nu, nub, nubbin, nubile, nucellus, nucha, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear physics, nuclear reaction, nuclear weapon, nucleate, nucleon, nucleoside, nucleosome, nucleotide, nuclide, nude, nudge, nudibranch, nudity, nugatory, nugget, nuke, nullification, nullify, nullipara, nullity, number one, number two, numberless, numen, numerary, numerate, numeration, numerical, numerous, numina, numinous, nummular, numskull, nuncio, nunnery, nuptial, nursemaid, nursery, nursery rhyme, nursery school, nurseryman, nursing, nursling, nurture, nut house, nutmeg, nutritionist, nuts, nuts and bolts, nutter, nutty, nuzzle, nyctalopia, nylon, nympha, nympholept, nystagmus, névé, o', oaf, oak, oakland, oared, oarfish, oarsman, oast, oat, oath, oatmeal, ob, obdurate, obeah, obedience, obedient, obeisance, obelisk, obey, obfuscate, obi, obit, obituary, object lesson, objectify, objection, objectionable, objurgate, oblate, obligation, obligatory, oblige, obliging, oblivion, oblivious, oblong, obloquy, obnoxious, oboe, obs., obscene, obscure, obscurity, obsequious, observable, observance, observant, observation, observatory, observe, observer, obsess, obsolesce, obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolete, obstacle, obstinacy, obstipation, obstreperous, obstruent, obtain, obtest, obtrude, obtrusive, obtund, obverse, obviate, obvious, obvolute, occasional, occasionally, occipital, occipital lobe, occiput, occlusive, occultism, occupancy, occupant, occupational, occupy, occur, occurrence, oceangoing, oceanography, ocellus, ocelot, ochlocracy, ochoa, ochre, octagonal, octahedron, octane, octavo, octennial, octet, october, octogenarian, octopus, oculomotor, oculus, oddball, oddity, odds-on, odeum, odious, odium, odometer, odontalgia, odontoid, odoriferous, odorous, odysseus, oedipus, oestrus, oeuvre, off, off broadway, off chance, off-base, off-key, off-limits, off-putting, off-the-cuff, off-the-rack, off-the-record, off-the-shelf, off-white, offal, offbeat, offend, offense, offer, offering, offertory, offhand, office boy, officer, officialdom, officiate, officinal, officious, offish, offline, offload, offshoot, offstage, oft, often, ogee, ogle, ogre, oh, ohio, oi, oil field, oil painting, oil palm, oil shale, oil well, oilcloth, oiler, oily, ok, okay, okinawa, oklahoma, ol, old boy, old country, old english, old fashioned, old hand, old hat, old maid, old man, old school, old stager, old testament, old wives' tale, old-boy network, old-line, old-time, old-timer, olden, older, oldfangled, oldster, oleate, olecranon, oleic acid, oligarch, oligocene, oligoclase, oligosaccharide, oliguria, olio, olivary, olive drab, olivine, olla, om, oma, omaha, oman, omasum, ombre, omega-3 fatty acid, omen, omentum, omicron, ominous, omission, omit, ommatidium, omnibus, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnivorous, on, on-the-spot, onanism, once-over, oncoming, one-armed bandit, one-liner, one-night stand, one-piece, one-sided, one-step, one-time, one-two, one-upmanship, one-way, oneiric, oneness, onerous, ongoing, onion, onlooker, only, onomatopoeia, onrush, onshore, onslaught, ontario, ontology, onus, onward, onychia, oo-, oocyst, oocyte, oodles, oogenesis, oolite, oomph, oophorectomy, oops, ooze, oozy, opal, opaline, open air, open chain, open circuit, open door, open secret, open sesame, open shop, open universe, open-ended, open-eyed, open-heart surgery, open-minded, open-mouthed, open-source, opener, openhanded, openwork, opera buffa, opera glasses, opera hat, opera house, operatic, operating room, operational, operetta, operon, operose, ophiuchus, ophthalmia, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, opine, opinionative, opioid, opossum, oppenheimer, oppidan, opponent, opportune, opportunist, opportunity, oppose, oppress, oppression, opprobrious, opprobrium, oppugnant, opsonin, opt out, optical illusion, optician, optimal, optimism, optimize, optimum, option, optional, optometer, optometrist, opulent, opus, or, ora, oracle, oracular, orality, orang, orange, orangery, orangutan, orate, oration, orator, oratory, orb, orbiter, orc, orca, orchard, orchestrate, orchid, orchis, orchitis, ordain, ordeal, ordinal, ordinance, ordinarily, ordination, ordnance, ordovician, ordure, oregon, orestes, organ of corti, organa, organelle, organized, organogenesis, organology, organon, organotherapy, organum, orgy, oriental, oriflamme, original, original sin, originality, originally, orion, orison, ormer, ornament, ornamental, ornate, ornery, ornithine, ornithology, oro, orotund, orphan, orphanage, ortho, orthochromatic, orthoclase, orthodox, orthodoxy, orthoepy, orthorhombic, oscar, oscillograph, osculant, osculate, osculation, osculum, osler, oslo, ossein, ossiferous, ossified, ossuary, osteal, osteitis, ostensible, ostensive, ostentation, ostentatious, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, osteoclast, osteogenesis, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoid, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis, osteopath, osteoplastic, osteotomy, ostium, ostracize, ot, otalgia, otc, other, other world, otherness, otherwhere, otherwise, otherworldly, otic, otiose, otitis, oto, otocyst, otolith, ottawa, ou, oubliette, ouch, ought, ourselves, oust, ouster, out-and-out, out-of-doors, out-of-pocket, outage, outbalance, outbound, outbreak, outbuilding, outburst, outcast, outclass, outcome, outcry, outdated, outdistance, outdo, outdoor, outer, outer ear, outer planet, outermost, outfall, outfit, outflank, outflow, outfox, outgeneral, outgo, outgoing, outgrowth, outgun, outhouse, outing, outjockey, outland, outlander, outlandish, outlast, outlaw, outlay, outlet, outlier, outline, outlive, outlook, outlying, outmoded, outmost, outnumber, outpace, outperform, outplay, outpost, outpour, outpouring, outrage, outrageous, outrank, outreach, outrider, outrigger, outright, outrun, outré
4 outshine, outsider, outsize, outsmart, outsource, outspoken, outspread, outstanding, outstay, outstretch, outstrip, outtake, outthink, outturn, outvote, outward, outward-bound, outwardly, outwear, outweigh, outwit, outwork, outworn, oval, ovariotomy, ovaritis, ovate, ovation, oven, overabundance, overact, overactive, overage, overall, overanxious, overarching, overawe, overbalance, overbear, overbearing, overbite, overblown, overburden, overcast, overcharge, overcloud, overcoat, overcome, overcompensate, overconfident, overcrowd, overdo, overdraw, overdress, overdue, overelaborate, overemphasize, overestimate, overfeed, overflow, overfull, overgrow, overhang, overhaul, overhear, overjoy, overkill, overlap, overlay, overlie, overload, overlook, overlord, overly, overmaster, overmuch, overnight, overpass, overplay, overplus, overpopulation, overpower, overpowering, overproduction, overrate, overreach, override, overripe, overrule, overrun, overseas, oversee, overseer, oversensitive, overset, oversexed, overshadow, overshot, oversight, oversimplify, oversize, oversleep, overstate, overstep, overstock, overstretch, overstrung, oversupply, overt, overtake, overtax, overthrow, overtime, overtop, overturn, overuse, overview, overweening, overweigh, overweight, overwhelm, overwhelming, overwork, overwrought, overzealous, ovid, ovine, oviparous, ovipositor, ovisac, ovoviviparous, ovulate, ovulation, owe, owing, own, owner, ownership, oxalic acid, oxbow, oxen, oxford, oxidate, oxidation-reduction, oxidizer, oxter, oxygen mask, oxyhemoglobin, pabulum, pacer, pacesetter, pacific, pacifier, pacifist, pacify, pack animal, pack rat, package, packaging, packed, packet, packsaddle, pact, padding, paddock, padlock, padre, paean, page, page-turner, pageant, pageantry, pageboy, paget, paget's disease, pah, pail, pained, painful, painkiller, painless, painstaking, painter, painting, pair bond, pajamas, pakistan, pal, palace, paladin, palanquin, palatable, palatal, palatial, palaver, palea, paleobotany, palermo, palestine, paletot, palimpsest, paling, palingenesis, palinode, palisade, palisades, pall, pallas, pallbearer, pallet, pallid, pally, palm sunday, palma, palmar, palmary, palmistry, palmitic acid, palmy, palpable, palpitate, palpitation, palter, paltry, paludal, pampas, pamper, pamphlet, panache, panama, pancetta, pancreatin, pancreatitis, pandect, pandemonium, pane, panegyric, panegyrize, panel, panettone, pangolin, panhandle, panic attack, panic disorder, panic-stricken, panicle, panjandrum, panmixia, pannier, pannikin, pannus, panoply, panoptic, panorama, pansophy, pantaloon, pantheism, panther, pantile, pantofle, pantomime, pantothenic acid, pantry, pantyhose, pantywaist, papa, papain, papal, paparazzo, papaya, paper money, paperback, paperhanger, paperwork, papery, papilloma, papoose, pappus, pappy, papyrus, par excellence, para-aminobenzoic acid, parable, parabolic, paraboloid, paracelsus, paracentesis, parachute, paraclete, paradigm, paradisal, paradoxical sleep, paraesthesia, paraffin, paraffin wax, paragon, paragraphia, paraguay, paraldehyde, parallelepiped, parallelism, paralogism, paralyze, paramount, paramour, paranormal, paranymph, parapet, paraphernalia, paraphysis, parasitic, parasiticide, parasitize, parasitology, parasol, parasympathetic, parathyroid, parathyroid gland, paratyphoid, parboil, parch, parchment, pard, paregoric, parentage, parenteral, parenthesis, parenting, paresis, pareu, parhelion, parietal, parietal lobe, paring, paris, parish, parishioner, park, parka, parking lot, parkinsonism, parkland, parkway, parlance, parlay, parley, parliamentarian, parliamentary, parlor car, parlour, parlous, parnassus, parochial, parol, parole, paronomasia, parosmia, parotic, parotid, parotitis, parquet, parquetry, parrot, parry, pars, parse, parsimony, parson, parsonage, partake, parted, parthenon, partial, partiality, partible, participate, particle accelerator, particularity, particularize, particularly, parting, partisan, partite, partly, partner, partook, partridge, parturifacient, party wall, parvenu, parvovirus, pash, pasha, pasquinade, passable, passably, passageway, passe, passel, passenger, passerby, passerine, passim, passing, passion, passionless, passive resistance, passive-aggressive, passkey, passport, password, pasta, pastel, pastiche, pastime, pastorate, pastry, pasturage, pasty, patch test, patchwork, patchy, patent leather, pater, paterfamilias, paternalism, paternoster, pathetic, pathogenesis, pathognomonic, pathological, pathos, patina, patio, patisserie, patois, patriarch, patrician, patriciate, patrick, patrimony, patriot, patriotism, patrol, patrol wagon, patrolman, patron, patroness, patronize, patronymic, patsy, patter, pattern, patterning, paucity, pauper, pauperize, pave, pavilion, paving, paw, pawn, pawnbroker, pawnshop, pay dirt, pay phone, pay-per-view, payable, payee, payload, paymaster, payment, payout, payroll, pcp, pcr, peace offering, peace pipe, peaceable, peaceful, peacemaker, peach, peachy, peak, peaked, peaky, peal, pean, peanut, peanuts, pearly, pease, peashooter, peat bog, peavey, peccadillo, peccary, peck, pecker, peckish, pecten, pectinate, peculate, peculiar, peculiarity, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantry, peddle, peddler, pederasty, pedestrian, pediatrician, pediculosis, pedo-, pedology, pedophilia, pedunculate, pee, peek, peeler, peeling, peep show, peeper, peephole, peer, peer group, peerage, peeress, peerless, peeve, peevish, peewee, pegmatite, peignoir, peking, pekoe, pelage, pelerine, pelf, pelisse, pelt, peltry, pelvic, pelvic girdle, pemphigus, pen name, pen pal, penal, penalize, penalty, pence, pend, pendant, pendent, pending, pendulous, penelope, penetralia, penetrance, penetrant, penetrate, penetrating, penetration, penetrometer, penitent, penitential, penitentiary, penknife, penmanship, penna, pennant, pennate, penne, penniless, pennon, pennsylvania, pennsylvania dutch, pennsylvanian, penny pincher, pennyworth, pensile, pensioner, pensive, penstock, pent, pent-up, pentacle, pentad, pentagram, pentamerous, pentangle, pentecost, penthouse, pentode, pentyl, penurious, penury, peon, peony, pep, pep pill, peplos, pepo, pepper, pepper mill, pepperoni, peppery, peppy, peptic ulcer, peptide bond, peptone, peptonize, per annum, peradventure, perambulate, perambulator, percentage, percentile, perceptible, perch, perchance, perchloric acid, percipient, percussive, percutaneous, perdition, perdu, perdurable, peregrinate, peregrination, peregrine, peremptory, perfect, perfection, perfectionist, perfectly, perfecto, perfervid, perfidious, perfidy, perforce, perform, performance, perfume, perfunctory, perhaps, perianth, periastron, pericarditis, perichondrium, pericles, pericope, pericranium, pericycle, peridium, peridotite, perigynous, perihelion, peril, perilous, perilymph, perinatal, periodic table, periodicity, periodontics, periosteum, periostitis, periotic, peripatetic, periphrasis, periphrastic, periscopic, perishable, perishing, perissodactyl, peristome, peristyle, perithecium, periwig, periwinkle, perjure, perjured, perjury, perk, perky, perm, permanence, permanency, permanent, permanganic acid, permian, permission, permissive, permutation, peroneal, perorate, peroration, peroxidase, peroxisome, perpend, perpendicular, perpetrate, perpetual, perpetuate, perpetuity, perplex, perplexity, perquisite, persalt, perse, persecute, persecution, perseverance, persevere, persiflage, persist, persistent, persnickety, persona grata, persona non grata, personable, personage, personal, personal digital assistant, personalize, personally, personate, personification, personify, personnel, perspective, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, persuade, persuasion, persuasive, pertain, pertinacious, perturb, peru, peruke, peruse, perutz, pervasive, perverse, perversity, pervert, pervious, pesky, peso, pessary, pessimism, pester, pesthouse, pestilent, pet scan, petcock, petiolate, petit mal, petite, petition, petrify, petro, petrography, petrol, petrolatum, petrology, petrosal, petticoat, pettifog, pettifogging, pettish, petty, petty cash, petulant, pew, pewter, peyote, pg, phagocytosis, phalange, phalangeal, phallic, phallus, phantasy, pharaoh, pharmacognosy, pharyngeal, phase-in, phasmid, pheasant, phellem, phenology, phenom, phenomena, phenomenal, phenomenology, phenothiazine, phenylalanine, phew, phi, phial, philadelphia, philander, philanthropic, philanthropy, philharmonic, philippines, philistine, philosophical, philosophize, phimosis, phiz, phlebitis, phlebosclerosis, phobic, phocomelia, phoenicia, phonate, phonation, phonemic, phonetician, phonic, phonogram, phonograph, phonography, phonology, phony, phosphaturia, phosphide, phosphite, phospholipid, phosphoprotein, phosphoresce, phosphorescent, phosphoric, phosphoric acid, phosphorous, photocell, photocopier, photocopy, photodegradable, photodynamics, photoelectric effect, photoengraving, photograph, photographer, photographic, photography, photogravure, photolysis, photometer, photometry, photomultiplier, photoperiodism, photophobia, photoreceptor, photosensitive, photosphere, photostat, phototherapy, phototropism, phrasal, phraseology, phrasing, phrenetic, phrenitis, phrenology, phthalic acid, phthalic anhydride, phthiriasis, phthisic, phycomycete, phylactery, phyletic, phyllite, phyllo, phyllode, phyllome, phys ed, physical anthropology, physical education, physical examination, physical medicine, physical science, physicality, physicist, physicochemical, physio-, physiological, physiological psychology, phytochemical, phytogeography, phytology, phytotoxic, piaget, pic, picador, picaresque, picaroon, picayune, piccolo, piceous, pick-me-up, picker, pickering, picket, picket line, pickled, picklock, pickpocket, picky, picrate, picrotoxin, pictograph, pictorial, picture writing, picturesque, pid, piddle, piddling, piddock, pidgin, pie in the sky, piebald, piece goods, piecemeal, piecer, pied, pied-à-terre, pier, pier glass, pierce, piercing, piety, pietà, piezometer, piffle, pigeon breast, pigeon-toed, pigeonhole, piggery, piggin, piggish, piggy, piggyback, pigheaded, piglet, pigpen, pigskin, pigsty, pigtail, pike, piker, pikestaff, pilaster, pilates, pileous, piles, pileup, pileus, pilfer, pilferage, pilgarlic, pilgrim, pilgrimage, piling, pillage, pillbox, pillion, pillow, pillowcase, pilocarpine, pilose, pilot, pilot balloon, pilotage, piloting, pilous, pilule, pimp, pinafore, pince-nez, pinch bar, pinch hit, pinchpenny, pine, pineal, pineal gland, pineapple, pinfold, ping, pingo, pinhead, pinhole, pinion, pinkeye
4 pinnace, pinnacle, pinnate, pinnule, pinochle, pinpoint, pinta, pinto, pinup, pinworm, pion, pioneer, pious, pipe organ, pipeline, piper, piperidine, piping, pipit, pipsqueak, piquant, pique, piracy, piragua, pirate, pirogue, pirouette, pis aller, piscine, piscivorous, pisiform, pistillate, pistol, pitapat, pitch-black, pitch-dark, pitchblende, pitchy, piteous, pitfall, pithecanthropus, pithecoid, pithy, pitiable, pitiful, pitiless, pittance, pitter-patter, pitting, pittsburgh, pituitary, pityriasis, pivot, pivotal, pix, pixie, pixilated, pizza, pizzeria, pk, placard, placate, placatory, place kick, placement, placentation, placid, placoderm, plage, plagiarize, plagiary, plagioclase, plaguy, plaid, plain-spoken, plainsong, plaint, plaintive, plait, planarian, planck, planck's constant, plane geometry, planer, planetary, plangent, planking, plankton, planner, plano, plano-concave, plano-convex, plant kingdom, plantar, plantation, planter, planula, plash, plastered, plastering, plastron, plat, plate tectonics, plated, plating, platitude, plato, platonism, platoon, platy, platyhelminth, platyrrhine, plaudit, plausible, play on words, play-off, playa, playact, playback, playbill, playbook, playboy, player, player piano, playful, playgoer, playground, playgroup, playhouse, playing field, playmaker, playmate, playroom, plaything, playtime, playwright, plaza, plead, pleading, pleasance, pleasant, pleasantry, pleasing, pleasurable, pleasure, pleat, pleb, plebe, plebeian, plebs, pled, pledge, pledget, pleiades, pleistocene, plenary, plenipotentiary, plenitude, plenteous, plentiful, plenum, plesiosaur, plethysmograph, pleuron, plexiform, pliable, pliant, plight, plink, plinth, pliocene, plod, plonk, plop, plosive, plotter, plough, plover, plow, ploy, pluck, plucky, plugger, plum, plumb, plumb bob, plumber, plumbiferous, plumbing, plumbous, plummet, plummy, plumose, plump, plumper, plunder, plunger, plunk, plurality, pluripotent, plus, plush, plutarch, plutocracy, plutocrat, pluton, plutonic, pluvious, ply, pn, pneuma, pneumatophore, pneumobacillus, pneumococcus, pneumogastric, pneumonic, poach, pocahontas, pochette, pocketbook, pocketknife, pococurante, pod, podagra, podcast, podgy, podiatry, podophyllin, poem, poesy, poet, poetaster, poetic, poetic justice, poetry, pogey, poignant, point-blank, pointed, pointer, pointing, pointless, pointy, poised, poison ivy, poison oak, poisoning, poker face, poky, poland, polar body, polar front, polaris, polder, pole vault, polemic, polemics, polenta, poler, polestar, police, police officer, police state, police station, policy, polio, polished, politburo, polite, politesse, politic, political, politically correct, politician, politicking, polity, polka, polka dot, poll, poll tax, pollard, polled, pollen tube, pollex, pollinate, polling booth, pollinium, pollinosis, polliwog, pollster, polluted, pollux, polly, pollyanna, polo, poltergeist, poltroon, polycarpic, polychlorinated biphenyl, polychrome, polyclinic, polycyclic, polydactyl, polyester, polyethylene, polyglot, polygyny, polyhedron, polymath, polymerase, polymeric, polymerization, polymerize, polymorphonuclear, polymorphous, polynesia, polynomial, polynuclear, polypeptide, polyphony, polyploid, polypoid, polyuria, polyvinyl, polyvinyl chloride, pomace, pomade, pomegranate, pommel, pomology, pompadour, pompeii, pomposity, pompous, poncho, ponder, ponderable, ponderous, pongee, poniard, pontic, pontifex, pontifical, pontificate, pontoon, ponytail, pooch, poodle, pooh, pooh bah, pooh-pooh, poop, poor, poorly, pop, popedom, popery, popgun, popinjay, popish, popover, poppycock, populace, popular, popularize, popularly, populate, population genetics, populist, populous, porcelain, porch, porcupine, pork, porker, porky, porn, porphyria, porphyrin, porphyry, porpoise, porridge, porringer, port of call, port-wine stain, portable, portage, portcullis, portend, portent, portentous, portfolio, porthole, portico, portiere, portion, portland, portly, portmanteau, portrait, portraiture, portray, portugal, portuguese, pose, poseidon, poser, poseur, posh, posit, positively, positron emission tomography, posse, posse comitatus, possess, possessed, possession, possessory, possibility, possibly, post hoc, post horse, post office, post-obit, postaxial, postbox, postcard, postcava, postdate, poste restante, poster, posterity, postern, postfix, postglacial, postgraduate, posthumous, postiche, postilion, posting, postlude, postman, postmark, postmaster, postmaster general, postnatal, postoperative, postorbital, postpartum, postpone, postprandial, postscript, postulant, posy, pot-au-feu, potable, potage, potassium chloride, potassium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, potation, potboiler, poteen, potentate, potentiality, potentiate, potentiometer, pother, pothole, pothunter, potlatch, potpourri, potshot, pottage, potted, potter, pottery, potty, potus, pouched, pouf, poultry, pounce, poundage, pour, pourboire, pout, poverty, poverty-stricken, pow, powder horn, powder keg, powder room, power of attorney, power plant, power series, power station, powerful, powerhouse, powerless, powwow, pp, ppd., ppe, ppm, practicable, practical, practically, praetorian, pragmatic, pragmatics, prague, prairie schooner, prairie wolf, praise, praiseworthy, pram, prance, prandial, prang, prank, prankster, prat, prate, pratfall, pratique, prattle, prawn, praxis, pray, prayer, prayer book, prayer rug, prayer wheel, prayerful, praying mantis, preacher, preachify, preachment, preachy, preadolescence, preamble, precambrian, precancerous, precarious, precast, precaution, precede, precedence, preceding, precentor, precept, preceptive, precinct, precious, precious metal, precipice, precipitin, precipitous, precise, precision, preclude, precocial, preconception, precondition, preconscious, precursory, predacious, predate, predation, predatory, predecessor, predestinate, predestine, predeterminate, predetermine, predicament, predicant, predict, prediction, predictive, predictor, predilection, prednisone, predominant, predominate, preeclampsia, preeminent, preempt, preemption, preemptive, preen, prefab, preface, prefatory, prefer, preferable, preference, preferential, preferment, prefiguration, prefigure, prefrontal, preggers, pregnable, prehistoric, prehistory, prejudge, prejudicial, prelacy, prelate, prelect, preliminary, prelude, premaxilla, premed, premeditate, premeditation, premiere, premise, premonition, prenomen, prenotion, prentice, preoccupation, preoccupied, preoccupy, prep school, preparative, preparatory, preparatory school, prepare, preparedness, prepay, prepense, preponderance, preponderant, preponderate, preposition, prepossess, prepossessing, prepossession, preposterous, prepotency, prepotent, preppy, prepuce, prequel, prerecorded, prerequisite, prerogative, presage, presbyopia, presbytery, preschool, prescience, prescript, presence, present-day, presentable, presentative, presenter, presentiment, presently, presentment, preserve, preside, presidency, president, presidio, presidium, press agent, press box, press conference, pressing, pressmark, pressor, pressroom, pressure cooker, pressure group, pressure point, pressurize, presswork, prestidigitation, prestige, prestigious, presto, presumable, presumably, presume, presumption, presumptive, presumptuous, presuppose, pretend, pretender, pretension, pretentious, preterm, pretermit, preternatural, pretext, pretoria, prettify, pretzel, prevail, prevailing, prevalence, prevalent, prevaricate, prevenient, prevent, prevention, preventive medicine, preview, previous, previse, prevision, prey, priam, priapic, priapism, price support, price tag, priceless, pricey, prick, pricket, prickle, prickly, prickly heat, prier, priesthood, priestley, priestly, prig, prim, prima ballerina, prima facie, primacy, primarily, primary care, primary color, primary school, primatology, prime meridian, prime number, prime rate, primeval, priming, primipara, primitivism, primo, primp, primrose, prince, prince of wales, princely, princess, principality, principally, principium, principled, prink, print shop, printer, printery, printing, printing press, prior, priorate, prioress, priority, priory, prise, prison, prisoner, prisoner of war, prissy, pristine, privacy, private enterprise, private eye, private school, privateer, privation, privative, privilege, privileged, privily, privy, privy council, prize, prize money, prizewinner, pro rata, pro tempore, proactive, probable, probably, probang, probate, probation, probationer, probiotic, probity, proboscidean, procambium, proceed, proceeding, process server, procession, proclaim, proclivity, procrastinate, procrustes, proctor, procuration, procurator, procure, procurement, procyon, prodigal, prodigious, prodigy, prodrome, produce, production, proem, proenzyme, prof, profane, profanity, profess, professed, profession, professionalism, professor, proffer, proficient, profit, profit sharing, profitable, profiteer, profligate, profound, profuse, programmer, prohibit, prohibitionist, prohibitive, projectile, projector, prokaryote, prole, prolegomenon, proletarian, proliferous, prolific, proline, prolix, prolocutor, prologue, prolong, prom, promenade, prometheus, promethium, prominent, promiscuity, promiscuous, promise, promising, promissory note, promo, promote, promotion, promotive, prompt, prompter, promptitude, promulgate, pronator, prone, pronephros, prong, pronoun, pronounce, pronounced, pronouncement, pronto, pronunciamento, pronunciation, proof, proofread, propagandize, propagation, propanoic acid, propel, propellant, propene, propensity, proper, propertied, property, prophecy, prophetic, propinquity, propionate, propionic acid, propitiate, propitiatory, propitious, propone, proponent, proportional representation, proportionate, proposal, proposition, propound, propranolol, proprietary, proprietor, propriety, proprium, props, proptosis, prorate, prorogue, prosaic, proscenium, proscribe, proscription, prose, prosecute, prosecution, prosecutor, prosody, prospect, prospective, prospectus, prosper, prosperity, prosperous, prostaglandin, prostate, prostate gland, prostatitis, prosthesis, prosthetic group, prosthetics, prostitute, prostration, prosy, prot-, protactinium, protect, protection, protective, protector, proteinase, proteolysis, proteome, proterozoic, protest, protestant, protestation, prothallus, prothrombin, proto-, protohuman, protonema, protopathic, protostele, protozoa, protracted, protractor, protrusive, protuberance, protuberate, protégé, proud flesh, provenance, provender, proverbial, provide, provident, providential, providing, province, provincial, provincialism, provision, proviso, provisory, provocateur, provocation, provocative, provoke, provost
4 prow, prowess, prowl, proximity, proximo, prude, prudence, prudent, prudential, prurient, prurigo, pruritus, prussia, prussian blue, pry, précis, pseudocarp, pseudocyesis, pseudoephedrine, pseudonym, pseudonymous, pseudopod, pseudopregnancy, pseudoscience, psi, psst, psychiatric, psychiatrist, psychochemical, psychodrama, psychodynamics, psychogenesis, psychogenic, psychokinesis, psychological warfare, psychologist, psychologize, psychoneurosis, psychopathic, psychopathology, psychophysics, psychophysiology, psychosexual, psychosocial, psychosurgery, psychotomimetic, pta, pterodactyl, pterosaur, ptisan, ptsd, ptyalism, pub, pubes, pubic, public company, public health, public house, public opinion, public relations, public sector, public servant, public service, public speaking, public utility, public works, public-spirited, publication, publicist, publicity, publicize, publicly, publish, publisher, puce, puck, pucker, pud, puddle, puddling, pudency, pudendum, pudgy, puerile, puerperal, puerperium, puff, puff piece, puffer, puffery, puffy, pugilism, pugnacious, puissance, puissant, puke, pulchritude, pule, pull-off, pull-up, pullet, pullulate, pulmonary vein, pulmonic, pulmotor, pulpit, pulpwood, pulpy, pulsatile, pulse rate, pulverize, pulverulent, puma, pummel, pumpkin, punch line, punchy, punctilio, punctilious, punctual, punctuate, punctuated equilibrium, punctuation, pundit, pungent, punish, punishable, punk rock, punster, punt, puny, pup, pupa, pupillary, puppet, puppetry, puppy, purchasable, purchase, purdah, pure culture, purebred, purely, purgatorial, purify, purim, purine, purism, puritanical, purity, purl, purlieu, purloin, purple, purport, purported, purposeful, purposeless, purposely, purposive, purpura, purpurin, purr, purser, pursuance, pursuant, pursue, pursuit, pursuivant, purulence, purvey, purveyor, purview, push, push button, push off, pushcart, pusher, pushing, pushover, pushpin, pushy, pusillanimous, puss, pussycat, pussyfoot, pustular, pustulate, put away, put in, put through, put-up, putamen, putative, putrefaction, putrescible, putsch, putt, puttee, putter, putty, puzzle, puzzlement, puzzler, pvc, py-, pyelitis, pyemia, pygmalion, pygmy, pylon, pyo, pyongyang, pyre, pyrenees, pyridoxine, pyriform, pyrimidine, pyrite, pyro, pyrogallol, pyrophosphoric acid, pyrotechnics, pyroxene, pyroxylin, pyrrhic victory, pyruvic acid, pythagoras, pythoness, pyxis, pôrto, q.s., qatar, ql., quackery, quad, quadrangle, quadrature, quadrille, quadripartite, quadriplegia, quadriplegic, quadrivial, quadrivium, quadrumanous, quadruple, quadruplicate, quaestor, quaff, quag, quaggy, quagmire, quahog, quail, quaint, quake, quaker, quaky, qualified, qualifier, qualitative, qualitative analysis, quality, qualm, quandary, quango, quant, quantitative, quantum leap, quarrelsome, quarry, quartan, quarterage, quarterback, quartered, quartering, quarterly, quartern, quarterstaff, quarto, quartzite, quash, quasi, quaternity, quatrain, quaver, quay, quean, quebec, queen, queen bee, queen consort, queen dowager, queen mother, queenly, queer, quell, quench, quercetin, querulous, query, questionable, questioning, questionless, questionnaire, quetzalcoatl, queue, quibble, quick fire, quick time, quick-tempered, quick-witted, quickie, quickset, quicksilver, quickstep, quid, quiddity, quidnunc, quiescent, quieten, quietism, quietude, quietus, quilt, quilting, quinary, quincunx, quinidine, quinquennial, quinquennium, quinsy, quinta, quintain, quintessence, quintessential, quintuple, quintuplicate, quip, quire, quirk, quisling, quitclaim, quite, quits, quittance, quitter, quiver, quixotic, quiz, quizzical, quod erat demonstrandum, quoin, quoit, quondam, quota, quotation, quote, r.c.p., r.c.s., r.q., ra, rabbet, rabbinate, rabble, rabble-rouser, racecourse, racehorse, racer, racetrack, raceway, rachel, rachilla, rachitis, racket, racketeer, rackety, raconteur, racy, radial keratotomy, radically, radices, radii, radio beacon, radio compass, radio telescope, radio wave, radioactive decay, radiocarbon dating, radiochemistry, radiofrequency, radiogenic, radiography, radioimmunoassay, radioisotope, radiolarian, radiometric dating, radionuclide, radiotelegraphy, radiotelephone, radiotherapy, radiotoxic, raffinose, raffish, raffle, raffles, raft, rafter, rag trade, ragamuffin, ragbag, raggedy, raglan, ragout, ragtag, rah, rah-rah, raid, railing, raillery, railroad, railway, raiment, rain check, rain gauge, raincoat, rainforest, rainmaker, rainproof, rainstorm, rainwater, rainy, rainy day, raising, raison d'être, rajah, rake, rake-off, rakish, rally, ramble, rambler, rambling, rambunctious, ramp, rampant, rampart, ramsay, ramshackle, ramus, ran, ranch, rancher, ranchero, randy, ranee, rang, ranger, rangy, rani, ranker, ranking, rankle, rant, ranula, rapacious, raphael, rapid, rapid eye movement, rapid fire, rapier, rapine, rapparee, rapscallion, rapt, raptorial, rapture, rapturous, rare, rare-earth element, raree show, rarefied, rarefy, rarely, raring, rarity, rascal, rascality, rascally, rasher, rasp, raspberry, rasping, rasputin, rat race, ratchet, ratification, ratify, rating, ratiocinate, ration, rationale, rationalism, rationality, rattle, rattler, rattletrap, rattling, rattrap, ratty, raucous, raunch, raunchy, ravage, ravel, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravin, ravine, raving, ravioli, ravish, ravishing, raw material, rawhide, rayleigh, rayless, raze, razorback, razz, razzle-dazzle, rb, rd, rda, rds, reach-me-down, reaction engine, reaction time, reactive, reactivity, reactor, read-only memory, readable, reader, readily, readiness, reading, readjust, ready money, ready-to-wear, readymade, real estate, real time, real wages, realist, realize, really, realm, realty, ream, reamer, reanimate, reap, reaper, rear end, rearmost, rearward, reasoned, reasoning, reassure, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, rebirth, reborn, rebuff, rebuild, rebuke, rebus, rebut, rebuttal, recalcitrant, recant, recapitulate, recapitulation, recapture, recast, recede, receipt, receivable, received, receivership, recension, reception, reception room, receptionist, receptive, recharge, recherché, reciprocate, reciprocity, recital, recitation, recitative, recite, reck, reckless, reckoner, reckoning, reclaim, reclamation, recline, recliner, recluse, recognizance, recognize, recoil, recollect, recollection, recombinant dna, recombination, recommend, recommendation, recommendatory, recompense, reconcilable, reconcile, reconciliation, recondite, recondition, reconfigure, reconnaissance, reconnoitre, reconsider, reconstitute, reconstruct, recording, recount, recourse, recover, recovery, recreant, recreation, recreation room, recriminate, recrimination, recrudesce, recrudescence, recruit, recruitment, rectangular, rectifier, rectitude, recto, rector, rectory, recurrence, recurring decimal, recurve, recusant, recuse, recycle, red, red cent, red corpuscle, red cross, red light, red pepper, red-blooded, red-faced, red-handed, redact, redcap, redden, reddish, redeem, redeemable, redeeming, redemption, redirect, redistribute, redistribution, redline, redneck, redo, redolent, redouble, redoubt, redoubtable, redound, redraft, redress, redshift, redundant, reduplicate, reduviid, redux, reecho, reedy, reek, reel, reenter, reentry, reeve, reexamine, refection, refectory, refer, referee, reference, reference book, referent, refill, refined, refinement, refit, reform, reformatory, reformed, refractometer, refractory period, refresher, refreshing, refreshment, refrigerate, refrigeration, refrigerator, reft, refuge, refugee, refulgent, refund, refurbish, refusal, refuse, refutation, refute, reg, regain, regal, regale, regalia, regality, regardful, regarding, regardless, regelation, regency, regenerate, regent, reggae, regiment, regionalism, register, registry, regnant, regret, regroup, regularize, regulate, regulator, regulus, regurgitation, rehabilitation, rehash, reify, reign, reinforcement, reinstate, reinvent, reissue, reiterate, rejoice, rejoin, rejoinder, rejuvenate, rekindle, relapsing fever, relate, related, relational, relative, relative humidity, relatively, relativism, relator, release, relegate, relent, relentless, relevant, reliable, reliance, relic, relief, reliever, religionism, religious, relinquish, reliquary, relish, relive, relocate, relucent, reluct, reluctance, reluctant, rely, remain, remainder, remake, remand, remanence, remark, remarkable, rembrandt, remedial, remembrance, remembrancer, remind, reminder, remindful, reminisce, reminiscence, reminiscent, remiss, remittance, remittent, remnant, remodel, remonstrance, remorse, remorseless, remote, remote control, removal, remove, removed, remunerate, rencounter, rend, render, rendering, rendezvous, rendition, renegade, renew, renewable, renewable energy, renewal, renin, reno, renounce, renovate, renown, renowned, rental, renter, renunciation, reopen, reorder, reorganization, reorganize, reorient, rep, repair, repairman, reparable, repartee, repast, repay, repeal, repeated, repeater, repeating decimal, repel, repent, repentant, repercussion, repertoire, repetend, repetition, rephrase, repine, replace, replacement, replant, replay, replenish, replete, replevin, replevy, replica, reply, report, reportage, reporter, repose, reposition, repository, repossess, reprehend, reprehensible, reprehension, represent, representation, representational, reprieve, reprimand, reprint, reprise, reproach, reproachful, reprobate, reprobation, reproof, reprove, reptant, repugnant, repulse, repulsive, reputation, repute, reputed, reputedly, requiem, require, requisite, requisition, requital, requite, reread, reredos, res, res publica, reschedule, rescind, rescission, rescript, rescue, research, reseat, resemblance, resemble, resent, resentful, reservation, reserve, reserved, reset, reshape, reside, residential, residuary, resign, resignation, resigned, resile, resilience, resinous, resist, resistant, resistive, resistivity, resistor, resolute, resolvable, resolve, resolved, resolvent, resonant, resonate, resorcinol, resound, resounding, resource, resourceful, respectable, respectful, respecting, respective, respectively, respirable, respite, resplendent, respond, respondent, responsibility, responsible, responsive, rest home, rest mass, rest room, restate, restaurant, restaurant car, restful, resting, restitution
4 restive, restless, restock, restore, restrain, restrained, restrainer, restrict, restricted, restriction, restrictive, restructure, result, resultant, resumption, resurface, resurgent, resurrect, resuscitator, ret, retable, retail, retain, retaining wall, retake, retaliate, retardate, retardation, retell, retentive, retentivity, rethink, reticent, reticular, reticule, retiform, retinaculum, retinitis, retinitis pigmentosa, retinopathy, retinue, retire, retired, retiree, retirement, retiring, retool, retouch, retrace, retract, retractor, retread, retrench, retribution, retrieve, retriever, retroaction, retroactive, retrocede, retrofit, retroflexion, retrogress, retrogression, retrospect, retrospection, retrospective, returnable, returnee, reunion, reunite, revalue, revamp, reveal, revel, revelation, revelry, revenant, revenge, revengeful, reverberate, revere, reverence, reverend, reverent, reverential, reverie, reverse, reverse transcriptase, reversible, revetment, review, revile, revise, revision, revisionism, revitalize, revivalist, revivify, reviviscence, revocation, revoke, revolt, revolting, revolute, revolution, revolutionary, revolutionist, revolutionize, revolve, revolver, revolving, revolving door, revue, revulsive, rewarding, rewind, reword, rework, rewrite, rex, reye's syndrome, rhachis, rhapsodic, rhapsodist, rhapsodize, rhapsody, rhenium, rheology, rheostat, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorician, rheum, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rhexis, rhineland, rhinencephalon, rhinestone, rhinitis, rhino, rhinoceros, rhinology, rhinovirus, rhizopod, rho, rhode island, rhodesia, rhodopsin, rhombic, rhombohedron, rhubarb, rhumba, rhymester, rhynchocephalian, rhyolite, rhythm method, rhythmic, rialto, rib-tickling, ribald, ribaldry, ribbing, ribbon, ribose, ribosomal rna, rice, riches, richmond, rick, rickety, rickrack, rickshaw, ricochet, riddle, ridicule, riding, riemann, rife, riff, riffle, riffraff, rifle, rifleman, rifling, rift valley, rig, rigel, rigging, right brain, right hand, right triangle, right-minded, right-thinking, rightabout, righteous, rightful, rightist, rightly, rightness, rigid, rigmarole, rigorous, rile, riley, rill, rime, rimose, rimy, rind, ringed, ringent, ringer, ringleader, ringlet, ringmaster, rink, rinse, riotous, rip-roaring, riparian, ripen, riposte, ripped, ripper, ripping, ripple, ripple mark, riptide, risible, rising, risky, risqué, ritalin, rite, rite of passage, ritualize, ritzy, rival, rive, riverside, rivet, riviera, rivulet, roach, road agent, roadblock, roadhouse, roadmap, roadstead, roadster, roadway, roadwork, roam, roan, roar, roaring, roast, roaster, roasting, rob, robbins, robe, robespierre, robotics, robust, robustious, rochester, rock candy, rock climbing, rock oil, rock-'n'-roll, rock-and-roll, rock-bound, rockabilly, rocket engine, rocketeer, rocking horse, rockweed, rocky, rocky mountain spotted fever, rode, rodenticide, rodeo, rodomontade, rogation, roger, rogers, rogue, roguery, roguish, rohypnol, roil, roily, roister, role-playing, rolf, roll call, roll-up, rollaway, rollback, roller, roller skate, rollick, rollicking, rolling, rolling stone, rollout, rollover, rolodex, roly-poly, romanesque, romania, romantic, romanticize, romp, rondure, rood, rood screen, roofing, rooftop, rook, rookie, rooming house, roommate, roomy, rooster, root beer, root hair, rooted, rootless, roots, rorqual, rorschach test, rosaniline, rose water, rose window, roseate, roseola, rosetta stone, rosewood, rosh hashanah, ross, rostellum, roster, rostrate, rosy, rota, rotary, rotate, rotavirus, rotgut, rotifer, rotisserie, rotogravure, rotten, rotter, rotterdam, rotund, rotunda, rouge, rough-hew, roughcast, roughen, roughhouse, roughneck, roughrider, roulade, roulette, round table, round-shouldered, round-the-clock, roundabout, rounded, rounder, roundhouse, rounding, roundly, roup, rouse, rousing, roust, roustabout, rout, route, router, roué, rove, rover, rowboat, rowdy, rowdyism, rowel, royal, royalist, rpm, rrna, rt, rubber band, rubberneck, rubbery, rubbing, rubbishy, rubble, rube, rubicund, rubric, ruche, ruching, ruck, rucksack, ruckus, ruction, rudder, ruddle, ruddy, rude, rue, rueful, rufescent, ruff, ruffian, ruffle, rufous, rugged, rugose, ruination, ruinous, ruler, ruling, rum, rumble, rumbustious, ruminate, rummage, rummy, rump, rumpelstiltskin, rumple, rumpus, run after, run-on, runagate, rundle, rune, rung, runnel, runner-up, running head, runny, runout, runover, runt, runway, rural, ruse, rush hour, rusk, russell, russet, russia, rustic, rusticate, rustle, rustler, rusty, rutherfordium, ruthful, ruthless, rutilant, rutile, rv, rwanda, rx, rye, röntgen, sa, sabbath, saber, saber-rattling, sabin vaccine, sable, sabot, sabotage, saboteur, sabre, sabulous, saccate, saccharose, saccule, sacerdotal, sachet, sack race, sacking, sacral, sacrament, sacramento, sacrarium, sacred, sacrifice, sacrificial, sacrilege, sacrilegious, sacroiliac, sacrosanct, sadden, saddleback, saddlebag, saddlebow, saddler, sadomasochism, safari, safe-conduct, safeguard, safekeeping, safety, safety belt, safety curtain, safety match, safety net, safety pin, safety razor, safety valve, saffron, safranine, sag, saga, sagacious, sagacity, sage, sagittarius, sagittate, sahara, said, saigon, sailcloth, sailing, sailing boat, sailor, sainted, saintly, sal, sal ammoniac, sal soda, sal volatile, salaam, salable, salacious, salad, saladin, salamander, salami, salaried, salary, salep, saleratus, salesclerk, salesman, salicylic acid, salient, salientian, saliferous, salina, salivary gland, salivation, sally, salmagundi, salmon, salol, salome, saloon, salpingectomy, salpingitis, salpinx, salsa, salt of the earth, salt pan, salted, salter, saltpeter, saltwater, salty, salutation, salute, salvage, salver, salvo, samara, samaritan, samba, sameness, samhain, samite, samoa, samovar, samp, sampler, sampling, samson, sanatory, sanctified, sanctify, sanctimonious, sanctitude, sanctuary, sanctum, sanctum sanctorum, sand flea, sand trap, sandal, sandbag, sandbank, sandbox, sander, sandfly, sandman, sandpaper, sandpiper, sandwich, sandwich board, sandy, sang, sanguinary, sanguinolent, sanies, sanitarian, sanitize, sank, sans, sanskrit, santa, santiago, santonin, saphead, saphena, sapid, sapient, sapling, saponify, sapor, sapper, sappho, sappy, saprophyte, sapwood, sarajevo, sarcastic, sarcocarp, sarcolemma, sarcomere, sarcophagus, sarcous, sardinia, sardonic, sark, sarong, sartorial, sash, sashay, sashimi, saskatchewan, sass, sassenach, sassy, satanic, satchel, sate, satiate, satiety, satin, satirical, satirist, satirize, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, satrap, saturate, saturated fat, saucebox, saucepan, saucer, saucy, saul, sauna, saunter, saurian, sausage, sauté, savage, savagery, savant, savin, saving, savings and loan association, savings bank, savory, savvy, saw palmetto, sawbones, sawhorse, sawn, sawtooth, saxophone, say, say-so, saying, scabbard, scabious, scabrous, scad, scaffold, scaffolding, scalable, scalar product, scalawag, scale insect, scalene, scall, scallop, scalloping, scallywag, scam, scamp, scamper, scandal, scandalize, scandalmonger, scandinavia, scanner, scanning electron microscope, scant, scantling, scanty, scapegrace, scaphoid, scapular, scarcely, scarecrow, scaremonger, scarf, scarification, scarificator, scarlatina, scarlet, scarlet letter, scarlet woman, scarves, scary, scat, scathing, scatology, scatterbrain, scatty, scavenge, scenario, scenery, scenic, sceptic, sceptre, schadenfreude, scheele, schematic, scheming, schismatic, schist, schistosome, schistosomiasis, schizogony, schizomycete, schizont, schlemiel, schlep, schmaltz, schmaltzy, schmo, schmooze, schmuck, scholar, scholarship, scholastic, scholasticism, school board, schoolboy, schoolhouse, schooling, schoolmaster, schoolmate, schoolteacher, schooner, schtick, schwann, schweitzer, sci-fi, sciatic, scientific, scientific method, scientist, scilicet, scimitar, scintilla, scintillate, scintillating, scintillator, sciolism, scirrhous, scirrhus, scission, scissor, scissors, sclerenchyma, scleritis, scleroid, scleroprotein, sclerosis, sclerotomy, sclerous, scoff, scold, scolex, sconce, scone, scoop, scoot, scooter, scope, scorbutic, scorch, scorcher, scorecard, scorn, scorpio, scorpion, scorpius, scot, scot-free, scotch, scotland, scotopia, scoundrel, scour, scourge, scourings, scouting, scow, scowl, scrabble, scrag, scraggly, scraggy, scram, scramble, scrap, scrape, scrapie, scratch pad, scratch test, scratches, scrawl, scrawny, screak, scream, screamer, scree, screech, screed, screening, screenplay, screenwriter, screwball, screwed, screwup, screwy, scribble, scribbler, scribe, scrim, scrimmage, scrimp, script, scriptural, scrivener, scrofula, scrofulous, scroll, scrooge, scrounge, scrub, scrubber, scrubby, scrubland, scruff, scruffy, scrumptious, scrunch, scrupulous, scrutinize, scud, scuff, scuffle, scull, scullery, scullion, sculpt, sculptor, sculpture, scum, scumbag, scurrilous, scurry, scute, scutellum, scutter, scuttle, scuttlebutt, scuzzy, scylla, scythe, sd, sdi, sea anchor, sea captain, sea change, sea cucumber, sea green, sea power, sea room, sea salt, sea serpent, sea slug, sea squirt, sea tangle, sea wall, seaboard, seaborgium, seacoast, seafarer, seafaring, seafloor spreading, seagoing, seagull, sealant, seaman, seamanship, seamless, seamstress, seamy, seaport, sear, search party, search warrant, searching, searchlight, seascape, seashore, seasick, seasickness, seaside, seasonable, seasonal, seasoning, seat belt, seating, seattle, seaward, seawater, seaway, seaworthy, sebaceous, sebaceous gland, sebum, secant, secede, secern, sech, seclude, secluded, seclusion, seclusive, second cousin, second string, second-rate, secondary school, secondary sex characteristic, secondly, secrecy, secret agent, secretaire, secretary, secretin, secretive, secretory, sect, sectarian, sectary, sectional, secularism, secure, security blanket, sedan
4 sedge, sedimentation, seditious, seduce, seduction, seductive, sedulous, seed coat, seed leaf, seedy, seeing, seem, seeming, seemly, seen, seep, seepage, seer, seesaw, seethe, segmentation cavity, segregate, segregationist, segue, seigneur, seine, seism, seismicity, seismograph, seizing, seldom, select, selective, selectivity, self-abnegation, self-absorbed, self-absorption, self-abuse, self-aggrandizement, self-analysis, self-assurance, self-assured, self-command, self-confessed, self-confidence, self-conscious, self-contained, self-deception, self-denial, self-destruction, self-determination, self-discipline, self-doubt, self-effacement, self-employed, self-esteem, self-evident, self-explanatory, self-fertilization, self-forgetful, self-government, self-help, self-identity, self-image, self-immolation, self-important, self-indulgent, self-interest, self-made, self-perpetuating, self-pollination, self-possessed, self-questioning, self-regard, self-regulating, self-reproach, self-respect, self-restraint, self-righteous, self-sacrifice, self-satisfied, self-seeking, self-service, self-serving, self-starter, self-styled, self-sufficient, self-will, self-worth, selfhood, selfish, selfless, selfsame, sella, seltzer, selvage, selves, semantic, semaphore, semblance, semester, semiannual, semiaquatic, semiarid, semicircle, semicircular canal, semicolon, semiconscious, semilunar, seminar, seminary, seminiferous, semiotics, semipermeable, semisolid, semite, semitic, semitropical, semiyearly, semmelweis, semolina, sempiternal, senary, senate, senator, senatorial, send, sendal, senega, senegal, seneschal, senile dementia, senility, senior, senna, sensate, sensational, sensationalism, sense datum, senseless, sensible, sensible horizon, sensor, sensorimotor, sensory deprivation, sensualism, sensuality, sensuous, sent, sentence, sententious, sentience, sentient, sentiment, sentimental, sentimentalism, sentimentality, sentimentalize, sentinel, sentry, seoul, separable, separate, separation, separatist, sepia, seppuku, sept, septal, septate, september, septenary, septennial, septentrion, septicemia, sepulchral, sepulture, sequacious, sequent, sequential, sequester, sequestrate, sequestrum, sequin, ser, sera, seraglio, serai, serape, seraph, seraphic, serenade, serendipity, serene, serenity, sergeant, serial, seriate, seriatim, sericeous, serin, serine, seriously, sermon, sermonize, serology, serosa, serotherapy, serpigo, serrated, serried, serrulate, servant, service station, serviceable, serviceman, services, serviette, servile, serving, servitor, servitude, sesamoid, sestina, set down, set forth, set piece, set-in, setaceous, seti, setoff, setout, settee, setting, settle, settlement, settler, sever, severable, several, severally, severance, severe, seville, sew, sewage, sewer, sewerage, sewing, sewn, sex cell, sex change, sex hormone, sex-limited, sex-linked, sexless, sexology, sextant, sextet, sextuple, sextuplet, sexual, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexually transmitted disease, sexy, señor, señora, sf, sgml, shabby, shack, shackle, shade, shading, shadowy, shady, shafting, shag, shaggy, shaggy-dog story, shah, shahada, shaken baby syndrome, shakeout, shakespeare, shako, shaky, shall, shallow, shalom, sham, shaman, shamanism, shamble, shamefaced, shameful, shameless, shammy, shampoo, shamrock, shamus, shangri-la, shanty, shapeless, shapely, shard, shareholder, shark, sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted, sharp-tongued, sharp-witted, sharpen, sharper, sharpie, sharpshooter, shatter, shaven, shaver, shaving, shawl, shay, sheaf, sheathe, sheathing, sheave, sheaves, shebang, shed, sheen, sheepish, sheepskin, sheer, sheet anchor, sheet music, sheeting, sheffield, shelf life, shell game, shellac, shellback, shellfish, shelter, sheltered, shelve, shelves, shelving, shenanigan, shepherd, sherbet, sheriff, sherpa, sherrington, shiatsu, shied, shier, shiest, shiftless, shifty, shill, shillelagh, shilly-shally, shim, shimmer, shimmy, shindig, shindy, shiner, shiny, ship, shipload, shipmate, shipper, shipping, shipshape, shipwreck, shipyard, shire, shirk, shish kebab, shit, shiv, shivaree, shive, shiver, shivery, shoat, shock jock, shock troops, shocker, shocking, shockley, shod, shoddy, shoehorn, shoelace, shoemaker, shoer, shoestring, shogun, shone, shoo, shoo-in, shook, shoon, shoot-up, shootdown, shooter, shootout, shopaholic, shophar, shopkeeper, shoplifter, shopper, shopping, shopping mall, shoptalk, shopworn, shore, shore leave, shoreline, shorn, short order, short shrift, short story, short time, short-handed, short-lived, short-range, short-run, short-spoken, short-tempered, short-term, short-term memory, shortchange, shortcoming, shortcut, shorten, shortening, shortfall, shorthand, shortly, shortstop, shot put, shotgun wedding, should, shoulder strap, shovel, show and tell, show business, show girl, show of hands, showboat, showcase, showdown, showing, shown, showpiece, showroom, showy, shrank, shrapnel, shred, shrew, shrewd, shrewish, shriek, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shrinkage, shrive, shrivel, shroud, shrove, shrubbery, shrug, shrunk, shrunken, shuck, shudder, shuffle, shul, shush, shutter, shuttle, shylock, shyster, sial, siberia, sibyl, sic transit gloria mundi, siccative, sicily, sick building syndrome, sick leave, sicken, sickening, sickle cell anemia, sickly, side effect, side whiskers, sidebar, sideboard, sideburns, sidekick, sideline, sidelines, sidelong, sidereal time, sideshow, sideslip, sidesplitting, sidestep, sideswipe, sidetrack, sidewalk, sideward, siding, sidle, siege, siesta, sieve, sift, siftings, sig, sigh, sighted, sightless, sightly, sightsee, sightseeing, sigil, sign of the cross, sign-in, sign-on, sign-out, sign-up, signalize, signally, signalman, signatory, signboard, signer, signet, significance, significant, significant other, signification, significative, signify, signor, signora, signore, signpost, silage, silence, silencer, silhouette, siliceous, silk hat, silken, silky, sillimanite, silly, silo, silt, silurian, silva, silver iodide, silver medal, silver nitrate, silver screen, silver-tongued, silversmith, silverware, silvery, silviculture, similar, similitude, simmer, simp, simpatico, simper, simple fruit, simple microscope, simpleminded, simpleton, simplex, simplicity, simplify, simplistic, simply, simpson, simulacrum, simulant, simulate, simulator, simulcast, simultaneous, sinai, since, sincere, sinciput, sine, sinecure, sinewy, sinfonietta, sinful, sing, singapore, singe, singer, single file, single-handed, single-minded, singly, singsong, singularize, singultus, sinkage, sinless, sinter, sinuate, sinuosity, sinuous, sip, sir, sirdar, sire, siren, sirius, sirocco, sissy, sister, sister-in-law, sisterhood, sisterly, sisyphean, sisyphus, sit-up, sitar, sitcom, site, sitter, sitting, sitting bull, sitting duck, sitting room, situs, six-shooter, sixth sense, sizable, size-up, sized, sizzle, sk, skean, skedaddle, skeet, skein, skeleton key, skeletonize, skelp, skeptic, skepticism, skerry, sketch, sketchy, skewbald, skewer, ski run, skid row, skied, skiff, skill, skilled, skillet, skim, skimmer, skimp, skimpy, skin and bones, skin diving, skin game, skin test, skinflint, skinhead, skinny, skintight, skipper, skirl, skirmish, skirr, skirt, skirting, skit, skite, skitter, skittish, skiver, skivvy, skulk, skunk, sky blue, sky pilot, sky-high, skyjack, skylark, skylight, skyline, skyrocket, skyscraper, skyward, sl, slab, slabber, slack, slacken, slacker, slacks, slain, slake, slam, slam-bang, slammer, slander, slant, slantwise, slap, slapdash, slapstick, slash, slashing, slat, slater, slather, slating, slattern, slaughterhouse, slave, slave driver, slave trade, slaver, slavery, slavish, slay, sleaze, sleazy, sledge, sleek, sleeper, sleeping bag, sleeping car, sleeping partner, sleepless, sleepwalking, sleepy, sleepyhead, sleeve, sleigh, sleight, slender, slept, sleuth, sleuthhound, slew, slick, slicker, slide rule, sliding, sliding scale, slighting, slim, slimy, slingshot, slink, slinky, slipover, slipper, slippery, slippery slope, slipshod, slit, slither, sliver, slob, slobber, sloe, slog, slogan, sloop, slop, slope, sloppy, slosh, sloshed, slot, slot machine, sloth, slothful, slouch, slouchy, slovakia, sloven, slovenia, slovenly, slow motion, slow-up, slow-witted, slowpoke, sludge, sludgy, slue, slug, slugabed, slugfest, sluggard, slugger, sluggish, sluice, slum, slumber, slumberous, slump, slung, slunk, slur, slurp, slush, slushy, slut, smacker, smacking, small beer, small calorie, small change, small screen, small-minded, small-scale, smallclothes, smallsword, smarmy, smart, smart money, smarten, smarty, smash, smash hit, smash-up, smashed, smasher, smashing, smatter, smattering, smeary, smegma, smidgen, smirch, smirk, smite, smithereens, smithy, smitten, smock, smocking, smoke screen, smoker, smokestack, smoking room, smoky, smolder, smooch, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, smoothen, smoothie, smorgasbord, smote, smother, smoulder, smtp, smudge, smudgy, smug, smuggle, snack, snaffle, snafu, snaggy, snail, snail's pace, snake, snake oil, snaky, snapback, snapper, snapshot, snare drum, snarky, snarl, snatch, snazzy, sneak, sneak preview, sneak thief, sneaking, sneer, snell, snick, snicker, snide, sniff, sniffer, sniffle, sniffy, snifter, snip, snipe, snippet, snippy, snitch, snivel, snob, snog, snood, snook, snooker, snoop, snoot, snooty, snooze, snort, snot, snotty, snout, snow job, snow line, snowball, snowcapped, snowdrift, snowfall, snowfield, snowflake, snowpack, snowstorm, snowy, snub, snuck, snuffer, snug, snuggery, snuggle, so, so-and-so, so-called, so-so, soak, soapbox, soapstone, soapsuds, soapy, soar, sob story, sobeit, sober, sobriety, sobriquet, soccer, soccer mom, sociable, social, social democracy, social welfare, socialist, socialistic, socialite, socialize, societal, sociobiology, sock, socrates, sod, soda fountain, soda lime, soda pop, soda water, sodality, sodden, soddy, sodic, sodium hydroxide, sofa, sofa bed, soffit, soft drink, soft goods, soft palate
4 soft sell, soft touch, soft-core, soft-headed, soft-hearted, soft-spoken, soften, soggy, soi-disant, soiree, sojourn, sol, solace, solar cell, solar flare, solar wind, solarium, solatium, sold, solder, soldering iron, soldier, soldierly, soldiery, solecism, solely, solemn, solemnity, solemnize, solenoid, solicit, solicitor, solicitous, solicitude, solidify, solidus, soliloquize, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitary confinement, solitude, solo, soloist, solomon, solubility, solum, solutrean, solvable, solve, solvency, soma, somalia, somatology, somatomedin, somatoplasm, somatopleure, somatostatin, sombrero, somebody, someday, someone, someplace, somersault, somerville, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhat, somite, somnifacient, sonant, sonata, songbird, songful, songster, songwriter, sonny, sonorous, sonsy, sooner, soothe, soothing, soothsay, soothsayer, sooty, sop, sophism, sophist, sophistic, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophistry, sophocles, sophomore, sopping, soppy, sorbet, sorbic acid, sorbitol, sorcerer, sorcery, sordid, sordino, sorehead, sorely, sorghum, sorority, sorption, sorrel, sorted, sortie, sortilege, sorting, sorus, sos, sot, sotto voce, soubrette, souffle, sough, sought, soul mate, soul-searching, soulful, soulless, sound wave, sounder, sounding, sounding board, soundless, soundproof, soupy, soupçon, sour, sour grapes, source, sourdough, sourpuss, souse, south america, south carolina, south pole, southerly, southern, southern hemisphere, southpaw, souvenir, sovereign, soviet, soweto, sown, spa, space medicine, space shuttle, space station, spacecraft, spaceport, spaceship, spacey, spacing, spacious, spadix, spaghetti, spaghetti western, spake, spallanzani, spallation, spam, spangle, spank, spanking, spanner, spar, sparing, spark coil, spark gap, sparkle, sparkler, sparse, sparta, spartacus, spastic, spat, spate, spatter, spatulate, speak, speakeasy, speaker, speaking, spear, spearhead, special, special delivery, special needs, speciality, specialization, specie, specific heat, specification, specificity, specify, specious, speck, speckle, specs, spectacle, spectacles, spectacular, spectator, spectra, spectrograph, speculation, speculative, speculator, sped, speechify, speechless, speed-up, speedball, speedboat, speedster, speedway, speedy, spellbinder, spellbound, speller, spelling, spelling bee, spelt, spender, spending money, spendthrift, spent, spermaceti, spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatozoon, spermicide, sperry, spew, spf, sphagnum, sphalerite, sphene, sphenoid, spherical aberration, sphericity, spheroidal, spherule, sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, spica, spicate, spiculum, spicy, spiel, spiffy, spigot, spikelet, spiky, spile, spillover, spillway, spilt, spin doctor, spinach, spindling, spindly, spindrift, spinel, spineless, spinet, spinmeister, spinner, spinneret, spinney, spinning, spinning jenny, spinning wheel, spinster, spiny, spiracle, spiral galaxy, spirant, spire, spirited, spiritless, spiritual, spiritualism, spirituality, spiritualize, spiritualty, spirituous, spiro-, spirochete, spirograph, spirogyra, spirometer, spit, spiteful, spitfire, spitting image, splanchnic, splash, splashboard, splasher, splashy, splatter, splay, spleenful, splendent, splendid, splendiferous, splenectomy, splenetic, splenic, splinter, splinter group, split personality, split-brain, split-up, splotch, splurge, splutter, spoilage, spoiler, spoils system, spoilsport, spoilt, spoke, spoken, spokesman, spoliate, spoliation, spondee, sponge bath, sponger, spongiform, sponsor, spontaneity, spontaneous, spontaneous abortion, spontaneous combustion, spontoon, spoof, spook, spooky, spoon-feed, spoondrift, spoonerism, spoonful, spoony, spoor, sporocyst, sporogenesis, sporophyll, sporophyte, sport, sporting, sportive, sports, sports car, sportsman, sportswear, sporty, sporulate, sporule, spotless, spotted, spotter, spotty, spousal, spouse, spout, spouting, sprang, sprawl, spray gun, spread, spread eagle, spree, sprig, sprightly, spring fever, spring tide, springboard, springer, springing, springtime, springy, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprinkling, sprint, sprite, sprocket, sprout, spruce, sprue, sprung, spry, spume, spun, spun sugar, spun yarn, spunk, spurious, spurn, spurt, sputnik, sputter, spy, sq., squab, squabble, squad, squadron, squalid, squall line, squalor, squama, squamosal, squamous, squander, square dance, square sail, squarely, squash, squashy, squat, squatter, squaw, squawk, squeak, squeal, squeamish, squeegee, squelch, squib, squiggle, squinch, squint-eyed, squire, squirm, squirrel, squirrel cage, squirt, squirt gun, squish, squishy, sst, stabile, stabilizer, stacked, stadia, stadium, staff of life, staffer, stage direction, stage manager, stagecoach, stagecraft, stagger, staggering, stagnant, stagnate, stagnation, stagy, staid, stainless, stainless steel, stair, stairway, stairwell, stakeholder, stalactite, stalagmite, stale, stalemate, stalinism, stalking horse, stalky, stall, stallion, stalwart, stamina, staminate, stamp act, stampede, stance, stanchion, stand-in, standard error, standard time, standard-bearer, standardize, standee, standing, standoffish, standpat, standpoint, stang, stank, stanley, stannum, staple, stapler, stapling, star chamber, star system, star-crossed, starburst, starchy, stare, starfish, stark, stark-naked, starlet, starling, starred, starry, starry-eyed, start off, start out, starter, startle, startling, stash, stasis, stat, statecraft, stated, statehouse, stately, statement, stater, stateroom, statesman, static, station, station house, station wagon, stationary, stationery, statistic, statistical, statistical mechanics, statistician, statuary, statue, statuesque, statuette, statute, statute book, staunch, staurolite, stave, staves, stay-at-home, steadfast, steady state, stealth, stealthy, steam bath, steam engine, steam organ, steam room, steamboat, steamer, steamroller, steamy, steapsin, stearic acid, stearin, steed, steep, steeple, steeplechase, steerage, steering wheel, steersman, stegosaur, stellate, stellular, stemma, stemmed, stench, stencil, stendhal, steno, stenographer, stenography, stenotype, stent, stentorian, step-down, step-in, stepbrother, stepper, steppingstone, stepsister, stercoraceous, stere, stereochemistry, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereopticon, stereoscopic, stereotropism, stereotype, stereotyped, stereotypy, sterilizer, sterling, sternberg, sternutatory, sterol, stertor, stertorous, stevens, steward, stewardess, stewed, sthenic, stick-in-the-mud, sticker, sticking point, stickle, stickler, stickout, stickpin, sticky, stiff-necked, stiffen, stifle, stifling, stigmatic, stilb, stilbene, stiletto, stillborn, stilly, stilt, stilted, stimulate, stinger, stingy, stink bomb, stinker, stinking, stinko, stinkpot, stinky, stint, stipe, stipend, stipendiary, stipple, stipulate, stipule, stir-fry, stirps, stirring, stirrup cup, stitchery, stoa, stochastic, stock car, stock company, stock in trade, stock-still, stockade, stockbroker, stockholder, stockholm, stockholm syndrome, stocking, stockman, stockpile, stockroom, stocktaking, stocky, stockyard, stodge, stodgy, stogy, stoical, stoicism, stoked, stoker, stole, stolen, stolid, stolon, stomach pump, stomata, stomatitis, stomp, stoned, stonehenge, stoner, stonewall, stoneware, stonework, stony, stony-hearted, stooge, stoop, stop payment, stop-off, stopcock, stopes, stopgap, stoplight, stopover, stoppage, stopper, stopping, stopwatch, storage battery, storage device, storehouse, storekeeper, storeroom, storied, storm center, storm petrel, stormy, storyboard, storybook, storyteller, stoup, stout, stout-hearted, stove, stovepipe, stowaway, strabismus, straddle, stradivarius, strafe, straggle, straight and narrow, straight face, straight man, straight up, straight-from-the-shoulder, straight-laced, straightaway, straightedge, straighten, straightforward, strained, strainer, strait-laced, straiten, strake, strand, strange, stranger, stranglehold, strangles, strangury, straphanger, strapped, strapping, strata, stratagem, strategic, strategist, strategy, stratiform, stratify, stratocracy, stratus, straw boss, straw vote, strawberry, stray, streaky, streamer, streamlined, streetcar, streetwalker, streetwise, strengthen, strenuous, strep, strep throat, strepitous, stress fracture, stressor, stretchy, strew, stricken, strict, strident, stridor, stridulate, strife, strigose, strikebreaker, striker, striking, string bean, string quartet, string tie, stringed, stringent, stringer, stringy, stripe, striped, stripling, stripper, striptease, strive, strobila, stroboscope, strode, stroganoff, stroll, stroller, stroma, strong force, strong interaction, strong-arm, strong-minded, strong-willed, strongbox, stronghold, strongman, strop, strophe, strove, struck, structural, structural formula, structured, struggle, strum, struma, strumpet, strung, strut, stub, stubble, stubborn, stubby, stucco, stuck, stuck-up, stud, stud poker, studding, student, studied, studio, studious, stuffed shirt, stuffing, stuffy, stultify, stumble, stumpy, stun, stung, stunk, stunner, stunning, stunt, stupefaction, stupefy, stupendous, stupid, stupidity, sturdy, stuttgart, stylish, stylist, stylistic, stylite, stylize, stylograph, styloid, stylus, stymie, styptic, styrene, styx, suave, sub rosa, sub-saharan, sub-zero, subacute, subaltern, subalternate, subaquatic, subarctic, subaxillary, subcartilaginous, subconsciousness, subcontract, subdivide, subdivision, subdue, subdued, subfusc, subgenus, subhuman, subito, subject matter, subjection, subjoin, subjugate, subjunctive, sublease, sublet, sublime, sublingual, sublittoral, sublunary, submachine gun, submarine, submaxillary, submerge, submerged, submicroscopic, submission, submissive, submucosa, subnormal, suborbital, subordinate, subordination, suborn, subphylum, subscribe, subscript, subsection, subsequent, subserve, subservient, subside, subsidence, subsidiary, subsidize, subsist, subsistence, subsistence farming, subsonic, subspecies, substance abuse, substandard, substantial, substantiate, substitute, substitution, substitutive, subsume, subsumption, subtend, subterfuge, subterranean, subtext, subtile, subtilize, subtitle, subtle, subtlety, subtract, subtractive, subtrahend, subtropical, suburb, suburban, suburbanite, suburbia, subvention, subversion, subversive, subvert, subway, succedaneum, succeed, success, successful, successive, successor, succinct, succinic acid, succubus, succumb, such, such and such, suchlike, suck, sucker-punch
4 sucking, suckle, suckling, sudan, sudor, sudorific, suds, sue, suet, sufferance, suffering, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, suffragan, suffragette, suffuse, sugar candy, sugar daddy, sugarcoat, sugared, sugarplum, sugary, suggest, suggestive, suharto, sui generis, suitable, suiting, suitor, sulcate, sulcus, sulfate, sulfite, sulfonamide, sulfurous, sulk, sulky, sullen, sully, sulphurous, sultan, sultana, sultry, sum total, sum-up, sumatra, summarize, summary, summer, summer solstice, summerhouse, summing-up, summit, summon, summons, sump, sumpter, sumptuous, sunbaked, sunbeam, sunbow, sunburn, sunday, sunder, sundial, sundown, sundowner, sunfish, sung, sunglasses, sunk, sunken, sunless, sunlight, sunny, sunrise, sunroom, sunset, sunshade, sunshine, sunspot, sunstroke, suntan, sunup, sup, super bowl, super-duper, superabound, superannuate, superannuated, superannuation, superb, superbug, superciliary, supercilious, superclass, supercomputer, superconductivity, supereminent, supererogatory, superfamily, superfluity, superfluous, superheat, superhero, superhighway, superhuman, superimpose, superincumbent, superinduce, superintend, superintendency, superintendent, superman, supermarket, supermodel, supermundane, supernal, supernatant, supernatural, supernormal, superorder, superphysical, superpose, superposition, superpower, superscribe, supersede, supersensible, supersonics, superstar, superstition, superstitious, superstore, superstratum, supersymmetry, supervisor, superwoman, supinate, supper club, supplant, supple, supplement, supplementary, suppliant, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, supportable, supporter, supportive, supposed, supposition, suppositious, supposititious, suppositive, supraorbital, suprarenal, suprarenal gland, supremacist, supremacy, supreme, sura, surcease, surcharge, surcingle, surcoat, surd, sure-enough, surefire, surely, surety, surfactant, surfeit, surgeon general, surgical, surly, surmise, surmount, surname, surpass, surpassing, surplusage, surprising, surreal, surrealism, surrender, surreptitious, surround, surtout, survey, surveying, surveyor, survival, survival of the fittest, survive, survivor, sus-, susceptibility, susceptive, sushi, suspect, suspend, suspended animation, suspender, suspense, suspensory, suspicious, suss, sustain, sustainable, sustainer, sustenance, sustentacular, sustentation, sutherland, suttee, sutton, suzerain, suzerainty, svelte, swabber, swaddle, swaddling clothes, swag, swagger, swain, swale, swam, swami, swamp fever, swamper, swampland, swap, sward, swarm, swart, swarthy, swash, swashbuckler, swashbuckling, swastika, swat, swatch, swathe, swatter, swaziland, swear, sweated, sweater, sweaty, sweden, sweeper, sweeping, sweepstake, sweet potato, sweet talk, sweet tooth, sweet-shop, sweetbread, sweeten, sweetener, sweetening, sweetheart, sweetie, sweetmeat, swell, swelter, sweltering, swept, swerve, swift, swig, swill, swimming bath, swimming pool, swimmingly, swimsuit, swindle, swindle sheet, swing shift, swinger, swinging, swipe, swipes, swirl, swish, switch-off, switchblade, switchboard, switchover, switzerland, swivel, swollen, swoon, swoosh, swop, swordplay, swordsman, swore, sworn, swum, swung, sycophant, sydney, syenite, syllabary, syllabi, syllabus, syllogism, syllogistic, syllogize, sylph, sylvan, sylviculture, symbiont, symbiotic, symbolic, symbolization, symbolize, symbology, symmetric, symmetrical, symmetrize, sympathize, sympatric, symphonious, symphysis, symposiarch, symposium, symptomatic, symptomatology, syn-, synapsis, sync, syncarp, synchrocyclotron, synchronic, synchronize, synchrotron, syncline, syncopate, syncytium, syndesmosis, syndicalism, syndicate, synecdoche, syneresis, syngamy, synizesis, synodic, synonym, synonymous, synonymy, synopsis, synovia, synovitis, syntactic, syntonic, syria, syringomyelia, syrinx, syrupy, systaltic, systematic, systematize, szilard, são paulo, séance, ta, ta ta, tabanid, tabard, tabby, tabernacle, tabes dorsalis, table talk, table wine, tableau, tablecloth, tablespoon, tableware, tabloid, tabula rasa, tabulate, tache, tachometer, tacit, taciturn, tackle, tacky, tact, tactical, tactics, tadpole, taenia, taffeta, tag end, tag line, tahiti, taiga, tailgate, tailing, tailor, tailor-made, tailpiece, tails, taint, taipei, taiwan, taj mahal, take-charge, take-home pay, take-up, takeaway, taken, takeout, taking, talaria, talent, tales, talion, taliped, talipes, talisman, talkative, talkie, talking head, talking-to, talky, tallboy, tallow, tally, tallyho, tam, tame, tamoxifen, tamp, tampa, tamper, tandem, tandoori, tang, tangential, tangerine, tangle, tangy, tanh, tankard, tanker, tannate, tanner, tannic, tannic acid, tannin, tantalize, tantalus, tantamount, tanzania, taoism, tap dance, tapas, tape machine, tape measure, tape recording, taper, tapestry, tapetum, taphouse, tapioca, tapir, taproom, taps, tardy, tare, tarnish, taro, tarp, tarpaulin, tarragon, tarriance, tarry, tart, tartan, tartar emetic, tarzan, taser, task force, taskmaster, taskwork, tass, tassel, tasteful, tasteless, taster, tasty, tater, tatter, tatterdemalion, tattered, tatting, tattle, tattler, tattletale, tatty, tatum, tau, taught, taunt, taupe, taut, tauten, tautology, tavern, tawdry, tawny, tax, tax haven, tax return, taxable, taxi, taxing, taxis, taxpayer, tay-sachs disease, td, tea ball, tea dance, tea maker, tea party, tea service, tea shop, tea wagon, teach-in, teacher, teaching, teacup, teakettle, teal, team, teammate, teamwork, teapot, tear-off, tearaway, teardown, teardrop, tearful, tearjerker, tearoom, tears, teary, teaser, teaspoon, tec, tech, techie, technetium, technic, technical, technicality, technocracy, tecumseh, teddy, tedious, tedium, teem, teenage, teenager, teens, teeny, teeter, teething ring, tegument, tel-, tela, telecast, telecommunications, telegenic, telegram, telegraphy, telencephalon, teleost, telephone, telephony, teleport, telescopic, telethon, televangelist, televise, television, telex, teller, telling, telltale, tellurian, telluride, telly, temblor, temerity, tempera, temperamental, temperate zone, tempered, tempest, tempestuous, tempi, temporal lobe, temporality, temporary, temporize, tempt, temptation, tempter, tempting, temptress, tenable, tenaculum, tenancy, tenant, tenant farmer, tend, tendency, tendentious, tender-hearted, tenderfoot, tenderloin, tendinitis, tendinous, tenebrous, tenement, tenesmus, tenet, tenfold, tenia, tennessee, tennis, tennis shoe, tenon, tenotomy, tens, tensile, tensile strength, tensity, tentation, tentative, tenuous, tenure, tepid, ter, tera-, teratogen, teratoid, termagant, terminable, terminal velocity, termination, terminology, terminus, termless, terms, tern, ternate, terpsichorean, terracotta, terrain, terramycin, terrapin, terrene, terrible, terribly, terrific, terrify, terrigenous, territorial, terror-stricken, terrorist, terrorize, terse, tessellated, test case, test paper, test pilot, testa, testament, tester, testify, testimonial, testimony, testy, tetanic, tetany, tetchy, tetra, tetrachloride, tetraethyllead, tetragonal, tetrahedron, tetramerous, tetrapod, tetrarch, tetravalent, texas, text, text message, textbook, textile, th, thailand, thalamencephalon, thallophyte, thalweg, than, thanatos, thank-you, thankful, thankless, thanksgiving, that, thatch, thaumaturge, thaw, thc, theatre, theatrical, theatrics, thecodont, theft, theiler, theirs, theism, thematic, theme song, then, thenar, thence, theodolite, theological, theorist, theorize, therapeutic cloning, therapist, there, thereafter, thereby, therefore, therefrom, therein, thereon, thereupon, theriac, thermae, thermo-, thermochemistry, thermocline, thermodynamic, thermoelectric, thermogenesis, thermograph, thermoluminescence, thermometry, thermonuclear reaction, thermopile, thermoregulation, thermos, thermosphere, thermotherapy, thesaurus, theseus, theta, thetic, theurgy, thew, they, thi-, thiamine, thick-skinned, thick-witted, thicken, thickening, thicket, thickhead, thickset, thief, thieve, thighbone, thill, thimblerig, thimerosal, thin-skinned, thing-in-itself, thinkable, thinking cap, thinner, thiol, thiopental sodium, third class, third estate, third party, third person, third-rate, thirsty, this, thistle, thither, thompson, thomson, thong, thorndike, thorough, thoroughbred, thoroughfare, thoroughgoing, thoroughpaced, though, thought transference, thought-out, thoughtful, thoughtless, thrall, thrash, thrashing, threadbare, threaten, three, three-ring circus, threefold, threnody, threonine, thresh, threw, thrift, thrifty, thrilling, thrive, throaty, thromboplastic, throng, throttle, throughout, throve, thrown, thrum, thucydides, thud, thug, thule, thulium, thumbnail, thumbnut, thumbprint, thumbtack, thump, thumping, thunderbolt, thunderclap, thunderhead, thundering, thunderous, thunderstruck, thunk, thursday, thus, thwack, thwart, thymic, thymidine, thymol, thyroid gland, thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyrotropin, thyroxine, thyrse, tia, tiara, tibet, tic, tic douloureux, tick fever, ticker, ticking, tickle, tickler, ticklish, ticktock, tidbit, tideland, tideway, tidings, tidy, tie, tier, tiff, tiffany, tiffin, tiger, tight-fisted, tight-lipped, tighten, tightrope, tights, tightwad, tigress, tijuana, tilbury, tile, tiling, tillage, tiller, tilt, timber, timber wolf, timbered, timberland, timberline, timbre, timbuktu, time and a half, time immemorial, time warp, time zone, time-consuming, time-lag, timekeeper, timeless, timeline, timely, timeous, timepiece, timer, timeserver, timetable, timeworn, timid, timing, timorous, timpani, tin can, tin god, tinctorial, tinder, ting, tinge, tingle, tinkle, tinny, tinsel, tint, tintinnabulation, tintinnabulum, tiny, tipper, tippet, tipple, tippler, tipster, tipsy, tiptop, tirade, tire, tireless, tiresias, tiresome, titanothere, titbit, tithing, titian, titillate, titivate, title, title role, titled, titrate, titter, tittle, tittle-tattle, titubation, titular, tizzy, tlc, tn, tnt, to-do, toad, toady, toaster, toastmaster, toasty, tobacco, toboggan, toby, tocopherol, tocsin, todd, toddle, toddler, toddy, toehold, toenail
4 toff, tofu, tog, togetherness, toggery, toggle, toil, toile, toilet, toilet paper, toilette, toilsome, tokenism, tokyo, toledo, tolerance, tolerant, toleration, tolkien, tollgate, toluene, toluidine, tomahawk, tomato, tomb, tombolo, tomboy, tombstone, tome, tomfool, tomfoolery, tommyrot, tomography, tonality, tong, tongs, tongue-lash, tongue-tied, tonguing, tonic, tonnage, tonometer, tonsil, tonsillectomy, tontine, tony, too, toodle-oo, took, tool, tooling, toot, tooth and nail, toothache, toothbrush, toothsome, toothy, tootle, toots, tootsy, top banana, top boot, top brass, top dollar, top dressing, top flight, top hat, top-dress, top-heavy, top-hole, top-level, top-secret, topaz, topcoat, tophus, topiary, topic, topic sentence, topknot, toplofty, topmost, topnotch, topo-, topper, topping, topple, tops, topside, topsy-turvy, toque, torah, tore, toreador, torero, torment, tormentor, torn, toronto, torpedo, torques, torrent, torrential, torricelli, torsi, tort, tortellini, torticollis, tortile, tortoise, torture, tosspot, tossup, tot, total, total recall, totalitarian, totalitarianism, totality, tote, totem pole, totemism, totes, totter, touch-up, touched, touching, touchscreen, touchstone, touchy, touchy-feely, touché, tough-minded, toughen, toupee, tour, tourism, tourist, tourmaline, tournament, tourney, tourniquet, tousle, tout, tout ensemble, towage, towardly, towering, town crier, town hall, town house, townes, townie, township, townspeople, toxic shock syndrome, toxicity, toxoplasmosis, toy, tr., trace, trace fossil, tracery, tracheid, tracheitis, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, trachyte, track record, tracking, trackless, trackman, tractable, tractate, tractile, tractor, trade book, trade name, trade union, trade-in, trademark, trader, tradesman, tradespeople, trading post, tradition, traditional, traditionalism, traduce, traffic, traffic jam, tragedian, tragic, tragus, trailblazer, trailer, trainee, trainer, training, traipse, traitor, traject, tram, trammel, tramp, trample, tranquil, tranquilize, tranquilizer, tranquillity, transact, transaction, transatlantic, transceiver, transcend, transcendent, transcendental, transcendentalism, transcribe, transcript, transdermal, transducer, transect, transfer rna, transferrin, transfiguration, transfigure, transfix, transform, transgenic, transgress, transitive, transitory, translator, transliterate, transmarine, transmigrant, transmigrate, transmigration, transmissible, transmittance, transmitter, transmundane, transmute, transoceanic, transonic, transparency, transpierce, transpire, transponder, transportation, transship, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, transude, transversal, trapdoor, trapeze, trapezius, trapper, trappings, trash, trash can, trashed, trashy, traumatize, travail, travel, travelled, traverse, travertine, travesty, trawl, trawler, tray, treacherous, treachery, treacle, treadle, treadmill, treason, treasure, treasure hunt, treasure-trove, treasurer, treasury, treatise, treaty, treble, trebuchet, treillage, trek, trellis, tremble, trembler, tremendous, tremulant, trench coat, trench fever, trench foot, trenchant, trencher, trend, trendsetter, trendy, treponema, trespass, tress, tressed, trestle, trey, triable, triangular, triangulation, triassic, tribal, tribasic, tribulation, tribunal, tribute, tricarboxylic acid cycle, triceratops, trichiasis, trichina, trichinous, trichloride, trichloroacetic acid, trichloroethylene, trick or treat, trickery, trickle, trickster, tricky, triclinic, trident, tridentate, tried, tried-and-true, triennial, trifacial, trifid, trifle, trifling, trig, trigeminal, triggerman, triglyceride, trigonous, trilateral, trill, trillion, trilobate, trilobite, trilocular, trilogy, trim, trimerous, trimester, trimmer, trinary, trine, trinity, trinket, trinomial, trio, trioxide, tripartite, tripartition, tripe, triple, triplex, triplicate, triplicity, tripod, tripoli, tripper, triptych, trireme, trite, triumph, triumphal, triumphant, triumvirate, triune, trivia, trivial, triviality, trivialize, trivium, trocar, trochanter, troche, trochlea, trochoid, trod, trodden, troglodyte, troika, trojan, troll, trollop, trombone, tromp, troop, trophic, trophoblast, trophozoite, trophy, tropical, tropical storm, tropical year, tropine, tropism, tropology, troth, troubadour, troublemaker, troubleshooter, troublesome, troublous, trounce, troupe, trouper, trousers, trousseau, trouvère, trove, truant, truce, truckage, trucker, trucking, truckle, truckle bed, truculent, trudge, true bill, truelove, truffle, truism, truly, trumpery, trumpeter, truncated, truncheon, trundle, trundle bed, trunk call, trussing, trust company, trustee, trusteeship, trustful, trustless, trustworthy, trusty, truth serum, truthful, try square, trying, tryst, tsar, tsp., tu, tub, tuba, tubal, tubal ligation, tubby, tubercle bacillus, tuberculin, tuberous, tubing, tubule, tucson, tuesday, tufa, tuff, tuft, tufted, tug, tuition, tularemia, tulle, tulsa, tumble-down, tumbler, tumbrel, tummy, tummy tuck, tumult, tumultuous, tumulus, tun, tuna, tuneful, tuneless, tuner, tunica, tunicate, tunisia, tunnel disease, tunnel vision, turban, turbinate, turbo, turbofan, turboprop, turbulent, turducken, tureen, turf, turfy, turgescent, turing, turkmenistan, turmoil, turn in, turn to, turnabout, turncoat, turning, turning point, turnip, turnkey, turnon, turnpike, turnstile, turnup, turpentine, turpitude, turret, turtleneck, turves, tush, tusker, tussis, tussle, tussock, tutankhamen, tutelage, tutelary, tutor, tutorial, tutu, tuxedo, twaddle, twain, twang, tweak, tweedledum and tweedledee, tweet, twelfth, twelfth night, twelve, twenty-one, twenty-twenty, twerp, twiddle, twig, twiggy, twilight, twilight sleep, twine, twinkle, twinning, twirl, twist, twister, twit, twitchy, twitter, two bits, two-bit, two-by-four, two-edged, two-faced, two-fisted, two-piece, two-seater, two-sided, two-step, two-time, twofold, twosome, tx, tyche, tycoon, tyke, tympan, tympanic, tympanites, tympanitis, type, typecast, typeface, typescript, typesetter, typewrite, typewriter, typewriting, typhlitis, typhoid, typhoid fever, typical, typify, typing, typist, typo, typographer, typography, typology, tyr, tyrannical, tyrannize, tyranny, tyrant, tyro, tzar, u.s.s.r., ubiquitous, uganda, ugh, ugly duckling, uh-huh, uhlan, ukase, ukraine, ukulele, ulceration, ulster, ulterior, ultimate, ultrabasic, ultracentrifuge, ultraconservative, ultramarine, ultramicroscope, ultramodern, ultrasonics, ultrasonography, ulysses, um, umbel, umber, umbilication, umbilicus, umbo, umbrage, umbrageous, umbrella, ump, umpire, umpteen, un-american, unabashed, unabated, unable, unabridged, unaccompanied, unaccomplished, unaccountable, unaccustomed, unadulterated, unadvised, unaffected, unalienable, unalloyed, unalterable, unaltered, unambiguous, unanimous, unanswerable, unappealable, unapproachable, unapt, unarm, unarmed, unashamed, unasked, unassailable, unassuming, unattached, unattended, unauthorized, unavailing, unavoidable, unaware, unawares, unbacked, unbalance, unbalanced, unbar, unbearable, unbeatable, unbeaten, unbecoming, unbelief, unbelievable, unbeliever, unbelieving, unbelt, unbend, unbending, unbent, unbiased, unbidden, unbind, unblessed, unblinking, unblock, unblushing, unbolt, unbolted, unborn, unbosom, unbound, unbounded, unbowed, unbrace, unbridled, unbroken, unburden, unbutton, unbuttoned, uncaged, uncanny, uncared-for, unceasing, unceremonious, uncertainty, unchain, uncharitable, uncharted, unchartered, unchurch, uncial, unciform, uncinariasis, uncinate, uncivil, uncivilized, unclad, unclasp, unclassified, unclean, uncleanly, unclose, unclothe, uncoil, uncomfortable, uncommitted, uncommon, uncommonly, uncommunicative, uncompromising, unconcern, unconcerned, unconditional, unconditioned, unconformable, unconnected, unconscionable, unconsciousness, unconstitutional, uncontrollable, unconventional, uncooked, uncool, uncork, uncountable, uncounted, uncouple, uncouth, uncover, uncovered, uncritical, uncrowned, uncurl, uncus, uncut, undaunted, undead, undecided, undefined, undemonstrative, undeniable, under-the-counter, underarm, underbelly, underbrush, undercarriage, underclothes, undercoat, undercroft, undercurrent, undercut, underdog, underdone, underemployed, underestimate, underfoot, undergarment, undergird, undergo, undergraduate, underground, undergrown, undergrowth, underhand, underhanded, underlay, underlie, underline, underling, underlying, undermine, undermost, underneath, underpants, underpass, underpin, underpinning, underplay, underprivileged, underrate, underscore, undersea, undersell, undershirt, undershorts, undershot, underside, undersigned, undersized, underskirt, undersoil, understanding, understate, understood, understudy, undertake, undertaker, undertaking, underthings, undertone, undertook, undervalue, underwater, underwear, underwent, underwood, underworld, underwrite, underwriter, undesigned, undesigning, undesirable, undeveloped, undid, undies, undifferentiated, undirected, undistinguished, undo, undoing, undone, undoubted, undoubtedly, undress, undressed, undue, undulant, undulate, undulation, undulatory, unduly, undying, unearned, unearth, unearthly, uneasy, uneducated, unemployed, unemployment, unencumbered, unequal, unequivocal, unerring, unessential, unethical, uneven, uneventful, unexampled, unexceptionable, unexceptional, unexpected, unexpressed, unexpurgated, unfailing, unfair, unfaithful, unfamiliar, unfasten, unfathomable, unfazed, unfeeling, unfetter, unfinished, unfit, unfix, unflappable, unfledged, unflinching, unfold, unforgettable, unforgiving, unformed, unfortunate, unfortunately, unfounded, unfriendly, unfrock, unfruitful, unfulfilled, unfurl, ungainly, ungenerous, unglued, ungodly, ungovernable, ungracious, ungrammatical, ungrateful, ungrudging, ungual, unguarded, ungula, unhallowed, unhandy, unhappy, unhealthy, unheard, unheralded, unhesitating, unhinge, unholy, unhook, unhorse, unhurried, uni, unicameral, unification, uniform, uniformity, unify, unilocular, unimpeachable, unimproved, uninhibited, uninspired, unintelligent, unintelligible, unintentional, uninterested, uninviting, union shop, unipolar, unisex, unitary, unite, united, unity, univalve, universal, universal donor, universal time, universality, universalize, universally, university, univocal, unjust, unkempt, unkind, unknowable, unknowing, unknown, unlace, unlade, unlash, unlatch, unlawful, unlearned, unleash, unless, unlettered, unlicensed, unlike, unlimited, unlisted




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