单词 | take |
释义 | take[ teyk ] / teɪk / SEE SYNONYMS FOR take ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used with object), took, tak·en, tak·ing.to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book in one's hand; to take a child by the hand. to get into one's hands, possession, control, etc., by force or artifice: to take a bone from a snarling dog. to seize or capture: to take an enemy town; to take a prisoner. to catch or get (fish, game, etc.), especially by killing: to take a dozen trout on a good afternoon. to pick from a number; select: Take whichever you wish. to receive and accept willingly (something given or offered): to take a compliment with a smile; to take a bribe. to receive or be the recipient of (something bestowed, administered, etc.): to take first prize. to accept and act upon or comply with: to take advice; to take a dare. to receive or accept (a person) into some relation: to take someone in marriage; to take new members once a year. to receive, react, or respond to in a specified manner: Although she kept calm, she took his death hard. to form in the mind; make: The company took the decision to shut down. to receive as a payment or charge: He refused to take any money for the use of his car. to gain for use by payment, lease, etc.: to take a box at the opera; to take a beach house for a month. to secure regularly or periodically by payment: to take a magazine. to get or obtain from a source; derive: The book takes its title from Dante. to extract or quote: He took whole passages straight from Dickens. to obtain or exact as compensation for some wrong: to take revenge. to receive into the body or system, as by swallowing or inhaling: to take a pill; to take a breath of fresh air. to have for one's benefit or use: to take a meal; to take a nap; to take a bath. to use as a flavoring agent in a food or beverage: to take sugar in one's coffee. to be subjected to; undergo: to take a heat treatment. to endure or submit to with equanimity or without an appreciable weakening of one's resistance: to take a joke; unable to take punishment. to enter into the enjoyment of (recreation, a holiday, etc.): to take a vacation. to carry off without permission: to take something that belongs to another. to remove: to take the pins out of one's hair. to remove by death: The flood took many families. to end (a life): She took her own life. to subtract or deduct: If you take 2 from 5, that leaves 3. to carry with one: Take your lunch with you. Are you taking an umbrella? to convey in a means of transportation: We took them for a ride in the country. (of a vehicle) to convey or transport: Will this bus take me across town? (of a road, path, etc.) to serve as a means of conducting to or through some place or region: Fifth Avenue took us through the center of town. These stairs will take you up to the attic. to bring about a change in the state or condition of: Her ambition and perseverance took her quickly to the top of her field. to conduct or escort: to take someone out for dinner. to set about or succeed in getting over, through, or around (some obstacle); clear; negotiate: The horse took the hedge easily. He took the corner at top speed. to come upon suddenly; catch: to take someone by surprise. to get or contract; catch: He took cold over the weekend. I took a chill. to attack or affect, as with a disease: suddenly taken with a fit of coughing. to be capable of attaining as a result of some action or treatment: Most leathers take a high polish. to absorb or become impregnated with; be susceptible to: Waxed paper will not take ink. This cloth takes dye. to attract and hold: The red sweater took his eye. The urgent voice took her attention. to captivate or charm: The kitten took my fancy. to require: It takes courage to do that. The climb took all our strength. to employ for some specified or implied purpose: to take measures to curb drugs. to use as a means of transportation: to take a bus to the ferry. to get on or board (a means of transportation) at a given time or in a given place: She takes the train at Scarsdale. to proceed to occupy: to take a seat. to occupy; fill (time, space, etc.): His hobby takes most of his spare time. The machine takes a lot of room. to use up; consume: This car takes a great deal of oil. He took ten minutes to solve the problem. to avail oneself of: He took the opportunity to leave. She took the time to finish it properly. to do, perform, execute, etc.: to take a walk. to go into or enter: Take the next road to the left. to adopt and enter upon (a way, course, etc.): to take the path of least resistance. to act or perform: to take the part of the hero. to make (a reproduction, picture, or photograph): to take home movies of the children. to make a picture, especially a photograph, of: The photographer took us sitting down. to write down: to take a letter in shorthand; to take notes at a lecture. to apply oneself to; study: to take ballet; She took four courses in her freshman year. to deal with; treat: to take things in their proper order. to proceed to handle in some manner: to take a matter under consideration. to assume or undertake (a function, duty, job, etc.): The mayor took office last month. to assume or adopt (a symbol, badge, or the like) as a token of office: to take the veil; to take the throne. to assume the obligation of; be bound by: to take an oath. to assume or adopt as one's own: to take someone's part in an argument; He took the side of the speaker. to assume or appropriate as if by right: to take credit for someone else's work. to accept the burden of: She took the blame for his failure. to determine by inquiry, examination, measurement, scientific observation, etc.: to take someone's pulse; to take a census. to make or carry out for purposes of yielding such a determination: to take someone's measurements; to take a seismographic reading. to begin to have; experience (a certain feeling or state of mind): to take pride in one's appearance. to form and hold in the mind: to take a gloomy view. to grasp or apprehend mentally; understand; comprehend: Do you take my meaning, sir? to understand in a specified way: You shouldn't take the remark as an insult. to grasp the meaning of (a person): if we take him correctly. to accept the statements of: to take him at his word. to assume as a fact: I take it that you will be there. to regard or consider: They were taken to be wealthy. to capture or win (a piece, trick, etc.) in a game. Informal. to cheat, swindle, or victimize: They really take people in that shop. The museum got taken on that painting. to win or obtain money from: He took me for $10 in the poker game. (of a man) to have sexual intercourse with. Grammar. to be used with (a certain form, accent, case, mood, etc.): a verb that always takes an object. Law. to acquire property, as on the happening of an event: They take a fortune under the will. Baseball. (of a batter) to allow (a pitch) to go by without swinging at it: He took a third strike. verb (used without object), took, tak·en, tak·ing.to catch or engage, as a mechanical device: She turned the key and heard a click as the catch took. to strike root or begin to grow, as a plant. to adhere, as ink, dye, or color. (of a person or thing) to win favor or acceptance: a new TV show that took with the public. to have the intended result or effect, as a medicine, inoculation, etc.: The vaccination took. to enter into possession, as of an estate. to detract (usually followed by from). to apply or devote oneself: He took to his studies. to make one's way; proceed; go: to take across the meadow. to fall or become: She took sick and had to go home. to admit of being photographed in a particular manner: a model who takes exceptionally well. to admit of being moved or separated: This crib takes apart for easy storage. nounthe act of taking. something that is taken. the quantity of fish, game, etc., taken at one time. an opinion or assessment: What's your take on the candidate? an approach; treatment: a new take on an old idea. Informal. money taken in, especially profits. Journalism. a portion of copy assigned to a Linotype operator or compositor, usually part of a story or article. Movies.
Informal. a visual and mental response to something typically manifested in a stare expressing total absorption or wonderment: She did a slow take on being asked by reporters the same question for the third time. a recording of a musical performance. Medicine/Medical. a successful inoculation. Verb Phrasestake after,
take back,
take down,
take for,
take in,
take off,
take on,
take out,
take over, to assume management or possession of or responsibility for: The first officer took over the ship when the captain suffered a heart attack. take to,
take up,
take up with, Informal. to become friendly with; keep company with: He took up with a bad crowd. Idioms for take
on the take, Slang. take for granted. grant (def. 10).
take it, take it out in, to accept as payment for services or as an equivalent of monetary compensation: He takes it out in goods instead of cash. take it out of, take it out on, Informal. to cause (someone else) to suffer for one's own misfortune or dissatisfaction: Just because you're angry with him you don't have to take it out on me! take up a collection, to ask for or gather donations, usually of money, from a number of people. take upon oneself, to assume as a responsibility or obligation: She has taken it upon herself to support the family. Origin of takeFirst recorded before 1100; Middle English taken, tacke “to grip, take, strike, lay hold of, grasp,” late Old English tacan “to grasp, touch, grab,” from Old Norse taka “to take, grab, grasp”; cognate with West Frisian take “to take, grab, steal,” Middle Dutch taken “to grasp,” Gothic tekan “to touch”; perhaps akin to Latin tangere to touch” SYNONYMS FOR take1 acquire, secure, procure. 6 choose. 23 bear, stand, tolerate. 43 delight, attract, interest, engage. 44 need, demand. 45 use. 68 ascertain. 76 suppose, presume. SEE SYNONYMS FOR take ON THESAURUS.COM ANTONYMS FOR take1 give. SEE ANTONYMS FOR take ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for take1. See bring. OTHER WORDS FROM taketak·a·ble, take·a·ble, adjectivetaker, nounun·tak·a·ble, adjectiveun·take·a·ble, adjectiveWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH takebring, take (see synonym study at bring)Words nearby takeTakao, Takasaki, Takatsuki, Takayasu's disease, Takayasu's syndrome, take, take aback, take a back seat, take a bath, take a bow, take a break Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for take
British Dictionary definitions for take (1 of 2)take1 / (teɪk) / verb takes, taking, took or taken (mainly tr)(also intr) to gain possession of (something) by force or effort to appropriate or stealto take other people's belongings to receive or accept into a relationship with oneselfto take a wife to pay for or buy to rent or leaseto take a flat in town to receive or obtain by regular paymentwe take a newspaper every day to obtain by competing for; winto take first prize to obtain or derive from a sourcehe took his good manners from his older brother to assume the obligations ofto take office to endure, esp with fortitudeto take punishment to adopt as a symbol of duty, obligation, etcto take the veil to receive or react to in a specified wayshe took the news very well to adopt as one's ownto take someone's part in a quarrel to receive and make use ofto take advice to receive into the body, as by eating, inhaling, etcto take a breath to eat, drink, etc, esp habituallyto take sugar in one's tea to have or be engaged in for one's benefit or useto take a rest to work at or studyto take economics at college to make, do, or perform (an action)to take a leap to make use ofto take an opportunity to put into effect; adoptto take measures (also intr) to make a photograph of or admit of being photographed to act or performshe takes the part of the Queen to write down or copyto take notes to experience or feelto take pride in one's appearance; to take offence to consider, believe, or regardI take him to be honest to consider or accept as validI take your point to hold or maintain in the mindhis father took a dim view of his career to deal or contend withthe tennis champion took her opponent's best strokes without difficulty to use as a particular casetake hotels for example (intr often foll by from) to diminish or detractthe actor's bad performance took from the effect of the play to confront successfullythe horse took the jump at the third attempt (intr) to have or produce the intended effect; succeedher vaccination took; the glue is taking well (intr) (of seeds, plants, etc) to start growing successfully to aim or directhe took a swipe at his opponent to deal a blow to in a specified place archaic to have sexual intercourse with to carry off or remove from a place to carry along or have in one's possessiondon't forget to take your umbrella to convey or transportthe train will take us out of the city to use as a means of transportI shall take the bus to conduct or leadthis road takes you to the station to escort or accompanymay I take you out tonight? to bring or deliver to a state, position, etchis ability took him to the forefront in his field to go to look for; seekto take cover to ascertain or determine by measuring, computing, etcto take a pulse; take a reading from a dial (intr) (of a mechanism) to catch or engage (a part) to put an end to; destroyshe took her own life to come upon unexpectedly; discover to contracthe took a chill to affect or attackthe fever took him one night (copula) to become suddenly or be rendered (ill)he took sick; he was taken sick (also intr) to absorb or become absorbed by somethingto take a polish (usually passive) to charm or captivateshe was very taken with the puppy (intr) to be or become popular; win favour to require or needthis job will take a lot of attention; that task will take all your time to subtract or deductto take six from ten leaves four to hold or containthe suitcase won't take all your clothes to quote or copyhe has taken several paragraphs from the book for his essay to proceed to occupyto take a seat (often foll by to) to use or employto take steps to ascertain the answer to win or capture (a trick, counter, piece, etc) (also intr) to catch as prey or catch prey slang to cheat, deceive, or victimize take amiss to be annoyed or offended by take at one's word See word (def. 17) take care to pay attention; be heedful take care of to assume responsibility for; look after take chances or take a chance to behave in a risky manner take five informal, mainly US and Canadian to take a break of five minutes take heart to become encouraged take it
take one's time to use as much time as is needed; not rush take place to happen or occur take someone's name in vain
take something upon oneself to assume the right to do or responsibility for (something) nounthe act of taking the number of quarry killed or captured on one occasion informal, mainly US the amount of anything taken, esp money films music
printing a part of an article, story, etc, given to a compositor or keyboard operator for setting in type informal a try or attempt informal, mainly US a version or interpretationCronenberg's harsh take on the sci-fi story See also take aback, take after, take against, take apart, take away, take back, take down, take for, take in, take off, take on, take out, take over, take to, take up Derived forms of taketakable or takeable, adjectiveWord Origin for takeOld English tacan, from Old Norse taka; related to Gothic tekan to touch British Dictionary definitions for take (2 of 2)take2 / (ˈtɑːkɪ) / nounNZ a topic or cause Word Origin for takeMāori Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Idioms and Phrases with taketake In addition to the idioms beginning with take
also see:
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Content related to takeWhat Are The 100 Most Common Words In English?The words we've compiled here probably look familiar: they are the 100 most frequently written words in the English language. As an added bonus, we have some helpful suggestions for more interesting synonyms (or words with similar meanings) that you might want to try instead. READ MORE Words related to takecapture, earn, seize, receive, win, reach, pick up, accept, collect, arrest, have, grab, hold, lift, draw, pick, choose, select, get, welcome |
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