changed from the wild or savage state; domesticated: a tame bear.
without the savageness or fear of humans normal in wild animals; gentle, fearless, or without shyness, as if domesticated: That lion acts as tame as a house cat.
tractable, docile, or submissive, as a person or the disposition.
lacking in excitement; dull; insipid: a very tame party.
spiritless or pusillanimous.
not to be taken very seriously; without real power or importance; serviceable but harmless: They kept a tame scientist around.
brought into service; rendered useful and manageable; under control, as natural resources or a source of power.
cultivated or improved by cultivation, as a plant or its fruit.
verb (used with object),tamed,tam·ing.
to make tame; domesticate; make tractable.
to deprive of courage, ardor, or zest.
to deprive of interest, excitement, or attractiveness; make dull.
to soften; tone down.
to harness or control; render useful, as a source of power.
to cultivate, as land or plants.
verb (used without object),tamed,tam·ing.
to become tame.
Origin of tame
before 900; (adj.) Middle English; Old English tam; cognate with Dutch tam,German zahm,Old Norse tamr; (v.) Middle English tamen, derivative of the adj.; replacing Middle English temen to tame, Old English temian, derivative of tam; cognate with Old Norse temja,Gothic gatamjan; akin to Latin domāre to tame
In all, the measures looked methodical—tame, even—compared with elsewhere in Europe.
As COVID cases spike in Europe, Italy stands out—but this time for doing things right|Bernhard Warner|October 15, 2020|Fortune
Out there, the ownership of land seemed like a myth used to tame an unconquerable planet with its imposing mountains, endless forests, and hypnotic deserts.
How Biking Across America Formed an Unlikely Friendship|Raffi Joe Wartanian|October 8, 2020|Outside Online
To solve it, the city now wants to harness and tame those fees so everybody is paying the same amount based on the type of housing they build.
Environment Report: Size Doesn’t Always Matter Under New Parks Plan|MacKenzie Elmer|July 13, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Historically, effective governments have always been able to tame them, although sometimes it took many decades to make that possible.
What Does Covid-19 Mean for Cities (and Marriages)? (Ep. 410)|Stephen J. Dubner|March 26, 2020|Freakonomics
Her Facebook photos could populate a tame “girls with guns” style calendar.