a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
an act or instance of hypocrisy.
Origin of hypocrisy
1175–1225; Middle English ipocrisie<Old French <Late Latin hypocrisis<Greek hypókrisis play acting, equivalent to hypokrī́(nesthai) to play a part, explain (hypo-hypo- + krī́nein to distinguish, separate) + -sis-sis; h- (reintroduced in 16th century) <Latin and Greek
Jamie Grant, R-Tampa, accused them of hypocrisy and misleading voters.
In Florida, the Gutting of a Landmark Law Leaves Few Felons Likely to Vote|by Lawrence Mower and Langston Taylor, Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times|October 7, 2020|ProPublica
This refusal to acknowledge the existence of more than 15 million LGBTQ people, 5 percent of the populace and residents of every ZIP code in America, shows a paralyzing hypocrisy.
LGBTQ: The letters Republicans didn’t utter|Hans Johnson|September 11, 2020|Washington Blade
Quasimodo is the only one who can unmask him and reveal his hypocrisy to the world.
Toward a queer Disney canon|Emily VanDerWerff|September 4, 2020|Vox
“And though we do not lack for examples of Jones’ peculiar blend of hypocrisy and stupidity, we should note that he also serves on the state senate’s Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response,” the board wrote.
Sacramento Report: Jones, COVID-19 and the Irony of Remote Voting|Sara Libby and Jesse Marx|August 28, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Instead, aim her fire at the bigotry and hypocrisy facing her across the stage.
Harris should make Pence’s bigotry an issue|James Driscoll|August 28, 2020|Washington Blade
He shows us the hypocrisy where in some contexts these very words are socially acceptable and at other times they are verboten.
Why George Carlin Deserves His Own Street|Kevin Bartini|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
But Goldman also observed that often the perpetrator of the hypocrisy is accidentally aided by his critics.
Why Do Voters Stick With Hypocrites Like Scott DesJarlais?|Keli Goff|August 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
American sanctions on Russia, he said, were an “abomination of hypocrisy.”
Meet The Putin-Loving Congressman Who’s Worried About Fluoride In Our Drinking Water|James Kirchick|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Calling the $1 trillion war on drugs a failure while defending the battle from which it was born is hypocrisy at its finest.
Chris Christie to the Drug War: I Wish I Knew How to Quit You|Olivia Nuzzi, Abby Haglage|June 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Rather, he dishes up a seemingly endless stream of examples of pettiness, irritation, hypocrisy and awkwardness.
Fear And Self-Loathing In Scandinavia: The Fiction Of Karl Ove Knausgaard|Ted Gioia|May 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His sincere purpose was, he declared, “to recommend goodness and innocence,” and his obvious aversions are vanity and hypocrisy.