[ tang ] SHOW IPA
noun a strong taste or flavor.
the distinctive flavor or quality of a thing.
a pungent or distinctive odor.
a touch or suggestion of something; slight trace.
a long and slender projecting strip, tongue, or prong forming part of an object, as a chisel, file, or knife, and serving as a means of attachment for another part, as a handle or stock.
SEE MORE SEE LESS Origin of tang 1 1300–50; Middle English tange tongue of a snake, projection on a tool, perhaps <Old Norse tangi projection, headland
Words nearby tang tandoori, Tane, Tanen Taunggyi, Taney, Taneyev, tang , tanga, Tanganyika, Tanganyikan, tangata māori, tangata tiriti
Definition for tang (2 of 3) [ tang ] SHOW IPA
noun a sharp ringing or twanging sound; clang.
verb (used with or without object) Origin of tang 2 1550–60; imitative; see ting1
Definition for tang (3 of 3) [ tahng ] SHOW IPA
noun a dynasty in China, a.d. 618–907, marked by territorial expansion, the invention of printing, and the high development of poetry.
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for tang The tomatoes' crunch and tang add new dimensions of delight.
The Ultimate Southern Cheeseburger Created in South Carolina | Jane & Michael Stern| August 10, 2014| DAILY BEAST
As far as we know, the earliest frozen dairy treat was made in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD).
An Investigation Into the Delicious Origins of Ice Cream | Andrew Romano| July 13, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Outside, Matt Schultz supporters in Boy Scout uniforms made pancakes and handed out cups of Tang .
The Bizarro World Of Iowa’s GOP Convention | Ben Jacobs| June 23, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Desperate to find her missing daughter, Tang posted photos of her across the city.
Woman Sent to Labor Camp in China’s Latest Abuse Outrage | Dan Levin| August 9, 2012| DAILY BEAST
"Weibo is really quick," says Tang Yitong, one of the volunteers.
Animal Rights: Saving Chinese Dogs From the Cooking Pot | Isaac Stone Fish| April 23, 2011| DAILY BEAST
An iron ferrule or a braided bejuco ferrule is employed to strengthen the shaft where the tang is inserted.
The Bontoc Igorot | Albert Ernest Jenks
Frame and tang apparently square-sectioned, the former perhaps unintentionally constricted at one side.
Contributions From the Museum of History and Technology | Ivor Noel Hume
Morose finds that instead of a mute helpmate he has got one who had 'a tongue with a tang ,' and exclaims 'that cursed barber!
Shakespeare and Music | Edward W. Naylor
When it is uniformly heated, from the tang to the point, of a cherry red colour, it is fit to quench in the water.
A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines | Andrew Ure
It was a fine, sunny morning, with a tang of autumn in the air, and the concourse within the church was very great.
British Dictionary definitions for tang (1 of 2) noun a strong taste or flavour the tang of the sea
a pungent or characteristic smell the tang of peat fires
a trace, touch, or hint of something a tang of cloves in the apple pie
the pointed end of a tool, such as a chisel, file, knife, etc, which is fitted into a handle, shaft, or stock
Word Origin for tang C14: from Old Norse tangi point; related to Danish tange point, spit
British Dictionary definitions for tang (2 of 2) noun the imperial dynasty of China from 618–907 ad
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to tang nip, flavor, zip, zest, guts, savor, scent, bite, aroma, smack, twang, piquancy, reek, smell, relish, kick, thrill, tanginess, pungency, spiciness