Every being is so deeply rooted in others that it is never identical with itself in the final analysis—its essence comprises far more what it is not.
What the Meadow Teaches Us - Issue 90: Something Green|Andreas Weber|September 16, 2020|Nautilus
Indeed, on the view known as “super-substantivalism,” material objects are not distinct from spacetime but are rather identical with massy regions of spacetime.
The Universe Knows Right from Wrong - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Philip Goff|September 9, 2020|Nautilus
The rest of the images in this gallery will be the old OnePlus 8 Pro, since they're nearly identical.
OnePlus 8T reportedly launches in October with 120Hz OLED, Snapdragon 865+|Ron Amadeo|September 4, 2020|Ars Technica
The Many-Worlds Interpretation has it that each time we make a measurement, reality splits into several alternative versions, identical except for the measurement outcome.
Your Guide to the Many Meanings of Quantum Mechanics - Facts So Romantic|Sabine Hossenfelder|September 3, 2020|Nautilus
On the other side of the balance, investors preferred pitches presented by male entrepreneurs compared to those made by female entrepreneurs, even when the content was exactly identical, another Harvard study revealed.
An in-person oral exam at a prestigious school was scrapped—and more women were admitted|kdunn6|August 26, 2020|Fortune
The cap devices on thousands of identical hats glinted in the late morning sun along with the shields worn by each of the cops.
Choking Back Tears, Thousands of Cops Honor Fallen Officer Ramos|Michael Daly|December 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Experts pointed us to identical passages in each of the four Geneva treaties, known as "Common Article 3."
Fact-Checking the Sunday Shows: Dec. 14|PunditFact.com|December 14, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Because as Ralphie explains to me, “every team has identical software and identical weather.”
Liberty commensurate and identical with Order,—this is the only reality of government and politics.
Anarchism and Socialism|George Plechanoff
In the course of his work he established beyond question that the "nagana" and the tsetse-fly disease were identical.
Handbook of Medical Entomology|William Albert Riley
By alliteration is meant the succession of two or more words whose initial sounds are identical or very similar.
Rhymes and Meters|Horatio Winslow
British Dictionary definitions for identical
/ (aɪˈdɛntɪkəl) /
Also called: numerically identicalbeing one and the same individualCicero and Tully are identical
Also called: quantitatively identicalexactly alike, equal, or agreeing
designating either or both of a pair of twins of the same sex who developed from a single fertilized ovum that split into twoCompare fraternal (def. 3)
Derived forms of identical
identically, adverbidenticalness, noun
Word Origin for identical
C17: from Medieval Latin identicus, from Latin idem the same
Of or relating to a twin or twins developed from the same fertilized ovum and having the same genetic makeup and closely similar appearance; monozygotic.