an act or instance of identifying; the state of being identified.
something that identifies a person, animal, or thing: He carries identification with him at all times.
Sociology. acceptance as one's own of the values and interests of a social group.
a process by which one ascribes to oneself the qualities or characteristics of another person.
(in psychoanalytic theory) the transference or reaction to one person with the feelings or responses relevant to another, as the identification of a teacher with a parent.
Many officers have also refused to uncover their badge numbers, deterring identification.
What Can Mayors Do When the Police Stop Doing Their Jobs?|by Alec MacGillis|September 3, 2020|ProPublica
Oportun allows borrowers to use an individual tax identification number in lieu of a Social Security number when they apply for loans, making them easily accessible to undocumented immigrants.
The Loan Company That Sued Thousands of Low-Income Latinos During the Pandemic|by Kiah Collier, Ren Larson and Perla Trevizo|August 31, 2020|ProPublica
The notices should include a “claim identification number” and a “confirmation code,” which can be entered here.
Own Apple Powerbeats 2 earphones? Here’s how to claim your share of a $9.75 million settlement|rhhackettfortune|August 28, 2020|Fortune
The FBI and police scan these masses of photos through computer programs that digitize them for identification.
The Bias in the Machine - Issue 89: The Dark Side|Sidney Perkowitz|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
It must be made explicit that identification between devices is anonymized and securely stored in encrypted form to prevent violation of privacy.
Readers ask about antibody tests, chimeras and public health and privacy|Science News Staff|July 26, 2020|Science News
Her heartbroken and horrified brother, Sam Jones, made the identification.
Indiana Serial Killer’s Confession Was Just the Start|Michael Daly|October 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The jogger had no memory of the attack, and none of the other victims could make an identification of the Five.
The Myth of the Central Park Five|Edward Conlon|October 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
At about 10 p.m., a horde of Hungarian police officers raided the bar, demanding that everybody show their identification.
American Racist Richard Spencer Gets to Play the Martyr in Hungary|James Kirchick|October 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
They set up an area for patient triage and identification to help them prioritize.
The Military’s Mission to Fight Ebola Might Be Dangerous But it Won’t Be Black Hawk Down|Nathan Bradley Bethea|September 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A pharmacist told her the medication was for women—and her identification still listed her as a male.
Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment|Kaiser Health News|August 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The document heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibit No. 1021, was received in evidence.
Warren Commission (5 of 26): Hearings Vol. V (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
But this reconciliation and identification were not accomplished at once.
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7|Various
There are not sufficient similarities to effect an identification.
Warren Commission (3 of 26): Hearings Vol. III (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
In the end it turned out that identification was not an easy matter, for the experts quarrelled furiously among themselves.
Prester John|John Buchan
The photograph was marked Commission Exhibit No. 398 for identification.
Warren Commission (2 of 26): Hearings Vol. II (of 15)|The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
British Dictionary definitions for identification
/ (aɪˌdɛntɪfɪˈkeɪʃən) /
the act of identifying or the state of being identified
something that identifies a person or thing
(as modifier)an identification card
the process of recognizing specific objects as the result of remembering
the process by which one incorporates aspects of another person's personalitySee also empathy
the transferring of a response from one situation to another because the two bear similar featuresSee also generalization (def. 3)