[ im -i-greyt ] SHOW IPA
verb (used without object), im·mi·grat·ed, im·mi·grat·ing. to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.
to pass or come into a new habitat or place, as an organism.
verb (used with object), im·mi·grat·ed, im·mi·grat·ing. to introduce as settlers: to immigrate cheap labor.
Origin of immigrate First recorded in 1615–25; from Latin immigrātus (past participle of immigrāre “to move into”); see im-1 , migrate
synonym study for immigrate 1 . See migrate.
OTHER WORDS FROM immigrate im·mi·gra·tor, noun un·im·mi·grat·ing, adjective
WORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH immigrate emigrate, immigrate , migrate (see synonym study at migrate) Words nearby immigrate immersive, immesh, immethodical, immie, immigrant, immigrate , immigration, Immigration and Nationality Act, imminence, imminent, Immingham
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for immigrate Born in a Ghanaian refugee camp to Liberian parents who were fleeing a civil war, Davies immigrate d to Canada with his family when he was 5.
A Canadian Teenager Is One Of The Fastest Soccer Players In The World | Julian McKenzie| September 16, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
“I feel powerless not being able to pay them,” Solis, who immigrate d from Mexico as a teenager, said in Spanish.
The Loan Company That Sued Thousands of Low-Income Latinos During the Pandemic | by Kiah Collier, Ren Larson and Perla Trevizo| August 31, 2020| ProPublica
The Soviet Union had denied their request to immigrate to Israel, given how Israel’s Western allies and its victory in the Six-Day War in 1967 had led to frosty diplomatic relations between it and the Soviet Union.
The Failed Hijacking That Remade the Soviet Union | Eromo Egbejule| August 24, 2020| Ozy
The first project we remember working on together was drawing scenes from the picture books that our mom brought with her when she immigrate d from the USSR.
Crafting our path | Tate Ryan-Mosley| August 19, 2020| MIT Technology Review
Yang’s parents had both immigrate d from Taiwan, and met in grad school.
Why Is This Man Running for President? (Ep. 362 Update) | Stephen J. Dubner| December 19, 2019| Freakonomics
It was easier for my family to leave the Soviet Union and immigrate to Canada!
Immigration Laws Have It All Backward | Ilya Shapiro| May 8, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Scores of Chinese in Guangdong province began to immigrate to California through the Port of San Francisco.
‘The Search for General Tso’: The Origins of America’s Favorite Chinese Dish, General Tso’s Chicken | Marlow Stern| April 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Many others have endured huge obstacles and lengthy waits to immigrate legally.
Can Jeb Bush Save the GOP and End Its Emerging Civil War? | John Avlon| March 5, 2013| DAILY BEAST
They may change when we get married, immigrate to another country, or convert to another religion.
The Nameless Palestinian Prisoners | Laila Lalami| October 19, 2011| DAILY BEAST
Nadine for her part is gathering the necessary paperwork to immigrate to New York, where her grandmother lives.
After the Earthquake: Looming AIDS Crisis in Haiti | Lisa Armstrong| November 29, 2010| DAILY BEAST
Is it for these things I give up wife, and patrie, and immigrate myself out of dear France?
Mike Flannery On Duty and Off | Ellis Parker Butler
I should not want "the flower" of other nations to immigrate to our shores.
The Young Man and the World | Albert J. Beveridge
The desire to immigrate , stimulated by the transportation companies, spread like a fever.
Our Foreigners | Samuel P. Orth
If island formed continent, some species would emerge and immigrate .
The Foundations of the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin
The real Portuguese immigrate in families and show very little money on landing.
The Old World in the New | Edward Alsworth Ross
British Dictionary definitions for immigrate verb (intr) to come to a place or country of which one is not a native in order to settle there Compare emigrate
(intr) (of an animal or plant) to migrate to a new geographical area
(tr) to introduce or bring in as an immigrant
Derived forms of immigrate immigratory , adjective immigrator , noun Word Origin for immigrate C17: from Latin immigrāre to go into, from im- + migrāre to move
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to immigrate migrate, arrive, colonize, settle, come in, go in