单词 | importance |
释义 | importance[ im-pawr-tns ] / ɪmˈpɔr tns / SEE SYNONYMS FOR importance ON THESAURUS.COM nounthe quality or state of being important; consequence; significance. important position or standing; personal or social consequence. consequential air or manner: an air of bustling importance. Obsolete. an important matter. Obsolete. importunity. Obsolete. import or meaning. Origin of importanceFirst recorded in 1495–1505; Medieval Latin importantia; see important, -ance SYNONYMS FOR importance1 moment, weight, concern. SEE SYNONYMS FOR importance ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for importance1. Importance, consequence, significance, moment all signify something valuable, influential, or worthy of note. Importance is the most general of these, assigning exceptional or notable value or influence to a person or thing: the importance of Einstein's discoveries. Consequence may suggest outstanding personal quality or position, or it may suggest importance because of results to be produced: a woman of consequence in world affairs; an event of great consequence for our future. Significance can be used interchangeably with importance or consequence, but it carries also the implication of importance that is not readily or immediately recognized: The significance of the discovery only became clear years later. Moment, on the other hand, almost always refers to immediately apparent, self-evident importance: a change of great moment for the nation's political system. OTHER WORDS FROM importancepre·im·por·tance, nounun·im·por·tance, nounWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH importanceimportance , impotence (see synonym study at the current entry)Words nearby importanceimponderabilia, imponderable, impone, imponent, import, importance, important, importation, importee, import quota, importunacy Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for importanceBritish Dictionary definitions for importanceimportance / (ɪmˈpɔːtəns) / nounthe state of being important; significance social status; standing; esteema man of importance obsolete
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