a disposition or bent, especially of the mind or will; a liking or preference: Much against his inclination, he was forced to resign.
something to which one is inclined: In sports his inclination is tennis.
the act of inclining; state of being inclined.
a tendency toward a certain condition, action, etc.: the door's inclination to stick.
deviation or amount of deviation from a normal, especially horizontal or vertical, direction or position.
an inclined surface.
the angle between two lines or two planes.
the angle formed by the x-axis and a given line.
the angle between the orbital plane of a planet and another given plane, usually the ecliptic.
the angle between the equatorial and orbital planes of a planet.
Magnetism. dip1 (def. 32).
Origin of inclination
1350–1400; Middle English inclinacioun<Latin inclīnātiōn- (stem of inclīnātiō), equivalent to inclīnāt(us) past participle of inclīnāre (see incline, -ate1) + -iōn--ion
Some people fear—or hope, depending on political inclinations—the former vice president will make radical leftward changes.
Q&A: Former Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker talks America’s R&D problem, taxes, and the country’s economic outlook|rhhackettfortune|October 11, 2020|Fortune
AI helps to identify and recognize behavioral patterns, future behavior, and purchasing inclinations of customers by analyzing huge arrays of big data gathered over a period of time.
Transforming advertisement and graphic design through AI|Shree Das|September 8, 2020|Search Engine Watch
Problems will arise when ulterior motives give us an inclination to use inappropriate technology as a way to use what’s most familiar or gain experience with the latest JavaScript libraries.
Power SEO Friendly Markup With HTML5, CSS3, And Javascript|Detlef Johnson|August 20, 2020|Search Engine Land
Some of them require going against certain human inclinations, and, although not easy to achieve, are readily within the human repertoire once the social and personal benefits are made clear, and compliance demanded.
Just Because It’s Natural Doesn’t Mean It’s Good - Issue 89: The Dark Side|David P. Barash|August 19, 2020|Nautilus
After all, almost everyone with the inclination to vote will show up at a polling place.
Did a Flawed Computer Model Sabotage the Democrats?|Ben Jacobs|November 10, 2014|DAILY BEAST
This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial.
Catholic University’s Harvey Milk Ban Reflects A Church In Transition|Jay Michaelson|October 3, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There is the inclination to respond this complaint on legal grounds.
Breakfast over, each individual disposes of himself as best accords with inclination or interest.
Forest Life and Forest Trees: comprising winter camp-life among the loggers, and wild-wood adventure.|John S. Springer
We have not time or inclination to indulge in fanciful troubles until we have got rid of our real misfortunes.
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow|Jerome K. Jerome
With plenty of food and perfect safety, he lost all inclination to be shot.
History of the Zulu War|A. Wilmot
In some cases, the heart is no safe monitor; and inclination and conviction become convertible terms.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 368, June 1846|Various
Quite aware of his inclination to laxness, I was yet unprepared for his present state.
Ruggles of Red Gap|Harry Leon Wilson
British Dictionary definitions for inclination
/ (ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃən) /
(often foll by for, to, towards, or an infinitive) a particular disposition, esp a liking or preference; tendencyI've no inclination for such dull work
the degree of deviation from a particular plane, esp a horizontal or vertical plane
a sloping or slanting surface; incline
the act of inclining or the state of being inclined
the act of bowing or nodding the head
the angle between a line on a graph and the positive limb of the x- axis
the smaller dihedral angle between one plane and another
astronomythe angle between the plane of the orbit of a planet or comet and another plane, usually that of the ecliptic