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[ in-koh-heer-uhnt, -her- ] / ˌɪn koʊˈhɪər ənt, -ˈhɛr- / SEE SYNONYMS FOR incoherent ON THESAURUS.COM
adjectivewithout logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling: an incoherent sentence. characterized by such thought or language, as a person: incoherent with rage. not coherent or cohering: an incoherent mixture. lacking physical cohesion; loose: incoherent dust. lacking unity or harmony of elements: an incoherent public. lacking congruity of parts; uncoordinated. different or incompatible by nature, as things. Physics. (of a wave) having a low degree of coherence.Compare coherent (def. 4). Origin of incoherentFirst recorded in 1620–30; in-3 + coherent SYNONYMS FOR incoherent1 confused, irrational, muddled. SEE SYNONYMS FOR incoherent ON THESAURUS.COM OTHER WORDS FROM incoherentin·co·her·ent·ly, adverbWords nearby incoherentincognita, incognito, incognizant, incoherence, incoherency, incoherent, in cold blood, in cold storage, incombustible, income, income account Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for incoherentThere are no hipsters anymore—at least none that live up to the crazy, incoherent stereotypes in circulation. Why Do We Hate Hipsters So F'ing Much?|Ted Gioia|July 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST Sabo is as incoherent and hateful as any run-of-the-mill troll. Breitbart Twerks Pelosi With Credibility-Destroying Ad|Emily Shire|April 8, 2014|DAILY BEAST Second, the view that corporations have consciences is incoherent. Do Corporations Believe in God? The ‘Hobby Lobby’ Case Has the Answer|Jay Michaelson|March 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST It was from Jack, but so incoherent that I thought he must have lost his reason. Read ‘The King in Yellow,’ the ‘True Detective’ Reference That’s the Key to the Show|Robert W. Chambers|February 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Yet our distinction between secular and religious buildings would have been incoherent to the ancient Greeks. Virgin Sacrifice and the Meaning of the Parthenon|Nick Romeo|February 12, 2014|DAILY BEAST The Duke strove to pacify him in a long and, as usual, incoherent letter. Rupert Prince Palatine|Eva Scott But later on, like all things Turkish, it lapsed into a matter of form, satisfied by an incoherent “Hullo!” A Prisoner in Turkey|John Still Bits and snatches had filtered through, garbled and incoherent, that had tried to shed light yet could not. The Sex Life of the Gods|Michael Knerr It mingled with a swarm of incoherent ideas and gave them a new intensity of life. A History of French Literature|Edward Dowden I am unstable as water; incoherent, inconsistent, a very chameleon! The Child of Pleasure|Gabriele D'Annunzio
British Dictionary definitions for incoherent
adjectivelacking in clarity or organization; disordered unable to express oneself clearly; inarticulate physics (of two or more waves) having the same frequency but not the same phaseincoherent light Derived forms of incoherentincoherence, incoherency or incoherentness, nounincoherently, adverbCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to incoherentmuddled, uneven, puzzling, rambling, incongruous, disjointed, incomprehensible, jumbled, irrational, breathless, confused, disconnected, discontinuous, discordant, disordered, dumb, inarticulate, inconsistent, indistinct, indistinguishable |