[ tem -perd ] SHOW IPA
adjective having a temper or disposition of a specified character (usually used in combination): a good-tempered child.
Music . tuned in accordance with some other temperament than just or pure temperament, especially tuned in equal temperament.
made less intense or violent, especially by the influence of something good or benign: justice tempered with mercy.
properly moistened or mixed, as clay.
Metallurgy . of or relating to steel or cast iron that has been tempered.
Origin of tempered Middle English word dating back to 1325–75; see origin at temper, -ed2 , -ed3
OTHER WORDS FROM tempered non·tem·pered, adjective un·tem·pered, adjective Words nearby tempered temperature gradient, temperature-humidity index, temperature inversion, temperature spot, temper color, tempered , temper tantrum, tempest, tempest in a teapot, tempest-tossed, tempestuous
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for tempered But for some of us, while its closing was sad, it was a tempered sadness.
The Bookstore That Bewitched Mick Jagger, John Lennon, and Greta Garbo | Felice Picano| December 16, 2014| DAILY BEAST
It is illegal in China for a government official to keep a mistress, yet this has not tempered the trend.
China’s Concubine Culture Lives On in Mistress Villages | Brendon Hong| April 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Unfortunately, the calamity of a potential default has tempered neither judgment nor passion.
The GOP’s Backdoor Impeachment Scheme | Lloyd Green| October 14, 2013| DAILY BEAST
But this year, tempered by loss and a desire to rebrand, the crazy quotient was diminished if far from extinguished.
More Sarah Palin Than Ronald Reagan: CPAC’s Paranoid Style | John Avlon| March 16, 2013| DAILY BEAST
All of them have tempered their beliefs and describe themselves as Islamist modernizers.
Al Qaeda’s Top Recruiting Tool: The CIA | Jamie Dettmer| February 20, 2013| DAILY BEAST
Along the coast of Algeria the heat is tempered by the sea breeze.
The World and Its People: Book VII | Anna B. Badlam
"I can only trust that the wind may be tempered to them," he said.
The Last Chronicle of Barset | Anthony Trollope
How was the wind to be tempered for the poor lamb who had gone forth shorn down to the very skin!
He Knew He Was Right | Anthony Trollope
When the anvil has received its due form, it is faced with steel, and is then tempered in cold water.
The New Gresham Encyclopedia. Vol. 1 Part 2 | Various
Tell me not of the lenity with which this cruel law is tempered to its unhappy subjects.
Charles Sumner; his complete works, volume 5 (of 20) | Charles Sumner
British Dictionary definitions for tempered adjective music (of a scale) having the frequency differences between notes adjusted in accordance with the system of equal temperament See temperament (of an interval) expanded or contracted from the state of being pure (in combination) having a temper or temperament as specified ill-tempered
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to tempered mitigate, ease, alleviate, assuage, lessen, soften, soothe, dilute, restrain, abate, curb, mollify, allay, cool, tone down, weaken, palliate, soft-pedal, relieve, revamp