[ ter -uh s ] SHOW IPA
noun a raised level with a vertical or sloping front or sides faced with masonry, turf, or the like, especially one of a series of levels rising one above another.
the top of such a construction, used as a platform, garden, road, etc.
a nearly level strip of land with a more or less abrupt descent along the margin of the sea, a lake, or a river.
the flat roof of a house.
an open, often paved area connected to a house or an apartment house and serving as an outdoor living area; deck.
an open platform, as projecting from the outside wall of an apartment; a large balcony.
a row of houses on or near the top of a slope.
a residential street following the top of a slope.
SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (used with or without object), ter·raced, ter·rac·ing. to form into or furnish with a terrace or terraces.
Origin of terrace 1505–15; earlier terrasse <Middle French <Old Provençal terrassa <Vulgar Latin *terrācea, feminine of *terrāceus. See terra, -aceous
OTHER WORDS FROM terrace ter·race·less, adjective un·ter·raced, adjective Words nearby terrace Terpsichore, terpsichorean, terr., terra, terra alba, terrace , terraced house, terrachlor, terracing, terracotta, terra firma
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for terrace Because the terrace s are open on all sides, they allow air to flow across them naturally.
Changing climates can take cooling tips from warm regions | Sharon Oosthoek| October 8, 2020| Science News For Students
They could do what one guy did and run a marathon on his terrace during lockdown.
Canceled Races Aren’t Stopping Endurance Athletes From Setting Wild New Records | Anna Wiederkehr (anna.wiederkehr@abc.com)| July 20, 2020| FiveThirtyEight
“They would bring them to the terrace and say, ‘You pay or you are his next meal,’” Trapuzzano explains.
Days of Mafia Mayhem Are Wracking Italy Once Again | Barbie Latza Nadeau| November 22, 2014| DAILY BEAST
The apartment is quarantined but a terrace door was left open so the dog could go outside “to do his business.”
The Dog is Dead—And We’ll Never Know if He Had Ebola | Barbie Latza Nadeau| October 9, 2014| DAILY BEAST
On a New York terrace , there is a dinner dance one balmy summer evening.
Adam Hochschild on Keeping Company With His Dying Father | Adam Hochschild| June 14, 2014| DAILY BEAST
We began to slink outside, tentatively crossing the terrace .
Our Visit From Irene | India Hicks| August 27, 2011| DAILY BEAST
“I realized that language was out of their realm, and the only reason that they sign was to obtain various rewards,” said Terrace .
‘Project Nim’: The Stunning New Documentary about Chimpanzees | Marlow Stern| July 9, 2011| DAILY BEAST
On the terrace beyond several children were playing, while before him, for many a mile, lay his own broad lands.
The Ruined Cities of Zululand | Hugh Mulleneux Walmsley
The stars were shining when we came out on the terrace , and the waning moon still hung its crescent overhead.
From Egypt to Japan | Henry M. Field
It had not only a garden but a terrace , and this terrace overlooked the sea, the blue sunny sea of the south.
The Adventures of Herr Baby | Mrs. Molesworth
We have the terrace walls nearly finished; and I am in hopes to lay the corner stone of the temple by the middle of May.
Memoirs of John R. Young | John Young
There was a light in the drawing-room that opened upon the terrace , which Batiscombe had not noticed before.
To Leeward | F. Marion Crawford
British Dictionary definitions for terrace noun a horizontal flat area of ground, often one of a series in a slope
a row of houses, usually identical and having common dividing walls, or the street onto which they face (cap when part of a street name ) Grosvenor Terrace a paved area alongside a building, serving partly as a garden
a balcony or patio
the flat roof of a house built in a Spanish or Oriental style
a flat area bounded by a short steep slope formed by the down-cutting of a river or by erosion
(usually plural) unroofed tiers around a football pitch on which the spectators stand the spectators themselves SEE MORE SEE LESS verb (tr) to make into or provide with a terrace or terraces
Derived forms of terrace terraceless , adjective Word Origin for terrace C16: from Old French terrasse, from Old Provençal terrassa pile of earth, from terra earth, from Latin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Words related to terrace deck, porch, roof, promenade, platform, gallery, patio, balcony, esplanade, bank, portico
Medical definitions for terrace v. To suture in several rows, as when closing a wound through a considerable thickness of tissue.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.