to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.).
to prohibit; forbid.
Psychology. to consciously or unconsciously suppress or restrain (psychologically or sociologically unacceptable behavior).
Chemistry. to decrease the rate of action of or stop (a chemical reaction).
Origin of inhibit
First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English inhibiten, from Latin inhibitus, past participle of inhibēre “to restrain,” equivalent to in- in-2 + -hibēre, combining form of habēre “to have, hold”
1 repress, discourage, obstruct.
2 interdict.
synonym study for inhibit
2. See forbid.
in·hib·it·a·ble,adjectivein·hib·i·to·ry[in-hib-i-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee], /ɪnˈhɪb ɪˈtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/, in·hib·i·tive,adjectivein·ter·in·hib·i·tive,adjectivenon·in·hib·i·tive,adjective
non·in·hib·i·to·ry,adjectiveo·ver·in·hib·it,verb (used with object)sub·in·hib·i·to·ry,adjectiveun·in·hib·it·ing,adjective
T-cells struggle to get inside large masses of cancer cells, and even if they do, these tumors often produce proteins that inhibit the effectiveness of the T-cells.
Scientists Used Protein Switches to Turn T-Cells Into Cancer-Fighting Guided Missiles|Edd Gent|August 24, 2020|Singularity Hub
“We’re excited because we need drugs that inhibit the virus directly,” Maldonado says.
New treatments aim to treat COVID-19 early, before it gets serious|Tina Hesman Saey|August 24, 2020|Science News
A July 21 study in Cell Reports found that the drug can inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in lab-grown monkey and human cells.
How two coronavirus drugs for cats might help humans fight COVID-19|Erin Garcia de Jesus|August 11, 2020|Science News
The disorder, known as X-linked agammaglobulinemia, inhibits the body’s ability to make the antibodies called gamma globulins, resulting in severe infections even from fairly innocuous pathogens.
Our Genes May Explain Severity of COVID-19 and Other Infections|Monique Brouillette|July 27, 2020|Quanta Magazine
Besides the reports out of China, two studies using computer simulations of coronavirus proteins predicted that famotidine might dock with and inhibit important viral enzymes called proteases that help the virus replicate.
A popular heartburn medicine doesn’t work as a COVID-19 antiviral|Tina Hesman Saey|July 27, 2020|Science News
Studies have repeatedly shown that Plan B ok “does not inhibit implantation.”
Rand Paul’s Plan B for Pro-Life Critics|Olivia Nuzzi|October 5, 2014|DAILY BEAST
If the technology works well, secrecy can inhibit its deployment.
Is the Pentagon’s $55 Billion Stealth Bomber Too Big a Secret?|Bill Sweetman|September 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
“Oil is antimicrobial and gets into the tissues of the mouth to inhibit bacterial growth,” says Caldecott.
Oil Pulling: Miracle Cure or Oily Mess?|DailyBurn|March 28, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Since the FDA approved Plan B in 1999, repeated studies have shown the drug does not inhibit implantation.
Why Can’t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels?|Tiffany Stanley|March 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
IUDs, also named in the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga suits, almost certainly can inhibit implantation.
Why Can’t the FDA Fix Outdated Birth Control Labels?|Tiffany Stanley|March 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are many factors which inhibit sleep that must be removed or at least obviated.
Psychotherapy|James J. Walsh
There is no need of a definite consent to the act, provided there is nothing present to inhibit it.
Psychology|Robert S. Woodworth
As the basis for desensitization, deep relaxation is used to inhibit anxiety.
When You Don't Know Where to Turn|Steven J. Bartlett
Any indisposition, not to mention actual diseases, has a tendency to inhibit all initiative.
Poise: How to Attain It|D. Starke
And what shall be done to inhibit the multitudes that frequent those houses where drunkenness is sold and harboured?
Areopagitica|John Milton
British Dictionary definitions for inhibit
/ (ɪnˈhɪbɪt) /
verb-its, -itingor-ited(tr)
to restrain or hinder (an impulse, a desire, etc)
to prohibit; forbid
to stop, prevent, or decrease the rate of (a chemical reaction)
to prevent the occurrence of (a particular signal) in a circuit
to prevent the performance of (a particular operation)