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[ in-sin-yoo-eyt ] / ɪnˈsɪn yuˌeɪt / SEE SYNONYMS FOR insinuate ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with object), in·sin·u·at·ed, in·sin·u·at·ing.to suggest or hint slyly: He insinuated that they were lying. to instill or infuse subtly or artfully, as into the mind: to insinuate doubts through propaganda. to bring or introduce into a position or relation by indirect or artful methods: to insinuate oneself into favor. verb (used without object), in·sin·u·at·ed, in·sin·u·at·ing.Origin of insinuateFirst recorded in 1520–30; from Latin insinuātus, past participle of insinuāre “to work in, instill.” See in-2, sinuous, -ate1 SYNONYMS FOR insinuate2 introduce, inject, inculcate. SEE SYNONYMS FOR insinuate ON THESAURUS.COM synonym study for insinuate1. See hint. OTHER WORDS FROM insinuatein·sin·u·a·tive [in-sin-yoo-ey-tiv, -yoo-uh-], /ɪnˈsɪn yuˌeɪ tɪv, -yu ə-/, in·sin·u·a·to·ry [in-sin-yoo-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee], /ɪnˈsɪn yu əˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/, adjectivein·sin·u·a·tive·ly, adverbin·sin·u·a·tor, nounhalf-in·sin·u·at·ed, adjective pre·in·sin·u·ate, verb, pre·in·sin·u·at·ed, pre·in·sin·u·at·ing.pre·in·sin·u·a·tive, adjectiveun·in·sin·u·at·ed, adjectiveun·in·sin·u·a·tive, adjective Words nearby insinuateinsignificancy, insignificant, insincere, insincerity, in single file, insinuate, insinuating, insinuation, insipid, insipience, insist Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for insinuateGutierrez tries unsuccessfully to insinuate that Jay was cheating on Stephanie, suggesting ulterior motives. The Scoop on ‘Serial’: Making Sense of The Nisha Call, Asia's Letters, and Our Obsession|Emily Shire|December 11, 2014|DAILY BEAST It's pretty sick for people to insinuate that I would wax my daughters eyebrows. Cara Delevingne Tops 2013 Google Searches; PETA Distributes Fur Coats|The Fashion Beast Team|December 18, 2013|DAILY BEAST Gandhi, he meant to insinuate, was not Indian enough to serve Indians and run the country. The Absurd Case Against Sonia Gandhi|Dilip D’Souza|October 5, 2012|DAILY BEAST Tait seems to insinuate for all media that it would be better if Amis never came back. In Defense of Martin Amis’ 'Lionel Asbo'|Liam Hoare|August 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
What people were trying to insinuate was that Jess is emblematic of all women, instead of seeing her as one woman. ‘New Girl’ Creator Liz Meriwether on Jess, Sexuality, Schmidt & More|Jace Lacob|May 8, 2012|DAILY BEAST If you mean to insinuate that I am, I consider that you are guilty of impertinence. I would not be thought to insinuate, that the remarker wants humanity. The Complete Works in Philosophy, Politics and Morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, [Vol 3 of 3]|Benjamin Franklin I by no means intend to insinuate that Madame de Stal was ugly; but beauty is something quite different. The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine|Heinrich Heine Do you mean to insinuate that my bravery is a matter of doubt? By Force of Impulse|Harry V. Vogt Of course, he could not help himself, and Horace had no right to insinuate otherwise. Reginald Cruden|Talbot Baines Reed
British Dictionary definitions for insinuate
verb(may take a clause as object) to suggest by indirect allusion, hints, innuendo, etc (tr) to introduce subtly or deviously (tr) to cause (someone, esp oneself) to be accepted by gradual approaches or manoeuvres Derived forms of insinuateinsinuative or insinuatory, adjectiveinsinuator, nounWord Origin for insinuateC16: from Latin insinuāre to wind one's way into, from in- ² + sinus curve Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to insinuatesignify, connote, propose, intimate, ascribe, purport, allude, imply, impute, mention, indicate, refer, insert, interpose, foist, ingratiate, introduce, infiltrate, interject, infuse |