

单词 them


[ them; unstressed thuhm, uhm ]
/ ðɛm; unstressed ðəm, əm /


the objective case of plural they, used as a direct or indirect object: We saw them yesterday. I gave them the books.
Informal. (used instead of the pronoun they in the predicate after the verb to be): It's them, across the street.No, that isn’t them.
Informal. (used instead of the pronoun their before a gerund): The boys' parents objected to them hiking without adult supervision.
the objective case of singular they, used as a direct or indirect object:
  1. (used to refer to a generic or unspecified person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): If you know anyone looking for a job, tell them to contact me.If an officer were to ask you that question directly, you would have to answer them honestly.
  2. (used to refer to a specific or known person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): I can’t believe your ex took your cat with them when they moved out.
  3. (used to refer to a nonbinary or gender-nonconforming person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context): Randi’s on vacation, so you can’t see them until next week.


Nonstandard. those: He don't want them books.

Origin of them

First recorded in 1150–1200; Middle English theim, theym, from Old Norse theim “them” (dative); replacing Middle English tham(e), Old English thǣm, thām; cf. they

usage note for them

See he1, me, they.

Words nearby them

the lowdown on, Lower Depths, The, T-helper cell, thelytokous, thelytoky, them, thema, Mabinogion, The, Madwoman of Chaillot, The, Magic Flute, The, Magic Mountain, The
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020

British Dictionary definitions for them

/ (ðɛm, unstressed ðəm) /


(objective) refers to things or people other than the speaker or people addressedI'll kill them; what happened to them?
mainly US a dialect word for themselves they got them a new vice president


a nonstandard word for those three of them oranges

Word Origin for them

Old English thǣm, influenced by Old Norse theim; related to Old Frisian thām, Old Saxon, Old High German thēm, Old Norse theimr, Gothic thaim

undefined them

See me 1, they
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012




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