Modern global surveys like the THEMIS mosaic are a way for us to understand an alien world.
The Best Map of Mars Yet|Matthew R. Francis|July 20, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The evidence for this is given in Miss Harrison's Themis, pp. 347 ff.
Euripedes and His Age|Gilbert Murray
He spoke the word with suddenly flashing eyes, uplifted head, and a face as stern the face of Themis.
The Pools of Silence|H. de Vere Stacpoole
His relations with the two great Titans, Themis and Mnemosyne, belong to another group of myths.
The Crown of Wild Olive|John Ruskin
I think the fatigue he sometimes experiences after phenomenafatigue often out of all proportion with themis due to his brusquerie.
Metapsychical Phenomena|J. Maxwell
The Hours were goddesses of the seasons, daughters of Zeus and Themis.
Minor Poems by Milton|John Milton
/ (ˈθiːmɪs) /
Greek mytha goddess of order and justice
Words nearby Themis
meter is running, the, The Mikado, milk of human kindness, the, Mill on the Floss, The, Miracle of St. Mark, The, Themis, Miser, The, Themistocles, Moon and Sixpence, The, The more the merrier, morning after, the