In contrast, South Korean officials gave near instantaneous approval to commercial labs, and they quickly began testing 10,000 people a day.
Inside the Fall of the CDC|by James Bandler, Patricia Callahan, Sebastian Rotella and Kirsten Berg|October 15, 2020|ProPublica
The moves also will temporarily alter the look and feel of Twitter, a service built on instantaneous conversation, quips, and breaking news.
With Election Day looming, Twitter imposes new limits on U.S. politicians — and ordinary users, too|Elizabeth Dwoskin, Craig Timberg|October 9, 2020|Washington Post
But it is important to understand that this effect is neither large nor instantaneous.
Can Tax Reform Jump-Start the Economy?|Justin Green|October 16, 2012|DAILY BEAST
By the end of 2013, over 70 percent of humanity will have access to instantaneous, low-cost communications and information.
The World Is Getting Better, Argues New Book, ‘Abundance’|Sam Harris|February 21, 2012|DAILY BEAST
I was nearly 11 years old, and I clearly remember my instantaneous reaction: "I LOVE this, and my parents are gonna HATE it!"
I Reported John Lennon's Death|Steve North|December 7, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The whole passage, at once slow and instantaneous, was superbly polite in the haute-Anglo fashion.
Live From Art Basel|Anthony Haden-Guest|June 17, 2010|DAILY BEAST
The anecdote met with instantaneous success, and I hurried away into the dark.
The Virginian|Owen Wister
The loud applause was instantaneous, and Jonathan turned quickly to Hepsey, as he stamped his feet and clapped his hands.
Hepsey Burke|Frank Noyes Westcott
For that it did demand time, and that it was not an instantaneous creation, is implied in the expression "to form."
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality|Rudolf Schmid
On the contrary, he must have given the order to stop with instantaneous alacrity.
Angela's Business|Henry Sydnor Harrison
Now we can explain this phenomenon perfectly by the uniform nature and the instantaneous rise of that resulting aggregate feeling.
An Introduction to Psychology|Wilhelm Max Wundt
British Dictionary definitions for instantaneous
/ (ˌɪnstənˈteɪnɪəs) /
occurring with almost no delay; immediate
happening or completed within a momentinstantaneous death
occurring at or associated with a particular instant
equal to the limit of the average value of a given variable as the time interval over which the variable is considered approaches zeroinstantaneous velocity