[ in -sti-gey-ter ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈɪn stɪˌgeɪ tər / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun a person or thing that provokes or incites an action or course:Peaceful protesters outnumbered the violent instigators, and they kept the demonstration from becoming a riot. Plays to be performed at the festival focus on a theme of how youth can be the instigators of positive change.
in·sti·gant [in -sti-guh nt] /ˈɪn stɪ gənt/ .
Words nearby instigator instead, instead of, instep, instigate, instigation, instigator , instil, instill, instillation, instillator, instinct
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for instigator He was definitely an instigator [of the conversation], but I never felt intimidated.
Inside Hollywood’s ‘Twink’ Pool Parties | Scott Bixby| April 19, 2014| DAILY BEAST
He felt terrible, especially because it was his friend who had clearly been the instigator of the fight.
What Guns Do, and What they Don't | Megan McArdle| December 10, 2012| DAILY BEAST
Will you tell me that M. de Provence, your instigator , did not know it; or M. le Comte d'Artois—or my women?
The Queen's Necklace | Alexandre Dumas pre
Patty was the instigator , the champion player, and the final victim of the game.
When Patty Went to College | Jean Webster
I felt sure that a plot had been formed against me, and that he was its framer and instigator .
Will Weatherhelm | W.H.G. Kingston
All at once it occurred to him that some reward was due the instigator of his success.
Thoroughbreds | W. A. Fraser
Or, she can see the objects, admire them, but seek beyond them for their Instigator and Creator.
The Prodigal Returns | Lilian Staveley
Words related to instigator ringleader, meddler, knave, rabble-rouser, firebrand, punk, incendiary, inciter, agitator, mischief-maker, hellion, nuisance, provocateur, agent provocateur, wise guy, inflamer, sparkplug