Finally, make sure you have a system for keeping track of your insured contents in case you need to make a claim.
Determining your insurance needs|Valerie Blake|September 12, 2020|Washington Blade
In an increasingly volatile world, insuring against disruptions can pay off quickly.
COVID-19 and climate change expose the dangers of unstable supply chains|matthewheimer|August 27, 2020|Fortune
The bonds pay a high interest rate—often between 7% and 15% per year—but if the insured losses from a particular event exceed a specified threshold, the creditors lose their entire principle.
Insurers are getting nervous as Hurricane Laura is set to make landfall as a powerful Category 4 storm|Jeremy Kahn|August 26, 2020|Fortune
Insurers typically rely on data from those it insures to help refine and assess risk.
Alphabet’s Verily plans to use big data to help employers predict health insurance costs|Rachel Schallom|August 25, 2020|Fortune
At some point in the not-too-distant future, coastal properties could become too risky to insure at all, meaning property values would drop, meaning less money to build the things needed to protect against sea level rise in the first place.
Morning Report: Power Company Challenged on Fire Prevention Plans|Voice of San Diego|August 25, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Proceeds from its North Sea drilling rigs will insure corruption and kleptocracy on a Nigerian scale.
Up to a Point: A Free Scotland Would Be a Hilarious Disaster|P. J. O’Rourke|September 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Our two largest states, one working to insure its people and the other doing everything in its power to prevent that.
Texas: Where Crazy Gets Elected|Michael Tomasky|February 26, 2014|DAILY BEAST
For example, over the weekend, the Wall Street Journal reported that Obamacare has done little to insure the uninsured.
Income Inequality is a Recipe for Stagnation|Lloyd Green|January 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
As a freelance writer under the old dispensation, I had qualified as a Sole Proprietor and was able to insure both of us.
Obamacare May Be Dangerous to Your Health|Richard Woodward|November 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I practice true “health care,” as in going to the doctor when I am healthy to insure that I remain so.
Suzanne Somers Responds To Critics, Says She Has A Thick Skin|Brandy Zadrozny|October 30, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Its lofty morality would not alone have sufficed to insure its success.
The Unseen World and Other Essays|John Fiske
This is partly due to an opiate I have administered to insure complete quiet; and he will not awake for several hours yet.
Lazarre|Mary Hartwell Catherwood
A little at a time frequently, to insure careful and thorough reading.
Miss Ellis's Mission|Mary P. Wells Smith
Are the conservative forces in our nation sufficient to insure its perpetuity?
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index|Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
By keeping the surface broken and well pulverized the moisture rises sufficiently to insure a crop.
Our Italy|Charles Dudley Warner
British Dictionary definitions for insure
/ (ɪnˈʃʊə, -ˈʃɔː) /
(often foll by against)to guarantee or protect (against risk, loss, etc)we insured against disappointment by making an early reservation
(often foll by against)to issue (a person) with an insurance policy or take out an insurance policy (on)his house was heavily insured against fire; after all his car accidents the company refuses to insure him again
another word (esp US) for ensure (def. 1), ensure (def. 2)