a person who rises in forcible opposition to lawful authority, especially a person who engages in armed resistance to a government or to the execution of its laws; rebel.
a member of a section of a political party that revolts against the methods or policies of the party.
of or characteristic of an insurgent or insurgents.
surging or rushing in: The insurgent waves battered the shore.
Origin of insurgent
1755–65; <Latin insurgent- (stem of insurgēns) present participle of insurgereto get up, ascend, rebel.See in-2, surge, -ent
These payoffs, they wrote, “exacerbated conflicts” and “bolstered support for insurgents.”
When Your Safety Becomes My Danger (Ep. 432)|Stephen J. Dubner|September 24, 2020|Freakonomics
When one major operation, dubbed Arrowhead Ripper, concluded in mid-August, most insurgent activity in the area had ceased.
How the NSA Became a Killing Machine|Shane Harris|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The U.S. hackers sent fake text messages to insurgent fighters and roadside bombers.
How the NSA Became a Killing Machine|Shane Harris|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Eventually, Wurmser said, Sunni insurgent groups did gain access to the shells in 2005.
Insiders Blame Rove for Covering Up Iraq’s Real WMD|Eli Lake|October 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST
There are too many opportunities for friendly fire, for civilian casualties, for insurgent ambushes.
Whatever You Do Someone Will Die. A Short Story About Impossible Choices in Iraq|Nathan Bradley Bethea|August 31, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Is ISIS the only U.S. enemy or will we also target other Sunni insurgent groups?
Even Former Commandos Call Iraq ‘an Impossible Mission’|Jacob Siegel|June 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
It was, moreover, from its vicinity to the frontiers of France; a most important acquisition to the insurgent party.
The Rise of the Dutch Republic, Volume II.(of III) 1566-74|John Lothrop Motley
Such semblance of discipline as had previously existed among the Insurgent soldiers rapidly disappeared.
The Philippines: Past and Present (Volume 1 of 2)|Dean Conant Worcester
The troops deployed right and left, and soon the insurgent mass was closely surrounded in every direction and every outlet closed.
Caesar's Column|Ignatius Donnelly
So he ordered that all persons suspected of contraband traffic with insurgent organizations should be arrested and sent to Manila.
The Spell of the Hawaiian Islands and the Philippines|Isabel Anderson
The first element of success is the destruction beforehand of all insurgent or insurrection element.
Industrial Cuba|Robert P. Porter
British Dictionary definitions for insurgent
/ (ɪnˈsɜːdʒənt) /
rebellious or in revolt, as against a government in power or the civil authorities
a person who takes part in an uprising or rebellion; insurrectionist
international lawa person or group that rises in revolt against an established government or authority but whose conduct does not amount to belligerency
Derived forms of insurgent
insurgency, noun
Word Origin for insurgent
C18: from Latin insurgēns rising upon or against, from insurgere to rise up, from surgere to rise