Though it can be viscerally felt, company culture is a largely intangible thing—all the more so when there’s no office to bring people together and serve as a physical manifestation of an organization’s style or values.
Watch: Quartz at Work’s workshop on building company culture remotely|Heather Landy|October 2, 2020|Quartz
It’s these intangibles that provide context to music, and these difficult-to-describe elements can’t be represented in data that software understands—at least for now.
How A.I. is playing a bigger role in music streaming than you ever imagined|jonathanvanian2015|October 2, 2020|Fortune
This is a necessary resource, just as familiar as the first one, including both tangible and intangible assets.
How would an SEO agency be built today? Part 2: Current business model(s)|Sponsored Content: SEOmonitor|September 16, 2020|Search Engine Land
Yet there were so many intangibles — a love of nature, the busy pace of life, the high cost of moving — that conspired to keep us from leaving.
Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration|by Abrahm Lustgarten, photography by Meridith Kohut|September 15, 2020|ProPublica
Indeed, in 2011 UNESCO received a formal petition to declare Latin and Greek an “intangible heritage of humanity.”
The Classics are Dead! Long Live the Classics! Mary Beard’s New Book|Nick Romeo|September 20, 2013|DAILY BEAST
The touted gains of attack are intangible, while its downside is real and grave.
Obama Needs a Friend in Congress—Like Bush Had|Lloyd Green|September 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST
Does coming to terms with the past require the destruction of its effects, tangible or intangible?
Spain’s Ghosts: The Fight Over the Memories of War|James McAuley|September 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST
In fact, intellectual property and, more broadly, intangible assets now dominate American business.
New Calculations of U.S. GDP Finally Take Research and Development Into Account|Robert Shapiro|August 2, 2013|DAILY BEAST
I was just working on an essay where I was talking about the intangible value of darkness.
Is Light Pollution the Easiest Environmental Problem to Fix?|Mindy Farabee|July 17, 2013|DAILY BEAST
They forced on one the reality of a world of intangible conditions which one could, somehow, comfortably ignore with sons.
The Squirrel-Cage|Dorothy Canfield
The intangible sky was coming nearer and its dusky blue of the night was deepening.
The Guns of Europe|Joseph A. Altsheler
But he was presently awakened by something which at first he could not determine to be a noise or an intangible sensation.
Selected Stories|Bret Harte
There is something so futile and unconvincing about an attempted description of an intangible thing.
Half Portions|Edna Ferber
He skims the fields and hillsides as the swallow skims the air, and what he gets is intangible to most persons.
The Last Harvest|John Burroughs
British Dictionary definitions for intangible
/ (ɪnˈtændʒɪbəl) /
incapable of being perceived by touch; impalpable
imprecise or unclear to the mindintangible ideas
(of property or a business asset) saleable though not possessing intrinsic productive value