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[ thik-uhn ] / ˈθɪk ən / SEE SYNONYMS FOR thicken ON THESAURUS.COM
verb (used with or without object)to make or become thick or thicker. to make or grow more intense, profound, intricate, or complex: The plot thickens. Origin of thicken1375–1425; late Middle English thiknen<Old Norse thykkna.See thick, -en1 OTHER WORDS FROM thickenre·thick·en, verbun·thick·en, verb (used with object)Words nearby thickenthick, thick and fast, thick and thin, thick as thieves, thick client, thicken, thickener, thickening, thicket, thickhead, thickheaded Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020 Example sentences from the Web for thickenAnd with 50,000 people expected at a massive rally Wednesday, the plot—and the traffic—will only thicken. Is the Rio+20 Environmental Summit a Failure?|Mac Margolis|June 20, 2012|DAILY BEAST Curry sauces often include large amounts of cream, coconut milk, or ground cashews to thicken the sauce. 9 Unhealthiest Takeout Foods|Divya Gugnani|October 24, 2010|DAILY BEAST We use them to thicken sauces and bind crisp batters to succulent, deep-fried treats. Cracking the Code on All Things Egg|Jessica Konopa|September 15, 2009|DAILY BEAST Stir this until it begins to thicken, cool and add carefully the whipped cream and stand it away until very cold. Sandwiches|Sarah Tyson Heston Rorer
Let it boil a minute or two, and it will thicken to a batter. The Young Housekeeper's Friend|Mrs. (Mary Hooker) Cornelius Heat a pint of water, and when boiling, thicken with a tablespoonful of cornstarch. Science in the Kitchen.|Mrs. E. E. Kellogg Mix with the liquor a quart of water, (or what will be much better, a quart of milk,) and thicken it with butter rolled in flour. Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches|Eliza Leslie Melt the fat, stir in the flour and add to the hot liquid to thicken. Quantity Cookery|Lenore Richards
British Dictionary definitions for thicken
verbto make or become thick or thickerthicken the soup by adding flour (intr) to become more involvedthe plot thickened Derived forms of thickenthickener, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Words related to thickenclot, curdle, swell, congeal, condense, stiffen, enlarge, widen, buttress, reinforce, inspissate, jelly, freeze, harden, add, solidify, cake, deepen, coagulate, ossify |