So the extra credit was really asking for the points of intersection between the topmost curves from Mike’s graph.
Can You Cover The Globe?|Zach Wissner-Gross|August 28, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
The cohomology theories that produce these intersection numbers may do more than just ease a computational burden — they could also point to the physical significance of the most important quantities in the calculation.
The Mathematical Structure of Particle Collisions Comes Into View|Charlie Wood|August 20, 2020|Quanta Magazine
This is also the case of the current Sports Arena RFP for the 48 acres located at the intersection of the 5 and 8 freeways.
Results, Not Renderings, Are What Matters for Sports Arena Property|Jason Riggs|July 15, 2020|Voice of San Diego
Those who’ve followed me since my early blogging days know I’m obsessed with the intersection at the heart of three questions.
Couch Potato No More: How the Benefits of Exercise Transfer to the Brain|Shelly Fan|July 14, 2020|Singularity Hub
Which is to say, the intersection point corresponded exactly to the four vertices of a rectangle on the curve.
New Geometric Perspective Cracks Old Problem About Rectangles|Kevin Hartnett|June 25, 2020|Quanta Magazine
And also probably because this fool stopped at a red light in the middle of an intersection.
The Amanda Bynes Train Wreck Is Back Again, Following a New DUI Arrest|Kevin Fallon|September 29, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Something extraordinary is happening at the intersection of religion and LGBT people.
Meet the Young, Evangelical, Pro-Gay Movement|Gene Robinson|September 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Some of the pre-eminent innovators at the intersection of art and coding are based at the Aesthetics and Computation Group at MIT.
Frickin’ Laser Beams Run by Eyeballs: The Next Art Revolution Is Here|Nico Hines|July 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The RIP offers a clear window into the intersection of poverty and vermin.
Crowdsourcing NYC’s War on Rats|Kevin Zawacki|June 24, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While receiving his BA Honors in sculpture, his focus shifted to the intersection of art and the environment.
Artist Jason deCaires Taylor’s Underwater Sculptures Are a Sight to Sea|Justin Jones|April 7, 2014|DAILY BEAST
I could see now that we were at the intersection of a transverse passageway, much broader than the one we had been traversing.
The Girl in the Golden Atom|Raymond King Cummings
The intersection of the lines will mark the place where you stand—south Merritt Hill.
Manual for Noncommissioned Officers and Privates of Cavalry of the Army|War Department.
The intersection of corresponding horizontal and vertical lines will be points on the theoretical expansion line.
Steam Engines|Anonymous
Bust points to intersection of second and third stroke of "W."
The Die Varieties of the Nesbitt Series of United States Envelopes|Victor M. Berthold
When that point coincides with the intersection of the two central spider lines the telescope is properly sighted.
The Story of the Heavens|Robert Stawell Ball
British Dictionary definitions for intersection
/ (ˌɪntəˈsɛkʃən, ˈɪntəˌsɛk-) /
a point at which things intersect, esp a road junction
the act of intersecting or the state of being intersected
a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations
Also called: productthe set of elements that are common to two sets
the operation that yields that set from a pair of given sets. Symbol: ∩, as in A ∩ B
The point or set of points where one line, surface, or solid crosses another.
The set that contains only those elements shared by two or more sets. The intersection of the sets {3,4,5,6} and {4,6,8,10} is the set {4,6}. The symbol for intersection is . Compare union.