[ in-tol -er-uh ns ] SHOW IPA
/ ɪnˈtɒl ər əns / PHONETIC RESPELLING
noun lack of tolerance; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect opinions or beliefs contrary to one's own.
unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect persons of a different social group, especially members of a minority group.
incapacity or indisposition to bear or endure: intolerance to heat.
abnormal sensitivity or allergy to a food, drug, etc.
an intolerant act.
Origin of intolerance From the Latin word intolerantia, dating back to 1755–65. See intolerant, -ance
Words nearby intolerance intoed, into effect, in token of, intolerable, Intolerable Acts, intolerance , intolerant, into line, intomb, intonaco, intonate
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for intolerance Normalize calling out microaggressions and intervening rather than standing by during incidents of intolerance .
Getting involved in diversity and inclusion is optional. That’s a problem | jakemeth| October 5, 2020| Fortune
“The scapegoating and targeting of a minority group, for political purposes, feeds intolerance and discrimination, damaging all of society,” said Bachelet.
Bachelet highlights LGBTQ rights abuses in U.N. Human Rights Council speech | Michael K. Lavers| September 16, 2020| Washington Blade
Instead she worried about creeping intolerance now within her own party.
Departure from convention—mom, baseball, the postal worker, and patriotism | jakemeth| August 19, 2020| Fortune
Systemic intolerance of the trans community has plagued this country for too long and this presidency has done nothing but further that.
Nats Getty unmasked | Karen Ocamb| July 15, 2020| Washington Blade
Each of these new ways of living are met with resistance and intolerance by others in the book.
Transgender, Transhuman: Technological Advances Offer Increased Choices But Also Create New Prejudices | LGBTQ-Editor| April 9, 2020| No Straight News
But you should not have “acceptance” fed by feelings of futility; your response should be intolerance of intolerance .
Female Journalist Gets Rape Threats Over Comic Book Criticism | Tauriq Moosa| April 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
Anyone who suffers from gluten sensitivity, intolerance , or celiac disease knows how troublesome the problem is.
Research Shows Link Between NSAID Use and Gut Disease | Valerie Vande Panne| April 21, 2014| DAILY BEAST
We must, however, remain vigilant in our efforts to marginalize the voices of intolerance .
Texans Attack ‘Muslim Weather’ | Dean Obeidallah| March 17, 2014| DAILY BEAST
That intolerance could come back to sting Democrats in November.
Why the ‘Duck Dynasty’ Controversy Could Hurt Democrats | Keli Goff| December 30, 2013| DAILY BEAST
[…] Let us fight to free the world—to do away with national barriers—to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance .
How to Fight for Freedom in 2014 | James Poulos| December 29, 2013| DAILY BEAST
They were subject to the same educational debarment and were the victims of the same snobbery and intolerance .
Woman in Science | John Augustine Zahm
The "ethicist's fallacy" is the source of all absolutism in theory, and all intolerance in practice.
The Philosophy of Spinoza | Baruch de Spinoza
It seems most probable that this defence of toleration may, ere long, make its author personally feel what intolerance is.
John Ronge: The Holy Coat Of Treves | John Ronge
Intolerance of dissent and impatience of contradiction are a characteristic of youth.
The History of Freedom | John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
It is difficult to write apathetically on this extreme instance of a great writer's intolerance .
G. K. Chesterton, A Critical Study | Julius West
Words related to intolerance bigotry, prejudice, dogmatism, narrow-mindedness
Medical definitions for intolerance n. Extreme sensitivity or allergy to a drug, food, or other substance.
Other words from intolerance in•tol′ er•ant adj. The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.