[ three -leg -id, -legd ] SHOW IPA
/ ˈθriˈlɛg ɪd, -ˈlɛgd / PHONETIC RESPELLING
adjective having three legs: a three-legged stool.
Informal . (of a schooner) having three masts.
Origin of three-legged First recorded in 1590–1600
Words nearby three-legged three-four time, three-gaited, three-glass test, three-handed, Three Hours, three-legged , three-legged race, three-line whip, three-master, Three Mile Island, three-mile limit
Dictionary.com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020
Example sentences from the Web for three-legged But you know animal lovers live for that commercial where Sarah MacLachlan sings while three-legged puppies shed a single tear.
Oscars, the Super Bowl for Women & Other People’s Super Bowls | Kevin Fallon| February 22, 2013| DAILY BEAST
The crux of the matter is that to make the health-insurance system work requires a three-legged stool.
What Will Kill Health-Care Reform | Matthew Yglesias| September 14, 2009| DAILY BEAST
That three-legged whist—bridge—had always offended his fastidiousness—a mangled short cut of a game!
She sat on the three-legged stool near the fire, though it was warm weather, and kept her face turned from me.
Joe Wilson and His Mates | Henry Lawson
The cabin itself was small and naked of furniture, save camp cooking utensils, a tent stove and a couple of three-legged stools.
The Wilderness Castaways | Dillon Wallace
The youth handed over his three-legged steed to the Groom, mounted the other, and rode away at the head of the troop.
Snowdrop and Other Tales | Jacob Grimm
He's not one of your three-legged ones, but a fresh one, caught only this afternoon.
Sporting Society, Vol. II (of 2) | Various