At one point the commanding general, General Throckmorton, was told that there was gunfire raking a street.
Missouri Governor Jay Nixon Shows Us How Not to Govern|Eleanor Clift|August 19, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Few Americans have watched the situation in Uganda as keenly as Throckmorton.
The Uganda Anti-Gay Bill's U.S. Roots|Michelle Goldberg|May 11, 2011|DAILY BEAST
Lascelles, the silent spy of the archbishop, devoured with envious eyes Throckmorton's great back and golden beard.
Privy Seal|Ford Madox Ford
Mrs. Throckmorton carries us to-morrow in her chaise to Chicheley.
The Works of William Cowper|William Cowper
Throckmorton had set down the bower at the stern, that the wind might have less hold.
Privy Seal|Ford Madox Ford
"I should think not," said Mrs. Throckmorton, with a little sigh.
Richard Vandermarck|Miriam Coles Harris
And it was here that Throckmorton had found him, dressed in grey, humbled from his pride and raging for things to do.
Privy Seal|Ford Madox Ford
Throgmorton (ˈθrɒɡˌmɔːtən)
/ (ˈθrɒkˌmɔːtən) /
Francis. 1554–84, English conspirator, who with French and Spanish support plotted (1583) to depose Elizabeth I in favour of Mary, Queen of Scots: executed